Full metal jacket
B&W’s pretty little M-1 satellite makes a stylish partner for the massive ‘medicine ball’ PV1 sub
TYPE Satellite and subwoofer speaker system
PRICE (M-1) £125 each, (PV-1) £950
KEY FEATURES (M-1) Size (WxHxD): 11x21x15 cm
Weight: 2.7kg P Flexible mounting system
Cast alloy enclosure P 25mm tube-loaded tweeter
100mm main driver P (PV1) Size (WxHxD):
29x34x35 cm
enclosure P 2x200mm drivers P 500W power amplifier
CONTACT 콯 01903 221500 q www.bwspeakers.com
sources are changing the hi-fi landscape
dramatically. Hi-Fi Choice continues to focus
firmly on the reproduction of music in stereo,
but it would be myopic to ignore multichannel
developments entirely, especially given the
development of SACD and DVD-Audio.
Because of the space required to house a
home cinema system, the 5.1 sub/sat
combination has become a core multichannel
market stereotype. Five small and easily sited
satellite speakers cover the mid and top, and
provide the surround effects, while the low bass
goes to a subwoofer that can be tucked
discreetly out of the way. This sub/sat approach
might particularly suit multichannel systems,
but it’s by no means a new idea, and is equally
valid for stereo. HFC tested a batch of three-box
stereo sub/sat systems way back in 1992; that’s
practically prehistoric in home cinema terms.
Weight: 20.5kg P Spherical cast alloy
ound reproduction has gone through
big changes in recent years. The advent
of surround sound music and movie
B&W obviously expects to sell most of its
new M-1 satellites as part of 5.1 systems,
alongside one of three alternative subwoofers,
but the ‘2.1’ or ‘three-box’ stereo option is
clearly an integral part of the scenario, too. The
press release claims the M-1 speakers front “an
audiophile sub/sat system”, and full discussion
of the stereo options is found in the very
thorough manual.
For the purposes of this review, the M-1
satellites were underpinned by the excellent
PV1 subwoofer, which we reviewed in full in
HFC 259. In fact, two PV1s were drafted in for
some tests, because physically separating the
bass sources gives more even room-drive.
That’s really a separate issue. The superior
performance of the PV1 is already a given, and
the main purpose here is to evaluate the little
M-1 satellite, and see how well it lives up to its
‘audiophile’ billing.
‘Son of Solid’ is the first reaction on
unpacking this system, though that’s largely
because both the M-1 and the previous Solid
designs feature an integral swivelling stand. In
fact, this new model is not only considerably
smaller and more flexible, it also, ironically,
feels a whole lot more, er, solid. Picking one up,
its considerable 2.7kg weight comes as quite a
surprise, since the enclosure is probably no
more than a litre or so in total volume (think
Tetrapack). Back and sides are a single alloy
casting, while the baffle, top and base is made
from tough ABS plastic. And if the alloy itself
is inherently very stiff, rigidity is further
enhanced by the curvaceous shape.
How small can you go? That’s the key
question the designer of any satellite speaker
must confront. Make it too big and no-one will
buy it; make it too small and you can kiss
goodbye to all hi-fi pretensions. The M-1 looks
a little larger than many of its rivals, which
should be a performance plus, but is still small
enough to look cute. Priced at £125 per
speaker, it’s hardly the cheapest satellite
around, but the serious engineering content
and clever design justify the asking price.
A two-way port-loaded design, it combines a
100mm main driver that has an advanced
80mm fibreglass cone, with a 25mm metal
dome tube-loaded tweeter. The crossover is
deliberately minimalist, and the mounting
arrangements are clever and flexible; the unit
may be used horizontally or vertically on its
stand/base, or fitted to a wall bracket or a slim
free-standing pillar. Cleverly, the stand also
doubles as a tiny speaker terminal block. The
M-1 is available in black, silver or white.
The satellites naturally have limited bass
extension, though they work well enough
down to around 140Hz. This matches
seamlessly to the PV1, which may be fed either
via its (unfiltered) line-level phono input, or
using the speaker-level connector with the
filter set to maximum bandwidth (150Hz).

B&W M-1 loudspeaker and PV1 subwoofer
There’s considerable scope for making subtle
adjustments to the tonal balance by moving
the subwoofer and satellites around and/or
blocking the M-1 ports. Under our conditions,
best results for the M-1 were found with the
ports blocked and placed on stands clear of
walls; the PV1 likewise works best away from
nearby walls, to avoid excessive mid-bass.
The net result, under our far-field conditions,
is a quite superbly well-balanced in-room
frequency response. It’s not entirely smooth
and free from character, though the variations
remain very well controlled. There are slight
midband dips at 1.3kHz and 3.5kHz, which
may well account for the nasality that is just
audible with speech. The treble is a little
strong, relatively speaking, with a distinct peak
at around 12kHz, and this is audible as a
degree of top end emphasis, though happily
it’s also quite sweet and delicate.
The small main driver and enclosure
inevitably lead to a correspondingly ‘small’
measured performance. On our measure,
sensitivity achieves an unusually low 84dB,
“The sound as a whole is beautifully neutral
and natural, providing well-focused stereo,
albeit with some lack of depth resolution.”
just 1dB below that claimed, yet it isn’t
particularly easy to drive, with an impedance
between four and six ohms through most of
the bass and midband.
Initially, the sub/sat combo showed rather
obvious dynamic range constraints, as well as
noticeable midband coloration and congestion.
However, after a little acclimatisation the
strengths of this combo started to come
through, unlike the performance of many
sub/sat systems. One seemed to adjust to its
limitations easily, and if the end result falls
well short of the best in full-sized loudspeakers,
that’s hardly surprising given the modest price
and size of the M-1 satellites, and they
certainly deserve commendation for an
essentially vice-free performance.
The B&W system is not about stereo, really. The system is referred to as ‘Mini Theatre’ by B&W, which is a bit
of a giveaway. There are three versions of Mini Theatre, and the choice swings on the subwoofer.
We compared the mid-price MT-20 system (five M-1s and an AS2 subwoofer) with the top MT-30 system
(identical save for a PV1 in place of the AS2). The AS2 is a 150W square closed-box sub with a 250mm cone
bass unit. And, surprise, surprise, the MT-30 is clearly better than the cheaper system, the sub
filling out the sound and improving the separation along the way. The MT-20’s
no slouch, though; it’s deep and possibly a better match for the M-1.
What both systems have is an ability to melt away the slight colorations
heard in two channel. The sound is accurate if bright, and perfectly steered
around the room. Both systems are also extremely fast (often, better but
deeper subwoofers slow down the sound). This is principally good
home cinema, but tidy multichannel audio, too. HFC
Alan Sircom
Unsurprisingly, the PV1 definitely
outperforms the M-1, delivering clean, crisp
bass and driving along any techno or hip-hop
beats with appropriate enthusiasm and punch,
plus considerable weight and authority. And
the sound as a whole is beautifully neutral and
natural, providing a very well-focused stereo
soundstage, albeit with some lack of depth
resolution and perspectives.
It might be difficult to endorse the M-1’s
audiophile pretensions with real enthusiasm,
but it’s very easy to like and enjoy – it’s
exceptionally neat and discreet, and relatively
inexpensive too. And that’s praise-worthy in a
very small satellite speaker.
Paul Messenger
SOUND >> 70%
>> 90%
>> 85%
Not exactly audiophile, but a beautifully balanced and neutral
combo with kickin’ bass. It may be colored and congested in
2.1 mode, but the 5.1 performance focuses the listener on the
positives, not the limitations, and makes a lot of sense.
The M-1 is an exceptionally
neat and solid satellite
speaker, with an impressively
even and neutral balance, and
very clever and flexible
mounting arrangements.
Midband dynamics lack
vigour, there’s some
coloration and congestion
here, and the top end is a
shade strong.