1.2.4 Word message panel structure ................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Localization / position of safety labels on the chamber ...................................................................... 7
1.4 Type plate ........................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the chamber ................................................. 9
1.6 Intended use ..................................................................................................................................... 11
22.1 For chambers located outside the USA and Canada ....................................................................... 99
22.2 For chambers located in the USA and Canada .............................................................................. 102
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Dear customer,
For the correct operation of the chambers, it is important that you read this operating manual completely
and carefully and observe all instructions as indicated. Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions may result in personal injury. It can also lead to damage to the chamber and/or poor equipment
1. Safety
This operating manual is part of the components of delivery. Always keep it handy for reference. The
device should only be operated by laboratory personnel especially trained for this purpose and familiar
with all precautionary measures required for working in a laboratory. Observe the national regulations on
minimum age of laboratory personnel. To avoid injuries and damage observe the safety instructions of
the operating manual.
Failure to observe the safety instructions.
Serious injuries and chamber damage.
Observe the safety instructions in this operating manual
Carefully read the complete operating instructions of the chambers.
1.1 Legal considerations
This operating manual is for informational purposes only. It contains information for installing, start-up,
operation and maintenance of the product. Note: the contents and the product described are subject to
change without notice.
Understanding and observing the instructions in this operating manual are prerequisites for hazard-free
use and safety during operation and maintenance. In no event shall BINDER be held liable for any damages, direct or incidental arising out of or related to the use of this manual.
This operating manual cannot cover all conceivable applications. If you would like additional information,
or if special problems arise that are not sufficiently addressed in this manual, please ask your dealer or
contact us directly by phone at the number located on page one of this manual
Furthermore, we emphasize that the contents of this operating manual are not part of an earlier or existing agreement, description, or legal relationship, nor do they modify such a relationship. All obligations on
the part of BINDER derive from the respective purchase contract, which also contains the entire and exclusively valid statement of warranty administration. The statements in this manual neither augment nor
restrict the contractual warranty provisions.
1.2 Structure of the safety instructions
In this operating manual, the following safety definitions and symbols indicate dangerous situations following the harmonization of ISO 3864-2 and ANSI Z535.6.
1.2.1 Signal word panel
Depending on the probability of serious consequences, potential dangers are identified with a signal
word, the corresponding safety color, and if appropriate, the safety alert symbol.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result i n death or serious
(irreversible) injury.
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Warning signs
Electrical hazard
Hot surface
Explosive atmosphere
or chemical burns
Mandatory action signs
Environment protection
Wear protective gloves
Wear safety goggles
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
(irreversible) injury
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in m oderat e or m inor
(reversible) injury
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in damage to the product
and/or its functions or of a property in its proximity.
1.2.2 Safety alert symbol
Use of the safety alert symbol indicates a risk of injury.
Observe all measures that are marked with the safety alert symbol in order to avoid death or
1.2.3 Pictograms
Lifting hazard
Pollution Hazard
Harmful substances
Stability hazard
Risk of corrosion and /
Mandatory regulation
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Read operating
Disconnect the power
Lift with mechanical
Prohibition signs
Pictograms (Warning signs)
Service label
Figure 1: Position of labels on the chamber
Do NOT touch
Do NOT spray with
Information to be observed in order to ensure optimum function of the product.
Do NOT climb
1.2.4 Word message panel structure
Type / cause of hazard.
Possible consequences.
∅ Instruction how to avoid the hazard: prohibition.
Instruction how to avoid the hazard: mandatory action.
Observe all other notes and information not necessarily emphasized in the same way, in order to avoid
disruptions that could result in direct or indirect injury or property damage.
1.3 Localization / position of safety labels on the chamber
The following labels are located on the chamber:
Hot surface
(on outer chamber door)
Electrical hazard
(chamber with voltage and
frequency changer: on the
voltage and frequency changer)
Keep safety labels complete and legible.
Replace safety labels that are no longer legible. Contact BINDER service for these replacements.
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Indications of the type plate (example)
Manufacturer: BINDER GmbH
MKT 240
Model MKT 240
Alternating climate chamber
Device name
Serial No.
Serial no. of the chamber
Year of construction
356 °F
IP protection
IP type of protection acc. to EN 60529
Temp. safety device
DIN 12880
Temperature safety device acc. to standard DIN 12880
Class of temperature safety device
Art. No.
Art. no. of the chamber
Project No.
Optional: Special application acc. to project no.
6,50 kW
Nominal power
400 V / 50 Hz
Nominal voltage ± 10% at the indicated power frequency
3 N ~
Current type
11,3 A
Nominal current
Max operating pressure 29 bar
Max operating pressure in the refrigerating system
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases
covered by the Kyoto Protocol
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the
Kyoto Protocol
Symbol on the type plate
Nominal temp.
180 °C
6,50 kW / 11,3 A
Max. operating pressure 29 bar
356 °F
400 V / 50 Hz
Stage 1: R 404 A – 2,20 kg
IP protection
Stage 2: R 23 - 0,38 kg
Safety device
DIN 12880
3 N ~
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases
2.0 covered by the Kyoto Protocol
Art. No.
Project No.
Alternating climate chamber
MKT 240
Serial No. 00000000000000
1.4 Type plate
The type plate sticks to the left side of the chamber, bottom right-hand, above the refrigerating module.
Im Mittleren Ösch 5
78532 Tuttlingen / Germany
Figure 2: Type plate (example of MKT 240 regular chamber)
Made in Germany
Nominal temperature
180 °C
Nominal temperature
CE conformity marking
Electrical and electronic equipment manufactured / placed
on the market in the EC after 13 August 2005 and to be
disposed of in separate collection according to directive
2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment
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Symbol on the type plate
GS mark of conformity of the “Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV), Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle
Nahrungsmittel und Verpackung im DGUV Test“ (German
Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), Testing and Certification
Body for Foodstuffs and Packaging Industry in DGUV Test).
The equipment is certified according to Customs Union
Technical Regulation (CU TR) for the Eurasian Economic
Union (Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan).
1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the chamber
With regard to operating the chamber and to the installation location, please observe the DGUV guidelines 213-850 on safe working in laboratories (formerly BGI/GUV-I 850-0, BGR/GUV-R 120 or ZH 1/119,
issued by the employers’ liability insurance association) (for Germany).
BINDER GmbH is only responsible for the safety features of the chamber provided skilled electricians or
qualified personnel authorized by BINDER perform all maintenance and repair, and if components relating to chamber safety are replaced in the event of failure with original spare parts.
To operate the chamber, use only original BINDER accessories or accessories from third-party suppliers
authorized by BINDER. The user is responsible for any risk caused by using unauthorized accessories.
Danger of overheating.
Damage to the chamber.
∅ Do NOT install the chamber in unventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat.
Do not operate the chamber in hazardous locations.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT operate the chamber in potentially explosiv e areas.
∅ KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the chamber.
The chamber does not dispose of any measures of explosion protection.
Any solvent contained in the charging material must not be explosive or inflammable. I.e., irrespective of
the solvent concentration in the steam room, NO explosive mixture with air must form. The temperature
inside the chamber must lie below the flash point or below the sublimation point of the charging material.
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Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT introduce any substance into the alternating climate chamber which is com-
bustible or explosive at working temperature.
∅ NO explosive dust or air-solvent mixture in the inner chamber.
Familiarize yourself with the physical and chemical properties of the charging material, as well as the
contained moisture constituent and its behavior with the addition of heat energy.
Familiarize yourself with any potential health risks caused by the charging material, the contained moisture constituent or by reaction products that may arise during the temperature process. Take adequate
measures to exclude such risks prior to putting the chamber into operation.
Electrical hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ The chamber must NOT become wet during operation or maintenance.
The chambers were produced in accordance with VDE regulations and were routinely tested in accordance to VDE 0411-1 (IEC 61010-1).
The inner chamber, the door window and the access ports will become hot during
Danger of burning.
∅ Do NOT touch the inner surfaces, the door window, the front panel around the i nner
chamber, the access ports, or the charging material during operation.
Stability hazard.
Danger of injury.
Damage to the chamber and the charging material.
Housing cover breakaway.
∅ Do NOT climb on the lower housing cover.
∅ Do NOT load the lower housing cover with heavy objects while t he chamber door is
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introduce any substance combustible or explosive at working temperature into
1.6 Intended use
Alternating climate chambers MK / MKT are suitable for temperature treatment of solid or pulverized
charging material, as well as bulk material, using the supply of heat or cold. They can be used for drying
purposes but are specially designed for solving all the problems which occur during material and ageing
The chambers are suitable for harmless materials. A mixture of any component of the charging material
with air must NOT be explosive. The operating temperature must lie below the flash point or below the
sublimation point of the charging material. Any component of the charging material must NOT be able to
release toxic gases.
Other applications are not approved.
Do NOT use the chamber for drying purpose, especially if greater quantities of steam leading to condensation will be set free.
The chambers are not classified as medical devices as defined by the Medical Device Directive
Due to the special demands of the Medical Device Directive (MDD), these ovens are not
qualified for sterilization of medical devices as defined by the directive 93/42/EWG.
Following the instructions in this operating manual and conducting regular maintenance work
(chap. 16) are part of the intended use.
The chambers do not dispose of any measures of explosion protection.
Explosion or implosion hazard.
Danger of poisoning.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT
the chamber, in particular no energy sources such as batteries or lithium-ion batteries
∅ NO explosive dust or air-solvent mixture in the i nner chamber.
∅ Do NOT introduce any substance which could lead to release of toxic gases.
The charging material shall not contain any corrosive ingredients that may damage the machine components made of stainless steel, aluminum, and copper. Such ingredients include in
particular acids and halides. Any corrosive damage caused by such ingredients is excluded
from liability by BINDER GmbH.
In case of foreseeable use of the chamber there is no risk for the user through the integration of the
chamber into systems or by special environmental or operating conditions in the sense of EN 610101:2010. For this, the intended use of the chamber and all its connections must be observed.
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1.7 Operating instructions
Depending on the application and location of the chamber, the operator of the alternating climate chamber must provide the relevant information for safe operation of the chamber in a set of operating instructions.
Keep these operating instructions with the chamber at all times in a place where they are
clearly visible. They must be comprehensible and written in the language of the employees.
1.8 Measures to prevent accidents
The operator of the chamber must observe the following rule: “Betreiben von Arbeitsmitteln. Betreiben
von Kälteanlagen, Wärmepumpen und Kühleinrichtungen“ (Operation of work equipment. Operation of
refrigeration systems, heat pumps and refrigeration equipment) (GUV-R 500 chap. 2.35) (for Germany).
The manufacturer took the following measures to prevent ignition and explosions:
•Indications on the type plate
See operating manual chap. 1.4.
•Operating manual
An operating manual is available for each chamber.
•Overtemperature monitoring
The chamber is equipped with a temperature display, which can be read from outs.
The chamber is equipped with an additional safety controller (temperature safety device class 2 acc.
to DIN 12880:2007). Visual and audible (buzzer) signals indicate temperature exceeding.
•Safety, measurement, and control equipment
The safety, measuring, and control equipment is easily accessible.
•Electrostatic charge
The interior parts are grounded.
•Non-ionizing radiation
Non-ionizing radiation is not intentionally produced, but released only for technical reasons by electrical equipment (e.g. electric motors, power cables, solenoids). The machine has no permanent magnets. If persons with active implants (e.g. pacemakers, defibrillators) keep a safe distance (distance of
field source to implant) of 30 cm, an influence of these implants can be excluded with high probabil i ty.
•Protection against touchable surfaces
Tested according to EN ISO 13732-1:2008.
• Floors
See operating manual chap. 3.4 for correct installation
See operating manual chap. 16.2.
The chamber has been inspected by the “Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV)
(German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)” (German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), Testing
and Certification Body for Foodstuffs and Packaging Industry in DGUV Test) and bears the GS mark
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2. Chamber description
The alternating climate chamber MK / MKT is a specially developed precision cooling/warming cabinet for
the domain of industrial material testing and environment simulation, with an unrivalled capacity, which far
exceeds the capabilities of normal test cabinets, providing the ideal facilities for solving all the problems
which occur during material as well as ageing and stress tests.
The chambers are equipped with a multifunctional microprocessor display controller for temperature with
a digital display accurate to one-tenth of a degree. With its comprehensive program control functions, the
display program controller MB1 permits the high precision performance of temperature and humidity cycles with rapid heating up and cooling down phases.
The patented APT.line™ preheating chamber and air conduction technology guarantees excellent spatial
temperature values for the total working area. The chamber is equipped with a powerful refrigerating system permitting rapid cooling-down speeds. In addition, it provides almost unlimited possibilities for adaptation to individual customer requirements based upon extensive programming options.
The high-quality housing insulation guarantees both a low noise mode of operation and a consistently low
housing temperature. The inner chamber, the pre-heating chamber and the interior side of the doors are
all made of stainless steel V2A (German material no. 1.4301, US equivalent AISI 304). When operating
the chamber at temperatures above 150 °C / 302°F, the impact of the oxygen in the air may cause discoloration of the metallic surfaces (yellowish-brown or blue) by natural oxidation processes. These colorations are harmless and will in no way impair the function or quality of the chamber. The housing is
RAL 7035 powder-coated. All corners and edges are also completely coated.
The efficient program controller is equipped with a multitude of operating functions, in addition to recorder
and alarm functions. Programming of test cycles is easily accomplished via the modern color-display
controller MB1 and is also possible directly with a computer via Intranet in connection with the communication software APT-COM™ 3 DataControlSystem (option, chap. 15.1). The chamber comes regularly
equipped with an Ethernet serial interface for computer communication. In addition, the BINDER communication software APT-COM (option) permits networking up to 30 chambers and connecting them to a PC
for controlling and programming, as well as recording and representing temperature data. For further
options, see chap. 19.6.
The chambers
MK: You can operate the chamber in a temperature range from -40 °C / -40 °F up to +180ºC / 356°F.
MKT: You can operate the chamber in a temperature range from -70 °C / -94 °F up to +180ºC / 356°F.
are equipped withfour castors.Bothfrontcastorscan be easily locked via the attached
(A) Instrument panel
(B) Door handle
(C) Inspection window
(D) Chamber door
(E) Refrigerating machine, maintenance access flaps
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2.2 Lateral control panel
Figure 4: Lateral control panel at the right side of the refrigerating machine, with options
(3) Main power switch
(4) Not used
(5) RESET button for option over-/under temperature safety device class 2 (option)
(6) Key switch for keyboard locking (option)
(7) Not used
(8) Switch for compressed air dryer (option)
(9) Temperature safety device class 2 for over and under temperature (option):
Entry displays for upper (9a) and lower (9b) temperature limit
(10a) Ethernet interface for computer communication
(10b) RS422 interface for computer communication (option)
(11) 2 zero-voltage relay outputs via operation lines 2 and 3 (MKT, option for MK)
(12) 2 zero-voltage relay outputs via operation lines 4 and 5 (MKT, option for MK)
(13) Analog output temperature (option)
(14) Not used
(15) Socket 230 V AC, max. 500 W
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2.3 Instrument panel
(1) Microprocessor program controller MB1
(2) Switch for interior chamber light
2.4 Rear power switch
Figure 5: Triangle instrument panel
Figure 6: Rear view of the chamber
(3) Main power switch
(16) Rear power switch
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Remove the upholstered transport piece (L-type profile)
3. Completeness of delivery, transportation, storage, and installation
3.1 Unpacking, and checking equipment and completeness of delivery
After unpacking, please check the chamber and its optional accessories, if any, based on the delivery
receipt for completeness and for transportation damage. Inform the carrier immediately if transportation
damage has occurred.
The final tests of the manufacturer may cause traces of the shelves on the inner surfaces. This has no
impact on the function and performance of the chamber.
Please remove any transportation protection devices and adhesives in/on the chamber and on the doors
and take out the operating manuals and accessory equipment.
from the lower door locking and keep it for possible later
Figure 7:
Door locking with transport piece (state of delivery)
Sliding or tilting of the chamber.
Damage to the chamber.
Risk of injury by lifting heavy loads.
∅ Do NOT lift or transport the chamber using the door, the handle or the lower housing.
∅ Do NOT lift the chamber by hand.
Keep the chamber in upright position.
Lift chambers from the pallet using technical devices (fork lifter). Set the fork lifter only
from the rear in the middle of the chamber. Make sure to place all the lateral supports
of the chamber on the forks.
If you need to return the chamber, please use the original packing and observe the guidelines for safe
lifting and transportation (chap. 3.2).
For disposal of the transport packing, see chap. 17.1.
Note on second-hand chambers (Ex-Demo-Units):
Second-hand chambers are chambers that were used for a short time for tests or exhibitions. They are
thoroughly tested before resale. BINDER ensures that the chamber is technically sound and will work
Second-hand chambers are marked with a sticker on the chamber door. Please remove the sticker before commissioning the chamber.
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3.2 Guidelines for safe lifting and transportation
The front castors of the chamber can be blocked by brakes. Please move the chambers with castors only
when empty and on an even surface, otherwise the castors may be damaged. Mount the upholstered
steel L-type profile at the lower door locking. After operation please observe the guidelines for temporarily
decommissioning the chamber (chap. 17.2).
Sliding or tilting of the chamber.
Damage to the chamber.
Risk of injury by lifting heavy loads.
∅ Do NOT lift or transport the chamber using the door, the handle or at the lower hous-
∅ Do NOT lift the chamber by hand.
Transport the chamber only in its original packaging.
Secure the alternating climate chamber with transport straps for transport.
Keep the chamber in upright position.
Place the chamber using technical devices (fork lifter) on the transport pallet. Set the
fork lifter only from the rear in the middle of the chamber. Make sure to place all the
lateral supports of the chamber on the forks.
Transport the chamber with the original transport pallet. Set the fork lift er ONLY to the
pallet. Without the pallet the chamber is in imminent danger of overturni ng.
• Permissible ambient temperature range during transport: -10 °C / 14 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F.
You can order transport packing and pallets for moving or shipping purposes from BINDER service.
3.3 Storage
Intermediate storage of the chamber is possible in a closed and dry room. Observe the guidelines for
temporary decommissioning (chap. 17.2).
• Permissible ambient temperature range during storage: -10 °C / 14 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F.
When after storage in a cold location you transfer the chamber to its warmer installation site, condensation may form. Before start-up, wait at least two hours until the chamber has attained ambient temperature and is completely dry and the oil in the compressors has warmed up.
In case of a prolonged temporal decommissioning: Leave the chamber door open or remove the access
port plugs.
3.4 Location of installation and ambient conditions
Set up the chamber on a flat, even and non-flammable surface, free from vibration, and in a wellventilated, dry location and align it using a spirit level. The site of installation must be capable of supporting the chamber’s weight (see technical data, chap. 19.4). The chambers are designed for setting up
inside a building (indoor use).
When after storage in a cold location you transfer the chamber to its warmer installation site, condensation may form. Before start-up, wait at least two hours until the chamber has attained ambient temperature and is completely dry and the oil in the compressors has warmed up.
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Danger of overheating.
Damage to the chamber.
∅ Do NOT set up chambers in non-ventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat.
• Permissible ambient temperature range during operation: +18 °C / 64.4 °F to +32 °C / 89.6 °F. At ele-
vated ambient temperature values, fluctuations in temperature can occur.
The ambient temperature should not be substantially higher than the indicated ambient temperature of +25 °C / 77 °F to which the specified technical data relate. For other ambient conditions, deviations from the indicated data are possible.
When operating the chamber at temperature set-points below ambient temperature, high ambient humidity may lead to condensation on the chamber.
• Installation height: max. 2000 m / 6562 ft. above sea level.
When placing several chambers of the same size side by side, maintain a minimum distance of 250 mm /
9.84 in between each chamber. Wall distances: rear 300 mm / 11.81 in, sides 200 mm / 7.87 in. Spacing
above the chamber of at least 100 mm / 3.94 in must also be maintained.
• With optional compressed air dryer: Wall distance rear approx. 1 m / 3.28 ft so that it is possible to
read the status display of the compressed air dryer on the chamber rear.
• Chambers with voltage and frequency changer: rear wall distance of the chamber approx. 1 m / 3.28 ft
to set up the voltage and frequency changer.
Danger by stacking.
Damage to the chambers.
∅ Do NOT place the chambers on top of each other.
To completely separate the chamber from the power supply, you must disconnect the power plug. Install
the chamber in a way that the power plug is easily accessible and can be easily pulled in case of danger.
With an increased amount of dust in the ambient air, clean the condenser fan several times a year. We
recommend checking the fan grid (behind the left maintenance access flap) every week. In case of visible
dirt accumulation, disconnect the chamber and clean the fan grid by suction.
Avoid any conductive dust in the ambiance according to the chamber layout complying with pollution degree 2 (IEC 61010-1).
Do not install or operate the alternating climate chamber MK in potentially explosive areas.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT operate the chamber in potentially explosiv e areas.
∅ KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the vicinity of the chamber.
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4. Installation and connections
Figure 8: Rear view of the chamber with optional water cooling
(16) Power cable
(17) Rear power switch
(18) Connection “OUT” for cooling water outlet with screw thread ¾’’ for hose ½“, with union nut (option
water cooling)
(19) Connection “IN” for cooling water inlet with screw thread ¾’’ for hose ½“, with union nut (option
water cooling)
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4.1 Connection of cooling water outlet for water cooling (option)
An enclosure inside the chamber contains the connection kit for the cooling water inlet and outlet.
• Fasten the cooling hose to the connection “OUT” (18) (Figure 8) on the rear of the chamber (screw
thread ¾’’).
• You can use a part of the supplied tap water hose as a drainage hose. In case another hose is used, it
has to be permanently resistant against max. 50 °C / 122 °F.
• Protect both ends of the drainage hose with two of the four supplied hose clamps. Before turning on
the chamber, check the connection for leaks.
4.2 Connection of cooling water inlet for water cooling (option)
Connect the cooling water outlet before connecting the cooling water inlet.
Type of suitable water quality:
• Water intake temperature: max. 10 °C / 50 °F.
• pH value 4-7
• connection pressure: 4 to 10 bar
BINDER GmbH is NOT responsible for the water quality at the user’s site.
Any problems and malfunctions that might arise following use of water of deviat i ng qual i ty is
excluded from liability by BINDER GmbH.
The warranty becomes void in the event of use of water of deviating quality.
An enclosure inside the chamber contains the connection kit for the cooling water inlet and outlet.
• Fasten the cooling water hose to the connection “IN” (19) (Figure 8) on the rear of the chamber (screw
thread ¾’’).
• Install the water supply connection using either the enclosed water hose or another pressure-resistant
one. To accomplish this, remove the cover of the freshwater connection “IN” (19) (Figure 8) on the rear
of the chamber.
• Protect both ends of the hose with two of the four supplied hose clamps. Before turning on the cham-
ber, check the connection for leaks.
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4.3 Installation of the voltage and frequency changer
(chambers with voltage and frequency changer)
The voltage and frequency changer is supplied packed separately together with the alternating climate
Sliding or tilting of the voltage and frequency changer.
Damage to the voltage and frequency changer.
Risk of injury by lifting heavy loads.
∅ Do NOT lift the voltage and frequency changer by hand.
Lift the voltage and frequency changer from the pallet using technical devices (fork
lifter). Set the fork lifter only from the rear in the mi ddle of the chamber..
Alternatively, the voltage and frequency changer can also be lifted at the eyelets on
the top by means of a lift truck
(a) Eyelets for lifting with a lift truck
(b) Positions for a forklift
Figure 9: Positioning of aids for lifting the voltage and
frequency changer
For the installation of the voltage and frequency changer behind the alternating climate chamber, provide
a rear wall distance the alternating climate chamber of approx. 1 m.
If possible, fix the voltage and frequency changer at the alternating climate chamber. For this purpose, an
Allen key size 4 is required. Connect the slots at the end of the chassis with two M6 screws to the threads
provided below on the rear panel of the alternating climate chamber (see Figure 10).
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at the indicated power frequency
Danger of overheating.
Damage to the voltage and frequency changer.
Do NOT install the voltage and frequency changer in unventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat.
The voltage and frequency changer is equipped withfour castors. The rear castors can be easily locked
via the attached brakes
4.4 Electrical connection
4.4.1 Information on connecting the alternating climate chamber
The chambers are supplied ready for connection. They come with a fixed power connection cable of at
least 2700 mm / 8.9 ft in length and are equipped with 3 internal overload releases against excesscurrent.
Model Power plug
MK 115
MK 240
MK 720
MKT 115
MKT 240
MKT 720
• The domestic socket must also provide a protective conductor. Make sure that the connection of the
protective conductor of the domestic installations to the chamber’s protective conductor meets the latest technology. The protective conductors of the socket and plug must be compatible!
• Prior to connection and start-up, check the power supply voltage. Compare the values to the specified
data located on the chamber’s type plate (left chamber side, bottom right-hand, see chap. 1.4)
• When connecting, please observe the regulations specified by the local electricity supply company
and as well as the VDE directives (for Germany). We recommend the use of a residual current circuit
• Pollution degree (acc. to IEC 61010-1): 2
• Over-voltage category (acc. to IEC 61010-1): II
CEE plug
5-poles, 16 Amp
CEE plug
5-poles, 32 Amp
Nominal voltage ± 10%
400 V at 50 Hz 3 N~
400 V at 50 Hz 3 N~
Current type Chamber fuse
16 Amp
3 x internal
25 Amp
3 x internal
Danger of incorrect power supply voltage.
Damage to the equipment.
Check the power supply voltage before connection and start-up.
Compare the power supply voltage with the data indicated on the type plate.
See also electrical data (chap. 19.4).
To completely separate the chamber from the power supply, you must disconnect the power
plug. Install the chamber in a way that the power plug is easily accessible and can be easily
pulled in case of danger.
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Left side of the voltage and frequency changer
Right side of the voltage and frequency changer
4.4.2 Connecting the voltage and frequency changer (for chambers equipped with a
voltage and frequency changer)
The voltage and frequency changer is supplied with a fixed power connection cable without a plug. It is
protected against excess-current with 3 internal overload releases. The connection is made by the customer..
The socket must provide a protective conductor
Electrical connection data:
• Input side: 480 V, 60 Hz, 4-wire
• Output side (to the chamber): 400 V, 50 Hz, 5-wire
Establish the electrical connection of the alternating climate chamber together with the voltage and frequency changer, proceed in the following order:
1. Connect the alternating climate chamber to the connection socket (G) of the voltage and frequency
2. Establish the power connection of the voltage and frequency changer using the power cable (I)
3. Turn on the voltage and frequency changer at the power switch (H) (position “ON”)
4. Turn on the alternating climate chamber with the main power switch (3) in the lateral control panel
with connection socket (G) for the alternating climate
Figure 10: Voltage and frequency changer, mounted
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with power switch (H) and power cable (I)
Figure 11: Power switch (H) of the voltage and frequency
changer in position “ON”
In position “OFF” the switch can be locked, e.g. with a padlock.
5. Start up
After connecting the electrical supply (chap. 4), you can start up the chamber.
• Turn on the rear power switch (16) at least one hour before operating the chamber.
• Turn on the chamber via the main power switch (3) in the lateral control panel.
The refrigerating function is available only one hour after turning on the rear power switch (16). This is
indicated by the notification “1H PREHEAT PHASE” in the controller display (chap. 13.1).
Warming chambers may release odors in the first few days after commissioning. This is not a quality defect. To reduce odors quickly we recommend heating up the chamber to its nominal temperature for one
day and in a well-ventilated location.
5.1 Function overview of the MB1 display program controller
Pilot lamp: Ready for operation
EXIT button (to exit a menu point)
AUTOMATIC button (to start a previously entered program)
ENTER button (to confirm a selection)
Navigation buttons (functions are assigned by the menu)
Switch for interior chamber light (2)
The program controller MB1 controls the temperature inside the chamber.
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Figure 12: Display program controller MB1
08:43:55 15.12.13
You can enter the desired set point values in Manual Mode or Program Mode (chap. 5.2) in the display
Set point value Actual value
Figure 13: Normal display of the MB1 program controller in Manual mode
5.2 Operating modes
The program controller MB1 operates in 3 modes:
Idle Mode
Manual Mode
(Fixed value operation)
Program Mode (AUTO)
The controller is not functional, i.e., there is no heating. The fan is off.
The controller operates as a fixed-point control, i.e., a temperature set-
point can be defined, which is then maintained (chap. 8).
An entered temperature program is run (chap. 9).
The program controller MB1 permits programming temperature cycles.
The controller offers 25 program memory positions with 100 program sections each. The total number of
program sections of all programs is limited to 500.
Programming can be done directly through the keypad of the controller or graphically through the soft-
ware APT-COM™ 3 DataControlSystem (option, chap. 15.1) specially developed by BINDER.
5.3 Performance after power failures
After the power returns, the chamber continues to function in the original operating mode it was in previously before an actual power failure had occurred. In Manual Mode (HAND), the controller regulates the
temperature to the last entered set-points, while in Program Mode (AUTO) it regulates the temperature to
its set-point that were reached during the program operation. The power failure is noted in the event list
(chap. 6.2) however, no error message is displayed indicating that a power failure has taken place.
5.4 Performance when opening the door
When you open the door, temperature control (heating and refrigeration) immediately stops (the compressor continues running for 5 minutes without cooling). The fan is off.
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5.5 Turning on the chamber
Turn on the rear power switch (16) at least one hour before operating the chamber.
Set the main power switch (3) to position I. The pilot lamp shows the chamber is ready for operation.
Observe a delay time of approx. 30s between turning Off and again On the main power switch
(3). Otherwise an initialization problem may occur (display showing e.g. “–1999”).
The refrigerating function is available only one hour after turning on the rear power switch (16). This is
indicated by the notification “1H PREHEAT PHASE” in the controller display (chap. 13.1).
Note that the chamber is in stand-by mode when the main power switch is in position I and the controller
display is dark. Turn on the chamber by pressing any button. When turned on, the chamber functions in
the operating mode entered before turning off. In Manual Mode (HAND), the controller regulates the temperature to the last entered set-point, and in Program Mode (AUTO) it regulates the temperature to the
set-points reached during previous program operation.
Structure of toggling between Idle Mode / Manual Mode / Program Mode:
Idle Mode
Menu Program start
Program Mode (AUTO)
For control reasons the refrigeration machine starts with a delay time. The refrigeration machine also turns off with a 5 minutes delay. This explains why the compressor may remain
operating also during positive temperature jumps
Manual Mode (HAND)
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User Level
Date and time
Summer time
Temperature unit
Safety controller
User-code No.
Sollwert Art
Instrument data
Displ. Power down
Contin. operation
User Level
Safety control. Act + 36.8 °C
Safety control. Set. 38.5
08:43:55 15.12.13
Configuration 2
Configuration 1
Choose variation
08:43:55 15.12.13
Configuration 2
Choose variation
Configuration 1
4 X
6. Controller MB1 settings
6.1 Selection of the menu language
The display program controller MB1 controls the temperature inside the chamber. The controller communicates by a menu guide using real words in German, English and French.
The selection of the desired menu language is located in the sub-menu “User-Level” of the “UserSettings” menu. Select menu point “Language“.
User level code no. 1 (factory setting)
The row of buttons below the display is context- sensitive. The inscription above the buttons on the display defines the button’s function.
Do NOT change the temperature unit from °C to °F.
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The main operation level contains the following
(Idle Mode or Manual Mode or
enables comparison of the
08:43:55 15.12.1
08:43:55 15.12.
No heating or refrigeration. The actual value (X) approximates ambient temperature. The f an is off.
08:43:55 15.12.13
08:43:55 15.12.13
PROGRAM 01/SEC1 00:09:59
sponds to a supervision period of 2.5 days.
11:32:14 15.12.13
+23.9 °C
08:43:55 15.12.13
08:43:55 20.10.10
Service Hotline
International: +49 7462 205 555
USA Toll Free: +1 866 885 9794
or +1 631 224 4340
Best conditions for your success
Россияи СНГ: +7 495 988 1517
6.2 Overview of program controller MB1 displays
different displays:
•Normal display
Program Mode)
• Event List
• Chart recorder function
• Contact page
permits toggling between the dis-
current temperature (W) to the set-point value (X).
BINDER Service contact display.
The temperature value is maintained according to
the previous entered set-point (W).
Overview over the last 16 events or error occurrences of the chamber.
A temperature program entered before via a program table is run.
Graphical display of the current temperature values
and review of the previous measurements on a
historical display. A memory interval of 5s corre-
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Instrument data
Displ. Power down
Contin. operation
User Level
Safety control. Act + 100.8 °C
Safety control. Set. + 110.0 °C
6.3 Menu settings in the “User-settings” menu
Instrument data
•Instrument Name
Enter an individual name of the alternating climate chamber.
Enter a controller address (1 to 30) for operation with the communication software APT-COM™.
All other entries are relevant only for service purposes.
No function.
Displ. power down
•Switch off event
Do not change the entry “Wait. Period”.
•Waiting period
You can enter a delay time after which the display, following manual activation, will automatically be
turned off. This happens when the moment is outside the operation time defined in menu ”Contin. operation”.
Contin. operation
Enter an operation time to determine the period of display activity. Outside the defined time, the display is
automatically turned off. Pressing down any key will reactivate the display. After the time set in menu
“Displ. power down“, the display will turn off again when the actual time is not within the operation time
fixed in menu “Cont. operation“.
User Level
Toggle here to the display menu “User Level” (chap. 6.4) by entering a password. Factory default setting
for this password is +00001. You can change the password (“user code”) in the “User Level” menu.
Safety control.Set
The setting of the tolerance limit of the safety controller (see chap. 12.3) is displayed. You cannot change
it in this view.
Safety control.Act
The measuring result of the safety controller is displayed. The safety controller compares the value
measured by a second independent temperature sensor to the entered tolerance limit.
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