Fire Alarm Systems | DS9400M AddressiFire Fire Alarm Control Panel
DS9400M AddressiFire Fire Alarm Control
Digital Fire Alarm Control Panel
Provided with four conventional on-board inputs,
expandable to eight
Up to 247 Addressable Multiplex Points
Supports two-wire and four-wire conventional type
Two NACs
Two On-Board Auxiliary Relays
Internal 24 V, 4 A power supply
Supports four remote LCD Keypads
On-board programming via front panel
Expandable to 255 points
The DS9400M AddressiFire 255 is a microprocessor-based
Fire Alarm Control Panel. This four conventional point panel
can expand to 255 input points. It supports up to twenty
two-wire detectors per on-board conventional point, or any
number of four-wire detectors (depending on available
power). Two Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs) provide
up to 4 A of 24 V power to operate horns, strobes, bells and
other notification appliances. The DS9431 Multiplex
Expansion Module (pre-installed) enhances the DS9400M’s
conventional system features by adding addressable point
capability, increasing the number of relay outputs and
allowing for more system users.
Easy user interface
Nine labeled function keys allow the user to easily silence
bells, sirens, reset smoke detectors, or view history events.
Menu driven keypad programming allows for customizing of
the control panel.
Keypad programmable
The system is completely keypad programmable, thus
eliminating the need for an expensive hand-held
Initiating circuits
All on-board conventional input points will work with twowire or four-wire smoke detectors. Twenty detectors (twowire) maximum per zone.
Multiplex expansion technology
The DS9431 Multiplex Expansion Module (pre-installed)
enhances the DS9400M conventional system features by
expanding the base system to 255 total points, increasing
the number of relay outputs to 58 and adding an additional
400 events to the history buffer for a total of 500 nonvolatile events. The DS9431 also allows for up to 100
system users on the DS9400M.
Built-In and remote alpha keypad support
The keypad built in to the control panel and the DS9447
remote LCD keypad are alphanumeric keypads that provide
a two-line, 16‑character (per line) LCD display. Text is freely
programmable for zone descriptions. Up to four DS9447
remote LCD keypads are allowed per system.
Personal ID Numbers (PINs)
The system supports up to 100 Personal ID Numbers (PINs),
which are four digits in length. The PINs may contain any
combination of digits. PINs may be programmed with four
different levels of authority. These PINs may be restricted
to silencing, resetting, disabling, and/or programming the

2 | DS9400M AddressiFire Fire Alarm Control Panel
Smoke detector alarm verification
Should an alarm occur, the DS9400M may be programmed
to perform an automatic reset on the smoke detectors. If a
second alarm on any smoke input point occurs within the
verification window, an immediate fire alarm results. This
reduces potential false alarms, while still providing fast
response to an alarm.
Flexible digital communication
The communicator will work with most alarm receivers that
are in use today. It supports SIA (110 or 300 Baud), Contact
ID, BFSK, and 4/2 Tone burst digital communicator formats.
EE Memory
The panel uses EEPROM technology, thereby allowing it to
retain all program memory through a total power failure.
None of the system programming or user codes will be lost.
Three telephone numbers
The systems supports two 20-digit telephone numbers with
a three- or four-digit account code for each. Each phone
line’s dialing type can be configured for either pulse or tone
dialing. The communication format for each phone number
can also be set. The third phone number is reserved for
remote programming.
Event history buffer
A 500 event history buffer, which can be read at the built-in
or DS9447 keypads, keeps track of events by time and date.
Commercial Fire
Type Service: Auxiliary, Local, Central Station, and Remote
Type Initiating: Automatic, Manual, Sprinkler Supervisory
and Waterflow.
Technical Specifications
Enclosure Design
Dimensions (HxWxD): 53 cm. x 38.1 cm. x 11.0 cm (20.8 in. x
15.0 in. x 4.3 in)
Material: The standard enclosure is manufactured
from 1.2 mm (18 guage) cold-rolled steel.
A keyed lock is included, and the LEDs and
display are visible through the door.
Environmental Considerations
Temperature (Operating): 0°C to +49°C (+32°F to +120°F)
Supervisory EOL Resistor: 2.21 kΩ
Keypads: Maximum four keypads.
Relays (On-Board): Two Form "C„ relays rated at 5 A, 28 VDC.
Programmable for a variety of system
NACs (on-board): Two: NAC 1 and NAC 2. These are 24 V
outputs for notification devices, with up to
2.5 A capacity (but limited by overall 4.0 A
capacity) on each circuit. Wired for standard Class B operation.
Power Requirements
Power (Auxiliary): 20 VDC to 30 VDC unfiltered, 1 A
Power (Initiating Circuit): 20.4 VDC to 28.2 VDC filtered, 1 A
Power (Input): 120 VAC, 1.5 A
Power (NAC): 20 VDC to 30 VDC unfiltered, 4 A
Power (Open Bus): 12 V±5%, 500 mA
Standby Batteries: Two (optional) 12 V (in series),
7 Ah to 40 Ah
Standby Current (Detector): 3 mA maximum total per point
Installation/Configuration Notes
Up to four keypads may be used in the system with a
maximum wire length of 300 m (1000 ft.) each.
Note No more than two keypads per 300 m (1000 ft.)
The maximum wire length total in the system is 1220 m
(4000 ft.) using 0.8 mm (#22 AWG) or 1.0 mm (#18 AWG)
4-conductor cable.
Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
130 Perinton Parkway
Fairport, New York, 14450, USA
Phone: +1 800 289 0096
Fax: +1 585 223 9180
© Bosch Security Systems Inc. 2010 | Data subject to change without notice
T1113381259 | Cur: en-US, V2, 4 Jul 2010
Europe, Middle East, Africa:
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
P.O. Box 80002
5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Phone: + 31 40 2577 284
Fax: +31 40 2577 330
Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems
11 Bishan Street 21
Singapore 573943
Phone: +65 6258 5511
Fax: +65 6571 2698
Ordering Information
DS9400M AddressiFire Fire Alarm Control
DS9432 Addressable 8-Point Input Module DS9432
DS9434 Four-Point Expander DS9434
DS9446 Eight‑zone LED Expander DS9446
DS9488 Octal Relay Module DS9488
Represented by