Fire Alarm Systems | ASWP Series Weatherproof Horn Strobes
ASWP Series Weatherproof Horn Strobes
24 VDC, filtered or unfiltered
Wall or ceiling mount models
Selectable continuous horn or temporal (Code 3) tones
each with three selectable volume settings
Synchronize with SM and DSM modules
Cost‑efficient two‑wire operation with low profile
Suitable for outdoor use when mounted on a WPBB
back box
The Wheelock ASWP Series consists of 24 V, square horn
strobes for use with a WPBB‑R Weatherproof Back Box in
outdoor and extreme environment applications. The series
includes wall and ceiling mount models. The strobe is listed
as 75 cd on axis at -31°F (‑35°C). Choose between
continuous horn or temporal pattern (Code 3) tone when
constant voltage from the fire alarm control panel (FACP)
is applied. Each tone has three field-selectable volume
Synchronize these horn strobes with the SM (single) or
DSM (dual) modules or a compatible control panel. The
audible response can be silenced while maintaining strobe
activation, a requirement in some jurisdictions.
Note These products are not suitable for
hearing‑impaired applications.
Certifications and Approvals
Cooper Wheelock, Inc. holds these Listings and Approvals:
Region Certification
USA UL ULSZ: Audible Signal Appliances (UL464),
UUKC: Signaling Appliances and
Equipment for the Hearing Impaired
CSFM 2475W model only: 7125-0785: 131
NYC/MEA 151‑93‑E, Vol. 26
CBFP City of Chicago Bureau of Fire Protection
ADA Complies with Americans with Disabilities
ANSI Complies with American National Stand-
ards Institute ANSI 117.1
NFPA Complies with National Fire Protection As-
sociation NFPA 72
OSHA Complies with Occupational Safety and
Health Administration OSHA 29
Part 1910.165
Installation/Configuration Notes
Compatible Products
The following products are compatible with the ASWP
Weatherproof Horn Strobe:
Category Product ID Product Description
D7024 Conventional FACP
Conventional FACP
Addressable FACP
Analog FACP
Addressable FACP
Analog FACP

2 | ASWP Series Weatherproof Horn Strobes
Modules SM‑12/24‑R Synchronization module (red)
DSM‑12/24‑R Dual synchronization module (red)
For synchronization, use the SM or DSM modules with
these control panels. The synchronization module must be
set for 24 V operation. When used, the D7022 must be set
for 24 VDC operation.
When used with a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module, the
D7024 becomes an addressable fire alarm control panel
Mounting Considerations
Outdoor or Severe Environment Applications
For an outdoor application or a severe environment
(NEMA 3R) application, mount the horn strobe and a
WPBB‑R Weatherproof Back Box on a flat wall or ceiling so
the entire rear surface of the back box is covered. The drain
holes in the back box must point toward the ground. The
knockouts on the rear surface of the back box must remain
The knockout hole on top of the back box is sized for a
half‑inch conduit and matching connector. A proper
watertight conduit fitting must be used.
Mount these horn strobes on the indicated back box for the
indicated applications:
WPBB‑R • •
All models have an attractive cover plate for a clean,
finished appearance.
Note Do not use these units in coded or pulsed
signaling circuits.
The input terminals accept wires with diameters between
18 AWG (1.2 mm) and 12 AWG (2.3 mm).
Parts Included
Mechanical Properties
(H x W x D):
4-13/16 in. x 4-13/16 in. x 2-1/2 in.
(12.2 cm x 12.2 cm x 6.4 cm)
Material: Molded plastic enclosure incorporating a Xenon flash-
tube and Lexan lens.
Candela Ratings
(on axis):
75 cd at -31°F (-35°C)
180 cd at +77°F (+25°C)
Power Requirements
Current (maximum RMS)
High dBA 168 mA VDC; 235 mA FWR
Medium dBA 155 mA VDC; 225 mA FWR
Low dBA 150 mA VDC; 220 mA FWR
Voltage Ranges
24 V nominal: 16.0 to 33.0 VDC or FWR
Sound Output Ratings (reverberant dBA at 10 ft [3 m]) at 24 VDC
Continuous Horn
High Volume Setting: 91 dBA
Medium Volume Setting: 88 dBA
Low Volume Setting: 83 dBA
Temporal (Code 3) Horn
High Volume Setting: 87 dBA
Medium Volume Setting: 84 dBA
Low Volume Setting: 79 dBA
Trademark names are used throughout this document. In
most cases, these designations are claimed as trademarks
or registered trademarks in one or more countries by their
respective owners. Rather than placing a trademark symbol
in every occurrence of a trademark name, Bosch Security
Systems, Inc. uses the names only in an editorial fashion
and to the benefit of the trademark owner with no intention
of infringing the trademark.
Lexan is a registered trademark of General Electric Corporation, USA, in the
United States and other countries.
Quant. Component
1 Horn strobe
1 Cover plate
1 Hardware pack
1 Literature pack
Technical Specifications
Environmental Considerations
Relative humidity: Up to 95%, non‑condensing
Temperature (operating): -31°F to +150°F (-35°C to +66°C)