Bosch KTS 530, KTS 540, KTS 570 Operator Instructions Manual

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Bosch Diagnostics|1 6 8 9 9 7 9 9 8 7 2 0 0 6 -0 9 -2 9
14 | KTS 530 / KTS 540 / KTS 570 | Contents
1. O p er a tor instr u c tions 15
1.1 Im p o r ta n t n o te s 15
1.2 S a fe ty in s t r u c tio n s 1
1.3 E le c tro m a g n e tic c o m p a tib ility ( E M C ) 15
1.5 B lu e to o th lim it a tio n s 15
1.6 Im p o r ta n t in fo r m a tio n re g a rd in g B lu e to o th 15
2. D esc r ip tion of u nit 1
2.1 A p p lic a tio n 1
2.2 R e q u ire m e n ts 16
2.2.1 H a rd w a re 16
2.2.2 O p e ra tin g s y s t e m 1
2.2.3 S o ftw a re 16
2.3 D e liv e r y s p e c ifi c a tio n 1
2.4 S p e c ia l a c c e s s o r ie s 17
2.5 S y s te m te s te r 1
2.5.1 D ia g n o s is te rm in a ls / M e a s u re m e n t te r m in a ls 17
2.5.2 T e rm in a l s t r ip 1
2.5.3 F u n c tio n s o f L E D s A a n d B 18
2.5.4 A d a p te r in s e r t ( IB O X 01) 1
2.6 B lu e to o th 18
2.6.1 B lu e to o th U S B a d a p te r 1
2.6.2 In fo rm a tio n re g a r d in g B lu e to o th s y m b o ls 18
2.7 O p e ra tio n 19
2.7.1 C o n n e c tio n d ia g r a m 1
2.7.2 N o t e s c o n c e r n in g c o n t r o lle r d ia g n o s is 19
N o te s c o n c e rn in g th e m u lt im e te r a n d o s c illo s c o p e 20
2.7.4 F irm w a re u p d a te 2
2.8 N o te s c o n c e rn in g fa u lts 20
2.8.1 D ia g n o s is h a rd w a re h a s n o t b e e n fo u n d . 20
2.8.2 N o c o m m u n ic a tio n w ith th e c o n tr o l u n it 2
2.8.3 In itia liz in g B lu e to o th d r iv e rs 21
3. Initia l sta rt-u p 22
3.1 A s s e m b ly m o u n t 22
3.2 E S I[ tro n ic ] s o ft w a re in s ta lla tio n 2
3.3 C o n n e c tio n 22
3.4 C o n fi g u ra tio n ( D D C ) 2
4. M a intena nc e 2
4.1 C le a n in g 2
4.2 M a in te n a n c e 23
4.3 S p a re a n d w e a r in g p a rts 2
5. Tec h nic a l d a ta 23
5.1 G e n e r a l d a ta 2
5.2 In te r fa c e p r o to c o ls 23
5.3 P o w e r p a c k 2
5.4 M u ltim e te r s p e c ifi c a tio n s 23
5.4.1 D C m e a s u r e m e n t ( C H 1 a n d C H 2) 2
5.4.2 A C a n d e ffe c tiv e v a lu e m e a s u re m e n t ( C H 1 a n d C H 2)
* ) 24
5.4.3 R e s is ta n c e m e a s u r e m e n t ( C H 1) 24
5.4.4 C u r re n t m e a s u re m e n t ( C H 1 a n d C H 2) 24
5.4.5 C o n tin u ity te s te r ( C H 1) 2
5.4.6 D io d e m e a s u re m e n t ( C H 1) 24
5.5 O s c illo s c o p e s p e c ifi c a tio n s 2
5.6 B lu e to o th C la s s 1 24
Bosch Diagnostics |1 689 979 987 2006-09-29
Operator instructions | KTS 530 / KTS 540 / KTS 570 | 15
1.5 B luetooth lim itations
There are limitations in the following countries (e. g. Bluetooth modules may only be used in enclosed rooms) when operating Bluetooth Class 1 modules: Egypt, France, J ordan, Pakistan, Peru, Saudi-Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Turkey.
In the following countries, no Bluetooth modules are to be used (Status: March 2006): Algeria, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Burma, Georgia, Guatemala, Cambodia, Q atar, North K orea, Senegal, South Africa, Syria, United Arab Emirates, W est Sahara.
1. O p er a tor instr u c tions
1.1 Im portant notes
Important notes on the agreement pertaining to copy­right, liability and warranty, about the user group and obligation on the part of the contractor, are available in the separate instructions entitled "Important notes and safety instructions" on Bosch test equipment. These are to be read thoroughly before using, connecting and op­erating the product and they must be observed.
1.2 Safety instructions
All safety instructions are available in the separate in­structions "Important notes and safety instructions" on Bosch test equipment. These are to be read thoroughly before using, connecting and operating the product and they must be observed.
1.3 E lectrom ag netic com patib ility ( E MC)
This product is a Class A product in accordance with EN 55 022.
This product can cause radio interference in the home; in this case the operator may be asked to implement appropriate measures.
1.4 Disposal
This product is sub ject to E uropean g uide­lines 2002/9 6/E G ( W E E E ) .
O ld e le ctrical and e le ctr onic d e v ice s, inclu d ing cab le s and acce ssorie s or b atte rie s m u st b e d isp ose d of se p ar ate to hou se hold w aste .
Please use the return and collection sys­tems in place for disposal in your area. Damage to the environment and hazards to personal health are prevented by properly disposing of old equipment.
1.6 Im portant info rm ation reg arding B luetooth
Bluetooth is a wireless connection in the unlicensed
2.4 Ghz-ISM-Band (ISM: Industrial, Scientific, Medical).
This frequency range is not subject to any governmental laws and may be used in most countries without a license (Ex ceptions are found in chap. 1.5). This results in many applications and devices transmitting on this frequency band however. This can cause frequency interference between these devices. Depending on the environmental conditions, disturbance can occur in the Bluetooth connection, e. g. in W LAN connections (W LAN: W ireless Local Area Network), wireless telephones, radio-controlled thermometers, radio-controlled garage door openers, radio-controlled light switches or radio-controlled alarm systems.
Bluetooth can lead to interference in the bandwidth of the W LAN-network. The antennas of Bluetooth and W LAN devices should be positioned at least 30 centi
­meters apart. Bluetooth-USB adapters and W LAN must not be placed in adjacent USB sockets in the PC/Lap
­top. A USB ex tension cable (special accessories) should be used to ensure that the Bluetooth-USB adapter is separate from the W LAN stick.
Generally, people who wear a pacemaker or other essential electronic device should ex ercise ex treme caution when using wireless technology, as it may impair the function of their particular device.
Note the following to ensure that your connectivity is as good as possible:
The Bluetooth wireless signal always looks for the shortest path. Set up a PC/Laptop with Bluetooth USB adapter so that there are as few obstacles, such as e. g. steel doors and concrete walls, that could disturbed the radio signal to and from the K TS 540 or K TS 570 as possible. If the PCis in a Bosch trolley (e. g. FSA 740, BEA 850), the Bluetooth USB adapter should be positioned outside of the trolley using a USBex tension cable. Use USB ex tension cable (special accessory) 1 684 465 564 (1 m) or 1 684 465 565 (3 m). If there are problems with the Bluetooth connection, you can activate the USB connection and use it in­stead of the Bluetooth connection.
Bosch Diagnostics|1 689 979 987 2006-09-29
16 | KTS 530 / KTS 540 / KTS 570 | Description of unit
2. D escription of unit
2.1 A pplication
KTS 530, KTS 540 and KTS 570 (hereinafter referred to as KTS modules) are modules for controller diagnosis. The functionality differences are shown in the following table:
F unction KTS 530 KTS 540 KTS 570
Controller diagnosis
1 channel multimeter X X
2 channel multimeter
2 channel oscilloscope
2 channel diagno­sis oscilloscope
Bluetooth wireless connection
USB connection X X X
KTS modules can perform the following functions with ESI[tronic]:
C ontroller diagnosis, with e.g.
Read error memory Display actual values Initiate actuators Use of other controller-specific functions
M ultimeter measurements for
V oltage measurement Resistance measurement Current measurement (only with special accessory current measuring clips or shunt)
2 channel oscilloscope for determining
measurement values (K T S 5 70 only ) .
2 channel diagnosis oscilloscope for testing the controller diagnosis interface (K T S 5 70 only ).
2.2 R eq uirements
2.2.1 H ardw are
PC/Laptop with at least one free USBinterface. KTS modules can be used with the following Bosch products:
Emissions System Analysis
FSA 740 BEA 810, BEA 840, BEA 850
D e p e n d in g o n th e so ftw a re v e rs io n .
2.2.2 Operating system
Operating system U SB Bluetooth
2.2.3 Softw are
Operation of the KTS modules requires the installation and enabling of software ESI[tronic]-DV D 2006/1 and ESI[tronic]-CD 2006/3 U (blue U ) on the PC/Laptop. Extra costs apply in this case.
Bosch Diagnostics |1 689 979 987 2006-09-29
Description of unit | KTS 530 / KTS 540 / KTS 570 | 17
2.3 Deliv ery specification
Description Order N umber
System tester KTS 530
System tester KTS 540
System tester KTS 570
1 687 022 437 1 687 022 436 1 687 022 994
Bluetooth USB adapter (KTS 540/KTS 570) 1 687 023 382
OBD diagnosis cable 3 m (KTS 530) 1 684 465 557
OBD diagnosis cable 1.5 m (KTS 540/KTS 570)
1 684 465 555
UNI connection cable 4 core 1 684 463 539
USB connection cable 3 m 1 684 465 562
Power pack Power supply cable
1 687 022 889 1 684 461 106
Measuring cable blue (KTS 530/KTS 540) 1 684 430 066
Measuring cable yellow (KTS 530/KTS 540) 1 684 430 067
Measuring cable red/black (KTS 570) 1 684 463 214
Measuring cable blue/yellow (KTS 570) 1 684 463 550
Test tip red (1x, with KTS 570 2x) 1 684 485 035
Ground cable black 1 684 430 068
Terminal clip, black 1 684 480 022
Case 1 685 438 145
Mount with sheet-metal screw (2x) and fillister head screw (3x)
1 681 398 030 2 910 611 406 2 910 641 118
DVD1 ESI[tronic] 2006/1 Diagnosis and technology DVD2 ESI[tronic] 2006/3 U
1 987 729 601 1 987 729 041
Important information and safety instructions 1 689 979 922
Product description (KTS 530/KTS 540/KTS 570)
1 689 979 987
depending on order
2.4 Special accessories
Information on special accessories, such as e.g. vehicle-specific connecting cables, additional measuring cables and connecting cables can be obtained from your Bosch representative.
2.5 System tester
2.5.1 Diagnosis terminals/Measurement terminals
m a x . 6 0 V
459802/12 Ko
1 2
F ig. 1: Diagnosis terminals/Measurement terminals
1 M easu ring inpu t C H 2 (only for K T S 57 0 ) 2 G N D soc k et 3 M easu ring inpu t C H 1(– ) 4 M easu ring inpu t C H 1(+ ) 5 C onnec tion O B D diagnosis c ab le (DIA G )
2.5.2 Terminal strip
15V DC
459802/11 Ko
1 2 3
F ig. 2: Terminal strip
1 P ower su pply c onnec tion 2 L E D A and L E D B (see c hap. 2.5.3) 3 U S B c onnec tion
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