Related Products for Electrophoresis
Catalog # Description
161-0 363 Precision Plus Protein Unstained Standards, 1,000 µl
161-0 396 Precision Plus Protein Unstained Standards Value
161-0373 Precisio n Plus Pr otein A ll Blue S tand ards, 5 00 µl
161-0 393 Preci sion Plus Prote in All B lue Standar ds Valu e
161- 0 374 P reci sion Plus Prote in Dua l Color S tand ards, 5 00 µl
161-0394 Preci sion Plus Prote in Dua l Color S tandards Val ue
161-0 377 Precision P lus Pro tein Du al Xtra S tand ards, 5 00 µl
161-0 397 Precisio n Plus Pr otein D ual Xtr a Stan dard s Value
161-0 385 Precision Plus Protein
161-0 398 Precision Plus Protein WesternC Value Pack,
161-0747 4x Laemmli Sample Buffer, 10 ml
161-0786 Bio-Safe
Cooma ssie is a trademark of BAS F Akti enges ellsc haft.
Tween is a trade mark of I CI Americas I nc.
This product is sold under license from Life Technologies Corporation,
Carls bad, CA, fo r use onl y by the buyer of the pro duct. T he buyer is not
authorized to sell or resell this product or its components.
For more information, go to www.bio-rad.com.
4110182 Rev G 13-0322 0313
Pack, 5 x 1000 µl
Pack, 5 x 500 µl
Pack, 5 x 500 µl
Pack, 5 x 500 µl
Plus Prote in Wester nC Sta ndards a nd Stre pTactin-HRP,
50 applications
250 applications
Coomassie Stain, 1 L
WesternC™ Pack, Precision
Precision Plus Protein
Kaleidoscope™ Standards
Instruction Manual
Single unit
Catalog #161-0375
5-Pack value pack
Catalog #161-0395
Product shipped at
room temperature.
Store at –20°C for 12 months.

Representative lot
of Precision Plus
Protein Kaleidoscope
prestained standards
on a Criterion
4–20% Tris-HCl G el
The Precision Plus Protein standards are
the latest generation of recombinant proteins
designed to provide a ladder of convenient,
consistent sizes. These standards continue the
tradition of accuracy and ease of use begun
by Precision Protein
providing instant orientation, even greater
accuracy, particularly in the 10–25 kD range.
The Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope
standards provide a broad range recombinant
ladder with multiple colors that allow for easy
band referencing and blot orientation.
Note: Prestained standards may fade during blocking,
antibody incubation, or washing steps due to the use of
Tween-20 in buffers. For other options, contact Bio-Rad
Technical Suppor t at 1-800-424-6723.
standards, while also