Portable Pressurized Eyewash & Drench Hose Units
Complies with American National Standard Z358.1 when used exclusively as
an eyewash
15-gallon Pressurized Tank
Twin Chrome-Plated Brass, Soft Flow, Eyewash Heads
Highly Visible Yellow-Colored Hose Spray (S19-788 only)
Universal Identification Sign and Inspection Tag Included
Full, One-Year Warranty
Ideal for providing emergency protection in areas where permanent water
supply is not available. Supplements permanent eyewash fixture installations.
Fifteen-gallon pressure tank is constructed of stainless steel. 34" (864mm)
high and 12¼" (311mm) outside diameter. Weighs 28 lbs. empty and 128 lbs.
full. Eyewash heads are chrome-plated brass. Tank has a tire filler valve with
0–160 PSI air gauge. 8' hand-held hose spray has chrome-plated metal parts.
(S19-788 only) Hose burst strength is 450 PSI. Hand-held hose sprayhead
contains an antimicrobial agent to protect the sprayhead.
Standard Equipment
15-gallon Tank
Stainless steel pressure tank has built-in carrying handles and resilient bottom.
Tire filler valve with 0–160 PSI air gauge. Pressure relief valve prevents
accidental over pressurization.
Twin chrome-plated brass, soft flow eyewash heads with automatic flow control
stay-open valve. Protective dust covers are included. Hand operated by a large,
higly visible stainless steel push handle. Flow from eyewash complies with
ANSI Z358.1
Hand-Held Hose Spray (S19-788 only)
8' (2438mm) yellow hose spray with hand-held squeeze-type valve, full-size
spray nozzle, and hose clamp. All metal parts are chrome-plated.
Concentrate (sold separately)
Concentrate is not included with tanks.
Personal eyewash equipment does not meet the criteria of plumbed
or self-contained eyewash equipment. Personal eyewashes support
plumbed or self-contained units but shall not replace them.
S19-788, S19-788LHS
Model Description
Page 1 of 1 9/9/2013
This information is subject to change without notice.
15-Gal. Portable, Pressurized Unit w/ Eyewash & Drench Hose
15-Gal. Portable, Pressurized Unit w/ Eyewash only
S19-788LHS Side View
P.O. Box 309, Menomonee Falls, WI 53052-0309
800 BRADLEY (800 272 3539) +1 262 251 6000
© 2015 Bradley