Owner's Manual
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Blu etoot h home radio wi th cloc k and USB /micr oSD playbac k
Radioo dtwar zacz Bl uetoo th/US B/mic roSD z zegarem
Dom ácí rozhlas ový přijím ač s hodi nami, techn ologi í Bluet ooth a přehrá váním z U SB/mi croSD
Dom áce rád io s funkciou Blue tooth, hodi nami a mo žnosť ou prehráva nia zo zariadení U SB a kariet mi croSD
Otthon i rádió B luetooth és ó ra funk cióval, ill etve US B-/mi croSD -lejá tszás sal
The m arkin g plate is loca ted at the b ottom o f the app aratu s.
The lightning flash within an equilateral triangle is intended to
alert you to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage
within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient
magnitude to constitute an electric shock to a person or persons.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended
to alert you to the presence of important operating and
This product complies with the radio interference requirements of the
European community.
Your products is designed an manufactured with high quality materials
and components, which can be recycled and reused.
When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it
means that the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC.
Please inform yourself about the local separate collection system for
electrical and electronic products. Please cat according to your local rules
and do not dispose of your old products with your normal household waste.
Correct disposal of your old product helps to prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health.
Your product contains batteries covered by the European Directive
2006/66/EC, which cannot be dispose with normal household waste. Please
inform yourself about the local rules on separate collection of batteries
because correct disposal helps to prevent negative consequences for the
environmental and human health.
Environmental information
All unnecessary packaging has been omitted. We have tried to make the
packaging easy to separate into three materials: cardboard(box),
polystyrene foam(buffer) and poly ethylene (bags, protective foam sheet).
Your system consists of material which can be recycled and reused if
disassembled by a specialized company. Please observe the local
regulations regarding the disposal of packaging materials, exhausted
batteries and old equipment.
Recording and playback of material might require consent. See Copyright
Act 1956 and The Performer's Protection Acts 1958 to 1972.
Control locations
01— Play/Pause ke y for play/pa use and m ute fun ction o perat ion.
02— ON/ OFF key for uni t turn on o r off.
03— Volu me knob for volume a djust ment.
04— Mod e key to sw itch the play m ode bet ween cl ock/U SD/mi croSD/FM/ AUX IN mod e.
05— Rem ote control s ensor w indow.
06— Nex t key.
07— Previou s key.
08— AUX IN jack .
09— Res et
10— MicroSD card s lot.
11— USB p ort.
12— DC 5V p ower jack.
13— Powe r LED ind icator.
Remote co ntrol
01— Rep eat but ton (Re peat all, ran dom and repea t one).
02— Powe r ON/OF F button.
03— Lig ht button for d isplay backlight br ightness adjus tment.
04— EQ se lecti on butt on(on ly for USB/mi croSD c ard playbac k mode)
05— Play/Pause bu tton.
06— Volu me +.
07— Volu me -.
08— FM auto sca n butto n.
09— Mod e butto n for play source sel ection.
10— Previou s button.
11— Nex t butto n.
12— Dig its but ton (0~9).
Not es:
a. Be fore you u se the re mote contro l, please mak e sure th e CR202 5 battery has install ed insi de
properly accordi ng to the p olari ty indi catio n.
b. Please remov e the power ins ulati on sheet befo re use the remo te control.
c. Please d ispos al the ex haust b atter y in envi ronmental m ethod f riend ly. Plea se reference your
loc al governme nt's re quirement for the deta il.
d. The best op erati on dist ance for remote con trol is withi n 5 meter s witho ut any block. Plea se aim
to th e remote control se nsor on u nit front pan el for op eration.
Uni t insta llmen t and powe r setti ng
Usi ng the s uppli ed USB power cable connect wi th DC ad apter ; and co nnect another termi nal of U SB cable to
the micro USB D C power jack on the back panel of th e unit . Then plug on th e DC adapt er to your househol d
power sou rce. The re d LED power ind icati on will l ight up a fter th e power conne ction s ucces sful.
Press the power but ton in 2 s econd s on the f ront pane l of unit to p ower on/o ff t he unit . Press the powe r
but ton f rom remot e con trol can s tandb y on/ off t he un it. Th e displa y wil l lig ht up after p ower on, a nd th en
you can start other o perat ion.
Not es:
a. The s uppli ed USB power ca ble inc ludes u niversal US B conne ctor an d micro USB con nector. The univer sal
USB c onnec tor is for DC ada pter co nnect ion, an d the mic ro USB connec tor is fo r DC power USB ja ck
con necti on.
b. Only the s uppli ed power adap ter or sa me rating spe c adapt er is all ow to use for power ope ration.
c. Whe n you pres s off pow er by the power butto n on fron t panel, then t he unit c annot p ower on by remote
control d ue to the p ower is cut off c omple tely. Please p ress th e power butto n on front pane l to power on
the u nit aga in.
Dis play ba ck-light ad justm ent (dimmer )
Press the “ LIG HT” button on re mote co ntrol can adj ust the d ispla y b ack-light b right ness be tween
hig h/mid dle and l ow level.
Cal endar a nd Time/s leep se tting
The u nit inc lude calendar an d time fu nctio n. Plea se follow up be low for the ope ration.
1. Pow er on the u nit, an d press the “ MODE” but ton on remote c ontrol, or press the “ M” but ton on front
pan el of uni t switch the play mode till the c alend ar and time int erface sho w on disp lay. In th e first t ime
usi ng this u nit, th e unit wi ll enter to cal endar a nd time i nterface direc tly when you power o n it.
2. Press th e “ M” butto n in 3 seconds on t he fron t panel o f unit ti ll the year dig its( de fault i s “ 2015 ”) is fla re on
dis play.
3. The n turn th e volume knob to adj ust the d esired year, and short press t he “ M” button to co nfirm y ear
set ting, meanw hile th e digit for mon th is flare on di splay.
4. Turn t he volu me knob t o adjus t the mon th setting, a nd shor t press t he “ M” button to confi rm the se tting.
5. Pl ease refer to the above step 3~4 to comp lete th e following d ate/hour/min ute and sleep t ime (of f,
15, 30,60 ,90,1 20) set ting. And sho rt press the “M” button ca n confi rm all se tting s and qui t the ope ration
mod e.
Not es:
a. Du ring US B/SD/ AUX /FM/ BLUETOOTH playin g model , press and hol d the “ 0” dig it butt on from remot e
control c an chec k the cur rent time informatio n in 3 seco nds; th en resume to cu rrent play mo de inte rface.
b. If you have set th e sleep t ime on th is unit , the uni t will power of f autom atically when th e sleep count t ime
is on .
Ala rm operatio n
The unit incl udes 4 alarms which can wake up you when the alarm time is being. Pleas e foll ow up below for
the s ettin g operation .
1. Press th e “ M” butto n on front pane l of unit t ill enter to th e calen dar and t ime dis play inter face.
2. Press an d hold th e Play/Pause butt on till t he alar m bell icon flare on displ ay. Turn the v olume k nob can \
swi tch from alar m1 to ala rm 4.
3. Sh ort press th e “ M” butto n to select the alar m that you want t o set up; t hen tur n the volume knob to
adj ust the a larm ho urs;
4. Sh ort press th e “M” butt on to confirm t he hour s ettin g, and turn the volume knob to ad just th e minut e
set ting.
5. Sh ort press th e “ M” butto n to confirm th e minut e setti ng, then the al arm bel l icon wi ll flare on the d ispla y.
6. Sh ort press th e Play/Pause butt on to switch th e alarm b etwee n on and of f. Then remain th e selec tion.
Aft er 5 seconds, t he disp lay wil l quit from the a larm se tting m ode to ca lenda r and tim e inter face. The
relativ e alarm b ell ico n will li ght on displa y if you selected al arm on, w hich me ans the a larm se tting i s
suc cessful. An d the ala rm is wor king no w.
7. To set up othe r alarm , pleas e refere nce the a bove step for opera tion.
Not es:
a. The B uzzer and FM radio ar e allowed to se lect as t he alar m sourc e. If you want to set up the FM radio as
ala rm sour ce, please press th e “ 1” digit button in 3 seconds fro m remote cont rol till the “ ON” show o n
dis play in FM radi o mode; then the cur rent FM ra dio sta tion wi ll set as t he alar m source. To cance l the FM
rad io alar m source, ple ase press the “1” dig it button again ti ll “ OFF ” show o n displ ay. Then the Buzzer will
bec ome the a larm so urce.
b. When the al arm is ri ng up, press any butt on on front pan el or rem ote control c an cancel the a larm so und.
c. On clock time m ode, press an d hold th e Next bu tton on f ront panel ca n turn of f all ala rm sett ing.
d. The durat ion of al arm sou nd is 2 min utes; and the alar m will wa ke up aga in afte r 5 minutes if th ere is no
fur ther opera tion. There wi ll repeat 2 tim es and of f autom atica lly in ca se of nobody in home.
e. When you se t up the al arm, pl ease ma ke sure that yo u have set the cl ock tim e properly.
f. Ple ase mak e sure the DC pow er is remaine d and con necte d with th e unit. O ther wise, the ala rm cannot
wak e up. Plea se doub le chec k the tim e and ala rm sett ing aft er you removed the DC power.
g. The alarm i s workable o n power off mod e(dis play of f), b ut DC power should remai n and con nect with
uni t properly.
FM rad io oper ation
The unit built -in an antenna in side w hich a llows you t o listen th e FM radio s tation. Before lis ten to the r adio,
ple ase try to move the un it next to win dow in order to g et better rad io sign al.
Powe r on the unit, press the “ M” butto n on the fron t pa nel of unit or pres s th e “ MODE” button o n remote
control c an ente r to radio mode .
1. Auto tun e and preset: s hort press t he “ FM SCAN” butt on, or press an d hold “ PLAY/PAUSE” butt on from
remote co ntrol or fron t panel o f unit in 3 s econds, the u nit wil l scan an d save the availabl e stati on
aut omatically. The un it can save up to 50 pres et stat ions.
2. Auto sca n:Press and hol d the “Previous” and ” Nex t” button on fro nt pane l of unit o r remote control ca n
aut o scan th e available s tatio n in upward or downwa rd frequenc y. The unit w ill sto p and play the
available st ation autom atica lly. Press the “ SAVE” button o n remote cont rol can save the current stati on.
3. Ge t a speci fic sta tion: in orde r to get a sp ecifi c frequency stat ion, you can input t he frequenc y directly
by th e digit butto n on remo te control. For example, you wa nt to listen th e radio f requency at “ 104 .3
MHz ”, you ju st need k ey in 1-0 -4-3 by t he digit button of remot e control. Then the un it will s kip and play
the d efine d stati on.
4. Preset s tatio n picki ng up: sh ort pre ss the “ Previous” or “ Next” button on re mote contro l or front pane l
can p ick up th e preset stat ion; Or i nput pr eset statio n numbe r by digi t button on rem ote control for
pic king up. For exampl e, you want to li sten the pres et stat ion num ber 12, please jus t key in 1- 2 by remote
control , then th e related station will b e played.
USB a nd micr oSD card play back operation
Bef ore sta rt the MP3 play back function , plea se make sure the USB or microSD c ard has been ins erted on USB
or m icroS D port of t he uni t rear panel. Also, the MP 3 musi c has b een co pied a nd sto red inside of d evice. The
uni t can sup port up to 32G B capac ity dev ice.
1. Press th e “MOD E” or “ M” butto n enter to the US B or micr oSD card play back mo de, the unit ca n auto de tect
and s tart to play the music af ter sho w the total tra ck's nu mber.
2. Sh ort press th e “ Previous” or “ Next” button can s elect the la st or nex t track ; press h old and r elease the “
Previou s” or “Nex t” button c an fast -forw ard or fa st-rewind t he curr ent playing t rack.
3. Ke y in the relate d numbe r by the di git button on r emote control can f ast pic k up and pl ay the relate d
tra ck.
4. Sh ort press th e “ REPE AT” but ton on remote c ontrol can sw itch th e play mode bet ween re peat al l, repeat
one a nd rand om. Pres s and hol d the “ M” key o n front p anel of unit 3 seconds can get th e same op eration.
5. If y ou want to repe at play a speci fic sec tion of trac k, Press and ho ld the “ REPE AT” but ton 3 sec onds ti ll the
P—A show on d isplay to sel ect the star t point ; then p ress and hold t he “ REPEAT” but ton 3 seconds t ill
dis play show the P--b to s elect the en d point ; The n the uni t will repeat p lay the s elect ed trac k. Press and
hol d the “ REPEAT ” butt on till P---E s howed on disp lay can c ancel a nd quit the specif ic repeat pla ying
fun ction .
6. Du ring th e MP3 pla yback mode, s hort press t he EQ but ton on remote contr ol can ch ange th e equal izer
Not es:
a. An e xtens ion cab le for USB conn ection pla ying is not rec ommen ded, becaus e that wi ll impa ct the au dio
sig nal transfe r and create no ise out put iss ue.
b. The unit on ly can de tect an d play the musi c when th e USB or mi croSD c ard install ed.
Blu etoot h operat ion
The u nit includ es Bluetoo th func tion which allo ws you to do the audio stre aming playback with other
Blu etoot h device.
1. Press th e “ MODE ” or “ M” button e nter to the Blu etoot h mode. I t will have a not ice sou nd come out fro m
spe aker wh en you enter th e Bluet ooth model successfu l, whic h means t he unit i s ready fo r pairi ng.
2. Turn o n or enab le the Bl uetoo th func tion on your Bluetooth devi ce ( smar t phone e tc., de tail reference
your device operat ion man ual), a nd scan t he availabl e Bluet ooth de vice.
3. Pl ease ch eck the avail able Bl uetoo th list o f your device, and se lect “ BP HR10BT ” in order to s tart the
pai ring( i nput “000 0” in ca se of a POP p asswo rd required). Ther e will have a not ice sound com e out fro m
the r adio af ter pai ring su ccessfull y.
4. Se lect and pla y the music fro m your Bl uetooth dev ice, then the s ound wi ll outp ut from t he radio.
5. You can p ress th e Previo us/Ne xt/Pl ay/pa use but ton to get the re lative oper ation .
6. Press an d hold th e Play/Pause butt on 3 seconds can dis connect the pair ing bet ween th e curre nt
Blu etoot h device and un it. And t he unit w ill rea dy to pair with o ther Bl uetoo th devi ce.
Pho ne cal l hand s free operat ion: Wh en the re have an i ncoming call i n Bluetoot h play back m ode, press the
Play/Pause key on front panel can pick up the call , and pres s the Play /Pause button again can end the call.
Ple ase k indly put y our mouth talk and n ext t o the textile spea ker grill becaus e the micro phone was b uilt in
beh ind the s peake r grill.
Not e:
a. No t all Blu etooth devices are gua ranteed to pa ir succ essfully due to different br and and d esign .
b. The best working dis tance for Bluetooth operation i s withi n 10 mete rs with out any obsta cle.
c. Please d o not put y our cell phone nex t to the un it too cl ose in phone call ha nds free mode ; other wise,
the re will have inter ference and impact the s ound qu ality receptio n.
AUX IN /MP3 Li nk oper ation
Usi ng the supplied 3.5m m stere o to 3.5mm audio cable and conne ct the AUX IN j ack on t he rear pane l of uni t
to other player( like MP3 p layer etc.. ). Then the u nit w ill enter to t he AUX IN p layba ck mo de di rectl y. Sel ect
and p lay the music from your pl ayer, the n the sou nd will o utput f rom radio.
Ple ase kindl y note the main control is on your playe r side . The ra dio only can adju st the vol ume, p lay/p ause
fun ction i n AUX IN mode.
Spe cific ation :
Powe r source: DC 5V /2A
Out put power: 5 W RMS.
FM freque ncy: 8 7.5~1 08.0MHz.
USB r ating output: 10 0 mA.
Blu etoot h version: V4. 0
Powe r consu mption: <8 W
Sta ndby power co nsumption: <0. 7W
Factory d efaul t:
System ti me: 00:00 , 2015- 01-01 .
Time form at: 24h ours.
Sle ep: OFF.
Ala rm dura tion: 2 m inutes
Volu me: 15
(T he spec ifica tion may revi se with out pri or noti ce)
Trouble sh ootin g
1. The d isplay cann ot ligh t on.
a. Pl ease ch eck if th e DC power has connected p roper ly.
b. Please p ress and hold t he Power b utton 3 s econds to tur n the uni t on.
c. Please c ontac t the ser vice cente r for support in cas e of the pr oblem remai ns.
2. The radio stat ion sounds not goo d.
a. Pl ease move the u nit nex t to wind ow in order to ge t bette r reception .
b. Please t ry switch to another st ation for lis tenin g.
c. Please c ontac t the ser vice cente r for support in cas e of the pr oblem remai ns.
3. The s ound in U SB or microSD c ard mod e is not good.
a. Pl ease do uble ch eck the USD and microSD ca rd devi ce was inser ted properl y.
b. Please t ry powe r off and p ower on the uni t for playing a gain.
c. Please c ontac t the ser vice cente r for support in cas e of the pr oblem remai ns.
4. The B luetooth so und out put int ermit tently.
a. Pl ease tr y to move your Bl uetoo th devi ce more close t o the uni t.
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