Burkert 2834 User Manual [en, de, fr]

PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Magnetspule Typ 7..-...
Device with IIC 2G Ex mb or IIC 2G Ex e mb-approval Gerät mit IIC 2G Ex mb bzw. IIC 2G Ex e mb-Zulassung Appareils avec mode de protection IIC 2G Ex mb et IIC 2G Ex e mb
Operating Instructions
Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d‘utilisation
© Bürkert Werke GmbH, 2003 - 2013
Operating Instructions 1310/17_EU-ML_00804437 / Original DE
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................4
1.1 Symbols
2 AUTHORIZED USE ......................................................................................5
2.1 Restrictions
2.2 Explosion protection approval ................................................... 5
2.3 Special instructions ..................................................................... 6
3 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................6
4 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................7
4.1 Contact address ...........................................................................7
4.2 Warranty
4.3 Information on the Internet ......................................................... 7
5 APPLICATION CONDITIONS ..................................................................8
5.1 Special conditions .......................................................................8
5.2 Operating conditions...................................................................8
5.3 Installation conditions ..................................................................9
5.4 Application in gas pumps .........................................................10
5.5 Model with a terminal box ........................................................10
......................................................................................... 7
6 TECHNICAL DATA ..................................................................................... 11
6.1 Rating plate .................................................................................11
6.2 Conformity
6.3 Standards
7 ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY ...................................................... 12
7.1 Safety instructions .....................................................................12
7.2 Assembly
7.3 Electrical connection .................................................................13
7.4 Disassembly
9 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS .......................................................... 15
9.1 Maintenance
9.2 Repairs
9.3 Troubleshooting
10 TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE, DISPOSAL ................................ 16
...................................................................................................... 15
........................................................................................... 16


PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Operating instructions
The operating instructions describe the entire life cycle of the device. Keep these instructions in a location which is easily accessible to every user and make these instructions available to every new owner of the device.
The operating instructions contain important safety information!
Failure to observe these instructions may result in hazardous situa­tions. The operating instructions must be read and understood.
▶ Carefully read the operating instructions before using the device. ▶ Study in particular the chapters entitled “Authorized use”, and
“General information” as well as the chapter “Application conditions”.
1.1 Symbols
To identify important information, the following symbols are used in the operating instructions:
Warns of an immediate danger!
▶ Failure to observe the warning will result in a fatal or serious
Warns of a potentially dangerous situation!
▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in serious injuries or
Warns of a possible danger!
▶ Failure to observe this warning may result in a moderate or
minor injury.
Warns of damage to property!
• Failure to observe the warning may result in damage to device or equipment.
Indicates important additional information, tips and recommendations.
Refers to information in these operating instructions or in other documentation.
▶ Designates an instruction to prevent risks.
→ Designates a procedure which you must carry out.
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Authorized use
Non-authorized use of the solenoid coil Type 7..-... may represent a hazard to people, nearby equipment and the environment.
▶ The device may be used only for the applications designated in
chapter “Application conditions” and in conjunction with third­party devices and components recommended and authorized by Bürkert. Follow the directions of these operating instructions as well as the operating conditions and authorized data specified in the chapter entitled “Application conditions”.
▶ The device is used exclusively as a solenoid valve for media
permitted according to the data sheet and for use in explosion group IIC, category 2G and temperature class T4 or T6 (see specifications on the approval plate).
▶ The solenoid coil is available in two mechanical designs:
- Open / Close version
- proportional acting version (solenoid core opens depending on the electrical current applied.) Both solenoid systems are purely mechanical variants and have identical safety data.
▶ The applied protection class is the encapsulation EX mb for
coils with cable connection or encapsulation with increased safety EX e mb for coils with terminal box.
▶ The solenoid coil Type 7..-... is used to actuate valves which
control gaseous or liquid media. The coil is either encapsulated with the core feed pipe of the fitting or mounted on the core feed pipe of the fitting and secured with a nut. This always creates a closed system and the devices may also be used as a category 2 device to control gas in gas pumps. The valve bod­ies can be made of metal or polyamide.
▶ Correct transportation, proper storage and installation,
and careful operation and maintenance are essential for ensuring problem-free and reliable operation of the system. Any other or more extensive usage is considered contrary to authorized use. Bürkert is not liable for any resulting damage. The user alone bears the risk.
▶ Use the device only for its intended purpose.
2.1 Restrictions
If exporting the system/device, observe any existing restrictions.
2.2 Explosion protection approval
The EX approval is only valid if the modules and components autho­rized by Bürkert are used as described in these operating instructions.
The solenoid coil Type 7..-... may be used only in combination with the additional components released by Bürkert, otherwise the EX approval will be voided! If any unauthorized changes are made to the device, modules or components, the EX approval will also be voided.
The EC type-examination certificate PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X was issued by the
PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt) Bundesallee 100
D-38116 Braunschweig which also audits production (CE 102). The EC type-examination certificate can be found on the Internet at:
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Authorized use
2.3 Special instructions
Danger due to electrostatic discharge!
In the event of a sudden discharge from electrostatically charged devices or individuals, there is a risk of an explosion in the explosion-risk area.
▶ Take suitable measures to ensure that no electrostatic dis-
charges can build up in the explosion-risk area.
▶ Clean the device surface by gently wiping it with a damp or anti-
static cloth only.
These safety instructions do not make allowance for any
• Contingencies and events which may arise during the assembly, operation, and maintenance of the devices.
• Local safety regulations – the operator is responsible for observing these regulations, also in relation to the installation personnel.
Risk of explosion!
Following installation, solenoid coil and valve body form a closed system. If used in the explosion-risk area, there is a danger of explosion if the system is opened during operation!
▶ The system must not be disassembled during operation.
Risk of electric shock!
There is a serious risk of injury when reaching into the equipment.
▶ Only trained electrical engineers may work on the electrical
▶ Before starting work, always switch off the power supply and
safeguard to prevent re-activation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment!
Risk of burns/risk of fire during long-term operation!
The solenoid coil may become very hot during long-term operation.
▶ Take hold of a device which has been running for a prolonged
period with protective gloves only.
Danger – high pressure!
When reaching into the system, there is an acute risk of injury.
▶ Only skilled and instructed personnel may work on the system
with suitable tools.
▶ Before disconnecting lines and valves, switch off the pressure
and bleed the lines. ▶ During installation note the flow direction. ▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for pressurized devices. ▶ After an interruption in the power supply or fluid supply, ensure
that the process is restarted in a defined or controlled manner!
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
General information
General hazards!
▶ Do not use the valve fitting or the complete device as a lever to
screw the valve into the line system.
▶ Do not physically stress the device (e.g. by placing objects on it
or standing on it).
▶ Do not make any external modifications to the device housings.
Do not paint housing parts or screws.
▶ Observe the generally acknowledged safety rules for resource
planning and operation of the solenoid coil Type 7..-... and the associated solenoid valve.
Unintentional activation or unauthorized impairment of the system may cause general hazardous situations through to physical injury.
▶ Take appropriate measures to prevent the system from being
accidentally actuated!
▶ Do not make any unauthorized changes to the system.
The solenoid coil Type 7..-... was developed with due consider­ation given to the accepted safety rules and is state-of-the-art. Nevertheless, dangerous situations may occur.
Operate the solenoid coil Type 7..-... and the associated solenoid valve in perfect working order only and in accordance with the operating instructions.
4.1 Contact address
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems Sales Center Christian-Bürkert-Str. 13-17 D-74653 Ingelfingen Tel. + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 111 Fax + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 448 E-mail: info@de.buerkert.com
Contact addresses can be found on the final pages of the printed operating instructions.
And also on the Internet at: www.burkert.com
4.2 Warranty
The warranty is only valid if the device is used as intended in accordance with the specified application conditions.
4.3 Information on the Internet
The operating instructions and data sheets for Bürkert products can be found on the Internet at: www.burkert.com
5.1 Special conditions
• To protect each solenoid coil against short-circuit, a fuse (max. 3 x Ib in accordance with IEC 127), corresponding to the rated current, or a motor protection switch with short-circuit and thermal quick release (set to rated current) must be connected upstream. This fuse may be housed in the associated supply unit or must be connected separately upstream. The rated voltage of the fuse must be equal to or greater than the indicated nominal voltage of the solenoid. The breaking capacity of the fuse insert must be equal to or greater than the maximum short-circuit current accepted at the installation location (usually 1500 A).
The nominal value of the fuse is indicated on the solenoid.
Fuse ... A
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Application conditions
The application temperature range indicated in the "Electrical
• Data" (Chapter 5.2. Operating conditions) must be observed for each type.
• The attachment of a terminal box changes the designation of the ignition protection type of the solenoid coil 07..-...
• The permanently installed connection line of the solenoid must be connected in a housing which meets the requirements of a rec­ognized ignition protection type according to EN 60079-0, If the connection is made in an area where there is a risk of explosion.
• The solenoid coil Type 07..-... is suitable for individual assembly only.
5.2 Operating conditions
When operating the solenoid coils Type 7..-..., the following require­ments have to be observed.
5.2.1 Materials
For the selection of materials for the system observe the application­specific, safety requirements.
Valve body:
• If the solenoid coil Type 07..-... is used as a category 2 device for the control of gas in gas pumps, the valve body must be made of metal. The coil is mounted on the core feed pipe and may only be dismantled by the manufacturer. The valves always form a closed system.
Risk of explosion!
If the system is used as a category 2 device, only valve bodies made of metal can ensure the required safety for the control of gas in gas pumps!
▶ Use only valve bodies made of metal (brass, aluminum or stainless
steel) for the control of gas in gas pumps with category 2 devices.
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Application conditions
For use in gas pumps: Metal (brass, aluminum, stainless steel)
• Other applications: Metal (brass, aluminum, stainless steel) or plastic (e.g. polyamide PA 6 GV...)
Sheathing of the electrical connection lines:
• For terminal box design: without connection line
• For cable design: Rubber hose
5.2.2 Minimum dimensions
Valve body:
56 mm x 49 mm x 36 mm (L x W x H) A larger valve body with improved thermal conductivity may be used at any time.
5.2.3 Operating temperature range:
Risk of explosion!
If the max. permitted temperature values for the coil Type 7..-... are exceeded, there is a danger of explosion.
▶ It is essential to observe the temperature specifications for the coil. ▶ Observe any restrictions by the max. permitted values for the
solenoid valve combined with the coil.
Type designation 71. 72. 73. 735 Nominal voltage [V] Current type Rated current
Nominal power (W) Temperature class Ambient temperature (°C)
Voltage tolerance (%)
... 0.38
5 15 7 6
T6 T4 T6 T6
–40 ...
12 ... 380
0.038 ... 1.2
±10% ±20%
... 0.53
–40 ...+40
... 0.42
5.3 Installation conditions
The solenoid coils Type 7..-... are suitable for individual assembly only. The connection lines must be laid permanently to protect against
Also observe the specifications in the chapter entitled “Tech­nical data”.
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Application conditions
5.4 Application in gas pumps
Risk of explosion!
Following installation, solenoid coil and valve body form a closed system. If used in the explosion-risk area, there is a danger of explosion if the system is opened during operation!
▶ The system must not be disassembled during operation. ▶ The valve body may be repaired by the manufacturer only.
Solenoid valves together with the coil Type 7..-... may be used as category 2 devices only for the control of gas if there is no air and no oxygen in the closed system.
▶ Ensure that the closed system contains no air or oxygen or can-
not be penetrated by air or oxygen.
▶ When switching off or starting up the system, ensure that nei-
ther air nor oxygen has penetrated the system.
If the system is used as a category 2 device, only valve bodies made of metal can ensure the required safety for the control of gas in gas pumps!
▶ Use only valve bodies made of metal (brass, aluminum or stain-
less steel) for the control of gas in gas pumps with category 2 devices.
5.5 Model with a terminal box
Risk of explosion!
▶ Only specified cables and lines may be used. ▶ The operator must ensure an adequate strain relief. ▶ Lines with an outer diameter from 6 mm to 13 mm may be used.
Observe the maximum thermal load of the installed cables and lines.
▶ The inserted break-out seal must be adjusted to the diameter of
the cable/line.
▶ The rated cross-section of the cables/line cores must be at
least 0.75 mm² and must not exceed 2.5 mm².
▶ Screws for attaching the cover of the terminal box must be
tightened to a torque of 100 Ncm (±5%).
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Technical data
Risk of explosion!
If the safety data and values specified on the rating plate are not observed or maintained, hazardous situations may be the consequence!
▶ Observe the protection type and temperature class when using
the device.
It is a safety risk to exceed the voltage indicated on the rating plate, as this may cause the device to overheat!
▶ Do not connect the device to a higher voltage than indicated on
the rating plate.
6.1 Rating plate
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
II 2G Ex mb IIC T4 Gb IECEx PTB 13.0011X Ex mb II T4 Gb 722-G629092 24V~15W
S/N xxxxx
... A
Inscription on the rating plate:
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
II 2G Ex mb IIC T4 Gb IECEx PTB 13.0011X Ex mb II T4 Gb 722-G629092 24V~15W
S/N xxxxx
Identification number Serial number
Fig. 2: Example inscription rating plate
PTB approval number ATEX identification IECEx approval number IECEx identification Electrical data
Licensing authority Date of manufacture
6.2 Conformity
The solenoid coil Type 7..-... conforms to the EC directives according to the EC Declaration of Conformity.
6.3 Standards
The applied standards which are used to demonstrate compliance with the EC Directives are listed in the EC type test certificate and/ or the EC Declaration of Conformity.
Fig. 1: Example of a rating plate for coil Type 7..-...
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Assembly and disassembly
7.1 Safety instructions
Risk of explosion!
Following installation, solenoid coil and valve body form a closed system. If used in the explosion-risk area, there is a danger of explosion if the system is opened during operation!
▶ The system must not be disassembled during operation.
Risk of short-circuit!
Damaged connection lines may cause a short-circuit.
▶ The connection lines for the coil must be laid permanently and
protected against damage.
Risk of burns/risk of fire during long-term operation!
The solenoid coil may become very hot during long-term operation.
▶ Take hold of a device which has been running for a prolonged
period with protective gloves only.
Risk of electric shock!
There is a serious risk of injury when reaching into the equipment.
▶ Live terminals in the terminal box may cause an electric shock,
short-circuit or explosion. Switch off the power supply. Only then open the terminal box.
▶ The connection lines of the electromagnets must be permanently
installed in such a way that they are adequately protected from mechanical damage.
▶ Only trained electrical engineers may work on the electrical system.
▶ Before starting work, always switch off the power supply and
safeguard to prevent re-activation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment!
Danger – high pressure!
When reaching into the system, there is an acute risk of injury.
▶ Only skilled and instructed personnel may work on the system
with suitable tools.
▶ Before disconnecting lines and valves, switch off the pressure
and bleed the lines.
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for pressurized devices.
▶ After an interruption in the power supply or fluid supply, ensure
that the process is restarted in a defined or controlled manner.
▶ During installation note the flow direction.
▶ The operator must ensure an adequate strain relief. ▶ Lines with an outer diameter of 6 mm ... 13 mm can be used.
Observe the maximum thermal load of the installed cables and lines.
▶ The inserted break-out seal must be adjusted to the diameter of
the cable/line.
▶ The rated cross-section of the cables/line cores must be at least
0.75 mm² and must not exceed 2.5 mm².
▶ Screws for attaching the cover of the terminal box must be tight-
ened to a torque of 100 Ncm (±5%).
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Assembly and disassembly
7.2 Assembly
Any installation position. Preferably, the actuator should be at the top.
Prior to the installation:
→ Clean any dirt from the pipelines and flanged connections.
Risk of injury from leaking connections. Risk of explosion!
There is a danger of explosion in tank installations if oxygen or air penetrates the medium through leaking connections.
Risk of injury from escaping medium!
Medium which escapes through leaking connections may result in injuries (e.g. burns or chemical burns).
▶ Carefully seal the connection lines.
→ Connect dirt trap upstream. → Seal pipeline connections with PTFE tape. The tape must not be
dropped into the pipelines.
→ Screw in pipelines.
Important for function of the device: Pay attention to the flow direction!
7.3 Electrical connection
Risk of injury due to electrical shock!
▶ Before reaching into the system, switch off the electrical power
supply and secure to prevent reactivation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment!
If the protective conductor contact between the coil and housing is missing, there is danger of electrical shock!
▶ Always connect protective conductor. ▶ Check electrical continuity between coil and housing.
The connecting cable is encapsulated with the coil Type
7..-... and cannot be removed.
→ Observe the voltage indicated on the rating plate.
→ Check valve for leakage.
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Assembly and disassembly
7.4 Disassembly
Risk of electric shock!
There is a serious risk of injury when reaching into the equipment.
▶ Only trained electrical engineers may work on the electrical
▶ Before starting work, always switch off the power supply and
safeguard to prevent re-activation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment!
Danger – high pressure!
When reaching into the system, there is an acute risk of injury.
▶ Only skilled and instructed personnel may work on the system
with suitable tools.
▶ Before disconnecting lines and valves, switch off the pressure
and bleed the lines.
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for pressurized devices.
▶ After an interruption in the power supply or fluid supply, ensure
that the process is restarted in a defined or controlled manner.
Risk of injury from leaking connections. Risk of explosion!
There is a danger of explosion in tank installations if oxygen or air penetrates the medium through leaking connections.
Risk of injury from escaping medium!
Medium which escapes through leaking connections may result in injuries (e.g. burns or chemical burns).
▶ Carefully seal the connection lines.
→ Disconnect electrical connections → Disconnect the valve housing from the pipeline
Malfunctions as a result of contamination!
• In case of new installation, remove old PTFE tape from the con­nections. Residues or parts of the tape must not get into the pipeline.
PTB 00 ATEX 2202 X
Danger due to improper operation!
Improper operation may result in injuries as well as damage to the device and the surrounding area.
▶ Before start-up, ensure that the operating personnel are familiar
with and completely understand the contents of the operating
instructions. ▶ In particular observe the safety instructions and intended use. ▶ The device/system may be started by adequately trained per-
sonnel only.
Before start-up, ensure that
→ the device has been installed correctly, → the connection has been made properly, → the device is not damaged, → all screws have been tightened.
9.1 Maintenance
The solenoid coil Type 7..-... is maintenance-free if the operating condi­tions described in this manual are observed.
9.2 Repairs
Danger - improper repairs!
Following repairs, the safety and function of the coil Type 7..-... and the corresponding solenoid valve cannot be guaranteed unless the repairs were carried out by the manufacturer.
▶ Have the device repaired by the manufacturer only!
9.3 Troubleshooting
In the event of malfunctions, make sure that
→ the device has been installed correctly, → the connection has been made properly, → the device is not damaged, → the voltage and pressure have been switched on, → all screws have been tightened, → the pipelines are free.
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