Blaupunkt BT20BK operation manual

Instrukcja obsługi Owner's Manual
BT10 / BT20
Głośnik Bluetooth
Bluetooth speaker
BT10 / BT20
To achieve the utmost in enjoyme nt an d per formance, and in order to bec ome f amili ar with i ts featu res, please read this m anu al careful ly be fore attemp tin g to operate this p roduct. This will assure you yea rs of troubl e free per formance and listening pl eas ure.
Thi s safety a nd oper ati ng inst ruc tion should be retained for future
The a ppa ratus shou ld no t be expo sed t o dripping or splashing o r
pla ced in a hu mid a tmo sphere suc h as a ba throom.
Do no t insta ll the produ ct in the following areas:Pla ces e xpo sed to direc t sunli ght or cl ose t o rad iators.On to p of ot her ste reo equi pme nt that radi ate too much he at.Blo cking ventilation or in a dusty ar ea.Areas wh ere there is const ant v ibr ation.Hum id or moi st places.Do no t place n ear c andle s or othe r naked f lam es.Ope rate the produc t only as i nst ructed in this manual.Before turn ing on th e power for the firs t tim e, make sure the power
ada ptor is p roperl y connecte d.
Plu g-i n the USB s tick di rectl y or use an U SB-ex tensi on ca ble whi ch is
not l onger t han 25 cm .
For safet y reaso ns, do not remove any covers o r attemp t to ga in ac cess to the i nside o f the produc t. Refer any servicing to qualif ied p erson nel. Do no t attem pt to remove any scre ws, or open the cas ing of th e uni t; there are no use r ser viceable par ts inside. Refe r all ser vicing to qualifi ed service per sonne l.
BT10 / BT20
1. Re ad Inst ructions - All the safety and operating in str uctions must be
read before the product is o perated.
2. Re tain In struc tions - The safety and operating instructions should be kep t with th e product fo r fut ure referen ce.
3. He ed warnings - All warn ing s on the produ ct and in the operating ins tructions should be ad hered to.
4. Follow i nstru ctions - All operating and users’ instru ctions should b e followed.
5. Water and moisture - To reduce the risk o f fire or elec tric shock, do n ot exp ose t he product to train, dripping, splashi ng or e xcessive moisture suc h as in a sau na or bat hroom. D o not use t his p roduc t near wa ter, for exa mpl e, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen s ink , laundry t ub, in a wet bas ement o r nea r a swimm ing poo l (or s imila r).
6. Ob ject and Liquid Entry - Never push o bje cts of any kind into this produc t throu gh open ing s, as they may touch dan gerous volt age p oints or sh ort- circui t par ts that could result in a fire or elec tric shock. Never spil l liq uid of any kind on the product. D o not p lace any object cont ainin g liq uid on to p of th e product.
7. Se rvicing - Do not attempt to ser vice this product yoursel f, as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or othe r haz ards. Refer all servicing to qualified s ervice per son nel.
8. Re placement par ts - When re pla cement par ts are re qui red, ensure that the s ervice technician ha s use d replacement p arts speci fie d by the man ufacturer or have th e same ch aracteristics as the orig ina l part. Una uthor ized su bst ituti ons may result in fire, electr ic shoc k or othe r haz ards.
9. Pl ace your cloc k rad io on a sta ble s urface, away from so urces of direct sun light o r excessive heat or moistu re.
10. Protect your furn itu re when plac ing your uni ts on a n atural wood and lac que red finish by usi ng a cl oth or protective mater ial bet ween it a nd the fur nitur e.
11. C lea n your unit wi th a so ft cloth moistened only wit h mil d soap an d water. Stronger agents such as B enzin e, thinner or sim ilar ma ter ial s can dam age the s urface of the unit. M ake sure the u nit i s unplu gged be fore cle aning.
12. B atter y
1). Th e bat ter ies mus t not be ex pos ed to excessive heat such as sunshi ne, fire or th e lik e.
2). Th e bat ter ies sho uld be dr awn to the environmental aspe cts of battery dis posal.
BT10 / BT20
Thi s app liance is no t intended for use by perso ns (i nclud ing c hildren) w ith reduced physical senso ry or mental capabi lit ies, or lack o f exp erien ce and knowledge, unless they have been given super vision or instruc tion con cer ning us e of th e appli ance by a pers on respo nsi ble for thei r safety. Chi ldren shou ld be s upervised to ensu re th at th ey do n ot play with t he app lianc e.
1. The a ppa ratus must n ot be e xpose d to drip pin g or spla shing a nd th at obj ects filled with liqui ds, such a s vas es, must not b e pla ced on the app aratus.
2. To prev ent f ire o r sho ck haza rd, do not expose this e qui pment to hot pla ces, rain, moisture or du st.
3. Do n ot loca te this unit n ear a ny water sources e.g. t aps, bathtu bs, was hin g machi nes or sw immin g poo ls. Ensure that you place the un it on a dry, sta ble s urface.
4. Do n ot plac e thi s unit cl ose to a st rong magnet ic fi eld.
5. Do n ot plac e the u nit on a am plifi er or receiver.
6. Do n ot plac e thi s unit in a d amp area as th e moi sture will a ffect the life of ele ctric components.
7. If the clock is brought direc tly f rom a cold to a warm locat ion , or is pla ced in a very damp room, moisture may condense on the le ns in side th e pla yer. If thi s occ urs, the s ystem wi ll not op era te properly. P lease l eave the sys tem t urned on for about an hour until the moist ure evaporates.
8. Do n ot atte mpt t o cle an the un it wi th chem ical so lvents as this mi ght dam age the f inish . Wipe w ith a c lean, d ry or sli ght ly da mp clot h.
Thi s produc t compl ies wit h the rad io in ter feren ce requirements of the European commu nit y.
Your produ cts is designed an manuf actured with high quali ty materials and c omp onent s, which c an be r ecycled and reused.
BT10 / BT20
Whe n thi s crossed- out wheeled bin symbol i s att ached to a produc t it mea ns that t he produ ct is cove red by the European Direc tive 200 2/9 6/EC. Ple ase i nform yoursel f abo ut the lo cal sep ara te colle ction system for ele ctrical and electron ic products. Pl ease ca t according to your local ru les and d o not dis pose of your o ld produ cts with your normal h ous ehold was te. Correct d isp osal of your o ld produ ct helps to preve nt po tential neg ative consequences for the environment and huma n hea lth.
Your produ ct contains batteries covered by the E uropean Di rec tive 200 6/66/ EC, whi ch ca nnot be d ispos e with no rmal household waste. Ple ase i nform yoursel f abo ut the lo cal rul es on s eparate colle ction of bat ter ies bec ause correct disposal helps to prevent negative con seq uence s for the environmental and hum an heal th.
Environmental information
All u nne cessa ry pack aging h as been o mitted. We have tri ed to m ake t he pac kaging easy to separate into three materials: cardboard(box), pol ystyrene foam(bu ffer) and poly et hylene ( bag s, protect ive foam sheet). Your syste m consi sts o f mater ial w hich ca n be recy cle d and reused i f dis assem bled by a spec ial ized compa ny. Pleas e obs erve the local regula tio ns regarding the dis pos al of pac kaging materials, exhausted bat ter ies and o ld equi pme nt. Rec ording and p laybac k of materia l mig ht require consent. See Copyrig ht Act 1 956 and Th e Per forme r's Protect ion Acts 1958 to 1972.
BT10 / BT20
Tha nks for your purchase o f our p roduc t. Please read th rough th is ma nual before making connection s and ope rat ing t his produc t. Retain this manual for futu re reference.
Blu etoot h playba ck USB p layback FM radio AUX input Powe r bank Powe r suppl y: DC 5V
1 2 3 4
·Press and hold(a bou t 2 secon ds) t he button for power on and power off.
·Press to change source bet ween Blu eto oth , USB ,FM radio and AUX.
·Press to pause in Bluetoot h and U SB source.
·Press this button to answer the phon e call in h and s free when th ere i s a
pho ne call i n.
·Press and hold (ab out 2 s econd s) th e button to start autoscan an d save FM radio station . (The un it can sa ve up to 40 FM stations)
·Press and hold (ab out 5 s econd s) th e button to disconne cted th e Blu etoot h con nec tions, the speaker will tur n to se archin g oth er matchin g Blu etoot h dev ice when you hear b eep s ounds.
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BT10 / BT20
·Whe n the p layer is in working mode, pres s to return to the previ ous tra ck in B lueto oth a nd USB so urce.
·Press to return to the previous channel i n FM radio.
·Press and hold the b utt on for fas t bac kward p layback in U SB.
·Press and hold the b utt on for man ual s earch to previous frequenc y in FM
rad io.
4. NE XT
·Whe n the p layer is in working mode, pres s to skip to the next track in Blu etoot h and U SB source.
·Press to skip t o the n ext channel in FM r adi o.
·Press and hold the b utt on for fas t for ward pl ayb ack i n USB.
·Press and hold the b utt on for man ual s earch to frequency in FM ra dio.
·Whe n the p layer is in working mode, pres s to turn d own the volume.
·Whe n the p layer is in working mode, pres s to turn u p the volume.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
8. BLUETOOTH mo de
9. FM R ADIO mo de
BT10 / BT20
10. Full batte ry symbol
Dur ing chargi ng mode, this sym bol w ill fli ckeri ng; and w ill be st abled i f
the c harging is full.
11. Low battery symbol
The s ymb ol will l ight up when t he battery is low power.
Dis play frequenc y infor matio n in FM and track in USB.
13. AU X mode
14. U SB mode
1. AUX i nput
2. US B port
3. DC 5 V in
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