1.2.4 Word message panel structure ................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Localization / position of safety labels at the chamber ........................................................................ 9
1.4 Type plate .......................................................................................................................................... 10
1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the chamber ................................................ 11
1.6 Intended use ...................................................................................................................................... 13
11.1 Setting the safety controller mode ..................................................................................................... 46
11.2 Setting the safety controller value ..................................................................................................... 46
11.3 Message and measures in the state of alarm ................................................................................... 47
11.4 Function check .................................................................................................................................. 47
12. GENERAL CONTROLLER SETTINGS ................................................................ 48
12.1 Selecting the controller’s menu language ......................................................................................... 48
12.2 Selecting the temperature unit .......................................................................................................... 48
12.3 Setting the current date ..................................................................................................................... 49
12.4 Setting the current time ..................................................................................................................... 50
12.5 Function “Language selection at restart” ........................................................................................... 50
12.6 Setting the chamber address ............................................................................................................ 51
16.1 Assigning the access codes .............................................................................................................. 69
16.2 Opening the chamber door with the access code ............................................................................. 70
17. DATA RECORDER ............................................................................................... 71
17.1 Recorded data ................................................................................................................................... 71
17.3 Setting the storage rate for the “DL1” recorder data ......................................................................... 72
17.4 Deleting the data recorder ................................................................................................................. 72
18. USB-MENU: DATA TRANSFER VIA USB INTERFACE ...................................... 73
18.1 Connecting the USB stick.................................................................................................................. 73
18.2 Import function .................................................................................................................................. 73
19.2 Charging voltage ............................................................................................................................... 76
20. SETTING AND ACTIVATING THE SERVICE SETPOINT ................................... 76
20.1 Setting the service setpoint ............................................................................................................... 76
20.2 Activating the service setpoint ........................................................................................................... 77
21. CO2 EMERGENCY COOLING (OPTION) ............................................................ 78
21.1 Connecting and exchanging the pressurized CO2 cylinder ............................................................... 79
21.2 Operating the CO2 emergency cooling system ................................................................................. 81
21.3 Settings on the chamber controller ................................................................................................... 83
21.3.1 Setting the CO2 emergency cooling temperature setpoint....................................................... 83
21.3.2 Activating the CO2 emergency cooling .................................................................................... 83
21.3.3 Test run of the CO2 emergency cooling .................................................................................. 84
22. DATA MONITORING AND RECORDING ............................................................ 85
24. MAINTENANCE, CLEANING, AND SERVICE ..................................................... 87
24.1 Maintenance intervals, service .......................................................................................................... 87
24.2 Service Reminder .............................................................................................................................. 88
24.3 Cleaning and decontamination .......................................................................................................... 88
27.4 Technical data ................................................................................................................................. 101
27.5 Equipment and options (extract) ..................................................................................................... 103
27.6 Optional equipment, accessories and spare parts (extract) ............................................................ 104
27.7 Dimensions UF V 500 (E3) ............................................................................................................. 106
27.8 Dimensions UF V 700 (E3) ............................................................................................................. 107
28. CERTIFICATES AND DECLARATIONS OF CONFORMITY ............................. 108
28.1 EU Declaration of Conformity .......................................................................................................... 108
30.1 For chambers located outside the USA and Canada ...................................................................... 111
30.2 For chambers in the USA and Canada ........................................................................................... 114
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Dear Customer,
For the correct operation of the ULTRA.G uard™ ultra-low temperature freezer UF V, it is important that
you read this operating manual c ompletely and carefully and observe all instructions as indicated. Failure
to read, understand and follow the instruc tions m ay result in personal injury. It can also lead to damage to
the chamber and/or poor equipment performance.
1. Safety
This operating manual is part of the components of delivery. Always keep it handy for reference.
The chamber should only be operated by laboratory personnel especially trained for this purpose and fa-
miliar with all precautionary meas ures required for work ing in a laboratory. Observe the national regulations on minimum age of laboratory personnel. To avoid injury and damage observe the safety instructions
in the operating manual.
Failure to observe the s afety instructions .
Serious injuries and chamber damage.
Observe the safety instructions in this operating manual
Carefully read the complete operating instructions of the chamber.
1.1 Legal considerations
This operating manual is f or informational purposes only. It contains information for installing, start-up,
operation and maintenance of the product. Note: the contents and the product described are s ubject to
change without notice.
Understanding and observing the instructions in this operating m anual are prerequisites for hazard-free
use and safety during operation and maintenance. In no event shall BINDER be held liable for any damages, direct or incidental arising out of or related to the use of this manual.
This operating manual cannot cover all conc eivable applications. If you would like additional information,
or if special problems aris e that are not sufficiently addressed in this manual, please ask your dealer or
contact us directly by phone at the number located on page one of this manual
Furthermore, we emphas ize that the contents of this operat ing m anual ar e not part of an earlier or existing
agreement, description, or legal relationship, nor do they modif y such a relationship. All obligations on the
part of BINDER derive from the respective purchase c ontract, which also contains the entire and exclusively valid statement of warranty administration. The statements in this manual neither augment nor restrict the contractual warranty provisions.
1.2 Structure of the safety instructions
In this operating manual, the following safety definitions and symbols indicate dangerous situations in
accordance with the standards ISO 3864-2 and ANSI Z535.6.
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1.2.1 Signal word panel
Depending on the probability of serious consequences, potential dangers are identified with a signal word,
the corresponding safety color, and if appropriate, the safety alert symbol.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious (irreversible)
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
(irreversible) injury
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in moderate or minor
(reversible) injury
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in damage to the product
and/or its functions or to property in its proximity.
1.2.2 Safety alert symbol
Use of the safety alert symbol indicates a risk of injury.
Observe all measures that are marked with the safety alert symbol in order to avoid death or
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Warning signs
Electrical hazard
Explosive atmosphere
Pollution Hazard
Harmful substances
or chemical burns
Mandatory action signs
Environment protection
Wear protective gloves
Prohibition signs
1.2.3 Pictograms
suffocation hazard
Mandatory regulation
Very cold surface
Gas cylinders
Risk of corrosion and /
Read operating
Disconnect the power
Stability hazard
Lift with mechanical
Wear safety goggles
Do NOT touch
Do NOT spray with
Do NOT climb
Information to be observed in order to ensure optimum function of the product.
1.2.4 Word message panel structure
Type / cause of hazard.
Possible consequences.
∅ Instruction on how to avoid the hazard: prohibition
Instruction on how to avoid the hazard: mandatory action
Observe all other notes and information not nec essarily emphasized in the same way, in order to avoid
disruptions that could result in direct or indirect injury or property damage.
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1.3 Localization / position of safety labels at the chamber
The following labels are located on the chamber:
Pictograms (Warning signs)
Very cold surface: Risk of freezing
Risk of injury.
Observe the safety instructions in the operating manual.
Service label
(only UF V - UL and UF V with optional CO
emergency cooling)
UF V regular chamber UF V-UL and UF V with optional
emergency cooling
Figure 1: Position of labels on the ultra-low temperature freezer UF V
Keep safety labels complete and legible.
Replace safety labels that are no longer legible. Contact BINDER Service for these replacements.
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Indications of the type plate (example)
Manufacturer: BINDER GmbH
UF V 500
Model designation
Serial No.
Serial no. of the chamber
Year of construction
Nominal temperature
-86 °C
-123 °F
IP protection
IP type of protection acc. to standard EN 60529
Temp. safety device
DIN 12880
Temperature safety device acc. to standard DIN 12880
Class of temperature safety device
Art. No.
Art. no. of the chamber
Project No.
Optional: Special application acc. to project no.
1,60 kW
Nominal power
9,0 A
Nominal current
Nominal voltage +/- 10%
at the indicated power frequency
1 N ~
Current type
Max. operating pressure 28 bar
Max operating pressure in the refrigerating system
The type plate sticks to the left side of the chamber, bottom right-hand.
Im Mittleren Ösch 5
78532 Tuttlingen / Germany
Made in Germany
Figure 2: Type plate (example UF V 500 (E3) standard chamber)
ULTRA.GUARD ULT Freezer Device name: “ULTRA.GUARD” ultra-low temperature
Nominal temperature
230 V / 50 Hz
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CE conformity marking
Electrical and electronic equipment manufactured / placed
on the market in the EU after 13 August 2005 and to be
disposed of in a separate collection according to directive
2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment
1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the chamber
With regard to operating the chamber and to the installation location, please observe the DGUV guidelines
213-850 on safe working in laboratories ( f or merly BGI/GUV-I 850-0, BGR/GUV-R 120 or ZH 1/119, issued
by the employers’ liability insurance association) (for Germany).
BINDER GmbH is only responsible for the safety features of the chamber provided skilled electricians or
qualified personnel authorized by BINDER perform all maintenance and repair, and if com ponents relating
to chamber safety are replaced in the event of failure with original spare parts.
To operate the cham ber, use only original BINDER accessories or accessories fr om third-party suppliers
authorized by BINDER. The user is responsible for any risk caused by using unauthorized accessories.
Danger of overheating.
Damage to the chamber.
∅ Do NOT install the chamber in unventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation of the installation site for dispersal of the heat.
Leakage of refrige rant in the event of a chamber defect.
Danger to the environment.
Ensure sufficient ventilation of the installation site.
Do not operate the chamber in hazardous locations.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT operate the chamber in potentially explosive areas.
∅ KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the chamber.
The chamber does not does not dispose of any measures of explosion protection.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT introduce any substance into the chamber which is combustible or explosive at
working temperature.
∅ NO explosive dust or air-solvent mixture in the inner chamber.
Any solvent contained in the charging material must not be explosive or inflamm able. I.e., irrespective of
the solvent concentration in the steam room, NO explosive m ixture with air must form. T he temperature
inside the chamber mus t lie below the flash point or below the sublimation point of the charging material.
Familiarize yourself with the physical and chemical properties of the charging material.
Familiarize yourself with any potential health risks caused by the charging material. Take adequate
measures to exclude any risk prior to putting the chamber into operation.
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Contamination with toxic, infectious or radioactive substances.
Danger of intoxication.
Danger of infection.
Protect the interior of the chamber against contamination by toxic, infectious or radioac-
tive substances.
Take appropriate measures when bringing in or taking out toxic, infectious or radioac-
tive substances.
Electrical hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ The chamber must NOT become wet during operation or maintenance.
The chamber s were produced in accordance with VDE regulations and were routinely tested in accordance to VDE 0411-1 (IEC 61010-1).
The inner surfaces become very cold during operation.
Danger of injury by freezing on.
∅ Do NOT directly touch the inner surfaces or the charging material during operation.
∅ AVOID skin contact with the inner surfaces and accessory equipment.
Wear protective gloves when opening the inner doors and during manipulation.
Stability hazar d .
Danger of injury.
Damage to the chamber an d th e charging material.
Housing cover breakaway.
∅ Do NOT climb on the lower housing cover.
∅ Do NOT load the lower housing cover with heavy objects while the chamber door is
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1.6 Intended use
ULTRA.Guard™ ultra-low tem perature fr eezers UF V are tec hnical equipm ent and intended solely for use
at work. They are suitable are designed for safe storage of varied materials at temperatures up to –86 °C /
-122,8 °F, especially for long-term storage of biological, m edical, and chemical samples at cons tant low
temperature. T hey are suitable for the dom ains Pharm acy, Medicine, Life Sciences, plastic industr y, electronic components, food etc.
Freezers are designed for storage of harmless m aterials. None of the components of the charging material must be able to form an ex plosive mixture with air. Any component of the c harging material must NOT
be able to release toxic gases.
Following the instructions in this operating manual and conducting regular maintenance work
(chap. 24) are part of the intended use.
Other applications are not approved.
The chambers are not classified as medical devices as defined by the Medical Dev ice Directive
WARNING: If customer should use a chamber running in non-supervised continuous operation, we strongly recommend in case of inclusion of irrecoverable specimen or samples to
split such specimen or samples and store them in at least two chambers, if this is feasible.
The charging material shall not contain any corrosive ingredients that may damage the machine components made of stainless steel. Such ingredients include in particular acids and
halides. Any corrosive damage caused by such ingredients is excluded from liability by
In case of foreseeable use of the chamber there is no risk for the user through the integration of the
chamber into systems or by special environmental or operating conditions in the sense of EN 610101:2010. For this, the intended use of the chamber and all its connections must be observed.
1.7 Operating instructions
Depending on the application and location of the chamber , the operator of the cham ber mus t provide the
relevant information for safe operation of the chamber in a set of operating instructions.
Keep these operating instructions with the chamber at all times in a place where they are
clearly visible. They must be comprehensible and written in the language of the employees.
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1.8 Measures to prevent accidents
The operator of the chamber must observe the following regulation: Occupational Safety Regulations.
Operation of refr igeration chambers , heat pumps and cooling systems (G UV-R 500 chap. 2.35) (for Germany).
Following measures have been taken by the manufacturer in order to prevent ignition and explosions:
•Indications of the type plate
See operating manual chap. 1.4
•Operating manual
An operating manual is available for each chamber.
•Temperature monitoring
The chamber has a temperature display which can be read from outside.
An additional temperature safety device is built into the device. A visual and an audible signal (buzzer)
show exceeding of the temperature.
•Safety, measurement and control devices
The safety, measuring, and control devices are easily accessible.
•Electrostatic charge
The interior parts are grounded.
•Non-ionizing radiation
Non-ionizing radiation is not intentionally produced, but released only for technical reasons by electrical
equipment (e.g. electric m otors). The machine has str ong permanent magnets. If persons with active
implants (e.g. pacem akers, def ibrillators) keep a safe distance (distance of f ield source to implant) of
30 cm, an influence of these implants can be excluded with high probability.
•Protection against touchable surfaces
Tested according to EN ISO 13732-3:2008.
See operating manual chap. 3.4 for installation
See operating manual chap. 24.3.
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2. Chamber descript ion
The ULTRA.Guard™ ultra-low tem perature f reezers UF V were produc ed with great care using the latest
tools for development and production. T hey were optimized for safe long-term stor age of samples in the
ultra-low temperature range. You can operate the fr eezer in a temperature range from -86 °C / -122.8 °F
up to -40 °C / -40 °F.
The UF V-UL chambers are regularly equipped with the advanced voltage booster AVC (option for UF V).
The freezers are available for several different voltages.
Door access system (option):
The freezers are optionally available with an electrom echanical door lock ing and electronic acces s contr ol
via NumPad, permitting personalized access control.
A pushbutton permits opening the electrom echanical door locking without using your hands. A pull-tight
function automatically closes the outer door when slightly open.
Lockable protective flap for the main power switch (option)
An additional locking system with key for the freezer’s main power switch is optionally available.
The efficient RD4 chamber controller is equipped with a multitude of operating functions, in addition to
recorder and alarm functions. Set-point entry is easily accomplished directly via the chamber contr oller
and is also possible directly with a computer via Intranet in connection with the comm unication software
APT-COM™ 3 DataControlSystem (option, chap. 22.2).
Temperature setting is ac curate to a tenth of a degree. The controller is mounted at the optimal height for
The controller offers an error diagnostics system generating audible and visual warning and alarm messages.
Chambers with the option “battery-buffered alarm system”: During power failure, alarm f unction and control remain active during 72h. The controller provides password protection for the setting menus.
The controller monitors ambient temperature and issues an alarm if it exceeds an adjustable value.
The inner chamber and the ins ide of the ins ulated out er door are made of stainless steel (G er man materi-
al no. 1.4016, U S equivalent AISI 430). The housing including all corners and edges is RAL 7035 varnished. The inner surfaces are sm ooth and ther efore eas y to clean. Easy front access permits f ilter c leaning without tools. Two 28 m m access por t serve to introduce a sensor cable of a meas uring device, the
upper one also to connect the optional CO
The buildup of ice in the door area is minim al due to perfect closing of the inner and outer doors. Pr ecise
spatial distribution of the cold in the interior ensures stor age of all sam ples at an identical storage tem perature. The prevention of thermal br idges protects against defrosting. The com bination of vacuum insulation panels (V technology) and CFC-free polyurethane foaming maximizes the cold storage capacity.
emergency cooling
The freezer has two com partment doors. You can insert stainless s teel shelves are m ak e optim um us e of
the interior. You can flexibly arrange the shelves to use the interior in a variable and optimum manner .
Inventory racks (stainless steel storage racks with cryo boxes, chap. 23) are optionally available.
Castors with locks serve to move the freezer.
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Cooling system
The powerful, energy-efficient and low-noise refrigerating machine uses the environmentally friendly
“green” refrigerants R 290 (pr opane) und R170 (ethane). They are completely free of HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) and CFCs (chlorofluorocarbon).
Control of the two-stage refrigerating m achine: T he 1
stage cooling turns on depending on the temperature.
stage cooling immediately turns on. In addition, the
Thanks to the standard overtemperature safety device, the set temperature is maintained also in case of a
controller failure.
In case of power failure at -80 °C / -112 °F, a tem perature of -60 °C / -76 °F will not be exceeded in an
empty freezer for at least 2.5 hours, in a loaded freezer (measured with a 30 kg / 66 lb water load) for
approx. 7 hours.
Battery-buffered alarm system (option): The f reezer is optionally equipped with a rechargeable battery
(12 V, 7.2 Ah). Battery voltage is regularly monitored. An alarm indicates too low battery voltage. You can
check battery voltage in the “USER” menu.
The advanced voltage booster optionally available provides automatic voltage compensation through a
buck/boost converter (chap. 4.6).
An error diagnostics system m onitors the chamber functions and generates audible and visual warning
and alarm messages. The door is monitored for being closed.
The CO
em ergency cooling (option, chap. 21) off ers additional r efrigeration, i.e., f ollowing introduction of
a heat load, in case of a power failure or failure of the cooling system.
Data monitoring and rec o rding
The chamber is regularly equipped with a zero-voltage relay alarm output (chap. 14.4.7) and optionally
with an analog output (chap. 22.3) for integration into customer systems.
The freezer is regularly equipped with an Ethernet interface (chap. 22.1) for computer communication,
enabling monitoring via a network. The BINDER com munication sof tware APT-COM™ 3 / 4 DataContr olSystem (option, chap. 22.2) permits network ing of up to 40 chambers and connection to a computer, as
well as recording and representing temperature data.
A data logger independent from the chamber controller (option, chap. 22.4) serves to independently record the temperature values, data given out in compliance with FDA guideline 21 CFR part 11.
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Optional equipment:
“Door access system”
2.1 Chamber overview
Standard equipment
Figure 3: Ultra-low temperature freezer UF V (example UF V 700), front view
(A) Outer door
(B) Door lock and controller housing (description chap. 2.2)
(C) Door handle
(D) Compressor housing
(E) Air filter flap (checking and cleaning / replacing the filter chap. 24.4.1)
(F) Castors (front castors lockable by breaks)
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Figure 4: Ultra-low temperature freezer UF V 700, open
(A) Outer door
(B) Door lock and controller housing (description chap. 2.2)
(C) Door handle
(D) Compressor housing
(E) Air filter flap (checking and cleaning / replacing the filter chap. 24.4.1)
(F) Castors (front castors lockable by breaks)
(G) Compartment with variable shelf
(H) Compartment door
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2.2 Door lock and controller housing
The controller operator panel is integrated in the freezer‘s door lock and controller housing (B).
With the standard chamber a door handle (C) serves to open and close the chamber door.
(C) (C)
Front view Left chamber side
Figure 5: Standard chamber: Door lock and controller housing with controller operator panel and door
Chambers with the “Door access system “option are equipped with an electromechanical door lock ing and
electronic access control via NumPad.
Front view Left chamber side
Figure 6: Chamber with “Door access system” option: Door lock and controller housing with Numpad,
controller operator paneland pushbutton “OPEN” to open the door
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A pushbutton permits opening the electrom echanical door locking with-
2.2.1 Operating the NumPad (option “Door access system”)
Combined with the electromechanical door loc king the NumPad permits personalized access control to
the freezer.
Figure 7: Door lock and controller housing with “Door access system” option:
Numpad, controller operating panel and pushbutton “OPEN” to open the chamber door
(1) Controller RD4 operating panel
(2) Pushbutton “OPEN” to open the chamber door
(3) NumPad to control the electromechanical door locking
2.2.2 Operating the electromechanical door locking (option “Door access system”)
out using your hands. A pull-tight function automatically closes the outer
door when slightly open.
Opening the door:
Firmly press the one-touch pushbutton “OPEN”. You can now open the
Closing the door:
Firmly press on the door f or at least 2 seconds until the automatic door
mechanism is activated and closes the door tightly.
Figure 8: Pushbutton “OPEN”
to open the door
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Risk of locking in a person.
Danger of death.
Before closing doors, make sure that nobody is inside.
Pull the power plug before entering the interior (e.g. for cleaning purposes).
2.3 Main power switch
The main power switch is located on the bottom right side of the chamber.
In addition, a lock able protective flap covering the main power switch is optionally available. It can be un-
locked with a key and then removed.
Standard chamber Chamber with optional lockable protective flap
Figure 9: Position of the main power switch and the lockable protective flap (option) on the right side of the
(4) Main power switch
(5) Lockable protective flap (option)
(5a) Key lock of the optional lockable protective flap
Off Onn
Figure 10: Main power switch (4) on the right side of the chamber
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2.4 Chamber rear
Chamber without CO
emergency cooling Chamber with CO2 emergency cooling
Figure 11: Chamber rear
(6a) 28 mm acces s port to connect the der CO
emergency cooling (option) or for cable of a supplemen-
tary measuring device
(6b) 28 mm access port, e.g., for cable of a supplementary measuring device
(7) Connecting socket for IEC connector plug with strain relief
(I) Connection panel
(J) CO
emergency cooling (option, chap. 21)
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Figure 12: Connection panel (I) on the chamber rear
(8) Ethernet interface (Chap. 22.1)
(9) Connection socket for zero-voltage relay alarm contact (chap. 14.4.7)
(10) Connection socket for analog output 4-20 mA (option, chap. 22.3)
(11) Connection socket for the electrical connection of the CO
emergency cooling (option, chap. 21)
2.5 Doors
2.5.1 Outer door
The outer door m ust be closed while the chamber is operating norm ally in order to ensure stable conditions in the inner chamber.
2.5.2 Compart m ent door s
The freezer interior is divided into in 4 compartm ents, which are is olated against the surrounding with two
doors. This permits bringing in or removing the samples of an individual compartm ent without remar kably
affect temperature in the other compartments.
Delay time for the door open alarm :
After closing the outer door, the door open alarm is switched off for a programmable delay time
(factory setting: 1 minute).
The compartm ent doors rem ain closed by magnetis m when opening the outer door without need for closing them mechanically.
Open the inner doors as shortly as possible to avoid a temper ature rise inside the f reezer. The m aximum
angle of aperture is 100°.
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2.6 Drain well for condensate during defrosti ng (option)
The drain well collects the dripping water when defrosting.
Strong magnets on the drain well sides fix it on the chamber.
Attach the drain well to the freezer. Its first level rests on the lower housing panel. T he gas ket is aligned to
the bottom edge of the freezer interior.
Figure 13: Freezer with drain well (option)
While defr osting use adhesive tape to keep the door above the drain well (drain off position). Now the
melted condensate flows into the drain well.
Place a reservoir below the hole at the front left corner of the drain well, so that the water can drain off.
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3. Completeness of delivery, transportation, stora ge , and installat ion
3.1 Unpacking, and checking equipment and completeness of delivery
After unpacking, please check the chamber and its optional accessories, if any, based on the delivery
receipt for completenes s and for transportation damage. Inform the c arrier immediately if transportation
damage has occurred.
Caution: The drain well is placed under the chamber between the castors. Please rem ove it before unpacking the freezer!
Sliding or tilting of the chamber.
Damage to the chamber.
∅ Do NOT lift the chamber using the door, the door lock and controller housing or the
lower housing.
∅ Do NOT lift the chamber by hand.
∅ Do NOT transport the chamber horizontally.
Keep the chamber in upright position. Max. angle of inclination during transport: 10°.
Lift the chamber using technical devices (fork lifter) from the pallet. Set the fork lifter
laterally or from the rear in the middle of the chamber. Make sure to place all the lateral
supports of the chamber on the forks (check: the fork protrudes at the opposite chamber side).
Wear suitable shoes (safety shoes).
The final tests of the manufactur er may cause traces of the shelves on the inner surf aces. This has no
impact on the function and performance of the chamber.
Please remove any transportation protection devices and adhesives in/on the chamber and on the doors
and remove the operating manuals and accessory equipment.
Remove any protective lamination sheet on the inner metal surfaces prior to commissioning.
Wait at least 8 hours following transport with technical devices (chap. 3.2.2) before start-up.
If you need to return the cham ber, please use the original packing and observe the guidelines for safe
lifting and transportation (chap. 3.2).
For disposal of the transport packing, see chap. 25.1.
Scope of delivery
• Ultra-low temperature freezer UF V
• 3 shelves and 12 shelf holders with screws
• DIN plug for the zero-voltage relay alarm output
• 2 spacers for rear wall distance.
• Operating manual
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Note on second-hand chambers (Ex-Demo-Units)
Second-hand chambers are cham bers that have been used for a short time for test s or exhibitions. They
are thoroughly tested before resale. BINDER ensures that the cham ber is technically sound and will work
Second-hand chambers are marked with a stick er on the c hamber door. Please remove the s ticker before
commissioning the chamber.
3.2 Guidelines for safe lifting and transportation
3.2.1 Moving t he f r eezer i nside a building
Before moving the freezer unlock the front castors. T he castors ar e designed only for moving the freezer
inside a building. This is possible only on a floor without joints (e.g. no tiles) and when avoiding shocks. In
this case, the freezer must not be empty (max. load see technical data, chap. 27.4).
If you want to move the chamber across a large door threshold or into an elevator to change the floor,
empty the freezer and put all shelves on the bottom of the interior.
If you incline the chamber by less than 5°, you can directly turn it on after moving (at least 10 minutes after
turning off). Otherwise, wait at least 8 hours until putting it into operation again.
As soon as the chamber has reached its destination, lock the front castors.
Wear suitable shoes (safety shoes) when moving the freezer.
Over very short distances (within reach of the power cable), you can move the freezer while operating.
If you turned off the chamber (turning off at the main power switch, pulling the power plug), wait at least 10
minutes after moving until you turn on again the chamber in order to protect the refrigeration machine
against damage.
Too quick restart of the refrigeration machine.
Damage to the chamber.
After turning off wait 10 minutes before turning on the freezer again.
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830 mm
900 mm
1400 mm
1000 mm (UF V 500)
To move the freezer through narrow passages (doors, narrow corridors), open the chamber door:
1280 mm (UF V 700)
Figure 14: UF V with open chamber door
For transport outside a building use technical equipment (chap. 3.2.2).
3.2.2 Transport out si de a building
Before moving the cham ber unlock the fr ont cast ors. T he cas tors ar e designed only for moving the chamber inside a building (respect the information given in chap. 3.2.1).
After operation, please observe the guidelines for temporarily decommissioning the chamber (chap. 25.2).
Sliding or tilting the chamber.
Damage to the chamber.
∅ Do NOT lift or transport the chamber using the door, the door lock and controller hous-
ing or the lower housing.
∅ Do NOT lift the chamber by hand
∅ Do NOT transport the chamber horizontally.
Transport the chamber only in its original packaging.
Secure the chamber with transport straps for transport.
Keep the chamber in upright position. Max. angle of inclination during transport: 10°.
Place the shelves on top of each other on the bottom of the interior.
Lift the chamber using technical devices (fork lifter) and place it on the transport pallet.
Set the fork lifter laterally or from the rear in the middle of the chamber. Make sure to
place all the lateral supports of the chamber on the forks (check: the fork protrudes at
the opposite chamber side).
Transport chambers ONLY with the original transport pallet. Set the fork lifter only to
the pallet. Without the pallet the chamber is in imminent danger of overturning
Wear suitable shoes (safety shoes).
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• Permissible ambient temperature range for transport: -10 °C / 14°F to +60 °C / 140°F.
You can order transport packing and rolling pallets for transportation purposes from BINDER Service.
Freezer transport in upright position is mandatory in order to avoid oil running out of the engine casing and
resulting damages to the cooling system. Max. angle of inclination during transport: 10°.
Wear suitable shoes (safety shoes) during transport.
Following transport, wait at least 8 hours until start-up.
3.3 Storage
Intermediate storage of the chamber is possible in a closed and dry room. Observe the guidelines for
temporary decommissioning (chap. 25.2).
• Permissible ambient temperature range for storage: -10 °C / 14°F to +60 °C / 140°F.
Secure the chamber against unintentional rolling by locking the front castors.
When after storage in a cold location you transfer the cham ber to its warmer installation site, condens a-
tion may form in the inner c hamber or on the housing. Before start-up, wait at least one hour until the
freezer has attained ambient temper ature and is completely dry. According to the type of transport that
has taken place (chap. 3.2) you may have to wait at least 8 hours until start up.
3.4 Location of installation and ambient conditions
The freezer is designed for setting up inside a building (indoor use) . Set up the chamber on a flat, even
surface, free from vibration and in a well-ventilated, dry location. Lock the front castors and align the
chamber using a spirit level. The site of installation must be capable of supporting the cham ber’s weight
(see technical data, chap. 27.4).
Danger of overheating.
Damage to the chamber.
∅ Do NOT set up chambers in non-ventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat.
Leakage of refrige rant in the event of a chamber defect.
Danger to the environment.
Ensure sufficient ventilation of the installation site.
• Permiss ible ambient tem per ature range f or operation: +18 °C / 64.4 °F to +32 °C / 89.6 °F. At elevated
ambient temperature values, fluctuations in temperature can occur.
The ambient temperature should not be substantially higher than the indicated ambient temperature of +25 °C / 77 °F to which the specified technical data relate. For other ambient conditions, deviations from the indicated data are possible.
Prevent the freezer from sucking warm air from other devices.
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Avoid direct solar radiation on the chamber. Do not place the freezer in direct vicinity of chambers with a high heat emission.
• Installation height: max. 2000 m / 6561.7 ft above sea level.
Minimum distances:
• between several chambers: 250 mm / 9.84 in
• Wall distance, rear: 100 mm / 3.94 in (spacer is supplied, see chap. 4.2)
• Wall distance, laterally, on the side without door hinge: 100 mm / 3.94 in
• Wall distance, laterally, on the side with door hinge: 240 mm / 9.45 in.
• Spacing above the chamber: 100 mm / 3.94 in
Ventilation openings must not be blocked. Ens ure a dis tance of at least 100 mm / 3.94 in to the ventilation
openings on the freezer’s front and rear.
To completely separate the chamber from the power supply, you must disconnect the power
plug. Install the chamber in a way that the power plug is easily accessible and can be easily
pulled in case of danger.
With an incr eased am ount of dust in the am bient air, clean the c ondenser f an (by suction or blowing) several times a year. Check the condenser air filter frequently and clean it if necessary (chap. 24.4.1).
Avoid any conductive dust in the ambiance according to the chamber layout complying with pollution degree 2 (IEC 61010-1).
For the user there is no risk of temporary overvoltages in the sense of EN 61010-1:2010.
Do not install or operate the freezer in potentially explosive areas.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT operate the chamber in potentially explosive areas.
∅ KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the vicinity of the chamber.
For freezers with water cooling:
To avoid any possible water damage, provide a floor drain at the location of the device. Select
a suitable installation site to avoid any consequential damage by splashing water.
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4. Installation and c onne c t ions
4.1 Operating instructions
Depending on the application and location of the chamber, the operator of the freezer must provide the
relevant information for safe operation of the chamber in a set of operating instructions.
Keep these operating instructions with the chamber at all times in a place where they are
clearly visible. They must be comprehensible and written in the language of the employees.
4.2 Spacers for rear wall distance
Please fix both spacers with the supplied screws at the chamber rear. This serves to ensure the prescribed minimum distance to the rear wall of 100 mm / 3.94in.
Figure 15: Spacer for rear wall distance Figure 16: Rear UF V 700 with mounted spacers
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