k Start Guidek Start Guide
k Start Guide
k Start Guidek Start Guide
Model 0260 Secondary Electr Model 0260 Secondary Electr
Model 0260 Secondary Electr
Model 0260 Secondary Electr Model 0260 Secondary Electr

Quick Start Guide
Part Number: 541B157AAG
Brooks® Model 0260 Secondary Electronics
Dear Customer,
The Brooks Smart Interface is a Microsoft Windows based software application that provides expanded control
and monitoring capabilities in a process environment for the Brooks Thermal Mass Flow Meters and Controllers
with an RS485 Smart protocol digital interface. This software is able to control and monitor up to 30 devices while
each hardware module can power up to 10 devices.
Before using the tool, we recommend that you read the Help available after installation of the Brooks Smart
Interface software application.
Note that all documents and software are available for download on the Documentation section of the Brooks
Web Page, www.BrooksInstrument.com.
Should you require any additional information concerning Brooks products and services, please contact your local
Brooks Sales and Service Office listed on the back cover of this Guide or visit www.BrooksInstrument.com
Yours Sincerely,
Brooks Instrument
October, 2010

Quick Start Guide
Part Number: 541B157AAG
October, 2010
Paragraph Page
Number Number
Installation Section 1
1.1 System Requirements .....................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Hardware Requirements..................................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Uninstall Previous Brooks Smart Interface....................................................................................... 1-1
1.4 Install the Brooks Smart Interface ................................................................................................... 1-1
1.5 Install the Brooks 0260 Hardware.................................................................................................... 1-5
1.6 Control Smart Interface from Another Application............................................................................. 1-6
1.7 End Users License Agreement ........................................................................................................1-7
Figure Page
Number Number
1.1 Outline Drawing for Brooks 0260 Secondary Electronics Device...................................................... 1-5
1.2 PC with Brooks 0260 Secondary Electronics and Devices .............................................................. 1-6
Brooks® Model 0260 Secondary Electronics

Brooks® Model 0260 Secondary Electronics
Quick Start Guide
Part Number: 541B157AAG
October, 2010

Quick Start Guide
Part Number: 541B157AAG
October, 2010 Brooks
1.1 System Requirements
The Brooks Smart Interface software application can be installed on a
Windows PC under the following requirements:
• Microsoft Windows XP (SP2), Vista or 7
• Two spare USB Ports, one for the security dongle which enables the
user to run the Brooks Smart Interface application, one for connecting
the 0260 hardware module. Up to 10 Brooks Mass Flow Meters and
Controllers can be connected to one single 0260 hardware module. A
third USB Port is needed if you want to connect up to 20 Brooks Mass
Flow Meters and Controllers. The Smart Interface software application
supports up to 30 Brooks Mass Flow Meters and Controllers
1.2 Hardware Requirements
• 0260 hardware module, capable of connecting up to 10 Brooks RS485
based Mass Flow Meter or Controllers.
• Power cord
• USB cable type A to B
• 0260 Single Drop RS485 Communication/Power cable
• USB security dongle (in case the Brooks Smart Interface software
application is purchased)
Section 1 Installation
Model 0260 Secondary Electronics
The 0260 Single Drop RS485 cable can be extended to a Multi Drop RS485
cable by purchasing the following Brooks Part Number:124Y042AAA
1.3 Uninstall Previous Brooks Smart Interface
Prior to installing the Brooks Smart Interface software application you first
need to uninstall any previous versions of the Smart Interface and HASP
SRM driver software.
1.4 Install the Brooks Smart Interface
1. Make sure that the 0260 hardware module is not connected.
2. T o install the Brooks Smart Interface software application, place the
Smart Interface CD-ROM into the drive. If the installation shell does not
come up automatically , find the installation file ‘Autorun.exe’ on the CDROM and double-click to launch the program. The following window will
appear. If you didn’t purchase the CD-ROM you can download the CDROM contents from the Brooks website in the ‘Documentation &
Downloads->Sofware Downloads’ section, www .BrooksInstrument.com