Bio-Rad PROTEAN IEF Cell Accessories User Manual

Cup Loading Tray for the PROTEAN
IEF Cell
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Table of Contents
SSeeccttiioonn 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ........................................................................................................................................................................11
1.1 Overview..........................................................................................1
1.2 Introduction ....................................................................................1
1.3 Description ......................................................................................3
1.4 Specifications ..................................................................................4
SSeeccttiioonn 22 IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss............................................................................................................................................................................44
2.1 General Overview ............................................................................4
2.2 IPG Strips Rehydration Solution Preparation and
Strip Rehydration ............................................................................5
2.3 Transfer and Placement of Rehydrated IPG Strips in the
Focusing Tray ..................................................................................5
2.4 Placement of Movable Electrodes....................................................6
2.5 Positioning Sample Loading Cups and Loading Sample..................6
2.6 Focusing Conditions ........................................................................8
2.7 After Focusing Run is Complete ......................................................9
SSeeccttiioonn 33 CClleeaanniinngg,, MMaaiinntteennaannccee,, aanndd CChheemmiiccaall CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy............................................1100
3.1 Focusing Tray ................................................................................10
3.2 Movable Electrode Assemblies ......................................................11
3.3 Cups ............................................................................................11
SSeeccttiioonn 44 GGeenneerraall GGuuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr SSaammppllee PPrreeppaarraattiioonn........................................................................1111
SSeeccttiioonn 55 TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg ........................................................................................................................................................1122
SSeeccttiioonn 66 WWaarrrraannttyy ................................................................................................................................................................................1133
Section 1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The Cup Loading Tray for the PROTEAN IEF cell is designed for the optimal resolution and separation of proteins with isoelectric points (pI) at either extreme of the pH range. The Cup Loading Tray can accommodate up to 12 IPG strips from 7 cm to 24 cm in length.
The Cup Loading Tray includes a tray base, a pair of movable electrode assemblies, and one bag each (120 count) of 100 and 150 µl sample cups. No modifications to the PROTEAN IEF cell are needed for compatibility with the Cup Loading Tray.
The Cup Loading Tray offers the following benefits:
Enhanced resolution and separation of proteins with pIs at extreme pH ranges
Optimal focusing for users of ReadyStrip™ IPG strips pH 3-6, pH 7-10, and Micro-range ReadyStrip IPG strips pH 6.3–8.3
Tray runs up to 12 IPG strips per run for high throughput
Tray accommodates 7 cm to 24 cm IPG strips with movable electrode assemblies
Two sample cup sizes, 100 and 150 µl, are available to allow greater flexibility
The Cup Loading Tray is compatible with all PROTEAN IEF cells, so no modification to existing PROTEAN IEF cell is necessary.
1.2 Introduction
Isoelectric focusing of proteins in the acidic and basic pH ranges is often associated with streaking due, in part, to protein precipitation when utilizing standard in-gel rehydration of IPG strips. Protein resolution can be markedly improved when the proteins are applied to the IPG strips by means of a sample cup positioned in a discreet area of a rehydrated IPG strip.
The Cup Loading Tray allows for sample application via cup loading after rehydration of the IPG strips. Certain conditions make cup loading the preferred method of sample loading. The examples below compare in gel rehydration resolution with cup loading resolution of an E. coli sample on pH 3-6 and pH 7-10 IPG strips.
pH 3 pH 6 pH 3 pH 6
A. pH 3-6 cup loading tray B. pH 3-6 in-gel rehydration
pH 7 pH 10 pH 7 pH 10
C. pH 7-10 cup loading tray D. pH 7-10 in-gel rehydration
Figure 1. In-gel rehydration: 400 µg E.coli lysate in 8M Urea, 4% Chaps, 50 mM DTT, 0.2% Bio-Lytes. Cup loading: 400 µg E.coli lysate in 100 µl 8M Urea, 4% Chaps, 50 mM DTT, 0.2% Bio-Lytes. A. pH 3-6 cup loading at cathode (-), B. pH 3-6 in-gel rehydration C. pH 7-10 cup loading at anode (+), D. pH 7-10 in-gel rehydration
1.3 Description
The Cup Loading Tray for use with the PROTEAN IEF cell consists of the following components:
Figure 2. Diagram of Cup Loading Tray components.
1. A twelve-cup strip that holds up to 100 µl of sample per cup and a twelve-cup strip that holds up to 150 µl of sample per cup.
Note: For precise mechanical fit, a minimum of two cups is required. A single sample cup provides an incomplete “stop” on the channel walls and the gel could be punctured.
2. A twelve channel focusing tray that accommodates IPG strips from 7cm to 24 cm.
3. Two movable electrode assemblies, each having 12 individual teeth with cavities which allow mineral oil to flow through the entire channel of the focusing tray.
Spring cup
Large (150 µl) sample cup
Small (100 µl) sample cup
Spring clip
Right handle
Left handle
Tray base
Electrode contact area
Cup loading tray
Electrode contact area
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