Burkert 0641, 2832, 6013, 6022 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d‘utilisation
PTB 03 ATEX 5014 X
Type 0641 / 2832 / 6013 / 6022
Solenoid valve for use in the gas feedback systems for petrol pumps
Electrovannes pour emploi dans systèmes de recyclage de gaz de distributeurs de carburant
Example Beispiel Exemple
Type 0641
Pneutrol International Limited
Unit 173 Argyle Industrial Estate, Argyle Street, Nechells, Birmingham B7 5TE
www.pneutrolfluidcontrol.com sales@pneutrol.com Tel.. +44 (0) 1213287288
We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Sous réserve de modifications techniques.
© 2003 - 2011 Bürkert Werke GmbH
Operating Instructions 1107/07_EU-ML_00804694 / Original DE
Solenoid valves approved for use in the gas feedback systems of petrol pumps
Magnetventile mit Zulassung für den Einsatz in Gasrückführungs­systemen von Tanksäulen
Electrovannes avec homologation pour emploi dans des systèmes de recyclage des gaz de distributeurs de carburant
Valve Ventil Vanne
Type 0641
Type 2832
with cast-on cable mit eingegossener Leitung avec câble de raccordement
with terminal box mit Klemmkasten avec boîte à bornes
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with cast-on cable
with terminal box Ventil Vanne
Type 6013
Type 6022
mit eingegossener Leitung avec câble de raccordement
mit Klemmkasten
avec boîte à bornes
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1 GENERAL INFORMATION .........................................................................................................6
1.1 The operating instructions ........................................................................................ 6
1.2 Symbols ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Correct utilisation ........................................................................................................ 7
1.4 General Safety Instructions ...................................................................................... 8
1.5 General Information .................................................................................................... 9
2 APPLICATION CONDITIONS FOR THE UNITS........................................................... 10
2.1 Special conditions ....................................................................................................10
2.2 Marking of the units ..................................................................................................12
3 TECHNICAL DATA ...................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Technical data for the type 0641 and 2832 units .............................................14
3.2 Technical data for the type 6013 and 6022 units .............................................16
4 INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING ........................................................................ 18
4.1 Assembly ....................................................................................................................19
4.2 Commissioning ..........................................................................................................20
5 MAINTENANCE AND FAULTS ............................................................................................. 20
5.1 Faults ...........................................................................................................................20
6 ACCESSORIES ...........................................................................................................................21
7 PACKING AND TRANSPORT ............................................................................................... 21
8 STORAGE .......................................................................................................................................21
9 DISPOSAL .....................................................................................................................................21
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1.1 The operating instructions
The operating manual describes the whole life cycle of the appliance. Store this manual in such a way that is easily accessible to every user and is avai­lable to every new owner of the appliance.
The operating manual must be read and understood.
Read the operating manual carefully.
1.2 Symbols
Pay particular attention to the sections Intended Use and General Safety Precautions!
The following symbols are used throughout this manual:
High risk
Serious or fatal injuries if the safety precautions are not observed.
Middle risk
Injuries or serious equipment damage if the safety precautions are not
Low risk
Equipment damage if the safety precautions are not observed.
indicates important additional information, tips and recommendations.
refers to information in this operating manual or in other documents.
indicates a work step which you must carry out.
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1.3 Correct utilisation
The device may only be used for the applications indicated in the chapter Operating conditions for the devices, and only in connection with third-party devices or components recommended or approved by Bürkert. Observe the instructions in this operating manual, as well as the conditions of use and permissible data specified in the chapter Operating conditions for the devices.
The proper and safe function of the system depends on proper transport, storage and installation, and on careful operation and maintenance.
• The solenoid valves may only be used for the control of explosive steam/ gas mixtures of flammable liquids of Explosion Group IIA and Temperature Classes T1 to T3 in accordance with EN 60079-14.
• The solenoid valves may only be set up in petrol pumps between the pump valve and the gas feedback pump. The setting-up of the solenoid valve must be based on EN 60079-14.
• The solenoid valves are to be used in the gas feedback equipment of filing stations, for the control of explosive steam/gas mixtures of flammable liquids of the Danger Classes A I, A II and B, insofar as the liquids belong to Explosion Group IIA and the Temperature Classes T1 to T3 according to EN 60079-14 and the provisions and conditions defined in the Qualifi­cation Test Certificate are complied with.
• The protection class used is the Encapsulation Ex m for coils with cable connection or encapsulation with increased safety Ex em for coils with terminal boxes.
• Any other utilisation, or a utilisation going beyond this use will be regarded as improper. Bürkert will accept no liability for any damage resulting from such use. The user must bear all the risk alone.
1.3.1 Approvals of the electromagnets
Valve type Electromagnet Approval
0641 2832
6013 6022
64.- PTB 02 ATEX 2094X
Typ AC10-..-.-PD47 + PD53 + PD60 + PD66
PTB 00 ATEX 2129X
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1.4 General Safety Instructions
Risk of explosion if the device is opened!
The device is a sealed system. It must not be opened.
Electrical power supply in the system!
Acute risk of injury from hazardous structure-borne voltage!
Risk of damage to the device due to short circuit!
Work on the electrical system may only be carried out by qualified electricians.
Before starting work, switch off the power supply and secure to pre­vent it being switched on again!
Observe the applicable accident prevention and safety regulations for electrical devices!
Pressurised system!
Interventions in the pneumatic system represent an acute risk of injury.
Work on the pneumatic system may only be carried out by qualified and instructed personnel using appropriate tools.
First switch off pressure before disconnecting lines and valves.
Observe the flow direction during installation!
Observe the applicable accident prevention and safety regulations for pneumatic systems!
General hazards!
Hazards can lead to precarious situations.
Unintentional operation or impermissible damage can lead to generally dangerous situations including physical injury. Take appropriate measu­res to prevent unintentional operation or impermissible damage!
The generally recognised safety engineering rules apply for the plan­ning and operation of the device. These rules must be observed.
The device has been developed in accordance with the acknowledged safety engineering rules and corresponds to the state of the art. However, risks may arise. Operate the device only in a proper and safe state and in accordance with the operating manual.
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1.5 General Information
1.5.1 Contact address
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems Sales Center Chr.-Bürkert-Str. 13-17 D-74653 Ingelfingen
Tel. + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 111 Fax + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 448
E-mail: info@de.buerkert.com International Contact addresses can be found on the final pages of the printed operating
instructions. And also on the Internet under: www.burkert.com
1.5.2 Warranty
The warranty is only valid if the device is used as intended in accordance with the specified application conditions.
1.5.3 Approvals
The EC Type Examination Certificate PTB 03 ATEX 5014 X has been drawn up by the
PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt) Bundesallee 100 38116 Braunschweig who also audited the manufacture (CE0102).
1.5.4 Information on the Internet
Operating instructions and data sheets for type 0641 (2832/6013/6022) may be found on the Internet under:
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2.1 Special conditions
2.1.1 Short-circuit protection
As a short-circuit protection, each magnet must be connected in series with a fuse corresponding to its rated current (max. 3 x Ib according to IEC 60127-2-1) or a motor protector switch with a fast-acting short-circuit and thermal trip (set to the rated current). For very small rated currents for the magnets, the fuse with the smallest current value according to the abo-
ve-mentioned IEC standard will suffice. This fuse may be mounted in the associated supply unit or must be connected in series separately. The rated voltage of the fuse must be equal to or larger than the quoted nominal vol­tage of the magnet. The switch-off capability of the fuse cartridge must be equal to or greater than the maximum theoretical short-circuit current at the installation location (normally 1500 A).
For the valve types 0641, 2832, 6013 and 6022 in the versions without fuses, the short-circuit protection must be guaranteed by the operator. For the version with a fuse, the latter is built into the terminal box of the device. A more detailed description of the models can be found in the Technical Data section of the various models.
Fuse ...... A
2.1.2 Conformity
In accordance with the EC Declaration of conformity, Type 0641, 2832, 6013 and 6022 is compliant with the EC Directives.
2.1.3 Standards
Conformity with the EC Directives is verified by the following standards. EN13463-1, EN13617-1
2.1.4 Operational temperature range
Please note the operational temperature range listed for each type in the Electrical Data!
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2.1.5 Use in petrol pumps
Risk of explosion if the device is opened!
The valves may only be dismantled by the manufacturer. The always represent a closed system!
The Type 0641, 2832, 6013 and 6022 solenoid valves (Inner Zone 0) are used for explosive steam/air mixtures in the in gas feedback equipment of filling stations.
Bolted together as a block Type 0641 and Type 2832
The magnetic coil 64.- is mounted on the body using 4 sealed M4x59 cy­linder screws.
The magnetic coil AC10-..-.-... is secured onto the fitting using a sealed nut.
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2.2 Marking of the units
Two markings are made on the units:
1) Marking of the units with the specific approval of the coil
Approval no.
Protection type
2) Marking of the units with the approval of the complete unit for the control of explosive steam/air mixture explosive steam/air mixtures in the gas feed­back systems of filling stations
- Approval no.: PTB 03 ATEX 5014 X
- Protection type: II 1/2G Ex m II T3 or II 1/2G Ex em II T3 The composition of the symbol of the protective class is aligned to the pro-
tection class of the components used in each case.
Valve type
PTB 00 ATEX 2129X PTB 02 ATEX 2094X
II 2G Ex m II T4, T5, T6
II 2G Ex em II T4, T5, T6
II 2D Ex tD A21 IP65
T -40/-30 °C...
Marking 1 (Magnetic coil)
II 2G Ex m II T4, T5
II 2G Ex mb e II T4, T5
Marking 2 (Complete unit)
0641 2832
6013 6022
Ex em with terminal box Ex m with 3 meters of cable
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Approval PTB 02 ATEX 2094X PTB 03 ATEX 5014X Protection
Approval PTB 00 ATEX 2129X PTB 03 ATEX 5014X Protection
II 2G Ex m II T4, T5 or
II 2G Ex mb e II T4, T5
II 2G Ex m II T4, T5, T6 or
II 2G Ex em II T4, T5, T6 or
II 2D Ex tD A21 IP65 T -40/-30 °C ...
II 1/2G Ex m II T3 or
II 1/2G Ex em II T3
II 1/2G Ex m II T3 or
II 1/2G Ex em II T3
Risk of explosion!
Exceeding the technical data indicated on the rating plate increases the explosion risk! Never exceed the technical data indicated on the rating plate!
PTB approval number of the magnetic coil
CE designation
Fuse ... A
Rating plate of the complete unit Rating plate of the magnetic coil
PTB certification No.
Orifice - Sealing material - Body material Mode of protection / temperature code Port size for fluid part - Pressure range Coil type Voltage (±10 %) - Power Voltage (±10 %) - power rating variable code - PTB-Approval number Serial no. of the coil Approval - Protection Class - Temperature
class Serial no. of the coil /CE designation Space for barcode Ident. no / date of production Space for barcode
Valve type Code for the marking of units for use in the gas feedback sys-
0641 / 2832 PD 36 6013 / 6022 PD 97
Ident. no / date of production
tems of petrol pumps (Coil size)
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3.1 Technical data for the type 0641 and 2832 units
Temperature class T3 Electromagnet used Type 64.-, PTB 02 ATEX 2094X Circuit function of the valve A = normally closed Type of current Universal current (0 Hz ... 60 Hz) Rated voltage 12 V ... 240 V (±10 %) Rated current 0.58 ...0.034 A
Power limit at steady state 7 W
Maximal permissible ambient temperature range
Type of protection
Electrical connection
Type of protection / Marking of the magnetic coil
Type of protection / Marking of the complete unit
Individually mounted -40 °C ... +60 °C Block assembly -40 °C ... +45 °C
IP 65 according to EN 60529 (DIN VDE 0470 Part 1)
For the marking of the electrical connection variants, the letters A, L and K are used according to the Approval for Electro­magnets PTB 02 ATEX 2094X (see following description).
Electrical connection "A": II 2G Ex mb II T4, T5 Electrical connection "L" and "K": II 2G Ex mb e II T4, T5 (see following description)
Electrical connection "A ": II 1 / 2 G Ex m II T3 Electrical connection "L" and "K": II 1 / 2G Ex em II T3 (see following description)
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3.1.1 Marking of the mounted solenoid valves
The letters A, L and K are used to differentiate between the electrical con­nection variants for the electromagnets.
Internal code:
The internal code is used for the marking of the mounted solenoid valves.
Marking Version Internal
A - Permanently installed rubber hose line of the
type H05 RN-F3G 0,75
- Terminal box with M 20 x 1.5 cable gland, without fuse
- Terminal box with threaded nipple M 20 x 1.5, without fuse
- Terminal box with threaded nipple NPT ½, without fuse
- Terminal box with threaded nipple G ½, without fuse
- Terminal box with M 20 x 1.5 cable gland and fuse
- Terminal box with M 20 x 1.5 threaded nipple and fuse
- Terminal box with NPT ½ threaded nipple and fuse
without data
Connection types with terminal box
Available with / without unit protective fuse.
- Terminal box with G ½ threaded nipple and fuse
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3.2 Technical data for the type 6013 and 6022 units
Temperature class T3
Electromagnet used
Circuit function of the valve
Type of current Universal current (0 Hz ... 60 Hz) Rated voltage 12 V ... 400 V (±10 %)
Rated current
Power limit at steady state
Maximal permis­sible ambient tem­perature range Single mounting
Type of protection IP 65 according to EN 60529 (DIN VDE 0470 Part 1)
Electrical connec­tion
Type AC10, PTB 00 ATEX 2129X
A = normally closed
Coil size 5 Coil size 6 0,68 ...0,02 A 0,8 ... 0,02 A Coil size 5 Coil size 6 7 W 9 W Coil size 5 Coil size 6
PD47: -30 °C ... +60 °C PD60: -40 °C ... +60 °C
Electrical connection variants according to approval of the type AC 10 electro-magnets PTB 00 ATEX 2129X (see following description).
PD53: -30 °C ... +60 °C PD66: -40 °C ... +60 °C
The type of protection changes depending on the
Type of protection / Marking of the magnetic coil
Type of protection / Marking of the complete unit
Only individual mounting is permissible for units of the types 6013 and
electrical connection variants (the components used): II 2G Ex m II T4, T5, T6 or II 2G Ex em II T4, T5, T6 or
II 2D Ex tD A21 IP65 T -40/-30 °C ... (see following description).
The marking changes depending on the electrical connection variants (the components used): II 1 / 2 G Ex m II T3 or II 1 / 2 G Ex em II T3 (see following description).
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3.2.1 Identification of the electrical connection variants with terminal box
The variable codes given in the following table are used for the marking of the electrical connection variants.
Electrical connection variants
Supply line / cable lin
- Terminal box with M 20 x 1.5 cable gland, without fuse
- Terminal box with M 20 x 1.5 threaded nipple, without fuse
- Terminal box with NPT ½ threaded nipple, without fuse
- Terminal box with G ½ threaded nipple, without fuse
Terminal box with M 20 x 1.5 cable gland
­and fuse
- Terminal box with M 20 x 1.5 threaded nipple and fuse
- Terminal box with NPT ½ threaded nipple and fuse
- Terminal box with G ½ threaded nipple and fuse
Variable code
dependet on the line length
For the connection types with supply lines / cable line, the variable code is dependent on the length of the line.
E.g.: The variable code JW04 corresponds to a line length of 500 mm
Connection types with terminal box
Available with / without unit protective fuse.
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Danger of explosion!
The device is a sealed system. The unit must not be dismantled! The following safety regulations must be observed:
The surface of the device may develop an electrostatic charge.
In areas with an explosion hazard, the surface of the units may only be
cleaned with a damp cloth!
Only permanently laid cables and wiring may be inserted.
The operator must provide suitable stress relief.
Wires with an outside diameter of 6 to 13 mm may be used. Observe the maximum thermal loading of the cables or wires to be inserted.
The inserted break-off seal must be matched to the diameter of the cable or wire.
The rated cross-section of the cable or wire strands must be at least
0.75 mm² and may not exceed 2.5 mm².
The screws for fixing the cover of the terminal box must be tightened with a torque of 100 Ncm (±5%).
High voltage!
Acute risk of injury from hazardous structure-borne voltage! Risk of damage to the device due to short circuit!
Work on the electrical system may only be carried out by qualified
Before starting work, switch off the power supply and secure to pre-
Live terminals in the terminal box can cause electric shock, short circuit
The connecting cables to the electromagnets must be secure, and be
Observe the applicable accident prevention and safety regulations for
vent it being switched on again!
or explosion. Switch off the power supply before opening the terminal box.
laid so that they are adequately protected from mechanical damage.
electrical devices!
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