Burkert 8006 Series, 8702 Series, 8626 Series, 8712 Series Operating Instructions Manual

Type 8006 / 8702
MFM, Mass Flow Meter IP65
Type 8626 / 8712
MFC, Mass Flow Controller IP65
Operating Instructions
Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d‘utilisation
We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Sous réserve de modifications techniques.
© Bürkert SAS, 2013-2015
Operating Instructions 1505/03_EU-ML 00563581
Type 8006, 8702 / 8626, 8712
1. ABOUT THIS MANUAL .................................................................................4
1.1. Symbols used ..........................................................................................4
1.2. Definition of the word "device" .......................................................4
2. INTENDED USE ................................................................................................5
3. BASIC SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................5
4. GENERAL INFORMATION ...........................................................................7
4.1. Manufacturer's address and international contacts ............ 7
4.2. Warranty conditions ..............................................................................7
4.3. Information on the Internet ...............................................................7
5. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM ............................................................7
5.1. General description ..............................................................................7
5.2. Operation of an MFM or MFC sensor ..........................................8
5.3. Detailed operation of an MFC .........................................................8
6. TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................................11
6.1. Markings on the device.................................................................... 11
6.2. Conditions of use ................................................................................ 12
6.3. Compliance to standards and directives ................................ 13
6.4. Mechanical data ................................................................................... 13
6.5. Fluidic data .............................................................................................13
6.6. Electrical data, devices with an 8 pin M16 female fixed
connector ..........................................................................................................16
6.7. Electrical data, devices with a 9 pin Sub-D male fixed
connector, with RS485 interface .......................................................... 17
7. INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING ...........................................18
7.1. Safety instructions .............................................................................. 18
7.2. Prior to installation .............................................................................18
7.3. Description of the MFM / MFC ....................................................19
7.4. Sequence of the steps to be performed ................................ 20
7.5. Setting the parameters .................................................................... 20
7.6. Mechanical installation ..................................................................... 23
7.7. Fluid installation ................................................................................... 23
7.8. Electrical installation .........................................................................25
8. OPERATION AND FUNCTION ................................................................26
8.1. Safety instructions .............................................................................. 26
8.2. Operation .................................................................................................26
8.3. MFC operating modes ...................................................................... 32
9. MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................ 36
9.1. Safety instructions .............................................................................. 36
9.2. Maintenance ........................................................................................... 36
9.3. Troubleshooting ................................................................................... 38
10. ACCESSORIES / SPARE PARTS ......................................................41
10.1. Accessories ......................................................................................... 41
10.2. Spare part .............................................................................................44
11. SHUTDOWN .................................................................................................. 44
11.1. Safety instructions ........................................................................... 44
11.2. Dismounting of the MFM / MFC ............................................... 45
12. PACKAGING, STORAGE, TRANSPORT ..........................................45
12.1. Packaging, Transport ...................................................................... 45
12.2. Storage ................................................................................................... 45
13. RETURNING THE DEVICE ..................................................................... 46
14. DISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCT ........................................................... 46


Type 8006, 8702 / 8626, 8712
About this manual


This manual describes the entire life cycle of the device. Please keep this manual in a safe place, accessible to all users and any new owners.
This manual contains important safety information.
Failure to comply with these instructions can lead to hazardous situations.
• This manual must be read and understood.

1.1. Symbols used

Warns against an imminent danger.
• Failure to observe this warning can result in death or in serious injury.
Warns against a potentially dangerous situation.
• Failure to observe this warning can result in serious injury or even death.
Warns against a possible risk.
• Failure to observe this warning can result in substantial or minor injuries.
Warns against material damage.
• Failure to observe this warning may result in damage to the device or system.
Indicates additional information, advice or important recommendations.
Refers to information contained in this manual or in other documents.
→ Indicates a procedure to be carried out.

1.2. Definition of the word "device"

The word "device" used within this manual refers to a Mass Flow Meter (MFM) type 8006 or 8702, or a Mass Flow Controller (MFC) type 8626 or 8712.
Type 8626, 8712
Intended use


Nonconforming use of the MFM / MFC types 8006, 8702 / 8626, 8712 may pose a danger to people, nearby equipment and the environment.
• Mass flow meter types 8006, 8702 are designed exclusively for measuring the mass flow rate of clean, dry gases.
• Mass flow controller types 8626, 8712 are designed for controlling the mass flow rate of clean, dry gases.
• Only use the fluids stated on the name plate and the calibration protocol.
• Protect this device against electromagnetic interference, ultraviolet rays and, when installed outdoors, the effects of the climatic conditions.
• This device must be used in compliance with the specifications and commissioning and use conditions specified in the contractual documents and in the user manual.
• Requirements for the safe and proper operation of the device are proper transport, storage and installation, as well as careful operation and maintenance.
• Only use the device as intended.
• Observe any existing restrictions when the device is exported.


These safety instructions do not take into account:
• any contingencies or occurrences that may arise during
installation, use and maintenance of the devices.
• the local safety regulations, which the operating company is
responsible for ensuring the staff in charge of installation and maintenance adhere to.
Danger from the heated surfaces when used for prolonged periods.
• The device must be kept away from any highly flammable materials or fluids.
• Wear protective gloves to handle the device.
Danger due to high pressure in the installation.
• Shut off the gas flow, relief the pressure and drain the pipe before loosening the process connections.
Danger due to electrical voltage.
• Shut down and isolate the electrical power supply before carrying out work on the system.
• Observe all applicable accident protection and safety regulations for electrical equipment.
Type 8006, 8702
Basic safety instructions
Danger from the outflow of operating fluid
Respect the prevailing regulations on accident prevention and safety relating to the operating fluids used.
Various dangerous situations
To avoid injury take care:
• to prevent unintentionally switching on the power supply.
• to ensure that installation and maintenance work is carried out by qualified, authorized personnel in possession of the appropriate tools,
• to keep the device away from any highly flammable materials or fluids and avoid any contact with bare hands,
• to guarantee a defined or controlled restarting of the process, after an interruption to the power supply or medium supply,
• to use the device only if in perfect working order and in compliance with the instructions provided in the instruction manual,
• to observe best industry practice for the installation and use of these devices,
• not to use MFM / MFC types 8006, 8702 / 8626, 8712 for controlling and/or measuring the flow rate of fluids which contain particles (particle size > 25 µm),
• not to operate the device without the stainless steel mesh filter disc installed at the factory,
• not to operate the device in a mounting position which deviates from the calibration conditions,
• not to operate the device with higher pressures than the specified tightness pressure (MFC) respectively calibration pressure (MFM),
• not to subject the device to mechanical loads (e.g. by placing objects on top of it or by using it as a step).
• not to make any external modifications to the device. Do not paint or varnish any part of the device. Do not feed any other fluids into the system other than the designated operating fluid indicated on the device name plate. Exception: agent for cleaning and decontaminating the device (see also section „9.2.1“). In doing so, observe the compatibility of the materials used for the device. You will find a chemical compatibility chart on our website, under:
Resistance Chart
If in doubt, contact the manufacturer.
Elements / Components sensitive to electrostatic discharges
• This device contains electronic components sensitive to electrostatic discharges. They may be damaged if they are touched by an electrostatically charged person or object. During electrostatic discharge, they will become defective immediately or will fail when energized.
• To minimize or even avoid all damage due to an electrostatic discharge, take all the precautions described in the standard EN 61340-5-1.
• Also ensure that you do not touch any of the live electrical components.
Type 8626, 8712
General information


4.1. Manufacturer's address and international contacts

To contact the device manufacturer, use the following address: Bürkert SAS Rue du Giessen F-67220 TRIEMBACH-AU VAL
The addresses of the international subsidiaries are available on the web page at: www.burkert.com

4.2. Warranty conditions

The condition governing the legal warranty is the conforming use of the MFM / MFC in observance of the operating conditions specified in this manual.

4.3. Information on the Internet

You can find the user manuals and technical data sheets regarding the MFM / MFC at: www.burkert.com


5.1. General description

• Mass flow meter MFM types 8006, 8702 are devices designed for
measuring the mass flow rate of clean, dry gases.
• Mass flow controller MFC types 8626, 8712 are devices designed
for controlling the mass flow rate of clean, dry gases.
Type of device Type of sensor
MFM 8006 Inline
8702 MEMS
MFC 8626 Inline
8712 MEMS
5.1.1. General operation of the Mass Flow Meter (MFM)
The MFM integrates a sensor for measuring the flow rate. The measured value for the mass flow rate is transmitted to a remote device via an analogue or a digital output (fieldbus).
Type 8006, 8702
Description of the system
5.1.2. General operation of the Mass Flow Controller (MFC)
The MFC comprises:
• a sensor for measuring the mass flow rate,
• a control electronics,
• a control valve with low-friction and high sensitivity.

5.2. Operation of an MFM or MFC sensor

• The integrated flow rate sensors use the thermal measurement
principle (anemometric and calorimetric) to measure the mass flow rate. The main components are a heating resistor and a temperature probe. The gas which passes through the device modifies the temperature difference measured between both resistors.
• The thermal measurement principle allows the MFC to control the
required mass flow rate completely independently of the pressure and temperature fluctuations in the application concerned.
To obtain an output signal for the effective, dynamic or uniform value, the damping of the output signal can be changed with the "Mass Flow Communicator" software (see section „10.1.4“).
On the MFMs and MFCs types 8712 and 8702, the integrated sensor technology requires filters to be fitted upstream of the product when highly soiled fluids are present.

5.3. Detailed operation of an MFC

= w-x
Gas inlet
Fig. 1: Operating principle for the Mass Flow Controller
The control electronics compare the mass flow rate (x) measured by the integrated flow sensor with the mass flow rate setpoint value (w) supplied to the MFC. The control electronics then calculate the actuating variable (y) to be supplied to the solenoid valve to control its opening. The flow rate is either maintained at a constant value, or modified to a predefined profile.
The control operates independently of fluctuations in pressure or increases in the flow resistance which may be caused by soiling of the filter. The rapidly responding solenoid valve and the sensor dynamics define the overall response time.
The measured value for the mass flow rate is also transmitted (xout) to a remote device via an analogue output or a digital output (fieldbus).
Gas outlet
Actuating element (solenoid valve)
Type 8626, 8712
Description of the system
5.3.1. Control electronics
The control electronics:
• process the mass flow rate setpoint values and measured values,
• control the solenoid valve.
Setpoint value
The setpoint value (w) is transmitted either by an analogue input signal or digitally via the serial or the fieldbus interface. If the setpoint value is supplied by analogue transmission, the following assignments are applied:
Signal range
4...20 mA 4 mA, w = 0 % 20 mA, w = 100 %
0...20 mA 0 mA, w = 0 % 20 mA, w = 100 %
0...5 V 0 V, w = 0 % 5 V, w = 100 %
0...10 V 0 V, w = 0 % 10 V, w = 100 %
For the control of a system where quick flow rate changes are not permitted, a ramp function can be activated. The settings for a raising and a falling setpoint value can be set separately.
More detailed information on the ramp function and on all other functions can be found in the software documentation for the MFM / MFC.
Control settings
The initial control settings are set at the factory.
Setpoint associated with the range min.
Setpoint associated with the range max.
• Amplification factors: After start-up, the controller operates with amplification factors
dependent on the loop properties. When the autotune function runs, these are determined automatically. This function enables the control settings to be optimized for the system's actual conditions.
• Control dynamics setting: The device has a setting which can change the control dynamics
with the aid of the "Mass Flow Communicator" software (see section „10.1.4“). Its extreme effects are:
1. a very quick adjustment in which overshoots are possible.
This enables the controller to respond immediately to very low control deviations; which causes the control to be very turbulent,
2. a slower adjustment to the required flow rate. If the system is less
dynamic, the behaviour of the controller may be damped so that minor fluctuations in the measured value or setpoint value are only adjusted slowly.
Zero point shut-off
A zero point shut-off is integrated to ensure the sealing function of the valve. This is activated if the following conditions occur at the same time:
Setpoint value < 2 % of nominal flow rate Q (with control range 1:50)
If the zero point shut-off is active, the PWM signal is set to 0 % so that the valve is completely closed.
Measured value < 2 % of
nominal flow rate Q (with control range 1:50)
5.3.2. MFC solenoid control valve
The solenoid valve used for an MFC is a direct-acting, normally closed solenoid control valve.
The orifice size of the solenoid valve is determined by the required nominal flow rate Q the process and the density of the operating fluid.
If the device is operated within the specified pressure range, the solenoid valve also takes over the sealing function together with the control function. Limitation: in the case of special hard seal materials, the sealing function cannot be ensured. In this case an additional shut-off valve may be required.
, the pressure and temperature conditions in
Type 8006, 8702
Description of the system
Type 8626, 8712
8006 35.0 Nm3/h
Calibration data 00182381
Technical data


Risk of injury from pressure and outflow of fluid.
Important device-specific technical data is indicated on the name plate and the calibration plate (see section „6.1“).
• Observe the permitted fluid according to the name plate (depending on seal material).
• Observe the permitted pressure range on the calibration plate of the device.

6.1. Markings on the device

Fig. 2: Name plate, calibration plate
Calibration plate
Medium 1 P1 : 0,800 barg
Mounting: horizontal upright
QC passed: 25.11.2011
Name plate
24V DC 13W DP
S/N 1004
Made in France
Type 8006, 8702
Technical data
Type of the
Nominal flow rate (Q
) and unit
8006 35.0 Nm3/h CH4
24V DC 13W DP
Operating medium
S/N 1004
Made in France
Fig. 3: Details of a name plate (example)
the device
Order code of the device
Calibration data 00202378 Medium
Mounting: Horizontal mounting QC
0.700 barg
passed: 25.11.2011
Construction codeOrder code of
Material of the seal Supply voltage
Maximum power consumption Electrical interface
Calibration fluid Calibration
Mounting position
Calibration date

6.2. Conditions of use

Risk of injury from malfunction due to effects of the weather!
The MFM / MFC is not designed for unrestricted use outdoors.
• Protect the device from direct sunlight.
• Observe the ambient temperature range of the device.
• Protect the device from humidity.
Setting Value
Ambient temperature Types 8702 / 8712: -10 °C to +50 °C
Types 8006 / 8626: -10 °C to +45 °C For UL devices: 0 °C to 40 °C
Medium temperature for oxygen: -10 °C to +60 °C
Air humidity < 95%, without condensation
Relative humidity for UL devices
Protection class according to EN 60529
Absolute height above sea level for UL devices
Operating environment Indoors, with pollution degree 2
for other fluids: -10 °C to +70 °C
80% up to a temperature of 31°C, with a linear decrease to a relative humidity of 50% at 40°C Only if devices are cabled and the connectors are plugged in and tightened: IP65
2000 m max.
Fig. 4: Details of a calibration plate (example)
Type 8626, 8712
Technical data

6.3. Compliance to standards and directives

MFM/MFC conformity with the EC directives comes through the following standards:
• EMC: EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3.
The MFMs/MFCs compliant with ATEX Directive 94/9/EEC adhere to the standards below:
• EN 60079-15
• EN 61241-1.
The MFM / MFC UL devices conform to the following standards:
• UL 61010-1
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 no. 61010-1.

6.4. Mechanical data

The device may be mounted in a horizontal or vertical position: see the calibration plate and/or the calibration protocol.
Type Base block material Material of the housing
8006, 8626
8712 Sealing material: FKM or EPDM (see name plate) Other parts of the solenoid control valve in contact with the medium:
1.4310, 1.4113 and 1.4305
1.4305 stainless steel,
1.4404 stainless steel or anodized aluminium
Stainless steel 1.4404 Polycarbonate (PC)
Painted pressure cast aluminium

6.5. Fluidic data

6.5.1. Overview of measurement specifications
Type 8006, 8626 8702, 8712
Full scale range ref. to
2 (lN/min)
N Measuring accuracy
(after heating time)
Span/control range Settling time (MFC) or
response time (MFM) (ms)
*) 1:20 in case of vertical mounting, with downward flow. **) Higher span (e.g. 1:100) possible on request. Repeatability: ± 0.1% of the full scale.
16 … 1500 0.01 … 80
± 1.5 % of the measured value ± 0.3 % of the full scale
1 : 50 *) 1 : 50 **) < 500 < 150
± 0.8 % of the measured value ± 0.3 % of the full scale
Type 8006, 8702
p [mbar]
Technical data
6.5.2. Operating fluids
• Operating fluids: clean, dry gas.
• Operating fluid for UL devices: neutral, uncontaminated gas. Other hazardous gases are possible on request; the devices do not release any hazardous gases under normal operating conditions. However, to use an MFC with natural gas, only the solenoid valve Bürkert type 2875 can be used : in this case, the order key must include the letter "-D" (for example 8626-0100L-CH4-E-A-GM82-ALFF-D-08,0).
• Calibration fluid: operating fluid or air.
• Max. operating pressure: 10 bar (depending on valve nominal diameter).
To obtain the required measuring accuracy or control quality, but also to respect the safety requirements, the gas or gaseous mixture must conform to the following safety criteria, compliant with ISO standard 8573-1 (Compressed air - Part 1: Contaminants and purity classes):
• Maximum particle size and density: class 2: Maximum particle size: 1 µm Maximum particle density: 1 mg/m³
• Maximum dew point under pressure: class 4: 3 °C
• Maximum oil concentration: class 1: 0.01 mg/m³
6.5.3. Pressure loss specifications
200 180 160 140 120 100
80 60 40 20
Fig. 5: Pressure loss diagram (ref. air, with 250 µm inlet filter),
type 8006
The characteristic diagram shows the air pressure loss in the device for 3 different bases (up to 100 Nl/min, from 100 to 500 Nl/min, from 500 to 1500 Nl/min) and 4 different connections (1/4'', 1/2'', 3/4'', 3/8'' and 1'').
For determining the pressure loss with another gas first calculate the equivalent air flow rate of the other gas.
Q [lN/min]
For more information refer to ISO 8573-1
Type 8626, 8712
p [mbar]
Technical data
130 120 110 100
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
0510 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Fig. 6: Pressure loss diagram (ref. air, with 250 µm inlet filter),
type 8702
The characteristic diagram shows the air pressure loss in the device for versions with flange connections and versions with 1/4'' connections.
For determining the pressure loss with another gas first calculate the equivalent air flow rate of the other gas and respect the fluidics needed with the other gas.
Q [lN/min]
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