Bosch FAA-500-TTL Specsheet

Fire Alarm Systems | FAA‑500‑TTL Test Adapter with Magnet
FAA‑500‑TTL Test Adapter with Magnet
The FAA‑500‑TTL Test Adapter is placed on the SOLO330 Smoke Detector Tester. It serves to test detectors in the 500 and 520 Series.


The magnet integrated into the Test Adapter switches the detector into test mode automatically by activating the reed switch. The operating mode of the detector is indicated by its two-color LED.

Installation/Configuration Notes

For the detector test of the 500 and 520 Series, you will need:
FAA‑500‑TTL Test Adapter
SOLO330 Smoke Detector Tester
Also required for detectors with CO sensor:
Solo CO Testing gas
Note For the detectors in the 500 and 520 Series,
no test aerosol is required for optical smoke detectors!

Parts Included

Qty. Components
1 FAA-500-TTL Test Adapter with Magnet

Ordering Information

FAA‑500‑TTL Test Adapter with Magnet
The FAA‑500‑TTL Test Adapter is placed on the SOLO330 Smoke Detector Tester. It serves to test detectors in the 500 and 520 Series.
2 | FAA‑500‑TTL Test Adapter with Magnet
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180
© Bosch Security Systems Inc. 2010 | Data subject to change without notice T680160139 | Cur: en-US, V11, 27 Jul 2010
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