Boss BR-1200CD User Manual

Digital Recording
Congratulations on your purchase of the BOSS BR-1200CD. This TurboStart contains step-by-step instructions that will quickly introduce you to the BR-1200CD’s major features.
Loading and Playing the Demo Song
Use the following procedure to load and play back the demo song in the BR-1200CD:
1. Press UTILITY.
2. Press  until the SONG icon is displayed. 3 Press F2 for SONG.
4. Press  until SONG SELECT is displayed.
5. Press F2 to select it.
6. Use your   buttons to select a demo song.
7. Press F4 (GO) to load the selected song.
8. If “Save Current?” is displayed, press ENTER to continue loading the song.
9. Bring up the TRACK MIXER and MASTER faders, and press PLAY to hear the demo song.
Recording a Song
Here’s how to record a guitar track while using effects and playing along with the Rhythm Guide.
Creating a New Song
1. Press UTILITY.
2. Use the  buttons until SONG is displayed.
3. Press F2 to select SONG.
4. Press F3 (NEW).
5. Turn TIME/VALUE to select the song’s track type.
4. Press F4 (GO).
Note: Track types can be freely changed even after Song New has been completed.
Inserting Effects on the Inputs
For this example, we’ll insert a COSM Guitar Amp processor on the guitar input.
1. If the COSM button is not lit red, press the button to turn it red.
2. Press the COSM EFFECTS button to display the effects patch list.
3. Turn the TIME/VALUE dial to select P011 Warm Drive.
4. Press EXIT/NO to return to the main screen.
Adding A Steady Beat with the Rhythm
Patterns are the rhythms that play back in the BR-1200CD—these are the building blocks of an arrangement. To make the patterns play back in a certain order, or for a certain duration of time, create an arrangement.
1. Press the PROGRAMMABLE RHYTHM ARRANGEMENT/PATTERN button so the ARRANGMENT indicator lights red.
3. Use the  buttons and the TIME/VALUE dial to navigate to the Arrangement box and select U005-UserArrange5.
4. Press to go to BPM and turn TIME/VALUE to set the tempo to the desired value.
5. Press F2 to select VIEW.
6. Make sure the arrow at the far left of the screen points to “Drums,” and use F3 to select ArrEdit. This allows you to edit the drum arrangement.
7. Press to go to PATTERN and select P002 Rock 02 – V1 using the TIME/VALUE dial.
8. Press to go to LENGTH and use the TIME/VALUE dial to select 100—this sets the number of measures for which the pattern plays.
9. Set the 11/12 fader to the desired listening level.
10. Press ZERO, and then press PLAY to hear the drums.
Using the Dedicated Inputs
1. Plug the guitar into the GUITAR/BASS input.
2. Press the GUITAR/BASS button so it lights red.
3. Adjust the first SENS knob (input sensitivity for GUITAR/BASS) until the red PEAK light flashes occasionally when the instrument is played at its loudest level.
4. Adjust the INPUT LEVEL knob until the first meter on the LCD screen averages between –12 and –4.
5. Press REC MODE to light the INPUT indicator.
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Recording a Performance
1. To select and arm a recording track, press the round REC TRACK button of the track you wish to record.
2. Press the REC button—it flashes red to indicate it’s ready to start recording.
3. Press PLAY to start recording.
4. When you’re finished recording, press STOP.
5. Press the ZERO button to rewind to the beginning of the song, and press PLAY to listen to the track, adjusting the faders as necessary.
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Digital Recording
Adding Reverb to the Recording Track
1. Press the REVERB button.
2. Press F3 (EDIT).
3. Select the type of reverb you’d like to use on the track: “Room,” “Hall,” or “Plate.”
4. Use  and to select the desired track.
5. Use the VALUE1/PAN knob to adjust the level.
Note: To add chorus or delay, use the same procedure, pressing CHORUS/DELAY in Step 1.
Saving a Song
1. Press the UTILITY button.
2. Press F2 for the SONG icon.
3. Press F4 (STORE).
4. When display asks “SAVE CURRENT?”, press ENTER/YES.
Shortcut: Hold down the STOP button and then press the REC button to make the “Save Current?” screen appear. Press ENTER/YES to save the song.
Mixing Down Your Tracks
When creating an audio CD, you must combine, or “bounce,” all recorded tracks down to two tracks in a process called “mixing down.”
Mixing Down (Bouncing) to Track 11/12
1. Press the REC MODE button until the BOUNCE indicator lights.
2. Press REC TRACK 11/12’s REC TRACK button so it flashes red and the rest of the tracks’ buttons remain green—Track 11/12’s first V-Track is selected for recording.
3. Press ZERO to return to the start of the song.
4. Press the REC button so it flashes red, and then press PLAY to begin the mixdown. Adjust the faders as necessary during playback.
5. Press STOP when you’ve reached the end of the song or the point at which you want to stop the mixdown.
6. Press ZERO, and then PLAY to play back the mixed down audio.
Mastering with the MTK Effects
After mixing down, “mastering” uses the MTK—for “Mastering Tool Kit”—effects to smooth out changes in volume that occur over the course of a song.
1. Press REC MODE several times until the MASTERING indicator lights.
2. Press the MASTERING TOOL KIT button to turn the mastering effects on.
3. Turn the TIME/VALUE dial to select the desired MTK effect.
4. Press PLAY and adjust the volume of Track 11/12.
5. Press STOP, and then press ZERO to return to the beginning of the song.
6. Press REC to go into Record Standby mode, and then press PLAY to begin recording.
7. At the end of the song, press STOP.
8. Press ZERO, and then PLAY to hear your mastered tracks.
Note: Since you mixed your song onto Track 11/12 V-Track 1 in the previous section, the BR-1200CD automatically selected Track 11/12 V-Track 2 for mastering. You can actually use any V-Tracks you like. See the Owner’s Manual for details.
Burning a CD
The BR-1200CD’s Track at Once operation allows you to create a CD one song at a time.
1. Place a blank CD-R disc in the CD-R/RW drive.
2. Press the AUDIO CD WRITE/PLAY button.
3. Press F1 to highlight the WRITE icon.
4. Press F1 to highlight the TR. AT ONCE icon.
5. Use the  buttons and the TIME/VALUE dial to select the pair of V-Tracks you want to write to CD. (If you mastered your mix as described above, this’ll be Track 11/12 V-Track 2.)
6. Press F3 (GO).
7. Set the write speed to X8, and press ENTER.
8. When the display shows ”Write Sure?” press ENTER to begin writing the CD.
9. When the CD is finished burning, the BR-1200CD asks, “Finalize?” If you’d like to write additional songs on this particular CD, don’t finalize it. However, you must finalize a CD in order to play it on an ordinary CD player.
10. Press ENTER/YES to finalize the CD, or EXIT/NO if you want to add more songs.
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