Fire Alarm Systems | D326A Analog Point Contact Module
D326A Analog Point Contact Module
Digital data communications and power provided over
a two-wire circuit
Advanced digital communications protocol compatible
Class B circuit for dry contact devices
Two-color status LED: green for normal, red for alarm
EEPROM addressing in module unit
Mount on four-inch square back box
The D326A Analog Point Contact Module provides a variety
of fire alarm functions, such as monitoring manual pull
stations, waterflow devices, or other dry contact fire alarm
activation applications. The module allows for alarm,
trouble, and supervisory conditions. The D326A module
mounts on a plate that attaches directly to a UL‑Listed fourinch square back box having a minimum depth of 2-1/8
inches. A cover plate leaves the status LED visible.
System Overview
The D326A Analog Point Contact Module allows compatible
fire alarm control panels (FACP) to supervise Form A or B
dry contact devices in a polling circuit. The D326A has an
eight‑bit microprocessor and communicates with the
control panel (both power and data) over a two-wire polling
circuit. The initiating device circuit (NFPA Style B)
connected to the D326A can have up to 20 normally-open
(NO) dry contact devices. Each module can monitor one
normally-closed (NC) device (NC devices must be non-alarm
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
USA UL UOXX: Control Unit Accessories, System
(UL864, 9th edition)
CSFM 7300-1615: 151
NYC-MEA 26-02-E, Vol. III
Installation/Configuration Notes
Compatibility Information
The following products are compatible with the D326A
Point Contact Module:
Category Product ID Product Description
Control Panels: D8024 Analog fire alarm control panel (FACP)
D10024A Analog FACP
Modules: D9067 Analog polling module
Programmers: D5070 Analog device programmer
Installation Considerations
There are three steps to installing the point contact module:
1. Set the point address: Use the D5070 Analog Device
Programmer to set the address by programming an
EEPROM microchip.

2 | D326A Analog Point Contact Module
2. Connect the wiring: Wiring terminals are clearly marked
and the module leaves ample room in the back box for
3. Mount the module in the back box: The D326A mounts
on a four-inch square back box.
Data Circuit Length
Data (or polling) circuit length is the distance over the
circuit wire from the connection at the FACP to the most
distant device and back to the FACP. Data circuit length
must include the distance to any device connected to the
circuit in a T tap. The screw terminals can accept up to 14
AWG (1.5 mm) wire, but this reduces the allowable length
of the circuit. Refer to the D9067 Installation Guide (P/
N: 74‑07690‑000) for specific wire instructions and
Initiating Device Circuit Connections
The initiating device circuit can use any number of UL-listed
normally open (NO) contact closure devices. Device circuit
wiring must not exceed 50 Ω. Install contact closure devices
according to the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
All wiring must be supervised and power-limited.
Note Do not mix fire alarm initiating and supervisory
devices on the same module.
Power Requirements
Alarm: 28 mA
Polling: 0.022 mA ± 20%
Standby: 0.035 mA (typical)
End of Line Device 10 kΩ, 0.25 W per resistor
Initiating Device Circuit Less than 50 Ω
Voltage (input)
Nominal: 24 VDC
Range: 17 VDC to 41 VDC
Ordering Information
D326A Analog Point Contact Module
Allows compatible fire alarm control panels
(FACP) to supervise Form A or B dry contact
devices in a polling circuit
Parts Included
Quant. Component
1 Point contact module
1 Wall plate
1 EOL resistor, 10 kΩ
1 Hardware pack
1 Literature pack
Technical Specifications
Environmental Considerations
Operating Temperature +32°F to +120°F (0°C to +49°C)
Mechanical Properties
Color Ivory
Dimensions (H x W x D) 4.7 in. x 4.2 in. x 1.35 in.
(12 cm x 11 cm x 3.5 cm)
Material: Acrylonitrile-chlorinated PE-styrene (ACS)
Response Time: 2 sec
Weight 3 oz (85 g)
Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
130 Perinton Parkway
Fairport, New York, 14450, USA
Phone: +1 800 289 0096
Fax: +1 585 223 9180
© Bosch Security Systems Inc. 2010 | Data subject to change without notice
T1372026379 | Cur: en-US, V5, 4 Jul 2010
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