B&K Precision 760KIT Datasheet

B&K Precision Corporation
22820 Savi Ranch Parkway, Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Tel: 714-921-9095, Fax: 714-921-6422 www.bkprecision.com
Specifications subject to change without notice
Data Sheet
Model 760KIT
pH Meter with Probe
Data Sheet
Model 760KIT
• pH meter with mV measurement
• RS-232 PC Interface
• Plug and Play function
• pH Probe
Applications High quality, Professional,
laboratory & field usage. Measuring Range 0 to 14 pH Measuring Temp 0 to 100ºc (32º to 100º F) Electrode Structure Combination type. Zero Potential for 71 pH pH Value Body Material Epoxy Connector BNC Mechanical With protection bottle on the Protection electrode head Dimensions Body Length - 120 mm
Body Dia - 9.5 mm
Cable Length - 750 mm
* pH accuracy is based on calibrated meter only. * Specification tests under the environment RF Field Strength
less than V/M & frequency less than 30 MHz only.
pH Probe
pH meter
Measurement Range Resolution Accuracy pH 0 to 14 pH 0.01 pH ± (0.02 PH + 2 dgt) mV 0 to 1999 mV 1 mV ± (0.5% + 2 dgt)