Installation Instructions
Chrysler Flexplates
Part Nos. 10230, 10231, 10234, 10235, 10236,
10237, 10238, 10239, 10241, and 10242
©1991, 1999, 2001 by B&M Racing and Performance Products
CAUTION: Please read the fol­lowing information before in­stalling your B&M flexplate.
Engine to transmission alignment is normally not a prob­lem in low to medium perfor­mance applications with origi­nal equipment engines. How­ever in applications were the crankshaft to block dowel pins dimension has changed be­cause of line boring, serious problems can develop. B&M flexplates are designed prima­rily for high performance appli­cations and will perform satis­factorily as long as the engine to transmission alignment is within .008" Total Indicator Reading (TIR). Installations which exceed this amount of runout can result in a worn con­verter hub bushing, leaking front seal and cracks in the flex plate. If you are installing this (or any other) flexplate on anything other than an original factory
installation we strongly recom­mend that you check the engine to transmission alignment.
Since the Torqueflite has a wrap around bellhousing align­ing the block to transmission must be done with the transmis­sion case empty. Rigidly attach indicator to crankshaft and indi­cate on the oil pump bore in the case. Alternatively you can use a manual transmission bell­housing to indicate runout. The TIR is a relative measure of crankshaft to transmission centerline eccentricity.
A Total Indicator Reading exceeding .008" can be cor­rected with offset dowel pins. An offset dowel pin will produce a TIR change that is double the dowel pin’s eccentricity. To cor­rect a particular case; select a pair of offset dowel pins that are nearest to one half of the TIR. Install both dowel pins with their slots parallel to each other and
aligned in the proper direction to correct the eccentricity.
Offset dowel pins are avail­able from Mopar Performance dealers in three different offset ranges:
Offset Chrysler P/N
.007" P4120383
.014" P4120383
.021" P4120383 For Total Indicator Readings
.009 thru .020 use .007 dowel .021 thru .034 use .014 dowel .035 thru .050 use .021 dowel
NOTE: All dimensions given are in inches.
Once you are sure the en­gine and transmission are prop­erly aligned install flexplate and torque bolts to the factory speci­fication for your particular en­gine.
Printed in the U.S.A.