MKF115-400V-C 9020-0291 (with voltage and frequency changer)
MKF240-400V-C 9020-0295 (with voltage and frequency changer)
Art. No.
9020-0283, 9120-0283
9020-0285, 9120-0285
9020-0287, 9120-0287
9020-0299 (with voltage and frequency changer)
MKFT (E3.2)
Alternating climate chambers with deep temperature
with program control
Model Model version Art. No.
MKFT 115
9020-0284, 9120-0284
9020-0293 (with voltage and frequency changer)
MKFT 240 MKFT240-400V 9020-0286, 9120-0286
MKFT 720 MKFT720-400V 9020-0288, 9120-0288
9020-0297 (with voltage and frequency changer)
9020-0301 (with voltage and frequency changer)
Address: Post office box 102, 78502 Tuttlingen, Germany Phone: +49 7462 2005 0
Fax: +49 7462 2005 100 Internet: http://www.b ind er
E-mail: Service Hotline: +49 7462 2005 555
Service Fax: +49 7462 2005 93 555 Service E-Mail:
Service Hotline USA: +1 866 885 9794 or +1 631 224 4340 x3
Service Hotline Asia Pacif ic: +852 390 705 04 or +852 390 705 03
Service Hotline Russia and CIS: +7 495 988 15 16
1.2.4 Word message panel structure ................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Localization / position of safety labels on the chamber ...................................................................... 7
1.4 Type plate............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the chamber ............................................... 10
1.6 Intended use ..................................................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Performance after power failure in Manual Mode ............................................................................. 45
9. PROGRAM OPERATION ..................................................................................... 45
9.1 Menu-based program entry ............................................................................................................... 45
9.2 Entering the temperature values and the switching states of the operation lines............................. 46
9.3 Entering the humidity values ............................................................................................................. 48
9.4 Selecting between set-point ramp and set-point step ....................................................................... 49
9.5 Program entry as set-point ramp or as set-point step ....................................................................... 49
9.6 Information on programming different temperature or humidity transitions ...................................... 54
9.7 Repetition of a section or several sections within a program ............................................................ 55
9.8 Performance after power failure in Program Mode ........................................................................... 55
9.9 Starting a previously entered program .............................................................................................. 56
9.10 Deleting a program ............................................................................................................................ 56
9.11 Temperature profile and operation lines template ............................................................................ 57
23.1 For chambers located outside the USA and Canada ..................................................................... 110
23.2 For chambers located in the USA and Canada .............................................................................. 113
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Dear customer,
For the correct oper ation of the chamber, it is important that you read this operating m anual completely
and carefully and obser ve all instr uctions as indicate d. Failur e to rea d, underst and and f ollow the ins tructions may result in personal injury. It can also lead to damage to the chamber and/or poor equipment
1. Safety
This operating manual is part of the components of delivery. Always keep it handy for reference. The
device should only be ope rated by laboratory personnel especiall y trained for this purpos e and familiar
with all precautionar y measures requir ed for work ing in a laborator y. Observe th e national regu lations on
minimum age of laboratory personnel. To avoid injuries and damage observe the safety instructions of the
operating manual.
Failure to observe the safety instructions.
Serious injuries and chamber damage.
Observe the safety instructions in this operating manual.
Carefully read the complete operating instructions of the chamber.
1.1 Legal considerations
This operating m anual is for informational purposes only. It contains information for ins talling, start-up,
operation and mainte nance of the product. Note: the contents and the pr oduct described are subj ect to
change without notice.
Understanding and obs erving the instructions in this operat ing manual are prerequisites for hazard-free
use and safety durin g operation a nd maintena nce. In no e vent shall BIN DER be held l iable f or any damages, direct or incidental arising out of or related to the use of this manual.
This operating manual ca nnot cover all conc eivable applicati ons. If you would lik e additional infor mation,
or if special problem s arise that are not suff iciently addressed in this manual, please ask your dealer or
contact us directly by phone at the number located on page one of this manual
Furthermore, we emphas ize that the contents of this operating manual are not p art of an earlier or exis ting agreement, descripti on, or legal relat ionship, n or do the y modif y such a relatio nship. All oblig ations on
the part of BINDER deriv e from the respec tive purchase contrac t, which also con tains the entire and exclusively valid statem ent of warranty administration. The statem ents in this manual neither augment nor
restrict the contractual warranty provisions.
1.2 Structure of the safety instructions
In this operating manual, t he following safety definitions and symbols indicate dangerous situations following the harmonization of ISO 3864-2 and ANSI Z535.6.
1.2.1 Signal word panel
Depending on the probability of serious consequences, potential dangers are identified with a signal
word, the corresponding safety color, and if appropriate, the safety alert symbol.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious (irreversible) injury.
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Warning signs
Electrical hazard
Hot surface
Explosive atmosphere
Lifting hazard
High humidity
Pollution hzard
or chemical burns
Mandatory action signs
Environment protection
Wear protective gloves
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious (irreversible) injury
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in moderate or minor
(reversible) injury
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in damage to the product
and/or its functions or of a property in its proximity.
1.2.2 Safety alert symbol
Use of the safety alert symbol indicates a risk of injury.
Observe all measures that are marked with the safety alert symbol in order to avoid death or
1.2.3 Pictograms
Harmful substances
Scalding hazard
Danger of frost
Stability hazard
Risk of corrosion and /
Mandatory regulation
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Read operating
Disconnect the power
Wear safety goggles
Lift with mechanical
Prohibition signs
Pictograms (Warning signs)
Service label
Do NOT touch
Information to be observed in order to ensure optimum function of the product.
Do NOT spray with
Do NOT climb
1.2.4 Word message panel structure
Type / cause of hazard.
Possible consequences.
∅ Instruction how to avoid the hazard: prohibition
Instruction how to avoid the hazard: mandatory action
Observe all other notes and inf ormation not necessarily emphasi zed in the same way, in order to avoid
disruptions that could result in direct or indirect injury or property damage.
1.3 Localization / position of safety labels on the chamber
The following labels are located on the chamber:
Hot surface (on outer chamber door)
Electrical hazard
(chamber with voltage and frequency changer : on the voltage and frequency changer)
Burning and scalding hazard
(on chamber rear)
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Figure 1: Position of labels on the chamber
Keep safety labels complete and legible.
Replace safety labels that are no longer legible. Contact BINDER service for these replacements.
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Indications of the type plate (example)
Manufacturer: BINDER GmbH
MKFT 240
Model designation
Alternating climate chamber
Device name
Serial No.
Serial no. of the chamber
Year of construction
180 °C
IP protection
IP type of protection acc. to standard EN 60529
Temp. safety device
DIN 12880
Temperature safety device acc. to standard DIN 12880
Class of temperature safety device
Art. No.
Art. no. of the chamber
Project No.
Optional: Special application acc. to project no.
6,50 kW
Nominal power
12,0 A
Nominal current
400 V / 50 Hz
Nominal voltage ± 10% at the indicated power frequency
3 N ~
Current type
Max operating pressure 29 bar
Max operating pressure in the refrigerating system
The type plate stick s to the left side of the chamber, bottom right-hand, above the refrigerating and humidity module.
Im Mittleren Ösch 5
78532 Tuttlingen / Germany
Figure 2: Type plate (example of MKFT 240 regular unit)
Made in Germany
Nominal temperature
Contains fluorinated green hous e gas es
Nominal temperature
Contains fluorinated green hous e gas es cover ed b y the
CE conformity marking
Electrical and electronic equipment manufactured / placed
on the market in the EU after 13 August 2005 and be disposed of in separate collection according to Directive
2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment
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Symbol on the type plate
GS mark of conformity of the “Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV), Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle
Nahrungsmittel und Verpackung im DGUV Test“ (German
Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), Testing and Certification Body for Foodstuffs and Packaging Industry in DGUV
The equipment is certified according to Customs Union
Technical Regulation (CU TR) for the Eurasian Economic
Union (Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan).
1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the chamber
With regard to operating th e chamber and to the installation location, please observe the DGUV guidelines 213-850 on safe working in laborator ies (formerly BGI/GUV-I 850-0, BGR/GUV-R 120 or ZH 1/119,
issued by the employers’ liability insurance association) (for Germany).
BINDER GmbH is only respons ible for the safety feat ures of the chamber provided sk illed electricians or
qualified personnel authorized by BIND ER perform all m aintenance and repair, and if com ponents relating to chamber safety are replaced in the event of failure with original spare parts.
To operate the chamber, use only original BINDER ac cessories or ac cessories f rom third-par ty suppliers
authorized by BINDER. The user is responsible for any risk caused by using unauthorized accessories.
Danger of overheating.
Damage to the chamber.
∅ Do NOT install the chamber in unventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat.
Do not operate the chamber in hazardous locat ions .
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT operate the chamber in potentially explosive areas.
∅ KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the chamber.
The alternating chamber does not dispose of any measures of explosion pr otec t ion .
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT introduce any substance combustible or explosive at working temperature into
the alternating climate chamber.
∅ NO explosive dust or air-solvent mixture in the inner chamber.
Any so lvent contained in the c harging material m ust not be explosive or inflamm able. I.e., irrespecti ve of
the solvent concentrati on in the steam room, NO explosi ve mixture with air must f orm. The temperature
inside the chamber mus t lie below the flash point or b elow the sublim ation point of the charging m aterial.
Familiarize yourself with the physical and chemical properties of the charging material, as well as the
contained moisture constituent and its behavior with the addition of heat energy and humidity.
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Familiarize yourself with a ny potential health ris ks caused by the chargi ng material, a possibl y contained
moisture constituent or by reaction products that ma y arise during the con ditioning process. Take adequate measures to exclude such risks prior to putting the chamber into operation.
Electrical hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ The chamber must NOT become wet during operation or maintenance.
The chambers were produ ced in accordance with VDE regu lations and were routinel y tested in accordance to VDE 0411-1 (IEC 61010-1).
The window, the access ports and the inner chamber will become hot during operation.
Danger of burning.
∅ Do NOT touch the window, the access ports, the inner surfaces or the charging material
during operation.
Stability hazard.
Danger of injury.
Damage to the chamber and the charging material.
Housing cover breakaway.
∅ Do NOT climb on the lower housing cover.
∅ Do NOT load the lower housing cover with heavy objects while the chamber door is
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1.6 Intended use
Alternating climate c hambers series MKF / MKFT are suitable for temper ature drying and heat treatm ent
of solid or pulverized c hargi ng m aterial, as well as bu lk m aterial, usi ng the s uppl y of heat. T he y are su itable for harmless materials . A mixture of any component of the charging m aterial with air must NOT be
explosive. The operat ing tem perature mus t lie below the flas h point or b elow the sublim ation point of the
charging material. Any component of the charging material must NOT be able to release toxic gases.
Other applications are not approved.
The cham bers ar e specially d esign ed for s olving all th e problem s which occ ur du ring m aterial an d age ing
The chambers are not cl assified as medical devices as defined b y the Medical Dev ice Directive
Due to the special demands of the Medical Device Directive (MDD), these ovens are not qualified for sterilization of medical devices as defined by the directive 93/42/EWG.
Following the instructions in this operating manual and conducting regular maintenance work
(chap. 17) is part of the intended use.
The chambers do not dispose of any measures of explosion protection.
Explosion or implosion hazard.
Danger of poisoning.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT introduce any subs tance com bustible or ex plosiv e at work ing temper ature into
the chamber, in particular no energy sources such as batteries or lithium-ion batteries
∅ NO explosive dust or air-solvent mixture in the inner chamber.
∅ Do NOT introduce any substance which could lead to release of toxic gases.
The charging material shall not contain any corrosive ingredients that may damage the machine components made of stainless steel, aluminum, and copper. Such ingredients include in
particular acids and halides. Any corrosive damage caused by such ingredients is excluded
from liability by BINDER GmbH.
In case of foreseeable use of the chamber there is no risk for the user through the integration of the
chamber into systems or by special environmental or operating conditions in the sense of EN 610101:2010. For this, the intended use of the chamber and all its connections must be observed.
1.7 Operating instructions
Depending on the applicati on and l ocation of the chamber, the operator of the chamber m ust provide the
relevant information for safe operation of the chamber in a set of operating instructions.
Keep these operating instructions with the chamber at all times in a place where they are
clearly visible. They must be comprehensible and written in the language of the employees.
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1.8 Measures to prevent accidents
The operator of the chamber must observe the following rule: “Betreiben von Arbeitsmitteln. Betreiben
von Kälteanlagen, W ärmepumpen und Kühleinrichtungen“ (Operation of work equipment. Operation of
refrigeration systems, heat pumps and refrigeration equipment) (GUV-R 500 chap. 2.35) (for Germany).
The manufacturer took the following measures to prevent ign iti on and ex plos io ns :
•Indications on the type plate
See operating manual chap. 1.4.
•Operating manual
An operating manual is available for each chamber.
•Overtemperature monitoring
The chamber is equipped with a temperature display, which can be read from outside.
The chamber is equipped with an additional safety controller (temperature safety device class 2 acc. to
DIN 12880:2007). Visual and audible (buzzer) signals indicate temperature exceeding.
•Safety, measurement, and control equipment
The safety, measuring, and control equipment is easily accessible.
•Electrostatic ch arg e
The interior parts are grounded.
•Non-ionizing radiation
Non-ionizing radiatio n is not intentionall y produced, but release d only for technica l reasons by electr ical equipment (e.g. electric motors, power c ables, solenoids). The m achine has no permanent m agnets. If persons with active im plants (e.g. pac emaker s, defibrillators ) keep a s afe distance (distanc e of
field source to implant) of 30 cm, an influence of these implants can be excluded with high probability.
•Protection against touchable surfaces
Tested according to EN ISO 13732-1:2008.
• Floors
See operating manual chap. 3.4 for correct installation
See operating manual chap. 17.2.
The chamber has been inspected by the “Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV)
(German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)” (German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), Testing
and Certification Body for Foodstuffs and Packaging Industry in DGUV Test) and bears the GS mark.
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Maximum work place
threshold limit value
Tolerated concentration
with permanent load
Acetic acid
Ethyl acetate
Ethylene glycol
Methyl ethyl ketone
Hydrochloric acid
HCl 2 3
Hydrogen sulphide
Nitrogen oxides
NOx 5 9 5 9
Sulphur dioxide
SO2 5 13 5 13
1.9 Resistance of the humidity sensor against harmful substances
The following list of har mf ul substanc es ref ers onl y to the hum idit y sensor a nd do es not i nclu de an y other
materials incorporated in the chamber or prohibited substances in relation to explosion protection.
Some gases - especially clean gases - do not have an y influe nce on th e hum idity sensor . Others do have
a very small influence, whereas others may influence the sensor to a larger extent.
• The following g ases do not influence the sensor and the humidity measurem ent: Arg on (Ar), carbon
dioxide (CO
• The following gases do not , or to a m inor extent inf luence the sensor and the hu midity measurement:
Butane (C
• The following gases do not , or to a m inor extent inf luence the sensor and the hu midity measur ement,
provided that the indicated loads are not exceeded:
), ethane (C2H6), methane (CH4), natural gas propane (C3H8)
These values are to be considered only as approximate values. The sensor resistance largely depends on the temperatur e and hum idity conditio ns during t he time of exposure to harm ful substanc es.
Avoid simultaneous condensation. Tolerated error of measurement: ± 2 % r.H. The maximum work
place threshold limit value is the one that can be regarded as harmless for humans.
• Vapors of oil and fat are dangerous for the sens or because they may condensate at t he sensor and
thus prevent its function (insulating la yer). For similar reasons it is not possible to measure smoke
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2. Chamber description
The alternat ing clim ate cham ber MKF / MKFT is a special ly developed pr ecision c ooling/ warming cabi net
for the domain of industrial material testing and environment simulation, with an unrivalled c ap acity, which
far exceeds the capabil ities of normal test cabinets, prov iding the ideal facilities for solving all the problems which occur during material as well as ageing and stress tests.
The chambers ar e equipped with a m ultifunctional microproces sor displa y controller with 2-channe l technology for temperature and humidity plus a digital display accurate to on e-tenth of a degree resp. 0.1%
r.H. With its com prehensive program control functions, the d isplay program controller MB1 permits the
high precision perfor mance of temperature and h umidity cycles with rapid he ating up and cooling do wn
With its micropr ocessor c ontrolled hum idifying and dehum idifying s ystem the chamber is a high-precision
climatic test cham ber . It c o vers th e r e gu lar t es t s pecif i c ations for temperature and c lim ates c orr es pon ding
to DIN und IEC stan dards. Furthermore, it permits simulat ing exac tl y and o ver lon g periods const ant co nditions for other app lications such as sam ple conditioning for m aterial testing of paper, tex tiles, plastics,
building materials, etc.
The patented APT .line™ prehea ting cham ber and a ir conduc tion tech nolog y guarante es excellent spatia l
temperature and hum idity values for the tota l working area. The chamber provides a power ful refrigerating system with rapid coo ling-down spee ds. In addition, the chamber provides almost unlim ited possibilities for adaptation to individual customer requirements based upon extensive programming options.
A resistance hum idifying system hum idifies the air. For this purpose, use deionized (dem ineralized) water. The option BINDER Pur e Aqua Service permits using the chamber with an y degree of water hardness.
The high-quality hous ing insulat ion guarante es both a lo w noise mode of operation an d a c o nsis te ntly low
housing temperature. T he inner chamber, the pre-heating cham ber and the interi or side of the doors are
all made of stainless steel V2A (German m aterial no. 1.4301, US equivalent AISI 304). W hen operating
the chamber at tem per atur es abo ve 150 °C / 302°F, the impac t of the oxygen in the air may cause discoloration of the metallic s urfaces (yellowish-brown or blue) b y natural oxidation processes . These colorations are harmless and will in no way impair the function or qualit y of the chamber. The housing is RA L
7035 powder-coated. All corners and edges are completely coated.
The efficient program controller is equipped with a m ultitude of oper ating f unctions , in additio n to recorder
and alarm functions. Programm ing of tes t cycles is easily accomplished via the modern c olor-display controller MB1 and is also possible directly with a computer via Intranet in connection with the communication
software APT-COM™ 3 DataCo ntrolSystem (option, c hap. 16.1). The chamber comes equipp ed with an
Ethernet serial interf ace for computer comm unication. In addition, th e BINDER communic ation software
APT-COM (option) perm its networking up to 30 chambers and connec ting them to a PC for controlling
and programming, as wel l as recording and repr esenting temper ature and humidity data. F or further options, see chap. 20.6.
The chambers ar e equipped with
Temperature ranges:
• MKF without hum idity: -40 °C / 104 °F up to +180 ºC / 356 °F,
four castors . Both front castors can be easi ly locked via the attached
• MKF in climatic operation: + 10 °C / 50 °F up to +95 °C / 203 °F
• MKFT without humidity: -70 °C / -94 °F up to +180 ºC / 356 °F
• MKFT in climatic operation: + 10 °C / 50 °F up to +95 °C / 203 °F
• MKF / MKFT in climatic operation with optional compressed air dryer:
0 °C / 32 °F up to +95 °C / 203°F
Humidity ranges:
• MKF / MKFT: 10% up to 98% r.H.
• MKF / MKFT with optional compressed air dryer: 5 % r.H. up to 98% r.H.
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2.1 Chamber overview
Figure 3: Alternating climate chamber MKF / MKFT
(A) Instrument panel
(B) Door handle
(C) Window
(D) Door
(E) Refrigeration machine
(F) Access to fill the water can and to the humidity generation module
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2.2 Lateral control panel
Figure 4: Lateral control panel MKF / MKFT at the right side of the humidity module with options
(3) Main power switch ON/OFF
(4) Humidity switch ON/OFF
(5) Reset switch for over and under temperature safety device class 2 (option)
(6) Key switch for keyboard locking (option)
(7) Switch for water cooling (only with MKF / MKFT 115 and 240) (option)
(8) Switch for compressed air dryer (option)
(9) Temperature safety device class 2 for over and under temperature (option):
Entry displays for upper (9a) and lower (9b) temperature limit
(10a) Ethernet interface for computer communication
(10b) RS422 interface for computer communication (option)
(11) 2 zero-voltage relay outputs via operation lines 2 and 3
(12) 2 zero-voltage relay outputs via operation lines 4 and 5
(13) Analog output temperature (option)
(14) Analog output humidity (option)
(15) Socket 230 V AC, max. 500 W
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2.3 Instrument panel
(1) Microprocessor program controller MB1 with 2-channel technology for temperature and humidity
(2) Switch for interior chamber light
Figure 5: Triangle instrument panel
2.4 Rear power switch
Figure 6: Rear view of the chamber
(3) Main power switch
(20) Rear power switch
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Remove the upholstered transport piece (L-type profile)
3. Completeness of delivery, transportation, storage, and installa-
3.1 Unpacking, and checking equipment and completeness of delivery
After unpacking, p lease check the chamber and its o ptional accessories, if any, base d on the delivery
receipt for completenes s and for transportation damage. I nform the carrier immediately if transportation
damage has occurred.
The final tests of the manufactur er m a y have caused t rac es of the s helves on the i nner s urfaces. This has
no impact on the function and performance of the chamber.
Please remove an y transportation protection de vices and adh esives in/on th e chamber and on th e doors
and take out the operating manuals and accessory equipment.
from the lower door locking and keep it for possible later
Figure 7:
Door locking with transport piece (state of delivery)
Sliding or tilting of the chamber.
Damage to the chamber.
Risk of injury by lifting heavy loads.
∅ Do NOT lift or transport the chamber using the door handle, the door or the lower
∅ Do NOT lift the chamber by hand.
Keep the chamber in upright position.
Lift the chamber from the pallet using technical devices (fork lifter). Set the fork lifter
only from the rear in the middle of the chamber. Make sure to place all the lateral supports of the chamber on the forks.
If you need to return the chamber, please use the original packing and observe the guidelines for s afe
lifting and transportation (chap. 3.2).
For disposal of the transport packing, see chap. 18.1.
Note on second-hand units (Ex-Demo-Units)
Second-hand units ar e chambers that have been used for a short time for tests or ex hibitions. They are
thoroughly tested before resale. BINDER ensures that the chamber is technically sound and will work
Second-hand units are marked with a sticker on the chamber door. Please remove the sticker before
commissioning the chamber.
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3.2 Guidelines for safe lifting and trans por ta tion
The front castors of the cham ber c an be block ed by b rak es. Please m ove the chambers with cas tors on ly
when empty and on an even surface, otherwise the castors may be damaged. Mount the upholstered
steel L-type profile at t he lo wer do or loc king. After operation p lease obs erve the guidelines for t emporarily
decommissioning the chamber (chap. 18.2).
Sliding or tilting of the chamber.
Damage to the chamber.
Risk of injury by lifting heavy loads.
Do NOT lift or transport the chamber using the door handle, the door or at the lower
Do NOT lift the chamber by hand.
Transport the chamber only in its original packaging.
Secure the chamber with transport straps for transport.
Keep the chamber in upright position.
Place the chamber using technical devices (fork lifter) on the transport pallet. Set the
fork lifter only from the rear in the middle of the chamber. Make sure to place all the
lateral supports of the chamber on the forks.
Transport the chamber with the original transport pallet. Set the fork lifter ONLY to the
pallet. Without the pallet the chamber is in imminent danger of overturning.
You can order transport packing and pallets for transportation purposes from BINDER service.
Permissible ambient temperature range during transport:
• If the steam humidifying system has NOT been emptied: +3 °C / 37.4 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F.
• After BINDER Service has emptied the steam humidifying system: -10 °C / 14 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F.
With temperatures below +3 °C / 37.4°F, water must be completely removed from the humidifying system.
Transport below +3 °C / 37.4°F with filled steam humidifying system.
Freezing in the steam generator.
Damage to the chamber.
Contact BINDER Service bef or e any transp ortat ion be l o w +3 °C / 37.4°F.
3.3 Storage
Intermediate storage of the chamber is possible in a closed and dr y room. Observe the guidelines for
temporary decommissioning (chap. 18.2).
Permissible ambient temperature range during storage:
• If the steam humidifying system has NOT been emptied: +3 °C / 37.4 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F.
• After BINDER Service has emptied the steam humidifying system: -10 °C / 14 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F.
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With temperatures below +3 °C / 37.4 °F, water must be complet ely removed from the humidifying system.
Storage below +3 °C / 37.4 °F with filled steam humidifying system.
Freezing in the steam generator.
Damage to the chamber.
Contact BINDER Service before any storage below +3 °C / 37.4 °F.
Condensation by excess humidity.
Danger of corrosion on the housing after operating at humidity values > 70 % r.H.
for a long period.
Dry the appliance completely before shut-down:
• Set the humidity to 0 % r.H. or turn off humidity switch (4).
• Set the tem perature set point to 150 °C / 302 °F (Manual m ode). Let the chamber
operate for approx. 2-3 hours with closed door. Remove the access port plugs.
• Only then, shut do w n th e chamber at the main p o wer s witc h (3) an d c lose the tap of
the water supply.
After drying the chamber for decommissioning, the humidity value will approximate ambient
When after storage in a co ld location you transfer the chamber to its warmer ins tallation site, condensation may form. Before s tart-up, wait at least two hour s until the chamber has att ained ambient temper ature and is completely dry and the oil in the compressors has warmed up.
In case of a prolonged temporal d ecommissioning: Leave the chamber door open or remove the ac cess
port plugs.
3.4 Location of installation and ambient conditions
Set up the chamber on a flat, even and non-flammable surface, free from vibration, and in a wellventilated, dry locatio n and align it using a spir it level. The site of installation m ust be capa ble of s upporting the chamber’s weight (s ee technical data, chap. 20.4). T he chambers are designed f or setting up inside a building (indoor use).
When after storage in a co ld location you transfer the chamber to its warmer ins tallation site, condensation may form. Before s tart-up, wait at least two hour s until the chamber has att ained ambient temper ature and is completely dry and the oil in the compressors has warmed up.
Danger of overheating.
Damage to the chamber.
∅ Do NOT set up chambers in non-ventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat.
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•Permissible ambient temperature range during operation: +18 °C / 64. 4 °F to +32 °C / 89.6 °F. At
elevated ambient temperature values, fluctuations in temperature can occur.
The ambient temperature should not be substantially higher than the indicated ambient temperature of +25 °C / 77°F to which the specified technical data relate. For other ambient conditions, deviations from the indicated data are possible.
When operating the cham ber at tem perature s et-po ints belo w am bient tem peratu re, hig h am bient hum idity may lead to condensation on the chamber.
• Installation height: max. 2000 m / 6.6 ft. above sea level.
A water tap (1 bar to 10 bar) is neces sary for the installation of the hum idification system. If no suitable
house water connection is available, you can manually supply water by filling the water can (chap. 4.2).
To avoid any possible water damage, provide a floor drain at the location of the device. Select
a suitable installation site to avoid any consequential damage by splashing water.
When placing several chambers of the same size sid e by side, m ainta in a m inimum distance of 250 m m /
9.84 in betwee n each chamber. Wall distances: r ear 300 mm / 11.81 in, sides 200 mm / 7.87 in. Spac ing
above the chamber of at least 200 mm / 7.87 in must also be maintained.
• With optiona l compressed air dryer: Wall distance r ear approx. 1 m / 3.28 ft so that it is possible to
read the status display of the compressed air dryer on the chamber rear.
• Chambers with v oltage and freque ncy changer: rear w all distance of the a lternating clim ate chamber
approx. 1 m / 3.28 ft to set up the voltage and frequency changer
Danger by stacking.
Damage to the chambers.
∅ Do NOT place the alternating climate chambers on top of each other.
To completely separat e the chamber f rom the power supp ly, you mus t disconnect the power plug . Install
the chamber in a way that the power plug is easily accessible and can be easily pulled in case of danger.
With an increased amount of dust in the ambient air, clean the cond enser fan several times a year. We
recommend check ing the fan grid (behind the lef t maintenance access flap) every week. In case of v is ible
dirt accumulation, disconnect the chamber and clean the fan grid by suction.
Avoid any conducti ve dust in the ambiance accor ding to th e chamber layout com plying with pollution degree 2 (IEC 61010-1).
The chamber must not be installed and operated in potentially explosive areas.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT operate the chamber in potentially explosive areas.
∅ KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the vicinity of the chamber.
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4. Installation and connecti ons
Figure 8: Rear view of the chamber with water connections and optional water cooling
(16) Power cable
(17) Wastewater connection “OUT” with hose olive for hose ½“
(18) Freshwater connection “IN” with screw thread ¾’’ for hose ½“, with union nut
(20) Rear power switch
(21) Connection “OUT ” for cooling water ou tlet with s crew thread ¾ ’’ for hose ½“, with union nut (option
water cooling)
(22) Connection “IN” for cooling water inlet with screw thread ¾’’ for hose ½“, with union nut (option
water cooling)
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4.1 Wastewater connection for humidifying system
Fasten the wastewater h ose to th e waste water c onnec tion “OU T” (17) ( Figure 8) on the rear of the chamber (olive ∅ 14 mm). Observe the following points:
• You can use a part of the supplied tap water hose as a drainage hose. In case another hose is us ed , it
has to be permanently resistant against at least 95 °C / 203 °F.
• Mount the waste water hose with a m axim um pos itive inclinat ion of 1 m and a m ax im um total length of
3 m.
• Protect both ends of the drainage hose with two of the four supplied hose clamps.
Wastewater is collected in an internal can with a volume of approx. 0.5 liters. It is pumped off
only when required, thus there is no continuous wastewater flow.
Protect the wastewater supply at both sides with the supplied hose clamps.
4.2 Freshwater supply for humidifying system
Connect the wastewater pipe before connecting the chamber to a freshwater pipe or filling the
water can.
You can supply the chamber with freshwater via a wat er pipe or b y manua ll y filling the int ernal water can.
It is not necessary to switch between both poss ibilit ies . When connecting to a wat er pip e, th e wa ter c an is
automatically filled.
Water intake temperature NOT below +5 °C / 41 °F and not exceeding 40 °C / 104 °F.
Calcification of the humidifying system.
Damage to the chamber.
Operate the chamber with deionized (demineralized) water only.
Types of suitable water quality
• Deionized water from a water treatment installation alr ead y existin g at the c ustom er's s ite. Con duct iv ity from 1 µS /cm up to a max im um of 20 µS/c m . (Water, which is in equilibrium with the CO
and has a conductivity below 1 µS/cm (ultrapure water), may cause acid corrosion due to its low pH.)
• Water treated by the optional water treatment system BINDER Pure Aqua Service (disposable system). A reusable measuring equipment to assess the water quality is included (chap. 16.6).
in the air,
BINDER GmbH is NOT responsible for the water quality at the user’s site.
Any problems and malfunctions that might arise following use of water of deviating quality is
excluded from liability by BINDER GmbH.
The warranty becomes void in the event of use of water of deviating quality.
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the rear of
4.2.1 Automatic fresh water supply for humidifying system via water pipe
An enclosure inside the chamber contains the conn ection kit for water suppl y and wastewater. I nstall the
water supply connect ion using either the e nclosed water hos e or another pressur e-resistant one. T o accomplish this, remove the c over of the fres hwater c onnection “ IN” (18) (Figure 8) on the rear of the chamber. Protect both ends of the hose with two of the four supplied hose clamps. Before turning on the
chamber, check the c onnection for leaks. W ater supply is automaticall y effected via the freshwater c onnection “IN” (18).
As the chamber only lets in water when required, there is no continuous water flow.
• Supply pressure 1 to 10 bar when connecting to a water pipe.
• Water type: deionized (demineralized) water
• Water intake temperature NOT below +5 °C / 41 °F and not exceeding 40 °C / 104 °F.
• The water intake shall be provided with a shut-off slide or water-tap.
• For the water sup ply, fix the delivered adapter with hose olive on the thread at
the chamber.
• Protect the water supply at one side with the supplied hose clamp.
4.2.2 Manual fresh water supply for humidifying system via internal freshwater can
If no house water connec tion with s uitab le water is av ailable, you ca n m anua lly s upply wat er b y fi lling th e
freshwater can (total volume: 19 liters / 0.67 cu.ft. up to the maximum level mark), which is located behind
the right door of the humidity generation module.
The cover of the water inl et va lve must be screwed on the fres hwater c on nection “IN” (18). Open the do or
(F) (Figure 3) to access the filler neck of one of the water can. You cannot totally tak e out the water can
because of its fix c onnec t io ns . Fil l t he water ca n o nly up to ¾, up to the m axim um level mark. When filling
it too much with the chamber turn ed on, the alarm message “
controller (chap. 13.1). Manually suck off the wat er, or operate the chamber with high temperature and
humidity values until the ex cess water is consum ed. W hen filling it too muc h with the cham ber turned of f,
water can escape from the chamber. Thus, ensure not to f ill the can by more than the maximum level
To guarantee humidification during 24 hours even at high humidity set-points with manual
water supply, we recommend filling the freshwater can (option) daily at the end of the day.
WATER LEVEL TOO HIGH” is displayed on the
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4.2.3 Water circle: lever for condensate recycling (option)
Figure 9: Lever for condensate recycling (open position)
next to the freshwater can behind the maintenance access door
The lever (19) for c ondensate rec ycling is located behind the m aintenanc e access door next to t he freshwater can.
• Open lever (ver tica l position): the condensate f r om the interi or is c onducted to the freshwater can. Use
only with clean interior!
• Closed lever (horizontal position): the condensate is conducted to the wast e water connection. Use this
position in case of soiling / contamination of the interior.
Soiling of the vapor humidification system.
Damage to the chamber.
Conduct the condensate to the wastewater connection in case of soiling / contamina-
tion of the interior (horizontal lever position).
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4.3 Connection of cooling water outlet for water cooling (option)
An enclosure inside the chamber contains the connection kit for the cooling water inlet and outlet.
• Fasten the coo ling hose to the connection “O UT” (21) (Figure 8) on the rear of the chamber (screw
thread ¾’’).
• You can use a part of the supplied tap water hose as a drainage hose. In case another hose is us e d , it
has to be permanently resistant against max. 50 °C / 122 °F.
• Protect both ends of the drainage hose with two of the f our supplied hose clamps. Befor e turning on
the chamber, check the connection for leaks.
4.4 Connection of cooling water inlet for water cooling (option)
Connect the cooling wat er outl et before connecting the cooling water inlet.
Type of suitable water quality:
• Water intake temperature: max. 10 °C / 50 °F.
• pH value 4-7
• connection pressure: 4 to 10 bar
BINDER GmbH is NOT responsible for the water quality at the user’s site.
Any problems and malfunctions that might arise following use of water of deviating quality is
excluded from liability by BINDER GmbH.
The warranty becomes void in the event of use of water of deviating quality.
An enclosure inside the chamber contains the connection kit for the cooling water inlet and outlet.
• Fasten the cooling water hos e to t he c o nnec t ion “I N” ( 22) (Figure 8) on the re ar o f the chamber (screw
thread ¾’’).
• Install the water supply connec tion using eit her the en closed water hose or anoth er press ure-resistant
one. To acc om plish this, re move the cover of the freshwater conn ec tio n “ IN” (22) ( Figure 8) on the rear
of the chamber.
• Protect both ends of the hose with t wo of the four suppli ed hose clam ps. Before turnin g on the chamber, check the connection for leaks.
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4.5 Connection kit for connecting the chamber’s freshwater connection to a
water pipe
A safety kit against f looding c aused by bur st water h oses is enclosed with the chamber. It consists of the
• Hose burst protection device
• Hose nozzle with screwing
• 4 hose clamps
• 6m water hose, divisible for the feed hose and drain
Protection principle of hose burst protection:
Whenever a strong water flow of approx. 18 l / min. occurs, e.g. c aused by a burst water h ose, a valve
automatically cuts off the water supply, which can be heard as a clic king noise. The water supply now
remains shut until it is manually released.
Screw the hose burst protec tion device onto a water tap with a G¾ inch right turning thread connec tion.
The connection is self -sealing. Establish the connecti on between the safety kit and the cham ber with a
part of the supplied hose. Protect both ends of the hose by the supplied hose clamps.
We recommend connectin g t he hose as th e las t s te p in order to a void twisting the hose while scre wing o n
the safety kit.
Open the water tap slowly in order to avoid actuating the hose burst protection device.
Figure 10: Assembly of the connection kit
Release of the reflux protection device:
In case the burst protection device has interru pted the water supp ly, firs t find the r eason and r em ove it as
necessary. Close the wate r tap. Release the valve by a half lef t-turn of the upper knurled part. You can
hear the release of the valve as a c lick ing noise. T ighten the burs t prot ection de vice agai nst the water tap
by a right turn. Open the water tap slowly afterwards.
Maintenance of the assembly of the hose burst protection device:
Calcification can im pair valve function. We recommend an a nnual inspection by a skilled plum ber. The
plumber should rem ove the safety kit to check the valve b y hand for proper function and calc ification or
Danger of calcification.
Impairment of valve function.
Have a plumber inspect the valve annually.
Remove calcifications by citric acid or acetic acid solutions.
Continue by testing the function and tightness of the mounted unit.
Check: Quickl y open the water tap while there is n o chamber connected – the valve should cut off the
water flux without any delay.
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4.6 Safety kit: Hose burst protection device with reflux protection device for
the chamber’s freshwater connection (available via BINDER INDIVIDUAL
customized solutions)
A safety kit with a reflux protec tion device is available for protecti on of the dri nking water system against
flooding caused by burst water hoses.
Protection principles:
Whenever a strong water flow of approx. 18 l / min. occurs, e.g. cause d by a burst water hose, a valve
automatically cuts off the water supply, which can be heard as a clic king noise. The water supply now
remains shut until it is manually released.
A possible endang erin g of the dr inking water system d epen ds o n t he r is k potential of the chargi ng material. Under unfavorable conditions (e.g. decreasing pressure inside the tap water system), drained off
charging material coul d be suck ed out of the cham ber via the steam generator i nto the tap water system
and therefore contaminate the drinking water . The safety kit with a reflux protection device pro vi des s ecurity in case of short-term utilization of s ubstances with low risk potential. W hen using substanc es bearing
a higher risk potent ial, install a pip e disconnector to assure absolute protection. It is the user’s respons ibility to prevent (acc ording to national standards) an y reflux of contaminated water f rom getting into the
drinking water system.
The standard supplied parts – hose burst protection device, hose nozzle with screwing – are not needed.
Screw the pre-mounted as sembly of the hose burst p rotection and ref lux protection de vices onto a water
tap with a G¾ inch right tu rning thread connec tion. The connect ion is self-seal ing. Establish the co nnection between the safety kit and the c hamber with a part of the supplied hose. Protect both ends of the
hose with the supplied hose clamps.
We recommend connectin g the hose as the last step in order to avoid twisting it while s crewing on the
safety kit.
Open the water tap slowly in order to avoid actuating the hose burst pr otec ti on de vice.
Figure 11: Assembly of the safety kit: hose burst
protection and reflux protection devices (option)
Release of the reflux protection device:
In case the hose burst prot ection device interru pts the water supp ly, firs t find th e reason an d rem ove it as
necessary. Close the wate r tap. Release the valve by a half lef t-turn of the upper knurled part. You can
hear the release of the valve as a c lick ing noise. T ighten the burs t prot ection de vice agai nst the water tap
by a right turn. Open the water tap slowly afterwards.
Maintenance of the assembly of hose burst protection and reflux protection devices:
Calcification can impair the function of both valves. We recommend an annual inspection by a skilled
plumber. The plumber should remove the safety kit with the reflux protection device to check the two
valves by hand for proper function and calcification or blockage.
Danger of calcification.
Impairment of valve function.
Have a plumber inspect the two valves annually.
Remove calcifications by citric acid or acetic acid solutions.
Continue by testing the function and tightness of the mounted unit.
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Check: Quickl y open the water tap while there is n o chamber connected – the valve should cut off the
water flux without any delay.
4.7 Installation of the voltage and fre quency changer
(chambers with voltage and frequenc y changer )
The voltage and frequency changer is supplied packed separately together with the chamber.
Sliding or tilting of the voltage an d fre q u ency changer.
Damage to the voltage and frequency changer.
Risk of injury by lifting heavy loads.
∅ Do NOT lift the voltage and frequency changer by hand.
Lift the voltage and frequency changer from the pallet using technical devices (for k
lifter). Set the fork lifter only from the rear in the middle of the chamber.
Alternatively, the voltage and frequency changer can also be lifted at the eyelets on
the top by means of a lift truck
(a) Eyelets for lifting with a lift truck
(b) Positions for a forklift
Figure 12: Positioning of aids for lifting the voltage
and frequency changer
For the installation of the voltage and frequenc y changer behind the chamber, pr ovide a rear wall distance of the chamber of approx. 1 m / 3.3 ft.
If possible, fix the volta ge a nd f requenc y changer at the chamber . For this purpose, an Allen k e y size 4 is
required. Connect t he slots at the e nd of the chassis with two M6 scr ews to the threads provided below
on the rear panel of the chamber (see Figure 13).
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