Bosch C 70 User Manual

Data Logger C 70
Version 1.1 26/09/2019


1 Onboard Network Concept............................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Communication channels............................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Preparation...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Power Supply .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5 Analog and Frequency Inputs ....................................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Analog inputs......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Configuring inputs ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6 Online Measurement ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
7 Error Memory .................................................................................................................................................................. 37
8 Technical Data................................................................................................................................................................. 45
9 Disposal............................................................................................................................................................................ 49
10 Mechanical Drawing ....................................................................................................................................................... 50
11 Starting up....................................................................................................................................................................... 51
12 CAN Bus ........................................................................................................................................................................... 62
13 Recording......................................................................................................................................................................... 73
14 Lap Trigger ...................................................................................................................................................................... 83
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15 Predated Laptime............................................................................................................................................................ 95
16 GPS Sensor....................................................................................................................................................................... 96
16.5 GPS troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................................................................... 100
17 Firmware .......................................................................................................................................................................... 102
17.1 Firmware and configuration............................................................................................................................................................................. 102
17.2 Firmware update................................................................................................................................................................................................... 102
18 Cloning the Unit.............................................................................................................................................................. 105
19 Fuel Consumption Calculation ...................................................................................................................................... 107
19.1 Setting up fuel consumption calculation and tank management..................................................................................................... 107
19.2 Fuel consumption diagnosis/counter reset................................................................................................................................................ 108
19.3 Example .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 109
20 RaceCon Shortcuts.......................................................................................................................................................... 110
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1 | Onboard Network Concept
Star connection
positive terminal
Electric Loads
switched pos. terminal
Star connection dig. sensors (e.g. wheelspeed)
As short as
Bosch Motorsport diagnosis connector

1 Onboard Network Concept

This schematic is not device specific, please see the section “Technical Data for the spe­cifications of your device.
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Communication channels | 2

2 Communication channels

CAN bus
The C 70 has two CAN buses configurable as input and output. Different baud rates are selectable. Please note that the C 70 does not contain any CAN termination resistors. Thus the CAN termination resistors need to be integrated into the wiring loom.
Ethernet channels
The C 70 has one 100 MBit full duplex Ethernet communication ports. The port is intern­ally connected with an Ethernet switch. The Ethernet ports have 'cable auto crossover' functionality.
RS232 ports
The C 70 has two RS232 serial ports. Baud rate for both ports is programmable. RS232 port 1 is reserved for online telemetry, port 2 can be used for reception of data from a serial GPS receiver.
Vehicle diagnosis connector
The Bosch Motorsport vehicle diagnosis connector is used as a standard interface to con­nect the vehicle to a PC e.g. via a MSA-Box II. Loom connector: AS0-12-35SN
Pin Name Description Used for C 70
Pin 1 Terminal 30 Permanent positive +
Pin 2 Terminal 15 Switched positive +
Pin 3 Terminal 31 GND +
Pin 4 CAN High Diagnostic CAN bus
Pin 16 CAN Low Diagnostic CAN bus
Pin 10 K-Line ECU diagnosis
Pin 8 Ethernet RxD + Ethernet interface +
Pin 9 Ethernet RxD - Ethernet interface +
Pin 11 Ethernet TxD + Ethernet interface +
Pin 12 Ethernet TxD - Ethernet interface +
Pin 22 Screen Cable screen +
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3 | Preparation

3 Preparation

Use the C 70 only as intended in this manual. Any maintenance or repair must be per­formed by authorized and qualified personnel approved by Bosch Motorsport.
Operation of the C 70 is only certified with the combinations and accessories that are spe­cified in this manual. The use of variant combinations, accessories, and other devices out­side the scope of this manual are only permitted when they have been determined to be compliant from a performance and safety standpoint by a representative from Bosch Motorsport.
Read the manual carefully and follow the application hints step by step. Do not hesitate to contact us, contact data can be found on the last page of this document.
Important information on Electromagnetic Conformity
To avoid unwanted interference with the environment (people, animals, electronic devices) or unwanted harm to the environment, it is mandatory that the user of the C 70 carries out an appropriate analysis to determine the electromagnetic interaction the C 70 may have with its individual installation environment.
Due to continuous enhancements, we reserve the rights to change any illustrations, pho­tos and technical data within this manual.
Please retain this manual for your records.
In this document, all screenshots are created by way of example for a display. Please consider this and replace the product names with the name of your device.
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4 Power Supply

Please ensure that you have a good ground installation. That means:
– A ground that has a solid, low resistance connection to the negative battery terminal
– Connection should be free from dirt, grease, paint, anodizing, etc.
– Use large diameter wire
– More metal-to-metal contact is better!
The following notations for power signals are used:
– KL 15 is a switched battery rail controlled by the IGN-switch
– KL 30 is an unswitched battery positive rail (same as battery positive terminal)
– KL 31 is an unswitched ground rail (same as battery negative terminal)
Be careful to observe current limits of wires and connector pins!
Power Supply | 4
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5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs

5 Analog and Frequency Inputs

Analog inputs
– 0 to 5 V
– 12 bit A/D converter
– Switchable 3.01 kOhm pull-up resistor
– 10 kHz acquisition rate, up to 1 kHz recording rate
– Linear phase digital filter
Frequency inputs
– 5 V Hall-effect type, 2.5 V trigger level (DF11 input with current interface or 5VHall-
effect input with 2.5 V trigger level)
– 20 kHz max. frequency
– 10 ms measurement window

5.1 Analog inputs

5.1.1 Measurements channels

For each analog channel, several ‘subchannels’ are available.
Measurement labels with the characters ‘raw’ show the exact values in mV.
Measurement labels with the characters ‘_fi’ show filtered values.
The word ‘name’ in the table is a placeholder for the channel’s name.
Measurement label Function
raw_name mV value of sensor
raw_name_fi Filtered mV value of sensor
name Physical value of sensor
name_fi Filtered physical value
Filtered channels are routed through digital low pass filters:
– C 70 uses A/D converter oversampling and digital filtering to recording rate
– Digital filters eliminate ‘out-of-band’ noise
– Cut-off frequency automatically adjusted to recording rate
– Linear phase – no signal distortion
– Latency compensation – no filter delay in recorded data
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Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
Drag + Drop

5.2 Configuring inputs

5.2.1 Configuring a predefined Bosch sensor with the 'Bosch Sensor Wizard'

1. Click on ‘Measurement Sources’ in the Toolbox.
2. To expand the list of ‘I/O Channels’, click on ‘+’ in the C 70 Project Tree.
3. Drag the “Bosch Sensor Wizard” from the Toolbox and drop it on the desired analog
input channel in the C 70 Project Tree.
The “Bosch Sensor Wizard” opens.
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5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs
1st: Choose the sensor´s category
2nd: To narrow your choice, choose a type
3rd: Select the exact type
Opens sensor´s datasheet
These calibration values will be used
Channel is linked to ANA03
Input pin Pull-up resistor is activated
Calculation of physical value with characteristic curve
4. Click ‘Finish’ when done. The “Create channel” window opens.
5. Enter the channel name and description.
6. Click ‘Ok’ when done. The channel is inserted into the C 70 Project Tree.
Available measurements for channel:
Measurement label Function
raw_name mV value of sensor
raw_name_fi Filtered mV value of sensor
name Physical value of sensor
name_fi Filtered physical value
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5.2.2 Configuring a generic linear sensor

Example: Acceleration sensor 5 g
– From sensor data sheet - operating characteristics:
– Sensitivity 400 mV/g, Offset 2,500 mV
– The sensor has a linear output signal with sensitivity and offset
1. Click on ‘Measurement Sources’ in the Toolbox.
2. To expand the list of ‘I/O Channels’, click on ‘+’ in the C 70 Project Tree.
3. Drag the “Sensitivity/Offset” analog signal source from the Toolbox and drop it on the desired analog input channel in the C 70 Project Tree. A “Sensitivity/Offset Wizard” opens.
Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
4. To activate the internal pullup-resistor, check the box. The internal pullup-resistor is used to get a 5 V signal at the analog channel of the C 70. It allows you to use a push­button. The fixed value of the internal pullup-resistor is 3,010 Ohm. If using an addi­tional external pullup-resistor, set up the overall resistance.
5. Click ‘Next’ when done. The second part of the “Sensitivity/Offset Wizard” opens.
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5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs
Physical (channel) value
Choose unit group and unit of physical value
Enter values from sensor datasheet
Electrical (pin) value
Physical limits of channel
Enter physical limits of the sensor
Choose data type of the measurement variable
Check box to enable online calibration of offset and enter desired physical offset value
Enter name to automatically create a new measurement sheet
6. Click ‘Next’ when done. The third part of the “Sensitivity/Offset Wizard” opens.
Working with automatically created measurement sheets is ex­plained in chapter ‘Setting up an online measurement [}28]’.
7. Click ‘Finish’ when done.
8. Enter a channel name and a description.
9. Click ‘OK’ when done. The channel is inserted into the C 70 Project Tree.
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Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
Input pin Pull-up
resistor is
Sensivity and
Offset value
for sensor
is enabled
Channel is linked
to ANA04
Pin Diagnosis
Name and Description editable
3 kOhm
Available measurements for channel:
Measurement label Function
raw_name mV value of sensor
raw_name_fi filtered mV value of sensor
name physical value of sensor
name_fi filtered physical value

5.2.3 Configuring a generic nonlinear sensor

Example: Thermistor 5 kOhm
– From sensor data sheet - resistance values over temperature:
– The sensor has a nonlinear behavior
– Use characteristic curve for linearization
– Input voltage is the ratio between pull-up resistor and thermistor
1. Click ‘Measurement Sources’ in the Toolbox.
2. To expand the list of ‘I/O Channels’, click on ‘+’ in the C 70 Project Tree.
3. Drag the “Characteristic Curve” analogue signal source from the Toolbox and drop it on the desired analogue input channel in the C 70 Project Tree.
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5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs
Drag + Drop
A “Characteristic Curve Wizard” opens.
4. To activate the internal pull up-resistor, check the box. The C 70 pull up-resistor is used to get a 5 V signal at the analogue channel of the C 70. It allows you, to use a push-button. The fixed value of the internal pull up-resistor is 3,010 Ohm. If using an additional external pull up-resistor, set up the overall resistance.
5. Click ‘Next’ when done. The second part of the “Sensitivity/Offset Wizard” opens.
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Physical (channel) value
Choose 'Ohm' to enter datasheet values directly.
Select physical unit.
Enter resistance/ temperature pairs from sensor data­sheet here (the
3.01 kOhm pullup­resistor is auto­matically taken into account)
6. Click ‘Next’ when done.
Physical limits of channel
Enter physical limits of the channel
Choose data type of the measurement variable
This sensor does not need offset calibration
Enter name to auto­matically create a new measurement sheet
Channel is linked to ANA05
Input pin Pull-up resistor is activated
Characteristic curve for sensor
Adjustment is disabled
The third part of the “Characteristic Curve Wizard” opens.
Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
7. Click ‘Finish’ when done.
8. Enter channel name and description.
9. Click ‘OK’ when done. The channel is inserted into the C 70 Project Tree.
Available measurements for channel:
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5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs

5.2.4 Configuring a multipoint adjustment

Measurement label Function
raw_name mV value of sensor
raw_name_fi filtered mV value of sensor
name physical value of sensor
name_fi filtered physical value
Working with automatically created measurement sheets is ex­plained in chapter ‘Setting up an online measurement [}28]’.
Example: Measurement of wheel force
– Physical property ‘wheel force’ not directly measureable
– Load transfer through suspension kinematics
– Physical value at sensor position defined by vehicle
– Curve definition by online adjustment at vehicle
1. Click on ‘Measurement Sources’ in the Toolbox.
2. Expand the list of ‘I/O Channels’ by clicking on ‘+’ in the C 70 Project Tree.
3. Drag the ‘Multipoint Adjustment’ analog signal source from the Toolbox and drop it on the desired analog input channel in C 70 Project Tree.
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Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
Drag + Drop
A ‘Multipoint Adjustment Wizard’ opens.
4. To activate the internal pullup-resistor, check the box. The internal pullup-resistor is used to get a 5 V signal at the analog channel of the C 70. It allows you to use a push­button. The fixed value of the internal pullup-resistor is 3.01 kOhm. If using an addi­tional external pullup-resistor, set up the overall resistance.
5. Click ‘Next’ when done.
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The second part of the ‘Multipoint Adjustment Wizard’ opens.
5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs
Physical (channel) value
Choose unit group and unit of physical value
Select type of curve
Enter physical adjustment values her (can still be edited later)
Electrical (pin) value
Physical limits of channel
Enter physical limits of the sensor
Choose data type of the measurement variable
Enable additional online calibration
Enter name to auto­matically create a new measurement sheet
Channel is linked to ANA06
Input pull-up resistor is deactivated
Characteristic curve for sensor
Adjustment is enabled
6. Click ‘Next’ when done. The third part of the ‘Multipoint Adjustment Wizard’ opens.
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7. Click ‘Finish’ when done.
8. Enter channel name and description.
9. Click ‘OK’ when done. The channel is inserted into the C 70 Project Tree.
Available measurements for channel:
Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
Measurement label Function
raw_name mV value of sensor
raw_name_fi filtered mV value of sensor
name physical value of sensor
name_fi filtered physical value
Online definition of the curve is covered in the chapter ‘Online calibration of measurement channels [}33]’ of this manual.
Working with automatically created measurement sheets is ex­plained in chapter ‘Setting up an online measurement [}28]’.
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5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Abtastwerte (roh) Wert
10000Hz Abtastrate
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0.5 1
Abtastwerte (gefiltert)
Wert 100Hz Abtastrate
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Abtastwerte (dezimiert)
Wert 100Hz Abtastrate
Sensor signal with noise
Recorded signal 100Hz (unfiltered)
Recorded signal 100Hz (filtered)

5.2.5 Digital filter details

C 70 uses A/D converter oversampling and digital filtering to recording rate.
Digital filters eliminate ‘out-of-band’ noise
Cut-off frequency automatically adjusted to recording rate
– 100 Hz recording rate (10 ms)
– <40 Hz pass band (>99 %)
– >50 Hz stop band (<1 %)
Linear phase – no signal distortion
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Latency compensation – no filter delay in recorded data
– Filtering is (smart) averaging over several samples
– Filtered signal is delayed with respect to real time signal
– C 70 filters have constant, frequency independent delay
Drag + Drop
– Delay (e.g. 22 samples at 10 ms) is corrected during recording
– No delay filtered vs. unfiltered in recorded data
– Correction is (of course) not possible for real time data (display, online, PWM out)
– Use filtered data for recording, use unfiltered data for real-time

5.2.6 Configuring a frequency input

Example: measurement of wheel speed
– Pulse wheel attached to wheel
– Each passing tooth of pulse wheel triggers hall sensor
– Calculation of wheel speed with wheel circumference
Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
1. Click on ‘Measurement Sources’ in the Toolbox.
2. To expand the list of ‘I/O Channels’, click on the ‘+’ in the C 70 Project Tree.
3. Drag the ‘Velocity’ digital signal source from the Toolbox and drop it on the desired ‘REV’ input channel in the C 70 Project Tree.
The ‘Velocity Wizard’ opens.
4. Select the sensor type. The DDU10 works with Halleffect and DF11 sensors.
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5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs
Number of teeth on the pulse wheel
Circumference of wheel for speed calculation
Choose data type of the measurement variable
Enter name to automatically create a new measurement sheet
Channel is linked to REV01
Input pin has hall interface
Number of teeth
Wheel circumference
5. Click ‘Next’.
6. Define the settings for the sensor.
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7. Click ‘Finish’ when done.
8. Enter the channel name and description.
9. Click ‘OK’ when done. The channel is inserted into the C 70 Project Tree.
Available measurements for channel:
Measurement label Function
Drag + Drop
raw_name mV value of sensor
raw_name_fi filtered mV value of sensor
name physical value of sensor
name_fi filtered physical value
Measurement of ‘Revolution’ is similar.

5.3 Configuring computed sources

Computed sources receive data from a measurement channel rather than an input pin.
– Sensitivity/Offset calculation on input channel
– Characteristic curve calculation on input channel
Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
– Computed vehicle speed
– Lap trigger (covered in a special separate section)
Example: Sensitivity/offset calculation on input channel
1. Click ‘Measurement Sources’ in the Toolbox.
2. Drag the ‘Sensitivity/Offset’ computed source from the Toolbox and drop it on ‘Com­puted Channels’ in the C 70 Project Tree.
A ‘Computed Sensitivity/Offset Wizard’ opens.
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5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs
Choose input channel
Choose unit group and unit of output
Enter sensivity and offset of conversion formula
Physical limits of channel
Enter physical limits of the channel
Choose data type of the measurement variable
Check the box to force the channel's quantization if the quantization should be a fixed value in the whole CAN system.
Enter name to auto­matically create a new measurement sheet.
3. Click ‘Next’ when done. The second part of the ‘Computed Sensitivity/Offset Wizard’ opens.
4. Click ‘Finish’ when done.
5. Enter channel name and description.
6. Click ‘OK’ when done.
The channel is inserted into the C 70 Project Tree.
Working with automatically created measurement sheets is ex­plained in chapter ‘Setting up an online measurement’.

5.4 Hysteresis

The hysteresis function avoids the high-frequent switchover of the measurement channel value. The hysteresis can be adjusted for each input measurement channel individually and can be used for further processing.
1. Click ‘Measurement Sources’ in the Toolbox.
2. Drag the ‘Hysteresis’ computed source from the Toolbox and drop it on ‘Computed Channels’ in the C 70 Project Tree.
A ‘Hysteresis Wizard’ opens.
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Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
c) d)
g) h)
a) Choose input measurement channel. b) Choose unit group and unit of output. c) Enter output value of state A in the unit selected in b). d) Enter threshold value when state changes from A to B. e) Enter delay time when state changes from A to B. f) Enter output value of state B in the unit selected in b). g) Enter threshold value when state changes from B to A. h) Enter delay time when state changes from B to A. i) Enter time when the hysteresis function is activated after vehicle´s startup. j) Enter the channel´s state (A or B) at startup.
Choose data type of the measurement variable
Check the box to force the channel's quantization if the quantization should be a fixed value in the whole CAN system
Enter name to automatically create a new measurement sheet
Channels available in Computed sources
Available measurements for channel
Calculation of hysteresis channel
3. Click ‘Next’ when done. The second part of the ‘Hysteresis Wizard’ opens.
4. Click ‘Finish’ when done.
5. Enter channel name and description.
6. Click ‘OK’ when done. The channel is inserted into the C 70 Project Tree.
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5 | Analog and Frequency Inputs
Drag + Drop

5.4.1 Special functionality: Vehicle speed

This functionality allows:
– high performance vehicle owners to measure wheel spin under acceleration and
wheel slip/lock under braking.
– calculating vehicle ‘speed over ground’.
Vehicle speed calculation function
– Calculating vehicle speed of 2 wheel drive: (Wheel speeds of non-driven axle as input)
Calculated speed is average of both speeds if speed difference between wheels < limit.
Calculated speed is maximum of both speeds if speed difference between wheels > limit.
– Calculating vehicle speed of 4 wheel drive: (Wheel speeds of all wheels as input)
Calculated speed is speed of 2nd fastest wheel.

5.4.2 Setting up calculated speed

1. Click on tab ‘System Overview’.
2. Click on ‘Measurement Sources’ in the Toolbox.
3. Drag the ‘Speed’ computed source from the Toolbox and drop it on the project name in the C 70 Project Tree. Do not drop it on ‘C 70’!
A ‘Calculated Speed Wizard’ opens.
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Choose device
Choose input source (internal/external)
Choose driven axle
Choose individual wheel speed channels
Set limit for speed difference for calculation
4. Click ‘Finish’ when done.
Speed calculation in DDU Project Tree
Measurement channels calculated speed and calculated distance
Configuration window
The speed calculation is inserted into the C 70 Project Tree.
Analog and Frequency Inputs | 5
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6 | Online Measurement
RaceCon changes automatically to "Calibration/ Measuring"

6 Online Measurement

C 70 configuration
– System configuration (channel + display configuration, CAN I/O, etc.) is stored in the
C 70
– Use RaceCon to create and download configuration from the PC to C 70 Communica-
tion interface: Ethernet
– Communication protocol: XCP
Online measurement + calibration
– System status and diagnosis
– Check and calibrate sensors in the vehicle
– Live display of sensor values on the PC
– Use RaceCon for diagnosis, online measurement and calibration
– Communication interface: Ethernet
– Communication protocol: XCP

6.1 Setting up an online measurement

C 70 supports online measurement of sensor values and diagnostic variables.
1. Expand ‘Measurement Container’ and ‘Measurement Folder 1’ in the Project Tree and double-click on ‘Sheet1’. Alternatively, click on the ‘Calibration/Measuring’ tab to open the window directly.
‘Sheet 1’ opens in a new ‘Calibration/Measuring’ window.
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2. Click on the ‘Folder/Sheets’ tab, which appears when you are in the ‘Calibration/ Measurement’ window, to create a new measurement folder.
Online Measurement | 6
Tabs to switch between sheets
Drag + Drop
3. Click on the ‘Add’ button for folders in the upper left corner.
In the menu for sheets, you will find buttons to add, delete and rename new sheets
4. To change between different sheets, click on the tabs on the bottom of the ‘Calibra­tion/Measuring’ window.
To add an element to a measurement sheet, perform the following steps:
5. Drag a measurement element from the Toolbox and drop it on the measurement sheet.
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6. Select the desired measurement channel from the ‘Data’ area and drop it on the measurement element.
If the C 70 shows the green status, the value is displayed.
6 | Online Measurement
Drag + Drop
Vertical Bar
graph style
Horizontal Bar
graph style
Circular gauge
Numeric indicator
Measurement label
Oscilloscope (Chart)
RaceCon offers different types of measurement elements:
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6.1.1 Automatic creation of measurement sheets

RaceCon can create measurement sheets automatically. You can create and use measurement sheets with the C 70 as well as with all other devices connected to RaceCon.
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