Brother HL 2040 User Manual

Product Name ^ HL-2040
Product’s standard differs according to Serial Number of Product. Please refer to the appropriate Declaration of Conformity foUowing these guidehnes.
The 15 character Serial Number can be found on the label at the rear side of product.
Please check the 7*^ and 8*^ characters from the left as shown below.
xxxxxxO Axxxxxxx
A5/B5/C5/D5/E5/F5/G5/H5/J5/K5/L5/M5/ A6/B6/C6/D6/E6/F6/G6/H6/J6/K6/L6/M6/ A7/B7/C7/D7/E7/F7/G7/H7/J7/K7/L7/M7/ A8/B8/C8/D8/E8/F8/G8/H8/J8/K8/L8/M8/ A9/B9/C9/D9/E9/F9/G9/H9/J9/K9/L9/M9/ AO/BO/CO/DO/EO/FO/GO/HO/JO/KO
The declaration on Page 3 apphes for these characters, (issued date: 27th September, 2010)
LO/MO/ Al/Bl/Cl/Dl/El/Fl/Gl/Hl/Jl/Kl/Ll/Ml/ A2/B2/C2/D2/E2/F2/G2/H2/J2/K2/L2/M2/ A3/B3/C3/D3/E3/F3/G3/H3/J3/K3/L3/M3/ A4/B4/C3/D4/E4/F4/G4/H4/J4/K4/L4/M4

EC Declaration of Conformity

Manufacturer Brother Industries, Ltd.
15-1, Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho'ku, Nagoya 467‘8561 Japan
Plant Brother Technology (ShenZhen) Ltd. N06 Gold Garden Ind. Nanhng Buji, Longgang, Shenzhen, China
Declare under our sole responsibihty that the equipment-"
DoC No: NK0912-02
Products description Product Name Model Number
is in conformity with provisions of the Directives apphed : Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC, Electromagnetic Compatibihty Directive 2004/108/EC and European Regulation 1275/2008 following the provisions of Directive 2005/32/EC.
Harmonized standards apphed "•
Safety EN60950-1: 2001 + All:2004
EMC EN55022: 2006 + Ai:2007 Class B
Year in which CE marking was first affixed : 2004
Issued by
Laser Printer HL-2040 HL-20
EN62311: 2008
EN55024-" 1998 + Al:2001 + A2:2003 EN61000-3-2: 2006 EN61000-3-3: 1995 + Al:2001 + A2:2005
Brother Industries, Ltd.
11th February, 2010
Nagoya, Japan
Kimiyoshi Kawaura General Manager Quahty Management Dept.
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