Model No’s: PCH 612 DAU
Part No: W1532
Version (Bosch) A
This cooktop is for use with Natural and Propane gases
Booklet designed and produced by DESIGN MAXIM. (03) 0853 7491
Leave these instructions with the owner

Wiring diagram
A. Switch
B. Blue wire
C. Brown wire
D. Terminal
E. Ignition module
Service agent
For service to this appliance please call an authorised Bosch
service agent or register you fault by phoning us on the numbers listed below.
Toll free
Melbourne: 1300 30 70 37
(head office) Sales, Customer and Technical Service
New Zealand: 0800 4BOSCH
0800 426 724
Sales and Customer Service
Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty. Ltd
(Incorporated in Victoria) ABN 48 004 315 628
Victoria: Cnr. Centre & McNaughton Roads,
New Zealand: 14-16 Constellation Drive, Mairangi Bay,
2 15
Clayton, 3168
Phone: (03) 9541 5555
Fax: (03) 9541 5595
Auckland, 1310
Phone: (09) 478 6158
Fax: (09)478 2914

Trouble shooting
What’s wrong Possible cause Solution
...If none of the electrical • Power turned off. • Turn power on.
systems work. • Faulty fuse. • Check the fuse in the main
...If the electronic ignition • There may be food or • The gap between the spark
system does not work. cleaning product plug and the burner needs to
...If the flame on the • The burner components • Put the components in their
burners is not evenly have not been correct positions.
distributed. assembled properly.
...If the gas flow does not • The isolation valve is • Open the isolation valve.
seem normal or there closed.
is no gas flow at all. • If the gas is supplied • Replace the gas bottle with a
...If the kitchen smells • One of the valves has • Check to see if a valve has
of gas. been left open. been left open.
...If the safety cut-off • The control knob has • Once ignited, keep the
devices on the different not been kept control pressed in for a few
burners do not work. pressed in for long seconds.
It is not always necessary to call the Service Centre. In
some cases, you may be able to solve the problem
yourself. This table contains some useful information.
Only authorised personnel from the Service Centre
are qualified to work on the main gas and electric
fuse box and replace if faulty.
• The automatic circuit • Check to see if the circuit
breaker or mains. breaker or a differential has
differential has been been triggered in the mains
triggered. supply box.
particles between the be cleaned carefullly.
spark plugs and the
• The gas ports on the • Clean the gas ports on the
burners are dirty. burners.
from a gas bottle, it full one.
may be empty.
• Possible leak on the • Check that the coupling on
gas bottle coupling. the gas bottle is in order.
• The burner ports are • Clean the burner ports.
Contents ....................................................... 3
Safety considerations ...................................... 4
For your safety .......................................... 4
What to do if you smell gas ......................... 4
Warnings ................................................. 4
Installation ..................................................... 6
Preparing to install ..................................... 6
Clearances ............................................... 7
Installation of cooktop into kitchen bench ....... 7
Installation procedure ............................. 7
Connection ............................................... 8
Electrical connection .............................. 8
Gas connection..................................... 8
Conversion from Nat. Gas to Propane Gas .... 9
To change injectors ................................ 9
Injector size chart .................................. 9
Minimum flame adjustment ................... 10
Operating instructions ................................... 11
Burner location ........................................ 11
Burner ignition & control ........................... 11
User instructions ........................................... 12
Boiling burners ........................................ 12
Wok trivet .......................................... 12
Wire coffee support ............................. 12
Cleaning and care ................................... 13
Do’s .................................................. 13
Don’t ................................................. 13
Service ....................................................... 14
Trouble shooting ...................................... 14
Wiring diagram ...................................... 15
Service contact telephone numbers ............. 15