Fire Alarm Systems | D300A Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector (24 VAC/VDC or 115 VAC)
D300A Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector
(24 VAC/VDC or 115 VAC)
u Conventional duct detector (D300A)
u For use with Bosch D7022 and D7024 Conventional
Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs)
The D300A Duct Detector is an accessory device. It
comes with a photoelectric smoke detector head and a
housing for use in heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) duct works. The D300A can be
powered by 24 VAC, 24 VDC, or 115 VAC.
Use the provided output terminals for remote
accessories such as remote status indicators and reset
key switches or push buttons.
Do not use the D300A for open-air detection.
Refer to NFPA 90A and NFPA 72 for more
information on the operation and installation of
duct smoke detectors.
Air Sampling
A tube that protrudes into the duct samples the air
through positive pressure to the detector head. An
exhaust tube of one standard length is supplied in the
u Comes complete with a conventional photoelectric
smoke detector head
u Steel sampling tube
installation kit with the duct detector housing unit.
Once the duct width is determined, order the air
sampling tube(s). Sampling tubes come in three
standard lengths and can be cut to size to fit the duct.
Certifications and approvals
Region Certification
USA UL UROX: Smoke - Automatic Fire Detectors
(UL268 and A)
CSFM 3240-1615:0167
Hong Kong HKFSD
Installation/configuration notes
Compatible Products
The following products are compatible with the D300A
and D300A-HV Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detectors:
Category Product ID Product Description
Control Panels D7022 Two-zone FACP
D7024 Conventional FACPs

2 | D300A Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector (24 VAC/VDC or 115 VAC)
Detector Head D282A-DH Replacement duct smoke detector
Conventional FACPs for export
Installation Considerations
Use the D300A detector in HVAC ducts with air
velocities from 300 ft/min to 4000 ft/min (90 m/min to
1.2 km/min). Verify air velocity by checking the duct
installation specifications, or by using an Alnor Model
6000P velocity meter or its equivalent.
Install the D300A in ducts ranging from 1 ft (0.3 m) to
10 ft (3 m) in diameter. To verify the correct sampling
of air in the duct, use a Dwyer Model 4000 differential
pressure gauge or its equivalent.
To prevent false alarms, do not mount the duct
detector in areas of extreme high or low
temperature, high humidity, or where duct air
might contain gasses or excess dust. See
NFPA 90A, 72 and 101.
A mounting template and four sheet metal screws are
packaged in the installation kit. Attach the template to
the duct at the desired place. Drill or punch and clean
the holes. Sampling tube connectors have set screws
preventing mounting in the wrong airflow direction.
Wire the detectors according to the engineering
drawings. The terminals can use for wire up to 14 AWG
(1.8 mm).
Technical specifications
Alarm: 24 VAC: 95 mA
Standby: 24 VAC: 20 mA
24 VDC: 60 mA
115 VAC: 28 mA
24 VDC: 13 mA
115 VAC: 14 mA
Duct Air Velocity: 300 ft/min to 4000 ft/min (90 m/min to 1.2 km/
Trademark names are used throughout this document.
In most cases, these designations are claimed as
trademarks or registered trademarks in one or more
countries by their respective owners. Rather than
placing a trademark symbol in every occurrence of a
trademark name, Bosch Security Systems, Inc. uses
the names only in an editorial fashion and to the
benefit of the trademark owner with no intention of
infringing the trademark.
Alnor is a registered trademark of TSI Incorporated.
Dwyer is a trademark of Dwyer Instruments, Inc.
Ordering information
D300A Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector (24
VAC/VDC or 115 VAC)
Photoelectric smoke detector head that can be
powered by 24 VAC, 24 VDC, or 115 VAC and a
housing for use in heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) duct works.
Order number D300A
D304 Remote Annunciator Plate
Brushed stainless steel annunciator plate with a red
alarm LED and a green Pilot LED
Order number D304
D305 Remote Test/Reset Annunciator Plate
Brushed stainless steel annunciator plate; red alarm
LED; green Pilot LED; key‑operated Test/Reset switch
Order number D305
FAA‑325‑2.5 Sampling Tube (2.5 ft)
2.5 ft (762 mm) long sample tube for use with the
FAD‑325 and FAD‑325‑R Analog Duct Detectors
Order number FAA-325-2.5
FAA‑325‑5 Sampling Tube (5 ft)
5 ft (1.52 m) long sample tube for use with the
FAD‑325 and FAD‑325‑R Analog Duct Detectors
Order number FAA-325-5
Input: 24 VAC/VDC, or 115 VAC
Relay Contacts
Rating 10 A maximum resistive
Relative Humidity: 10% to 85%, non-condensing
Temperature (operating): +32°F to +120°F (0°C to +49°C)
FAA‑325‑10 Sampling Tube (10 ft)
10 ft (3.05 m) long sample tube for use with the
FAD‑325 and FAD‑325‑R Analog Duct Detectors
Order number FAA-325-10