I__[_ Owner's Manual_
Nautilus® Bowflex® Schwinn Fitness
StairMaster ® Universal® Nautilus Institute®
a brand of _NAUTILUS_)

Table of Contents
Specifications ..........................................................................2
Important Safety Instructions ................................................3
Safety Warning Labels and Serial Number ..................4
Features and Use.....................................................................6
How Often Should You Exercise .....................................6
Whatto Wear ....................................................................6
Stretching ..........................................................................6
Power Rod@ Resistance .................................................8
Adjusting and Understanding the Resistance .............8
Connecting the Power Rod@ Unit to the Cables .........8
Safety ..................................................................................8
When You Are Not Using Your Home Gym ...................8
The Workout Bench .........................................................9
Maintenance and Care of Your Gym .............................9
Storing Your Home Gym.................................................10
Accessories and Equipment .........................................11
Workouts .................................................................................12
Define Your Goals ...........................................................12
Design Your Program .....................................................13
Twenty Minute Better Body Workout ..........................14
Advanced General Conditioning ..................................14
Twenty Minute Upper/Lower Body ..............................15
Body Building ..................................................................16
Circuit Training - Anaerobic/Cardiovascular .............17
True Aerobic Circuit Training ........................................18
Stength Training ..............................................................19
Exercises .................................................................................20
Bench Press ....................................................................20
Decline Bench Press .....................................................20
Incline Bench Press .......................................................21
Seated Shoulder Press ..................................................21
Front Shoulder Raise......................................................22
Crossover Seated Rear Deltiod Rows .........................22
Scapular Retraction .......................................................23
Narrow Pulldowns ..........................................................23
Stiff Arm Pulldowns ........................................................24
Seated Lat Rows .............................................................24
Reverse Grip Pulldown ..................................................25
Seated Low Back Extension .........................................25
Triceps Pushdown ..........................................................26
Lying Triceps Extension .................................................26
Standing Biceps Curl .....................................................27
Standing Wrist Curl ........................................................27
Seated (Resisted) Abdominal Crunch .........................28
Trunk Rotation .................................................................28
Leg Extension ..................................................................29
Calf Raise .........................................................................29
Seated Hip Adduction ....................................................30
Seated Hip Abduction ....................................................30
Standing Leg Kickback ..................................................31
Leg Press .........................................................................31
Physical Dimensions
Length (not in use) .......................................36" (92cm)
Length (maximum in use)..........................98" (249cm)
Width (in use and not in use) .....................32" (82cm)
Height ...........................................................82" (209cm)
Weight ..................................................131 Ibs. (59.5kg)
Patent Information: This product may be covered by US and Foreign Patents and Patents Pending. See Product for more
Box Weight ...........................................145Ibs. (65.8kg)
Box Dimensions .................................54"1x 33"w x 8"h
(137cm x 84cm x 21cm)
Maximum Weight Capacity ................300 Ibs. (136kg)

Important Safety Instructions
This icon means a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Before using this equipment, obey the following warnings
Read and understand the complete Owner's Manual.
Read and understand all Warnings on this machine.
• Keep children away from this machine. Monitor them closely when near the machine. Parts that move and
appear dangerous to adults can appear safe to children.
• Consult a physician before you start an exercise program. Stop exercising if you feel pain or tightness in your
chest, become short of breath, or feel faint. Contact your doctor before you use the machine again.
• Examine this machine for loose parts or signs of wear. Monitor all cables and belts and their connections.
Contact Nautilus Customer Service for repair information.
• Maximum user weight limit: 300 lb. (136 kg). Do not use if you are over this weight.
• This machine is for home use only.
• Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry. This machine contains moving parts.
• Set up and operate this machine on a solid, level, horizontal surface.
• Keep at least 36" (0.9m) on each side of the machine clear. This is the recommended safe distance for access
and passage around and emergency dismounts from the machine. Keep third parties out of this space when
machine is in use.
• Do not over exert yourself during exercise. Operate the machine in the manner described in this manual.
• Do not use Dumbbells or other weight equipment to incrementally increase the weight resistance. Use onlythe
weight resistance that came with your gym.
• Correctly engage the Selector Hook to the Rod End.
• Set up and operate this machine on a solid, level, horizontal surface. Correctly adjust and safely engage all
Positional Adjustment Devices. Make sure that the Adjustment Devices do not hit the user.
Owner's Manual

Important Safety Instructions
SafetyWarning Labels and Serial Number
Locate and read all safety warnings before operation. Replace any warning label if it is damaged, illegible, or missing. For
replacement labels, call a Nautilus ®Representative. Refer to the Contacts page at the back of this manual.
Before each use check all snap hooks, cables and pulleys for wear and proper function.
Tighten all fasteners as necessary.
Avant chaque utilisation, v_rifiez le fonctionnement de tousles mousquetons, c_bles et
poulies. Serrez bien toutes les fixations au besoin.
Oberpr_fen Sie alle Karabinerhaken, Kabel und Rollen vor jeder Benutzung auf Abnutzung-
serscheinungen und Fehlfunktionen. Ziehen Sie alle Befestigungselemente ordnungsgem_l_
Antes de cada uso, revise todos los cierres a presi6n, cables y poleas para asegurarse de
que no est_n desgastados y que funcionan correctamente. Apriete todos los sujetadores
segOn sea necesario.

Important Safety Instructions
8* Serial Number
* decal is located on back
The Maximum User Weight for this machine is 300 pounds (136 KG).This machine is for
Home use only.
Das Maximale Belastungsgewicht fiJr diese Maschine betr_gt 136kg. Dieses Ger_t ist nur
fi_r die nutzung im Heimbereich fregegeben.
Le poids maximum de I'utilisateur pour cette machine est de 136 kg (300 liveres). Cet _quipe-
ment est destin_ _ un usage priv_ uniquement.
El peso m_ximo para el usario de esta M_quina es de 136 kg (300libras). Este equipamiento
s61ose puede utilizar en el hogar.
* Misuse or abuse of this equipment may lead to serious injury.
* Keep children away and supervise teenagers using equipment.
* Obtain, read and understand the owner's manual provided with this fitness equipment prior
to use.
* Replace this or any other warning label if damaged, illegible or missing.
At all times, stay out of the paths of moving rods.
Restez toujours _ I'_cart des tiges mobiles.
Halten Sie stets Abstand zu beweglichen Stangen.
En todo momento, mant_ngase alejado del trayecto de las barras movibles.
Knob must be fully engaged.
Le bouton doit _tre compl_tement enfonc&
Der Knopf muss vollst_ndig eingerastet sein.
La perilla debe estar completamente insertada.
Pictograph - 13onot place hand here.
Engineered in the USA, Made in China
Record serial number on Contacts page at end of this manual.
of Lat Tower.

Features and Use
Consult your physician before starting any exercise program.
If you have not exercised recently, are pregnant, have a heart condition, or any physical limitation, consult with your
physician before you use your machine. If you experience tightness in your chest, an irregular heartbeat, shortness
of breath, feel faint, lightheaded or dizzy, or have any pain, STOP and consult your physician immediately.
How Often Should You Exercise
• 3times a week for 20 minutes each day.
• Schedule workouts in advance. Try to work out even when you do not want to.
What to Wear
Wear rubber-soled athletic shoes. You will need the appropriate clothes for exercise that allow you to move freely.
Stretch before starting your exercise session. Warm muscles respond better to exercises.
• Achilles Tendon and Calf-With both hands against awall, place one foot behind you. Lean in toward the wall while
keeping the rear leg straight and your heel on the ground. Repeat for the other leg.
• Quadriceps- Put your left hand on a wall or table for balance. Reach you right hand behind your back and grasp your right
ankle, pull it gently toward your buttocks until you feel tension along the front of your thigh. Repeat on the other side.
• Hamstring -Stand on one leg and prop the other leg parallel to the ground on a stable cabinet or table top. Slide both
hands toward the propped-up ankle as far as is comfortable. Repeat on other side.

Features and Use
A TopCrossBar
B TopCrossBar Pully
C LegAttachment
D ChestPullyCross Bar
E ChestBar Pully
F RodBox
6 Power Rod® Unit
Owner's Manual

Features and Use
Power Rod® Resistance
Power Rod@ units are made from a special composite material.
The rods are sheathed with a protective black rubber coating.
Each rod is marked with its weight rating on the "Rod Cap".
Adjusting and Understanding the Resistance
The Bowflex® PR1000 home gym comes with 210 Ibs. (95kg) of
resistance [one pair of 5 lb. (2.25kg) rods, two pair of 10 lb. (4.5kg)
rods, one pair of 30 lb. (13.5kg) rods, and one pair of 50 lb. (22.5kg)
Connecting the Power Rod® Unit to the Cables
You may use one rod or several rods in combination, to create
your desired resistance level.
To hook multiple rods up to one cable, bend the closest rod
toward the cable and place the cable hook through that rod cap.
You can then hook up the next closest rod through the same
cable hook.
Hooking up the closest rod first prevents rods from crossing over
the top of one another.
When connecting the Power Rod® unit to the cable
hooks and disconnecting them, do not stand so that you
are looking directly over the top of the rods. Stand off to
the side, so that if a rod is accidentally released, you will
not be struck.
When You Are Not Using Your Home Gym
Disconnect the cables from the Power Rod® unit when your are
not using your home gym. Use the rod binding strap included with
your machine to bind all the rods together atthe top. You can also
place your cables and grips through the strap to keep them out of
the way. Leaving the rods and cables under tension could cause
injury if a rod were inadvertantly released.

Features and Use
The Workout Bench
Your Bowflex® home gym has a number of seat and bench positions: Flat bench
forward, Flat bench back, 45° incline and free-sliding seat extension. To adjust
the seat, pull out the Seat Rail Knob, then slide the seat to one of the three
locking holes on the Seat Rail. Release the Seat Rail Knob to secure the seat.
Removing the Bench
The Bench easily attaches and releases from the Seat. To attach the Bench,
insertthe half hinge on the end of the Bench into the half hinge on the seat. To
remove the Bench, lift up on the long portion of the seat and pull it away from
seat rail.
Flat Bench
The Flat bench position is used for most of the exercises. You may lock the bench into a Back (closest to Power Rod® unit)
or Forward (furthest from Power Rod® unit) position to accommodate height/reach needs.
45 ° Incline Bench
Start with a flat bench, following the above instructions to release and move the seat and bench. Lift the bench
while you slide the seat toward the Power Rod® unit until the bench back rests against the Lat Tower.
Free-Sliding Seat
Remove the Bench, pull out the Seat Rail Knob, twist it a half turn and release it to put the Seat in a "free sliding" position
for Calf Raise or Leg Press exercises.
Maintenance and Care ofYour Bowflex® Home Gym
Inspect your machine for any worn or loose components prior to use. Tighten or replace any worn or loose components
prior to use. Pay close attention to cables, or belts and their connections.
Clean the bench with anon-abrasive household cleaner after each use. Do not use automotive cleaner, which can make
the bench too "slick".
Review all warning notices. The safety and integrity designed into a machine can only be maintained when the equipment
is regularly examined for damage and repaired. It is the sole responsibility of the owner to ensure that regular maintenance
is performed. Worn or damaged components should be replaced immediately or the equipment removed from service until
the repair is made. 0nly manufacturer supplied components should be used to maintain/repair the equipment.
If you have any questions regarding your Bowflex® home gym, please call the Nautilus® Customer Service Department at
1-800-NAUTI LUS (1-800-628-8458).

Features and Use
Storing Your Home Gym
1. Lock the Seat and Bench into the flat position.
2. Remove all Power Rod@ resistance and then bind the Power Rod@
unit with the rod binding strap.
3. Remove the Seat Rail Knob from the seat rail.
4. Tilt the bench toward the Power Rod@ unit.
5. Secure the bench by inserting the Seat Rail Knob into the hole in the
side of the Seat Rail Bracket.
Failure to secure the seat rail locking mechanism into the
seat rail may cause injury.
Do not stand on the base below the Seat Rail when you raise or
lower it. This may cause injury.
Always use both hands to lift and lower the Seat Rail. Bend
at the knees when lifting or setting down the Seat Rail. Failure
to use proper lifting techniques may cause injury.
i \

Features and Use
Accessories and Equipment
After fitting the handgripsfirmly to your hand, ankle, or wrist, attach the pulley
cable clips to the D-rings on the handgrips to attach them to the cables.
Standard Grip: Grasp the grip and cuff together to form a grip without inserting
your hand through the cuff portion. Most of the exercises you perform utilize
this grip. The Standard Grip also is used for Hammer Gripexercises, when you
need to holdthe handgrip vertically for greater wrist support.
Hand Cuff Grip: Slip your hand through the cuff portion of the grip so that the
foam pad rests on the backofyour hand. Then grasp the remainder of the grip
that is sitting in your palm. This method of gripping is great for exercises like
front shoulder raises or any exercise where your palm is facing down.
Foot Grip: Slip your foot through the cuff of the handle and slide the foam grip
against the top of your foot.
Leg Press Belt
Wear the Leg Press Belt around your lower arch of spine and attach the
D-rings to cable clips. Belt must remain in slight tension to not fall from arch
during exercise.
Additional Accessories
For additional accessories for your home gym, contact Nautilus at
1-800-NAUTILUS (1-800-628-8458) or www.bowflex.com.