AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000
en Operation Manual

Table of contents
Safety instructions 5
1.1 General Safety Messages / Notices 5
Introduction 8
2.1 Disclaimer 8
2.2 About this manual 8
2.3 Conventions in this manual 8
2.4 Definition of optical terms 8
2.4.1 Illumination 8
2.4.2 Focal length 9
2.4.3 Monitoring Area 10
System Overview 11
3.1 Camera 11
3.1.1 Power supply 11
3.1.2 Uninterruptible Power Supply 12
3.2 Algorithm 12
3.2.1 Flame detection characteristics 13
3.2.2 Smoke detection characteristics 14
3.3 IVA 15
3.4 Video Management System 15
Planning 16
4.1 Minimum distances 16
4.2 Maximum distances 17
4.3 Image margin area 18
4.4 Immediate environment of the camera 20
4.4.1 Illumination and brightness 20
4.4.2 Privacy protection 20
Installation 21
5.1 Lens mounting 21
5.2 Camera mounting 24
5.3 Setting the field of view 24
5.4 Wiring of the camera 26
Camera integration 28
6.1 Local Area Network 29
6.2 Local Area Network with recording solution 29
6.3 Monitoring Center 30
6.4 Fire Alarm Control Panel 30
6.5 Mobile Devices 33
Access via web interface 35
Detection settings 36
8.1 General settings 36
8.1.1 Sensitivity 36
8.1.2 Min. Size 36
8.1.3 Verification time [sec] 36
8.2 Masking 37
8.2.1 Mask 37
8.2.2 Time region mask 37
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Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Operation Manual 2016.02 | 1.0 | F.01U.318.200

Troubleshooting 38
9.1 Smoke and flame detection 38
9.2 Camera 38
Maintenance 40
10.1 Cleaning 40
10.2 Repair 40
10.3 Reset 40
Technical data 41
Appendices 43
12.1 Maximum detection distances for margin areas 43
12.1.1 Flame detection 44
12.1.2 Smoke detection 46
Index 49
4 en | Table of Contents AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000
2016.02 | 1.0 | F.01U.318.200 Operation Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH

Safety instructions
In this document, the following symbols and notations are used to draw attention to special
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in damage to the equipment or
environment, or data loss.
General Safety Messages / Notices
Do not moisten the electronic appliances inside of the lens.
It may cause fire or electric shock. In this case, shut off the power supplied to the lens
Do not leave or store the lens under direct sunshine.
The lens may focus rays of light on a near-by object and cause fire.
In case of unusual behavior, smoke, noise or smell coming out of the lens, shut off the power
immediately and pull out the lens cable.
Notify the installer or sales agent from which you purchased the product.
Avoid obstructions in the field of view!
Covered fires cannot be detected correctly. An unobstructed view of the detection area is
Activating video-based fire detection sets camera settings to a specific preset.
This preset affects several camera settings as long as this mode is activated.
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No detection of moving fire.
Moving fires will not be detected by the video-based fire detection.
Indoor use only.
This product is designed for indoor use only. Outdoor use is not allowed.
No direct connection to fire services in EN54 compliant installations.
Authorities can allow a connection to fire services after verifying alarms in a monitoring
Minimum Illumination required.
To ensure the proper functioning of the video-based fire detection algorithm, a minimal
illumination of 7 lx is required.
No existing standards.
There are no existing EN standards concerning the video-based fire detection.
Calm wind conditions only.
Strong air currents can cause false alarms by raising dust or debris similar in appearance to
fire and smoke.
Respect data protection.
The relevant data protection and privacy rules are to be complied with.
Avoid backlight.
Backlight can disturb the video-based fire detection algorithm.
Optimized smoke detection.
The video-based fire detection algorithm is optimized for smoke of smoldering fires.
Qualified personnel only.
Assembly and installation must only be performed by qualified personnel.
6 en | Safety instructions AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000
2016.02 | 1.0 | F.01U.318.200 Operation Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH

Reduced detection distances at image margin area.
Due to optical distorsion of the lens, the maximum detection distances at the image margin
area are reduced.
Avoid image regions with continuous upward motion.
Continuous upward motion might lead to false alarms.
Make sure the camera is firmly mounted.
Camera shake might lead to false alarms. Avoid vibrations of the camera and the camera
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Video Fire indication systems are video content analysis systems. They give indications for
fires and are designed to supplement fire detection systems and human guards in
monitoring centers.
Video Fire indication systems are confronted with a higher amount of challenges
considering scenery and background compared to conventional fire detection systems. It
cannot be granted that fire is detected in all scenery settings. Thus the video fire detection
system shall be seen as a system that enhances the probability of early fire detection, with
the restriction that it might detects false alarm. It shall not be seen as a system that
ensures fire detection in all possible image scenarios.
About this manual
This manual has been compiled with great care and the information it contains has been
thoroughly verified. The text was correct at the time of printing, however, the content can
change without notice. Bosch Security Systems accepts no liability for damage resulting
directly or indirectly from faults, incompleteness or discrepancies between this manual and
the product described.
For more information please contact the nearest Bosch Security Systems location or visit
All hardware and software product names used in this document are likely to be registered
trademarks and must be treated accordingly.
The operation manual provides an overview of possibilities and fields of application of the
video-based fire detection. It should be a guideline for customer-specific application planning.
Conventions in this manual
Terms concerning the adjustment of the smoke and flame algorithm, such as menu options,
commands or text in the user interface, are written in bold.
Definition of optical terms
The reflected light coming from the field of view arrives at the camera lens. The image sensor
of the camera transforms the light into electric signals. This electrical image is the basis for
further data processing. This chapter contains basic descriptions of optical terms.
Illumination is an important influencing factor for sensible optical systems. Natural light shows
the huge range of illumination values from direct sunlight (~100.000 lx) to full moon on a clear
night (~1.0 lx). A luxmeter can be used to measure the light levels.
The following table provides an overview of typical illumination values in different application
Application Area Illumination (in lx)
Storage facility 50
Process plants 200
8 en | Introduction AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000
2016.02 | 1.0 | F.01U.318.200 Operation Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH

Sales room 300
Office space 500
In general a well illuminated monitoring area is advantageous for the video-based fire
detection. Backlight should be avoided.
Focal length
The focal length of an optical system defines the distance between a light refracting lense and
the focal point. Field of view, maximum distance and field angle are dependant as shown in
the graphic below.
The maximum width of the field of view may be realized by the minimum focal length. This
adversely affects the maximum distance to a detectable fire.
The maximum distance to a detectable fire may be reached by adjusting the largest focal
length which decreases the width of the field of view to the minimum.
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Monitoring Area
The monitoring area defines the effective space that can be observed by the video-based fire
detection. It is depending on the setting of the camera lens.
See also
– Planning, page 16
10 en | Introduction AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000
2016.02 | 1.0 | F.01U.318.200 Operation Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH

System Overview
The video-based fire detection is the system of choice when reliable video motion and fire
detection is needed, e.g. applications which are not subjected to construction product
regulation or a supplementation to existing fire detection systems. AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000
operates as stand-alone unit and doesn’t need a separate evaluation unit. Furthermore it
contains all features of the Intelligent Video Analysis (IVA) which allows analyzing and
evaluating moving objects in parallel. Video-based fire detection and IVA operate
independently from each other and are separately adjustable.
To access the features of the camera, use a web browser. The browser provides live viewing of
the camera streams in the interface window, and also allows you to access and change the
extensive list of settings and parameters for camera configuration. Refer to the software
manual for more information on the browser interface.
The camera recording and storage functions include local alarm recording and recording to
iSCSI-based systems. The camera can also use the Bosch Video Recording Manager (VRM) to
control recording and storage. Integration with the many Bosch recording solutions is
The camera offers a number of flexible power and mounting options to meet your site-specific
installation requirements.
Power supply
Power over Ethernet (PoE)
Use only PoE approved devices.
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Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) allows to use the Ethernet cabling for data transmission and for
supplying power to the network device in the same cable. It is possible to realize long cable
lengths in a PoE network system. The standard power supply for the video-based fire
detection is Power-over-Ethernet. Alternatively, a 12 VDC power connector is available as
Power-over-Ethernet can be connected at the same time as a 12 VDC power supply. If auxiliary
power (12 VDC) and PoE is applied simultaneously, the camera selects PoE and shuts off the
auxiliary input.
Uninterruptible Power Supply
An uninterruptible power supply allows electronic devices to keep running for a short period
of time when the primary power source is lost. In case of an electrical power outage, the
video-based fire detection cameras will be supplied by the uninterruptible power supply.
The intelligent smoke and flame algorithm from Bosch analyzes video frames by means of
characteristic and predefined patterns and variables. The fast detection algorithm is based on
a real-time image processing on the camera firmware.
12 en | System Overview AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000
2016.02 | 1.0 | F.01U.318.200 Operation Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH

There are factors that can influence this kind of visual fire detection. It is important to avoid
obstructions in the field of view. Sometimes obstructions cannot be prevented, e.g. building
construction factors or huge machine parts. In this case it is necessary to analyze whether
there is any need for further video-based fire detection cameras.
Flame detection characteristics
Flames will be analyzed by means of their flame color. White and orange are the basis colors
for the algorithm to split off the video image into important and unimportant areas. Further
flame colors will not be considered, for example a blue flame might not be detected.
Another algorithm characteristic to identify flames is the flickering of a flame. Objects with a
similar movement pattern might cause false alarms, e.g. loose fluttering objects. The videobased fire detection offers subsequent adaption of flame detection settings for this purpose,
e.g. sensitivity settings.
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Smoke detection characteristics
The algorithm analyzes smoke based on physical characteristics. Typically a plume of smoke is
formed in a regular upward motion of smoke at the same position. This is characterized by a
thick column of smoke. This column of smoke is visible directly. Speed and angle of rising
smoke may vary.
The area in which the smoke density decreases is called ambient smoke. The smoke motion is
not directly visible. Ambient smoke will not be detected.
1 Ambient smoke
2 Smoke plume
3 Fire
Smoke will only be detected if the smoke plume has a maximum vertical tilt angle of 45°. The
maximum detectable speed of upward motion is 4.2% of picture height per second.
14 en | System Overview AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000
2016.02 | 1.0 | F.01U.318.200 Operation Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH

The intelligent smoke detection covers a large area of application. Nevertheless, there might
be some disruptive factors in the operational environment of the customer. Objects with a
similar movement pattern of smoke might cause false alarms, e.g. escalators or conveyor
belts. The video-based fire detection offers subsequent adaption of smoke detection settings
for this purpose, e.g. sensitivity settings.
The Intelligent Video Analysis system by Bosch, is the guard-assistant system of choice when
you need reliable video motion detection for indoor or outdoor use.
IVA is state-of-the-art intelligent video analysis that reliably detects, tracks, and analyzes
moving objects while suppressing unwanted alarms from spurious sources in the image.
Advanced tasks like multiple line crossing, route following, loitering, idle and removed object
detection, counter flow detection, crowd density estimation, and overhead people counting
are available. Object filter based on size, speed, direction, aspect ratio, and color can be
For calibrated cameras, IVA automatically distinguishes between the object types upright
person, car, bike, and truck.
The software also supports geolocation, that is it outputs tracked objects in relation to camera
position for subsequent visualization on maps.
It allows you to record all of the object information and change the rules even after the fact for
fully configurable forensic search.
– More information is available on the Internet at: www.boschsecurity.com
Video Management System
The Bosch Video Management System is a unique enterprise IP video security solution that
provides seamless management of digital video, audio, and data across any IP network. It
provides the best VMS to go with Bosch CCTV devices, leveraging the unique capabilities of
Bosch cameras and recording solutions. It nevertheless offers interfaces and standards to
integrate AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000.
– More information is available on the Internet at: www.boschsecurity.com
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A fire safety analysis should be performed to determine the characteristics of the area
including a fire load calculation. The placement of the camera or cameras results from the
application environment of the customer.
Minimum distances
The camera must be mounted according to the following graphic:
Minimum distance to fire
h Installation height
The table below demonstrate exemplarily the minimum distances to fire or smoke depending
on the installation height:
Installation height [m]
Minimum distance to fire [m]
2.5 4.33
3 5.20
3.5 6.06
4 6.93
4.5 7.79
5 8.66
5.5 9.53
6 10.39
16 en | Planning AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000
2016.02 | 1.0 | F.01U.318.200 Operation Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH