BK Precision 2120B, 2125A, 2121 Instruction Manual

and 2160A
MODELOS 1541D & 2160A
Normal use of test equipment exposes you to a certain amount of danger from electrical shock because testing must often be performed where exposed high voltage is present. An electrical shock causing 10milliampsofcurrenttopassthroughthe heartwillstopmosthumanheartbeats.Voltageaslow as 35 volts dc or ac rms should be considered dangerous and hazardous since it can produce a lethal current under certain conditions. Higher voltage poses an even greater threat because such voltage can more easily produce a lethal current. Your normal work habits should include all accepted practices that will prevent contact with exposed high voltage, and that will steer current away from your heart in case of accidental contact with a high voltage. You will significantly reduce the risk factor if you know and observe the following safety precautions:
1. Don’t expose high voltage needlessly in the equipment under test. Remove housings and covers only when necessary. Turn off equipment while making test connections in high-voltage circuits. Discharge high-voltage capacitors after removing power.
2. If possible, familiarize yourself with the equipment being tested and the location of its high voltage points. However, remember that high voltage may appear at unexpected points in defective equipment.
3. Use an insulated floor material or a large, insulated floor mat to stand on, and an insulated work surface on which to place equipment; make certain such surfaces are not damp or wet.
4. Use the time-proven “one hand in the pocket” technique while handling an instrument probe. Be particularly careful to avoid contacting a nearby metal object that could provide a good ground return path.
5. When using a probe, touch only the insulated portion. Never touch the exposed tip portion.
6. When testing ac powered equipment, remember that ac line voltage is usually present on some power input circuits such as the on-off switch, fuses, power transformer, etc. any time the equipment is connected to an ac outlet, even if the equipment is turned off.
7. Some equipment with a two-wire ac power cord, including some with polarized power plugs, is the “hot chassis” type. This includes most recent television receivers and audio equipment. A plastic or wooden cabinet insulates the chassis toprotect the customer. When the cabinet is removed for servicing, a serious shock hazard exists if the chassis is touched. Not only does this present a dangerous shock hazard, but damage to test instruments or the equipment under test may result from connecting the ground lead of most test instruments (including this oscilloscope) to a “hot chassis”. To make measurements in “hot chassis” equipment, always connect an isolation transformer between the ac outlet and the equipment under test. The B+K Precision Model TR-110 or 1604A Isolation Transformer, or Model 1653A or 1655A AC Power Supply is suitable for most applications. To be on the safe side, treat all two wire ac powered equipment as “hot chassis” unless you are sure it has an isolated chassis or an earth ground chassis.
8. Never work alone. Someone should be nearby to render aid if necessary. Training in CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) first aid is highly recommended.
Instruction Manual
Models 1541D
and 2160A
40 MHz and 60 MHz
Dual-Trace Oscilloscopes
©2000 B+K Precision Corp.
This symbol on oscilloscope means “refer to instruction manual for further precautionary information”. This symbol appears in the manual where the corresponding information is given.
Page Page
TEST INSTRUMENT SAFETY . . . . . . inside front cover
FEATURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
CONTROLS AND INDICATORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
General Function Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Vertical Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Horizontal Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Triggering Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Rear Panel Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Equipment Protection Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Operating Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Initial Starting Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Single Trace Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Dual Trace Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Triggering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Magnified Sweep Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
XY Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Video Signal Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Applications Guidebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Delayed Sweep Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Component Test Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
MAINTENANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fuse Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Line Voltage Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Periodic Adjustments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Calibration Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Instrument Repair Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Important Considerations for Rise Time and
Fall Time Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Service Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
SPANISH MANUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
“Guidebook To Oscilloscopes”
Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inside back cover
B+K Precision’s 40 MHz and 60 MHz oscilloscopes are among the lowest cost in the industry, yet offer high performance and features not found on many competitors’ oscilloscopes. Model 2160A includes a built-in component tester,which is an excellent tool for in-circuit troubleshoot­ing. These oscilloscopes are built by and backed by B+K Precision, a compnay that has been selling reliable, durable, value priced test instruments for over 50 years.
Rectangular CRT
Rectangular CRTwith large 8 x 10 centimeter viewing area. On Model 2160A, graticule is equipped with variable scale illumination.
Tracerotation electrically adjustable from front panel. 0%, 10%, 90%, and 100% markers for rise time meas­urements.
Dual Trace
Models2160A and 1541D eachhavetwo verticalinput channels for displaying two waveforms simultane­ously. Selectable single trace (either CH 1 or CH 2) or dual trace. Alternate or chop sweep selectable at all sweep rates.
Sum and Difference Capability
Permits algebraic addition or subtraction of channel 1 and channel 2 waveforms, displayed as a single trace. Useful for differentialvoltageand distortion measure­ments.
Wide Bandwidth
Conservatively-rated 3 dB bandwidth is dc to 60 MHz for Model 2160A and dc to 40 MHz for Model 1541D.
Fast Rise Time
Rise time is less than 5.8 ns for Model 2160A and
8.8 ns for Model 1541D.
Fast Sweep
Maximum sweep speed of 10 ns/div (with X10 MAG) assures high frequencies and short-duration pulses are displayed with high resolution.
High Sensitivity
5 mV/div sensitivityfor full bandwidth. High-sen­sitivity 1 mV/div and 2 mV/div using PULL X5 gain control.
Calibrated VoltageMeasurements
Accurate voltage measurements (±3%) on 10 cali­brated ranges from 5 mV/div to 5 V/ div. Vertical gain fully adjustable between calibrated ranges.
Calibrated Time Measurements
Accurate (±3%) time measurements. The main sweep has 23 calibrated ranges from 2 S/div to 0.1 µS/div. The delayed sweep on the Model 2160A has 23 cali­brated ranges from 2 S/div to 0.1 µS/div. Sweep time is fully adjustable between calibrated ranges.
X10 Sweep Magnification
Allows closer examination of waveforms, increases maximum sweep rate to 10 nS/div.
Dual Sweep Generators
Main sweep gives normal waveform display, delayed sweepmay beoperatedat fastersweepspeed toexpand a portion of the waveform.
Four Sweep Modes
Choice of main sweep only, delayed sweep only, main sweep and delayed sweep sh arin g the tr ace (percentage of mai n/d elaye d sweep adjustable), or XY.
Adjustable Start Of Delayed Sweep
DELAY TIME POSition control allows adjustment of delayed sweep starting point.
Two Trigger Modes
Selectable normal (triggered) or automatic sweep modes.
Triggered Sweep
Sweep remains at rest unless adequate trigger signal is applied. Fully adjustable trigger level and (+) or () slope.
AUTO Sweep
Selectable AUTO sweep provides sweep without trig­ger input, automatically reverts to triggered sweep operation when adequate trigger is applied.
Five TriggerSources
Five trigger source selections, including CH 1, CH 2, alternate, EXT, and LINE.
Video Sync
Frame(TV V) or Line (TV H) triggering selectablefor observingcomposite video waveforms.TV-Hposition can also be used as low frequency reject and TV-V position can be used as high frequency reject.
Variable Holdoff
Trigger inhibit period after end of sweep adjustable. Permits stable observation of complex pulse trains.
XY Operation
Channel 1 can be applied as horizontal deflection (X-axis) while channel 2 provides vertical deflection (Y-axis).
Built-in Probe Adjust Square Wave
A 2 V p-p, 1 kHz square wave generator permits probe compensation adjustment.
Component TestFunction (Model 2160A)
Built-inXYtypecomponent tester appliesfixedlevel ac signal to components for display of signature on CRT.
Channel 2 (Y) Output (Model 2160A)
A buffered 50output of the channel 2 signal is available at the rear panel for driving a frequency counter or other instruments. The output is 50 mV/div (nominal) into 50.
Z-Axis Input (Model 2160A)
Rear panel Z-Axis input allows intensity modulation.
Supplied With TwoProbes
Type: 6-inch rectangular with integral graticule,
P31 phosphor.
DisplayArea: 8 x 10 div (1 div = 1 cm). AcceleratingVoltage: 12 kV. Phosphor:P31. Trace Rotation: Electrical, front panel adjustable. Scale Illumination: Continuously variable (Model 2160A). Beam Finder (Model 2160A).
Sensitivity: 5 mV/div to 5 V/div, 1 mv/div to 1 V/div at
Attenuator:10 calibrated steps in 1-2-5 sequence.Vernier
control provides fully adjustable sensitivity between steps; range 1/1 to at least 1/3.
Accuracy:±3%, 5 mV to 5 V/div; 5%, at X5 MAG. Input Resistance:1MΩ±2%. Input Capacitance: 25 pF ±10 pF. Frequency Response:
5 mV/div to 5 V/div:
DC to 60 MHz (3 dB), Model 2160A DC to 40 MHz (3 dB), Model 1541D.
DC to 15 MHz (3 dB), Model 2160A DC to 10 MHz (3 dB), Model 1541D.
Rise Time:
5.8 nS, Model 2160A
8.8 nS, Model 1541D.
Overshoot:Less than 5%. Operating Modes:
CH 1: CH 1, single trace. CH 2: CH 2, single trace. DUAL: CH 1 and CH 2, dual trace.
Alternate or Chop selectable at any sweep rate.
ADD: Algebraic sum of CH 1 + CH 2.
Chop Frequency:Approximately 500 kHz. PolarityReversal:CH 2 invert.
(Input through channel 1 input)
XY mode:
CH 1 = X axis. CH 2 = Y axis.
Sensitivity: Same as verticalchannel 2. Input Impedance: Same as vertical channel 2. Frequency Response:
DC to 1 MHz (3 dB).
X-Y Phase Difference: 3° or less at 50 kHz. MaximumInputVoltage: Same as vertical channel 1.
Operating Modes:
Model 2160A: Main, Mix (both main and delayed
sweep displayed), Delay (only delayed sweep displayed), XY.
Model 1541D: Main only.
Main Time Base: 0.1 µS/div to 2.0 S/div in 1-2-5
sequence,23 steps. Vernier control provides fully adjustablesweep time between steps.
DelayedTime Base (Model 2160A only): 0.1 µS/divto
2.0 S/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 23 steps.
Accuracy:±3%. Sweep Magnification: X10 ±10%. Holdoff: Continuously adjustable for main time base from
NORM to 5 times normal.
Delay Time Position: Control sets percentage of display
that is devotedto main and delayed sweep.
Delay Jitter: 1/10,000 of full scale sweep time.
Trigger Modes:
AUTO (free run), NORM, TV-V, TV-H.
Trigger Source:
CH 1, CH 2, Alternate, EXT,LINE.
(+) or (–).
MaximumInput Voltage: 400 V (dc + ac peak).
Specifications and information
subject to change without notice.
Please visit
Trigger Coupling:
AUTO: Sweep free-runs in absence of
suitable trigger signal.
NORM: Sweep triggered only by adequate
trigger signal.
TV-V: Video vertical sync pulses are
selected. Also usable for high frequency reject.
TV-H: Video horizontal sync pulses are
selected. Also usable for low frequency reject.
Trigger Sensitivity:
Auto: 1.5 div (internal)
0.5 Vp-p (external)
100 Hz – 60 MHz (2160A) 100 Hz – 40 MHz (1541D)
Norm: 1.5 div (internal)
0.5 Vp-p (external)
100 Hz – 60 MHz (2160A) DC – 40 MHz (1541D)
TV-V: 1.0 div (internal)
0.5 Vp-p (external)
DC – 1 kHz
TV-H: 1.0 div (internal)
0.5 Vp-p (external) 1 kHz – 100 kHz
MaximumExternalTriggerVoltage: 300 V (dc + ac
ComponentsTested: Resistors, capacitors, inductors, and
Test Voltage: 6 V rms maximum (open). Test Current: 11 mA maximum (shorted). Test Frequency:Line frequency (60 Hz in USA).
Cal/ProbeCompensationVoltage: 2 V p-p ±3% square
wave,1 kHz nominal.
CH 2 (Y) Output (Model 2160A):
Output Voltage: 50 mV/div (nominal into 50 ohm
Output Impedance: Approximately 50 ohms. Frequency Response:20 Hz to 30 MHz, 3 dB.
IntensityModulation (Model 2160A)
Input Signal: TTL level, intensity increasing with
more positive levels, decreased intensity with more negative levels.
Input Impedance: Approximately 50 k. Usable Frequency Range: DC to 5 MHz. Maximum Input Voltage: 30 V (dc + ac peak).
Power Requirements: 100–130 VACor 200–260 VAC,
50/60 Hz, 38 watts.
Dimensions (H 3 W3 D):
5.23 12.83 15.7 (132 3 324 3 398 mm).
Weight: 16.8 lbs (7.6 kg). Environment:
Within Specified Accuracy: +10° to +35° C, 10–80%
relative humidity.
Full Operation: 0° to +50° C, 10–80% relative
Storage: −30° to +70° C, 10–90% relative humidity.
Two Switchable X1/X10 Probes.
Instruction Manual. AC Line Cord.
www.bkprecision.com for the most current product information.
26 25
Fig. 1. Model 2160A Controls and Indicators.
1. ON Indicator. Lights when oscilloscope is “on”.
2. 2160A Only. POWER/Scale ILLUMination Con­trol. Clockwise rotation from OFF position turns os-
cilloscope “on”. Further clockwise rotation increases amount of graticule illumination.
3. 1541D Only. POWER Pushbutton. Turns oscillo­scope “on” and “off”.
4. INTENSITY Control. Adjusts brightness of trace.
5. TRACE ROTATION Control. Adjusts to maintain
trace at a horizontal position.
6. FOCUS Control. Adjusts trace focus.
7. 2160A Only. COMPonent TEST Pushbutton. With pushbutton set to “in” position, Component Test mode is enabled. Normal scope operation is enabled with pushbutton in “out” position.
8. 2160A Only. COMPonent TEST Jack. “Banana”­type HI-side input jack for connection to component in Component Test operating mode.
9. GND Terminal. Oscilloscope chassis ground jack, and earth ground via three-wire ac power cord. On Model 2160A, also serves as LO-side Component Test jack.
10. CAL Terminal. Terminal provides 2 V p-p, 1 kHz
(nominal) square wave signal. This signal is useful for checking probe compensation adjustment, as well as providing a rough check of vertical calibration.
11. 2160AOnly.BEAM FIND Pushbutton. Momentary-
contact pushbutton speeds setup of trace positioning by bringing the beam into graticule area; operates independently of other display controls.
12. VERTical MODE Switch. Selects vertical display
mode. Four-position lever switch with the following positions:
Displays the channel 1 signal by itself.
CH2: displays the channel 2 signal by itself. X-Y: used in conjunction with the X-Y control and
Trigger SOURCE switch to enable X-Y display
Displays the channel 1 and channel 2 signals simul­taneously. Dual-trace mode may be either alternate or chop ped sweep; see the description under HOLDOFF/PULL CHOP control.
Fig. 2. Model 1541D Controls and Indicators.
The inputs from channel 1 and channel 2 are summed and displayed as a single signal. If the Channel 2 POSition/PULL INVert control is pulled out, the input from channel 2 is subtracted from channel 1 and the difference is displayed as a single signal.
13. CH1 AC-GND-DC Switch. Three-position lever
switch with the following positions:
Channel 1 input signal is capacitively coupled; dc component is blocked.
Opens signal path and grounds input to vertical amplifier. This provides a zero-volt base line, the position of which can be used as a reference when performing dc measurements.
Direct coupling of channel 1 input signal; both ac and dc components of signal produce vertical de­flection.
14. CH1 (X) Input Jack. Vertical input for channel 1.
X-axis input for X-Y operation.
15. CH1 (X) VOLTS/DIV Control. Vertical attenuator
for channel 1. Provides step adjustment of vertical sensitivity. When channel 1 VARiable control is set to CAL, vertical sensitivity is calibrated in 10 steps from 5 mV/div to 5 V/div in a 1-2-5 sequence. When
the X-Y mode of operation is selected, this control provides step adjustment of X-axis sensitivity.
16. CH1 VARiable/PULL X5 MAG Control: VARiable:
Rotation provides vernier adjustment of channel 1 vertical sensitivity. In the fully-clockwise (CAL) position, the vertical attenuator is calibrated. Coun­terclockwise rotation decreases gain sensitivity. In X-Y operation, this control becomes the vernier X-axis sensitivity control.
When pulled out, increases vertical sensitivity by a factor of five. Effectively provides two extra sensi­tivity settings: 2 mV/div and 1 mV/div. In X-Y mode, increases X-sensitivity by a factor of five.
17. CH1 POSition/PULL ALT TRIGger Control:
Adjusts vertical position of channel 1 trace.
Used in conjunction with the Trigger SOURCE switch to activate alternate triggering. See the de­scription under the Trigger SOURCE switch.
18. CH2 POSition/PULL INVert Control:
Adjusts vertical position of channel 2 trace. In X-Y operation, rotation adjusts vertical position of X-Y display.
When pushed in, the polarity of the channel 2 signal is normal. When pulled out, the polarity of the channel 2 signal is reversed, thus inverting the waveform.
19. CH2 VOLTS/DIV Control. Vertical attenuator for
channel 2. Provides step adjustment of vertical sensi­tivity. When channel 2 VARiable control is set to CAL, vertical sensitivity is calibrated in 10 steps from 5 mV/div to 5 V/div in a 1-2-5 sequence. When the X-Y mode of operation is selected, this control pro­vides step adjustment of Y-axis sensitivity.
20. CH2 VARiable/PULL X5 MAG Control: VARiable:
Rotation provides vernier adjustment of channel 2 vertical sensitivity. In the fully-clockwise (CAL) position, the vertical attenuator is calibrated. Coun­terclockwise rotation decreases gain sensitivity. In X-Y operation, this control becomes the vernier Y-axis sensitivity control.
When pulled out, increases vertical sensitivity by a factor of five. Effectively provides two extra sensi­tivity settings: 2 mV/div and 1 mV/div. In X-Y mode, increases Y-sensitivity by a factor of five.
21. CH2 (Y) Input Jack. Vertical input for channel 2. Y-axis input for X-Y operation.
22. CH2 AC-GND-DC Switch. Three-position lever switch with the following positions:
Channel 2 input signal is capacitively coupled; dc component is blocked.
Opens signal path and grounds input to vertical amplifier. This provides a zero-volt base line, the position of which can be used as a reference when performing dc measurements.
Direct coupling of channel 2 input signal; both ac and dc components of signal produce vertical de­flection.
23. Main Time Base TIME/DIV Control. Provides step selection of sweep rate for the main time base. When theVARiable Sweep control isset to CAL, sweep rate iscalibrated. This controlhas23 steps, from0.1 µS/div to 2 S/div, in a 1-2-5 sequence.
24. 2160A Only. DELAY Time Base TIME/DIV Con­trol. Provides step selection of sweep rate for delayed
sweep time base. This control has 23 steps, from 0.1 µS/div to 2 S/div, in a 1-2-5 sequence.
25. 2160A Only. DELAY TIMEPOSition Control. Sets
starting point of delayed sweep. Clockwise rotation causes delayed sweep to begin earlier.
26. VARiable Sweep Control. Rotation of control is ver-
nier adjustment for sweep rate. In fully clockwise (CAL) position, sweep rate is calibrated. On the Model 2160A, this control is the vernier adjustment for both the main and delayed time bases.
27. POSition/PULL X10 MAG Control. POSition:
Horizontal (X) position control.
Selects ten times sweep magnification when pulled out, normal when pushed in. Increases maximum sweep rate to 10 nS/div.
28. 2160A Only. Sweep Mode Switch. Selects sweep
(horizontal) mode. Four-position rotary switch with the following positions:
Only the main sweep operates, with the delayed sweep inactive.
The main and delayed sweep share a single trace; main sweep occupies the left portion of the display; delayed sweep occupies the right portion of the display. The DELAY TIME POSition control de- termines the percentage of display that is main sweep and the percentage of display that is delayed sweep (main sweep is usually brighter than the delayed sweep). Delayed sweep speed cannot be slower than main sweep speed.
Only delayed sweep operates, while main sweep stays inactive. DELAY TIME POSition control determines the starting point of the delayed sweep.
Used with the VERTical MODE switch and Trig­ger SOURCE switch to select X- Y operating
mode. The channel 1 input becomes the X-axis and the channel 2 input becomes the Y-axis. Trigger source and coupling are disabled in this mode.
29. 1541D Only. X-Y Switch. Used with the VERTical
MODE switch and Trigger SOURCE switch to se-
lect X-Y operating mode. The channel 1 input be­comes the X-axis and the channel 2 input becomes the Y-axis. Trigger source and coupling are disabled in this mode.
Rotation adjusts holdoff time (trigger inhibit period beyond sweep duration). When control is rotated fully counterclockwise, the holdoff period is MIN- inum (normal). The holdoff period increases pro­gressively with clockwise rotation.
When this switch is pulled out in the dual-trace mode, the channel 1 and channel 2 sweeps are chopped and displayed simultaneously (normally used at slower sweep speeds). When it is pushed in, the two sweeps are alternately displayed, one after the other (normally used at higher sweep speeds).
31. Trigger SOURCE Switch. Selects source of sweep
trigger. Four-position lever switch with the following positions:
Causes the channel 1 input signal to become the sweep trigger, regardless of the VERTical
MODE switch setting.
Used with two other switches to enable the X-Y mode — see the Operating Instructions under “XY Operation”.
Used with the channel 1 POSition/PULL ALTernate TRIGger control to enable alternate
triggering. Alternate triggering, used in dual­trace mode, permits each waveform viewed to become its own trigger source.
The channel 2 signal becomes the sweep trigger, regardless of the VERTicalMODE switch setting.
Signal derived from input line voltage (50/60 Hz) becomes trigger.
Signal from EXTernal TRIGger jack becomes sweep trigger.
32. Trigger COUPLING Switch. Selects trigger cou-
pling. Four-position lever switch with the following positions:
Selectsautomatic triggeringmode.In this mode,the oscilloscope generates sweep (free runs) in absence of an adequate trigger; it automatically reverts to triggeredsweepoperation when anadequate trigger signal is present. On the Model 2160A, automatic triggering is applicable to both the main sweep and delayed sweep.
Selects normal triggered sweep operation. A sweep is generated only when an adequate trigger signal is present.
Used for triggering from television vertical sync pulses. Also serves as lo-pass/dc (high frequency reject) trigger coupling.
Used for triggering from television horizontal sync pulses.Also servesashi-pass (low frequencyreject) trigger coupling.
33. TRIGger LEVEL/PULL (-) SLOPE Control. TRIGger LEVEL:
Trigger level adjustment; determines the point on the triggering waveform where the sweep is trig­gered. Rotation in the (-) direction (counterclock­wise) s elects more negative triggering point; rotation in the (+) direction (clockwise) selects more positive triggering point.
Two-position push-pull switch. The “in” position selectsa positive-going slope and the “out” position selectsa negative-goingslopeastriggering point for main sweep.
34. EXTernal TRIGger Jack. External trigger input for single- and dual-trace operation.
35. Fuse Holder/Line Voltage Selector. Contains fuse and selects line voltage.
36. Power Cord Receptacle.
37. 2160A Only. CH 2 (Y) SIGNAL OUTPUT Jack.
Output terminal where sample of channel 2 signal is available.Amplitude of output is nominally 50mVper division of vertical deflection seen on CRT when terminated into 50 . Output impedance is 50 .
38. 2160A Only. Z-Axis Input Jack. Input jack for inten­sity modulation of CRT electron beam. TTL compat­ible (5 V p-p sensitivity). Positive levels increase intensity.
39. Handle/Tilt Stand.
40. Feet/Cord Wrap.
All operating instructions in this chapter apply equally to both Models 2160A and 1541D,exceptfor the sectionson“Delayed Sweep Operation” and “Component Test”, which apply only to the Model 2160A. Other differences are noted when nec­essary.
The following precautions must be ob­served to help prevent electric shock.
1. When the oscilloscope is used to make measurements in equipment that contains high voltage, there is al­ways acertainamountofdangerfromelectricalshock. The person using the oscilloscope in such conditions should be a qualified electronics technician or other­wise trained and qualified to work in such circum­stances. Observe the TEST INSTRUMENT SAFETY recommendations listed on the inside front cover of this manual.
2. Donotoperate this oscilloscope with the caseremoved unless you are a qualified service technician. High voltage up to 12,000 volts is present when the unit is operating with the case removed.
3. The ground wire of the 3-wire ac power plug places the chassis and housing of the oscilloscope at earth ground. Use only a 3-wire outlet, and do not attempt to defeat the ground wire connection or float the oscil­loscope; to do so may pose a great safety hazard.
4. Specialprecautions are required to measureorobserve line voltage waveforms with any oscilloscope. Use the following procedure:
a. Do not connect the ground clip of the probe to
either side of the line. The clip is already at earth ground and touching it to the hot side of the line may “weld” or “disintegrate” the probe tip and cause possible injury, plus possible damage to the scope or probe.
b. Insert the probe tip into one side of the line voltage
receptacle, then the other. One side of the recepta­cleshould be “hot” and producethe waveform.The other side of the receptacle is the ac return and no waveform should result.
Thefollowing precautionswill help avoid damage to the oscilloscope.
1. Never allow a small spot of high brilliance to remain stationary on the screen for more than a few seconds. The screen may become permanently burned. A spot will occur when the scope is set up for XY operation and no signal is applied. Either reduce the intensity so the spot is barely visible, apply signal, orswitch back to normal sweep operation. It is also advisable to use low intensity with AUTO triggering and no signal applied for long periods. A high intensity trace at the same position could cause a line to become perma­nently burned onto the screen.
2. Do not obstruct the ventilating holes in the case, as this will increase the scope’s internal temperature.
3. Excessive voltage applied to the input jacks may dam­age the oscilloscope. The maximum ratings of the inputs are as follows:
CH 1 and CH 2:
400 V dc + ac peak.
300 V dc + ac peak.
Z-AXIS INPUT (Model 2160A):
30 V ( dc and ac peak).
4. Always connect a cable from the ground terminal of the oscilloscope to the chassis of the equipment under test. Without this precaution, the entire current for the equipment under test may be drawn through the probe clip leads under certain circumstances. Such condi­tionscould also pose a safety hazard,whichthe ground cable will prevent.
5. The probe ground clips are at oscilloscope and earth ground and should be connected only to the earth ground or isolated common of the equipment under test. To measure with respect to any point other than the common, use CH 2 – CH 1 subtract operation (ADD mode and INV 1), with the channel 2 probe to the point of measurement and the channel 1 probe to the point of reference. Use this method even if the reference point is a dc voltage with no signal.
The following recommendations will help obtain the best
performance from the oscilloscope.
1. Always use the probe ground clips for best results, attached to a circuit ground point near the point of measurement.Do not rely solely on an externalground wire in lieu of the probe ground clips as undesired signals may be introduced.
2. Avoid the following operating conditions: a. Direct sunlight. b. High temperature and humidity. c. Mechanical vibration. d. Electricalnoise and strong magnetic fields, such as
near large motors, power supplies, transformers, etc.
3. Occasionally check trace rotation, probe compensa­tion,and calibration accuracyofthe oscilloscope using the procedures found in the MAINTENANCE section of this manual.
4. Terminate the output of a signal generator into its characteristic impedance to minimize ringing, espe­cially if the signal has fast edges such as square waves or pulses. For example, the typical 50 output of a square wave generator should be terminated into an external 50 terminating load and connected to the oscilloscope with 50 coaxial cable.
5. Probe compensation adjustment matches the probe to the input of the scope. For best results, compensation should be adjusted initially, then the same probe al­waysusedwith the same channel. Probecompensation should be readjusted when a probe from a different oscilloscope is used.
Until you familiarize yourself with the use of all controls, the settings given here can be used as a reference point to obtain a trace on the CRT in preparation for waveform observation.
1. Set these controls as follows: On both models:
VERTical MODE to CH1. CH1AC/GND/DC to GND. Trigger COUPLING to AUTO. Trigger SOURCE to CH1.
All POSition controls and INTENSITY control cen­tered (pointers facing up). Main Time Base control to 1 mS/div.
On the Model 2160A: Sweep Mode switch to MAIN.
2. Press the red POWER pushbutton (Model 1541D), or rotate the POWER control clockwise away from “OFF” (Model 2160A).
3. A trace should appear on the CRT. Adjust the trace brightness with the INTENSITY control, and the trace sharpness with the FOCUS control.
On the Model 2160A, you can use the BEAM FINDER pushbutton to locate a trace that has been moved off the screen by the POSition controls. When the button is pushed, a compressed version of the trace is brought into view which indicates the location of the trace.
Either channel 1 or channel 2 maybe used for single-trace
operation. To observe a waveform on channel 1:
1. Perform the steps of the “Initial Starting Procedure”.
2. Connect the probe to the CH 1 (X) input jack.
3. Connect the probe ground clip to the chassis or com­mon of the equipment under test. Connect the probe tip to the point of measurement.
4. Move the CH1 AC/GND/DC switch out of the GND position to either DC or AC.
5. If no waveforms appear, increase the sensitivity by turning the CH 1 VOLTS/DIV control clockwise to a position that gives 2 to 6 divisions vertical deflection.
6. Position the waveform vertically as desired using the CH1 POSition control.
7. Thedisplay on the CRT maybeunsynchronized.Refer to the “Triggering” paragraphs in this section for pro­cedures on setting triggering and sweep time controls to obtain a stable display showing the desired number of waveforms.
In observing simultaneous waveforms on channel 1 and 2, the waveforms are usually related in frequency, or one of the waveforms is synchronized to the other, although the basic frequencies are different. To observe two such related waveforms simultaneously, perform the following:
1. Connect probes to both the CH 1 (X) and CH 2 (Y)
input jacks.
2. Connect the ground clips of the probes to the chassis or common of the equipment under test. Connect the tips of the probes to the two points in the circuit where waveforms are to be measured.
3. To view both waveforms simultaneously, set the
VERTical MODE switch to DUAL and select either ALT (alternate) or CHOP with the PULL CHOP
4. In the ALT sweep mode (PULL CHOP switch
pushed in), one sweep displays the channel 1 signal and the next sweep displays the channel 2 signal in an alternating sequence. Alternate sweep is normally used for viewing high-frequency or high-speed wave­forms at sweep times of 1 ms/div and faster, but may be selected at any sweep time.
5. In the CHOP sweep mode (PULL CHOP switch
pulled out), the sweep is chopped (switched) between channel 1 and channel 2. Using CHOP, one channel does not have to “wait” for a complete swept display of the other channel. Therefore, portions of both chan­nel’swaveformsaredisplayedwith the phase relation­ship between the two waveforms unaltered. Chop sweep is normally used for low-frequency or low­speed waveforms at sweep times of 1 ms/div and slower; or where the phase relationship between chan­nel 1 and channel 2 requires measurement.
If chop sweep is used at sweep times of 0.2 ms/div and faster, the chop rate becomes a significant portion of the sweep and may become visible in the displayed waveform. However, you may select chop sweep at any sweep time for special applications.
6. Adjust the channel 1 and 2
POSition controls to
place the channel 1 trace above the channel 2 trace.
7. Set the CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS/DIV controls to a
position that gives 2 to 3 divisions of vertical deflec­tion for each trace. If the display on the screen is unsynchronized, refer to the “Triggering” paragraphs in this section of the manual for procedures for setting triggering and sweep time controls to obtain a stable display showing the desired number of waveforms.
8. WhentheVERTicalMODE switch is set to ADD, the
algebraic sum of CH 1 + CH 2 is displayed as a single trace. When the PULL INV switch is pulled out, the algebraic difference of CH 1 – CH 2 is displayed.
9. Iftwowaveformshavenophaseorfrequencyrelation­ship, there is seldom reason to observe both wave­forms simultaneously. However, these oscilloscopes do permit the simultaneous viewing of two such unre­lated waveforms, using alternate triggering. Refer to the paragraphs on “Triggering - Trigger SOURCE Switch”, for details on alternate triggering.
The Models 2160A and 1541D Oscilloscopes provide versatility in sync triggering for ability to obtain a stable, jitter-free display in single-trace, or dual-trace operation. The proper settings depend upon the type of waveforms being observed and the type of measurement desired. An explanation of the various controls which affect synchroni­zation is given to help you select the proper setting over a wide range of conditions.
Trigger COUPLING Switch
1. In the AUTO position, automatic sweep operation is
selected. In automatic sweep operation, the sweep generator free-runs to generate a sweep without a trigger signal. However, it automatically switches to triggered sweep operation if an acceptable trigger source signal is present. The AUTO position is handy when first setting up the scope to observe a waveform; itprovides sweepforwaveform observationuntilother controls can be properly set. Once the controls are set, operation is often switched back to the normal trigger­ing mode, since it is more sensitive. Automatic sweep must be used for dc measurements and signals of such low amplitude that they will not trigger the sweep.
2. The NORM position provides normal triggered
sweep operation. The sweep remains at rest until the selected trigger source signal crosses the threshold level set by the TRIG LEVEL control. The trigger causes one sweep to be generated, after which the sweep again remains at rest until triggered. In the normal triggering mode, there will be no trace unless an adequate trigger signal is present. In the ALT
VERTICAL MODE of dual trace operation with the SOURCE switch also set to ALT, there will be no
trace unless both channel 1 and channel 2 signals are adequate for triggering. Typically, signals that pro­duce even one division of vertical deflection are ade­quate for normal triggered sweep operation.
3. The TV H and TV V positions are primarily for
viewing composite video waveforms. Horizontal sync pulses are selected as trigger when the trigger COU- PLINGswitch is set to the TV H position, and vertical sync pulses are selected as trigger when the trigger
COUPLING switch is set to the TV V position. The TV H and TV V positions may also be used as low
frequency reject and high frequency reject coupling, respectively. Additional procedures for observing video waveforms are given later in this section of the manual.
Trigger SOURCE Switch
The trigger SOURCE switch (CH 1, CH 2, etc.) selects
the signal to be used as the sync trigger.
1. If the SOURCE switch is set to CH 1 (or CH 2) the
channel 1 (or channel 2) signal becomes the trigger source regardless of the VERTICAL MODE selec­tion.CH 1,orCH 2 are often used as the triggersource for phase or timing comparison measurements.
2. By setting the SOURCE switch to ALT (same as CH1) and PULL ALT TRIG pulled, alternating trig­gering mode is activated. In this mode, the trigger source alternates between CH 1 and CH 2 with each sweep. This is convenient for checking amplitudes, waveshape, or waveform period measurements, and even permits simultaneous observation of two wave­forms which are not related in frequency or period. However,this setting isnot suitable forphase or timing comparison measurements. For such measurements, both traces must be triggered by the same sync signal. Alternate triggering can only be used in dual-trace mode (VERT MODE set to DUAL), and with alter­nate sweep only (PULL CHOP not engaged).
3. In the LINE position, triggering is derived from the input line voltage (50/60 Hz) and the trigger SOURCE switch is disabled. This is useful for meas­urements that are related to line frequency.
4. In the EXT position, the signal applied to the EXT TRIG jack becomes the trigger source. This signal must have a timing relationship to the displayed wave­forms for a synchronized display.
(Refer to Fig. 3)
A sweep trigger is developed when the trigger source
signalcrosses a preset threshold level.Rotation of the TRIG LEVEL control varies the threshold level. In the + direction (clockwise), the triggering threshold shifts to a more posi­tive value, and in the direction (counterclockwise), the triggering threshold shifts to a more negative value. When
the control is centered, the threshold level is set at the approximate average of the signal used as the triggering source. Proper adjustment of this control usually synchro­nizes the display.
The TRIG LEVEL control adjusts the start of the sweep
to almost any desired point on a waveform. On sine wave signals, the phase at which sweep begins is variable. Note that if the TRIG LEVEL control is rotated toward its extreme + or setting, no sweep will be developed in the normal trigger mode because the triggering threshold ex­ceeds the peak amplitude of the sync signal.
When the PULL (–) SLOPE control is set to the + (“in”)
position, the sweep is developed from the trigger source waveform as it crosses a threshold level in a positive-going direction. When the PULL (–) SLOPE control is set to the (“out”) position, a sweep trigger is developed from the trigger source waveform as it crosses the threshold level in a negative-going direction.
Set the Main Time Base TIME/DIV control to display
the desired number of cycles of the waveform. If there are too many cycles displayed for good resolution, switch to a faster sweep time. If only a line is displayed, try a slower sweep time. When the sweep time is faster than the wave­form being observed,only part of it will be displayed, which may appear as a straight line for a square wave or pulse waveform.
(Refer to Fig. 4)
A “holdoff” period occurs immediately after the comple­tion of each sweep, and is a period during which triggering of the next sweep is inhibited. The normal holdoff period varies with sweep rate, but is adequate to assure complete retrace and stabilization before the next sweep trigger is permitted. The HOLDOFF control allows this period to be extended by a variable amount if desired.
Slope “–” Range
Slope “+” Range
Fig. 3. Function of Slope and Level Controls.
A. Holdoff not used
B. Holdoff used
Fig. 4. Use of HOLDOFF Control.
This control is usually set to the MIN position (fully
counterclockwise) because no additional holdoff period is necessary. The HOLDOFF control is useful when a com­plex series of pulses appear periodically such as in Fig. 4B. Improper sync may produce a double image as in Fig. 4A. Such a display could be synchronized with the VA R SWEEP control, but this is impractical because time meas­urements are then uncalibrated. An alternate method of synchronizing the display is with the HOLDOFF control. The sweep speed remains the same, but the triggering of the next sweep is “held off” for the duration selected by the HOLDOFF control. Turn the HOLDOFF control clock­wise from the MIN position until the sweep starts at the same point of the waveform each time.
Since merely shortening the sweep time to magnify a portion of an observed waveform can result in the desired portion disappearing off the screen, magnified display should be performed using magnified sweep.
Using the POSition control, move the desired portion of waveformto the center of the CRT. Pull out the PULL X10 knob to magnify the display ten times. For this type of display the sweep time is the Main Time Base TIME/DIV control setting divided by 10. Rotation of the POSition control can then be used to select the desired portion of the waveforms.
XY operation permits the oscilloscope to perform many measurements not possible with conventional sweep opera­tion. The CRT display becomes an electronic graph of two instantaneous voltages. The display may be a direct com­parison of the two voltages such as stereoscope display of stereo signal outputs. However, theXY mode can be used to graph almost any dynamic characteristic if a transducer is used to change the characteristic (frequency, temperature, velocity, etc.) into a voltage. One common application is fre­quencyresponse measurements,where the Yaxis correspondsto signal amplitude and the X axis corresponds to frequency .
1. On the Model 2160A, set the SWEEP MODE switch
totheXYposition. On the Model 1541D, depress the XY switch. On both models, set the Trigger Source and VERTical MODE switches to XY.
2. In this mode, channel 1 becomes the X axis input and channel 2 becomes the Y axis input. The X and Y positionsare now adjusted usingthe POSitionand the channel 2 POSition controls respectively.
3. Adjust the amount of vertical (Y axis) deflection with the CH 2 VOLTS/DIV and VARIABLE controls.
4. Adjust the amount of horizontal (X axis) deflection with the CH 1 VOLTS/DIV and VARIABLE con­trols.
Setting the COUPLING switch to the TV-H or TV-V
position permits selection of horizontal or vertical sync pulses for sweep triggering when viewing composite video waveforms.
When the TV-H mode is selected, horizontal sync pulses
are selected as triggers to permit viewing of horizontal lines of video. A sweep time of about 10 µs/div is appropriate for displaying lines of video. The VAR SWEEP control can be set to display the exact number of waveforms desired.
When the TV-Vmode is selected, verticalsync pulses are
selected as triggers to permit viewing of vertical fields and frames of video. A sweep time of 2 ms/divis appropriate for viewing fields of video and 5 ms/div for complete frames (two interlaced fields) of video.
At most points of measurement, a composite video signal
is of the ()polarity, that is, the sync pulses are negative and the video is positive. In this case, use () SLOPE. If the waveform is taken at a circuit point where the video wave­form is inverted, the sync pulses are positive and the video is negative. In this case, use (+) SLOPE.
B+K Precision offers a “Guidebook to Oscilloscopes”
which describes numerous applications for this instrument and important considerations about probes. It includes a glossary of oscilloscope terminology and an understanding of how oscilloscopes operate. It may be downloaded free of charge from our Website, www.bkprecision.com.
(Refer to Fig. 5)
Delayed sweep operation is achieved by use of both the
main sweep and the delayed sweep and allows any portion of a waveform to be magnified for observation. Unlike X10 magnification, delayed sweep allows selectable steps of magnification.
1. SettheSweepMode switch to the MAIN position and
adjust the oscilloscope for a normal display.
2. Set the Sweep Mode switch to the MIX position. The
display will show the main sweep on the left portion (representing the MAIN Time Base control setting) and the delayed sweep on the right portion (repre­senting the DELAY Time Base control setting). The MAIN Time Base portion of the trace usually will be brighter than the delayed time base portion. Fig. 5 shows a typical display for the MIX display mode.
3. Shift the percentage of the display that is occupied by
the main sweep by adjusting the DELAY TIME POSition control. Counterclockwise rotation causes more of the display to be occupied by the main sweep
Delayed Sweep
Fig. 5. MIX SWEEP MODE Display.
and clockwise rotation causes more of the display to be occupied by the delayed sweep.
4. Set the Sweep Mode switch to the DELAY position
to display only the magnified delayed sweep portion of the display.
In order to obtain meaningful results with delayed sweep, the DELAY Time Base control must set be set to a faster sweep speed than the MAIN Time Base control. Because of this, the oscilloscope automat­ically prevents (electrically) the DELAY Time Base from being set to a slower sweep speed than the MAIN Time Base. Forexample, if the MAINTimeBase is set to0.1 ms/div, theslowest possibleDELAY TimeBase sweep speed is also 0.1ms/div, even if the control is set slower.
(Model 2160A)
Do not apply an external voltage to the COMP TEST jacks. Only non-powered circuits should be tested with this unit. Testing powered circuits could damage the instrument and increase the risk of electrical shock.
The component test function produces a component “sig­nature” on the CRT by applying an ac signal across the device and measuring the resulting ac current. The display represents a graph of voltage (X) versus current (Y). The
component test function can be used to view the signatures of resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and other semi­conductor devices. Devices may be analyzed in-circuit or out-of-circuit and combinations of two or more devicesmay be displayed simultaneously. Each component produces a different signature and the components can be analyzed as outlined below.
Component Test mode is activated by depressing the
COMPonent TEST switch. The SWEEP MODE switch must not be in the DELAY position.
A purely resistive impedance produces a signature that is a straight line. A short circuit produces a vertical line and an open circuit causes a horizontal line. Therefore, the higher the resistance, the closer to horizontal the trace will be. Values from 10 to about 5 kare within measurement range. Values below 10 will appear to be a dead short while values above 5 kwill appear to be an open circuit. Fig. 6 shows some typical resistance signatures.
To test a resistor,insertone of the resistor’sleads into the white COMP TEST jack, and the other into the GND jack (make sure that the leads touch the metal walls inside the jacks). To test in-circuit, a pair of test leads can be used to connect the COMP TEST and GND jacks to the compo­nent(s).
Besureto dischargecapacitors (by short­ing the leads together) before connecting to the COMP TEST jack. Some capaci­tors can retain a voltage high enough to damage the instrument.
A purely capacitive impedance produces a signature that is an ellipse or circle. Value is determined by the size and shape of the ellipse. A very low capacitance causes the ellipse to flatten out horizontally and become closer to a straight horizontal line and a very high capacitance causes the ellipse to flatten out vertically and become closer to a straight vertical line. Values from about 0.33 µF to about 330 µF are within measurable range. Values below 0.33 µF will be hard to distinguish from an open circuit and values above330 µF will be hard to distinguish from ashort circuit. Fig. 7 shows several typical capacitance signatures.
To test a capacitor,insert the capacitor’spositive lead into the white COMP TEST jack, and the negative lead into the GND jack (make sure that the leads touch the metal walls inside the jacks). Totest in-circuit or to test a capacitor with leadsthat aretoo short tofit intotheCOMPTESTand GND jacks, a pair of test leads can be used to connect the COMP TEST and GND jacks to the component(s).
Open Circuit
Short Circuit
10 Resistor
200 Resistor
5.1 k Resistor
Fig. 6. Typical Resistive Signatures.
0.33 F Capacitorµ
Like capacitance, a purely inductive impedance produces asignaturethat is an ellipse or circle and valueis determined by the size and shape of the ellipse. A very high inductance causes the ellipse to flatten out horizontally and a very low inductance causes the ellipse to flatten out vertically.Values from about 0.05 H to about 5 H are within measurement range. Values below 0.05 H will be hard to distinguish from a short circuit and values above 5 H will be hard to distin­guish from an open. Fig. 8 shows several typical inductance signatures.
To test an inductor, insert one of the inductor’s leads into the white COMP TEST jack, and the other into the GND jack (make sure that the leads touch the metal walls inside the jacks). To test in-circuit or to test an inductor with leads that are too short to be inserted into the COMP TEST and
GND jacks, a pair of test leads can be used to connect the COMP TEST and GND jacks to the component(s).
4.7 F Capacitorµ
1 Henry Inductor
300 F Capacitorµ
5 Henry Inductor
Fig. 7. Typical Capacitive Signatures.
Fig. 8. Typical Inductive Signatures.
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