Bosch LT4 ADV Quick Start Manual

Lambdatronic LT4 ADV
Quick Start Manual
1.0 2/20/2017
Table of contents
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Software Installation and Startup ..................................................................................................................... 4
3 Calibration and Live Data Viewing/Recording ................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Connecting to your computer .................................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Firmware Updates ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Table of Contents
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This guide is a brief explanation on how to get started with calibrating the LT4 ADV Lambdatronic unit. The following information should be considered supple‐ mental to the LT4 ADV Function Manual as it does not cover all aspects of cali‐ bration and use. We highly recommend reading the LT4 ADV Function Manual as this contains much more detailed information about the LT4 ADV’s functions and settings.
Please follow the included steps carefully and in‐sequence.
Introduction | 1
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Software Installation and Startup
Software Installation
Insert the Lambdatronic LT4 ADV Software Tool USB drive into your computer and start the installer “LT4 ADV_Setup.exe” located in the USB drive directory. The Setup Wizard will guide you through the installation procedure for the Mod‐ asSport calibration software and the drivers for the MSA‐Box interface device. It is recommended that you use the default settings throughout the installation. Af‐ ter the installation procedure, a shortcut to the LT4 ADV Toolbox will be created on your desktop.
Project Folder Installation
A project folder for LT4 ADV setup and calibration has been included on the Lambdatronic LT4 ADV Software Tool USB drive. This folder, named “LT4 ADV”, can be found within the folder “ModasSport_examples” in the USB drive’s main directory. The LT4 ADV folder should be copied to ModasSport’s working direc‐ tory (typically C:\Bosch\ModasSport).
Setup in ModasSport
Upon opening ModasSport, the first window to appear will be the Project Man‐ ager page. Highlight the item “Bosch Motorsport Projects” in the Project List and then select the button “Add existing” in the “Project” group:
Fig. 1: ModasSport project manager page
Navigate to the working directory for ModasSport as per step 2.2, open the “LT4 ADV” folder, and double‐click the file named “LT4 ADV.mxprj”.
The Project Manager page will now list the project “LT4 ADV” with a workbase “LT4 ADV_1B ”.
2 | Software Installation and Startup
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