B&K Precision 1739 Datasheet

Data Sheet
Low Current High Resolution DC Power Supply, 30 V, 1 A
Model 1739
Features and Benefits
Low 1 mA settable current limit with
0.1 mA resolution
Output on/off button
Exceptionally low current ripple and noise
(<0.4 mArms)
Excellent regulation
Constant voltage (CV) and constant current
(CC) operation
The B&K Precision model 1739 is a high resolution, low current DC power source with excellent load regulation and low noise characteristics. Two 4-digit LED displays continuously monitor the output voltage and current. The power supplies can be operated locally from the front panel or remotely through the RS-232 interface. The mechanical configuration conserves bench space and allows for easy portability.
This power supply is well suited for electrical and electronics applications requiring precise levels of low current, including 4-20 mA current loop testing, calibration, or basic IC testing.
Two large, easy-to-read LED displays provide
good visibility in bright or low light conditions
CV and CC mode indicator
Automatic recall of saved voltage and current
settings upon power-up
RS-232 interface
Isolated output
Overload protection
Reverse polarity protection
Power-on self test
Low Current Precision Design
The 1739 is a low current precision power supply designed especially for small current applications that require a clean and precise source. Using a MOSFET circuit design and high quality components with very low temperature coefficients, the power supply is extremely stable and capable of outputting current as low as 1 mA with a 100 uA settable resolution. The power supply is also implemented with a high performance AC line filter to minimize noise on the power line before rectification, allowing for very low ripple and noise at the output.
Technical data subject to change © B&K Precision Corp. 2012
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Low Current High Resolution DC Power Supply, 30 V, 1 A
odel 1739
Front Panel
Bright, 4-digit LED displays
Output terminals
LED indicators for constant voltage and constant current modes
Voltage and current coarse and fine control
Rear Panel
Fanless heatsink design for quiet bench operation
RS-232 interface enables the instrument to be remotely controlled via PC
PC Connectivity
Control your instrument via RS-232 interface through the application software* or by sending programming commands. The application soft­ware provides a virtual front panel and a simple data logging function to store and log data to a text or CSV file.
Model 1739
Outp u t R at i n g s ( 0 ° C~40 °C)
Voltage 0-30 V
Current 0-999.9 mA
Loa d Regula t i o n ± ( % of output +o f f s e t)
Voltage 0.04% + 1 mV
Current 0.4% + 0.1 mA
Lin e Regula t i o n ± ( % of outpu t +o f f s e t)
Voltage 0.1% + 3 mV
Current 0.4% + 0.3 mA
Rip p l e & Noise (20 Hz ~ 2 0 MH z)
Voltage <1 mVrms
Current 0.4 mArms
Recovery Time
Mete r Res o luti o n
Voltage 10 mV
Current 0.1 mA
Mete r Acc ura c y
Voltage 0.5% + 2 digits
Current 0.5% + 2 digits
Ge ner a l
Power Requirements 110/220 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption 70 VA
Protection Reverse polarity, current limiting
Oper a t i n g E n v i r o nment
Temperature 32 °F to 104 °F (0 °C to 40 °C)
Humidity 75% R.H.
Temperature coefficient (0 °C~35 °C)
±(of output+offset)
Storage Temperature 5 °F to 158 °F (-15° to +70° C)
Storage Humidity 85% R.H.
Mecha n i c a l S p e c ificati ons
Weight 9 lbs (4 kg)
Dimensions (W x H x D)
Supplied Accessories Power cord, instruction manual, RS232 cable
Note: All specifications apply to the unit after a temperature stabilization time of 30 minutes.
75 μs
300 ppm/°C
5.5” x 6.2” x 12.5"
(140 x 158 x 318 mm)
Three Year Warranty
*Available for download at www.bkprecision.com
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