Pausing Playback
1. To pause playback, press the P LAY/PA USE but ton (4) during playback.
2. To resume playback pres s the PLAY/ PAUSE button (4) once more.
Skipping Tracks
1. To skip to the next track, pres s the button (7) once. To skip f urther tracks, pre ss the
button repeated ly until you reach the desir ed track.
2. To skip to the beginning of t he current track pres s the
button (6) once.
3. To skip to the previous tra ck press the
button (6) twice. Re peat to skip multiple tra cks.
4. To fast forward or rewin d a track (during playback on ly), press and hold either
(7) or
(6) buttons, release w hen you reach the desire d time to proceed playbac k.
Volume control
1. Slide the rotary vo lume control (2) right to inc rease and left to decre ase the volume level.
Low Battery indicator
1. When the installed b atteries reach a level w here the voltage is beco ming too low the
low battery war ning icon
will appear on the display.
2. When the batter ies become too low for o peration, the unit will s hut down. And the
batteries will n eed replacing.
Anti Shock
The unit is equippe d with a 60 second anti- shock buffer. When the u nit is powered ON you
will see ESP appear on th e display along with ‘60 S EC’.
1. During stable playb ack of a compatible disc t he ‘ESP’ icon will remain sol id (not ashing).
2. During perio ds of instability the ‘ ESP’ icon will ash to indicate th e anti-shock buffer is
being used. The ‘ESP’ icon will also ash while c ompiling the buffer.
3. If the 60 secon d anti-shock buf fer is exceeded, you will nee d to stabilise the unit unti l the
‘ESP’ icon stops ashin g and remains solid.
To clean the CCD421ASP Person al CD player
• Ensu re the unit is in standby.
• Wip e the case with a slightl y moist, lint-free clo th.
• Do not us e any cleaning uids containin g alcohol, ammonia or abrasi ves.
• Do no t spray an aerosol at or near t he unit.
• Do no t allow liquids to spill or ob jects to drop into any openi ngs.
• Always use original packaging if it is necessary to transpor t the unit at any time.
● If this unit is used in a dus ty environment, it may be ne cessary to have the uni t serviced
at your local deale r periodically.
● It is not advisable to al low large deposits of dus t to accumulate within th e unit as it may
prevent adequate cooling. Similarly dust deposits which become damp can sometimes
lead to electric al problems which may c ause severe damage to the del icate electronic s
within this unit.
Handling Discs
To remove the disc from its sto rage case, press down on t he centre of the case and l ift the
disc out. Hold it ca refully by the edges as show n below
Insert the disc i nto the unit with the label of t he disc facing UP. Gently wipe the d isc using
a soft cloth from the ce ntre to the outer direction to remove dus t, ngerprints or any other
particles on t he disc surface. Never u se chemicals, such as r ecord sprays, anti- static
sprays, benzene or th inners to clean the CD. The se chemicals can dam age the disc surface
Product Guarantee
This product is gu aranteed against manufa cturing defects for a p eriod of
1 Yea r
This does not cover t he product where the fau lt is due to misuse, abuse, use in
contravention of t he instructions, or w here the product has bee n the subject of unautho rised
modication s or alterations, or has been the subje ct of commercial use.
In the event of a problem w ith the product withi n the guarantee period p lease return it to your
nearest Argos store.
If the item is shown to have h ad an inherent defect pre sent at the time of sale, the sto re will
provide you with a replacement.
Your statutory right s remain unaffected.
Guarantor; Argos Limited
489-49 9 Avebury Boulevard
Central Milton Keyn es
MK9 2N W.
CD player
does not work
Batteries are d ead or low Replace batteries
CD does not
CD wrongly inserted Re-insert C D label side up
Defective CD Try another CD
CD compartm ent not closed Close CD compar tment cover prope rly
Condensation in CD compartment Remove CD an d leave cover open for
about one hour to dr y
No sound in
the earphones
Earphone jack not inserted properly Re-insert earphone j ack in socket
Volume control is at m inimum Increase volume
Batteries low Replac e batteries or use mains lead
Defective CD Try another CD
Skips during
Dirty CD or le ns Clean or replace C D, or clean lens
Strong vibrations Place CD player on a at & stable su r-
face (no vibratio n) to allow the anti-shoc k
buffer to compile.
To avoid serious scratch es on CD, keep them in the case s after each use. Scratc hes can
cause the laser pic k-up skip in the future pl ay. Do not place stickers or wr ite anything on the