Blaupunkt SR-S1 User Manual

Wireless Indoor Siren (SR-S1)
PPaarrttss DDeessccrriippttiioonn
1. Mounting Holes x 4
2. T amper Switch
The tamper switch protects the cover from being opened.
3. Function Switch Block
Contains 7 DIP Switches to enable the learning mode and to set the alarm period of siren.
PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteenntt
1 x Indoor Siren 4 x large wall plugs and screws 4 x 1.5V D alkaline batteries
DDiipp SSwwiittcchh
1. Open the front cover
2. Open the battery compartment cover to insert batteries.
3. Locate the Function Switch Block. Use a sharp object to set Dip SW3 & SW4 on the function switch block to your desired alarm length.
4. Enter learning mode for your control panel.
5. Slide Dip SW1 to the ON position. SR-S1 will enter learning mode. After 3 seconds, the Siren will send a learning code and emit a beep to confirm.
6. If the Control Panel receives the learning signal, please refer to the Control Panel manual to complete the learning process. When learning is complete, the Control Panel will send signal to the Siren to confirm. The Siren will sound a short beep again to indicate learning is successful.
If the Control Panel fails to receive a learning code, slide Dip SW1 back to OFF, and then ON position again to enter learning mode again.
7. If the Siren does not respond, please remove the Siren from the control panel and repeat steps 4-6 again.
8. Slide Dip SW1 to the OFF position to leave learning mode. If you do not slide Dip SW1 back to OFF position, the Siren will automatically leave the learning mode in one hour.
The Indoor Siren has 4 mounting holes on the back cover for wall mounting.
Before Installation, refer to your Control Panel manual to temporarily disable the Siren Tamper function to avoid accidental alarm trigger.
1. Use the 4 mounting holes on the back to mark position on the
2. Drill holes into the wall using the mounting holes as template,
insert wall plugs if required,
3. Fix the base onto the wall with the screw and plugs provided.
4. Replace the front cover onto the base.
5. Enable the Siren Tamper function on you Control Panel.
SW1 Siren Learning OFF Normal operation ON Learn-in mode SW2 Reserved SW3 SW4 Siren Duration OFF OFF 3 min. ON OFF 5 min. OFF
10 min.
1 second (test) SW5 Reserved SW6 Memory Reset OFF Normal ON Clear Memory SW7 Supervision OFF Supervision function disable ON Supervision function enable
For further detail please see LLeeaarrnniinngg aanndd OOppeerraattiioonn..
Mounting Holes x 4
TTaammppeerr SSwwiittcchh
The Siren is protected by a tamper switch which will be activated if the Siren is cover opened. When installing the Siren, please make sure the tamper switch is properly compressed against the front cover.
Before installing the Siren, changing mounting location or batteries, please make sure to disable the tamper switch temporarily using your Control Panel’s Siren Tamper function and enable the tamper switch again after finish working on the Siren. Please refer to your Control Panel manual for detail.
SSiirreenn AAuuddiibbllee PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee
The Siren produces a minimum of 104 dBA sound pressure at 1 meter range when activated.
For Burglar and Panic Alarm, the Siren gives a continuous alarm sound.
For Fire / Water alarm, the Siren gives an intermittent alarm sound of 2-sec siren followed by a 1 sec interval.
The Siren is silenced when either the programmed siren length expires or when the Control Panel is disarmed to turn off the Siren. Please refer to Dip Switch table above to set your desired alarm length through Dip Switch SW3 and SW4 setting.
Audio Status Indication Table
The Siren will sound indication beeps according to different status, please refer to table below.
SSiirreenn AAuuddiioo
Arm/Home 1 beep* Disarm 2 beeps* Arm (Low Battery) 5 beeps Disarm (Low
5 beeps
Arm (Tamper) 5 beeps Disarm (Tamper) 2 beeps* Previous alarm
3-second beep
Entry/Exit Sound Count-down beeps
* Siren Audio indication will be effected by the Confirmation
ON / OFF setting in your Control Panel settings.
The Siren uses four 1.5V D alkaline batteries as its power source. It also features low battery detection function to notify the Control Panel when battery voltage is low.
When the Siren is on low battery, follow the procedure below to change the batteries.
1. Temporarily disable the Siren’s tamper protection function (please refer to your Control Panel manual for detail). The Siren will sound a beep to indicate the tamper is disabled.
2. Remove the front cover.
3. Remove the four screws fixing the battery compartment and take off the compartment lid.
4. Remove the old batteries and press the Tamper Switch twice to discharge.
5. Insert the new D cell alkaline batteries into the battery compartment according to correct polarity.
6. The Siren will emit beeps when the last battery is inserted.
7. Replace the battery compartment lid and front cover
8. Enable the tamper protection function through your Control Panel. The Siren will sound a beep to indicate.
EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall CCoonnddiittiioonn
-10°C to 40°C, relative humidity 85% non-condensing.
868 MHz