Tech specs
Azur 540P and 640P phono pre-amp
Phono pre-amplifier duo complements latest Azur
integrated amplifiers and AV receivers.
Extending the functionality of Cambridge Audio's critically acclaimed
integrated stereo Azur amplifiers and AV receivers are two phono
Employing state-of-the-art circuitry and high grade components
the 540P is a high quality Moving Magnet (MM) phono stage, while
the 640P features a more highly specified Moving Magnet stage, as
well as the higher gain needed for compatibility with high-end
Moving Coil (MC) cartridges.
The models feature single-ended 'Class A' gain stages and use
discrete transistors instead of the more common integrated circuits.
This gives less cross-talk and interference across the signal path,
with both designs delivering high gain and linearity. The 540P
employs an active RIAA equalisation, while the 640P makes use of
audiophile passive RIAA equalisation, the optimum design type for
phono stages thanks to its complete lack of phase distortion.
The 640P also uses superior amplification circuitry for its MM
and MC stages to provide the lowest possible distortion and noise.
In addition, the flagship model employs multi-parallel capacitors to
achieve exceptional RIAA accuracy of only 0.3dB up to 50kHz and
features a defeatable subsonic filter. This raft of technologies
combines to offer a hugely dynamic, involving and open sound.
Both units feature the now customary Azur acoustically damped
steel chassis and a robust anodised aluminium front plate. The rear
panels benefit from gold plated input connectors to minimise signal
path interference and reduce surface degradation and an external
power supply comes as standard.
Azur 540P and 640P specifications
540P 640P
Max power consumption 5W 5W
Gain @ 1kHz 39dB 39dB 55dB
Nominal output 300mV 300mV
Sensitivity for nominal output 3.35mV 3.35mV 0.5mV
THD 20Hz-20kHz <0.009% <0.007%
RIAA curve accuracy <+/-0.65dB <+/-0.3dB
25Hz-20kHz 20Hz-50kHz
(subsonic filter off)
Signal to noise ratio >85dB >85dB >82dB
using Audio Precision RIAA-1 with grounded inputs
Crosstalk @ 20kHz >76dB >76dB >72dB
Dimensions (W x D x H) (mm): 46 x 215 x 133 46 x 215 x 133
Dimensions (W x D x H) (in): 1.8 x 8.5 x 5.2 1.8 x 8.5 x 5.2
Weight 0.8kg/1.8lbs 0.9kg/2lbs
Cambridge Audio, Gallery Court, Hankey Place, London, SE1 4BB, England
© 2005 Cambridge Audio Ltd Issued: August 2005
Cambridge Audio’s policy is one of continuous
improvement. Design and specifications are
therefore subject to change without prior notice.

Azur 540P and 640P phono pre-amp