Resetting The Adjustment Scale Ring on the
Elite 4200 8-32X40 and 6-24X40
This step is not necessary, but, for future reference, you may want to realign the
zero marks on the Adjustment Scale Rings with the Index Line after sighting in
the riflescope.
1. While holding the Adjustment Scale Ring firmly with one hand use your other
hand (or needle nose pliers if removing for the first time) to turn the
Adjustment Scale Ring Retaining Screw counter clock-wise to loosen and
remove. Take care not to disturb your zero by “losing” a click or two when
loosening the screw.
2. Lift the Adjustment Scale Ring and align the “0” with the Index Line. Be
careful when setting the ring back on that you do not lose any clicks, which
may affect your targeting at next use.
3. Retighten the Adjustment Scale Ring Retaining Screw and reinstall the
Elevation and Windage Adjustment Knobs.