Im Mittleren Ösch 5, D-78532 Tuttlingen
Brutschränke mit natürlicher Umluft
Incubators with natural convection
Incubateurs à circulation d’air naturelle
Typenbezeichnung / Type / Type:
BD 23, BD 53, BD 115, BD 240, BD 400, BD 720
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte sind konform mit folgenden harmonisierten Normen:
The products described above are in conformity with the following harmonized standards:
Les produits décrits ci-dessus sont conformes aux normes harmonisées suivantes:
Sicherheit / safety / sécurité:
EN 61010-1:2001 Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel-
und Laborgeräte – Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control, and laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements
Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de
régulation et de laboratoire – Partie 1 : Prescriptions générales
EN 61010-2-010:2003 Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Meß-, Steuer-, Regel-
und Laborgeräte – Teil 2-010: Besondere Anforderungen an
Laborgeräte für das Erhitzen von Stoffen
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control, and laboratory use – Part 2-010: Particular requirements
for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials
Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de
régulation et de laboratoire. Partie 2-010 : Prescriptions
particulières pour appareils de laboratoire utilisés pour
l’échauffement des matières
EN 61326-1:2006 + Corr. 2008 Elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte - EMV-
Anforderungen -- Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
- EMC requirements -- Part 1: General requirements
Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire -
Exigences relatives à la CEM -- Partie 1: Exigences générales
1 / 2
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Die oben beschriebenen Produkte sind konform mit folgenden EG-Richtlinien:
The products described above are in conformity with the following EC guidelines:
Les produits décrits ci-dessus sont conformes aux directives CE suivantes:
Low voltage directive
Directive basse tension
Richtlinie 2006/95/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des
Rates vom 12. Dezember 2006 zur Angleichung der
Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten betreffend elektrische
Betriebsmittel zur Verwendung innerhalb bestimmter
Council Directive 2006/95/EC of 12 December 2006 on the
harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to electrical
equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
Directive 2006/95/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 12
décembre 2006 concernant le rapprochement des législations des
États membres relatives au matériel électrique destiné à être
employé dans certaines limites de tension
EMC Directive
Directive CEM
Richtlinie 2004/108/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des
Rates vom 15. Dezember 2004 zur Angleichung der
Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über die
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und zur Aufhebung der
Richtlinie 89/336/EWG.
Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of
the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and
repealing Directive 98/336/EEC.
Directive 2004/108/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du
15 décembre 2004 relative au rapprochement des législations des
États membres concernant la compatibilité électromagnétique et
abrogeant le directive 98/336/CEE.
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte tragen entsprechend die Kennzeichnung CE.
The products described above, corresponding to this, bear the CE-mark
Les produits décrits ci-dessus, en correspondance, portent l’indication CE.
D-78532 Tuttlingen, 25.09.2008
P. M. Binder
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
Managing Director
Directeur général
V. Siegle
Leiter F & E
Head of R & D
Chef de service R&D
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BD / ED / FD 09/2008 page 3/52
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte sind konform mit folgenden harmonisierten Normen:
The products described above are in conformity with the following harmonized standards:
Les produits décrits ci-dessus sont conformes aux normes harmonisées suivantes:
Sicherheit / safety / sécurité:
EN 61010-1:2001 Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel-
und Laborgeräte – Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control, and laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements
Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de
régulation et de laboratoire – Partie 1 : Prescriptions générales
EN 61010-2-010:2003 Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Meß-, Steuer-, Regel-
und Laborgeräte – Teil 2-010: Besondere Anforderungen an
Laborgeräte für das Erhitzen von Stoffen
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control, and laboratory use – Part 2-010: Particular requirements
for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials
Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de
régulation et de laboratoire. Partie 2-010 : Prescriptions
particulières pour appareils de laboratoire utilisés pour
l’échauffement des matières
EN 61326-1:2006 + Corr. 2008 Elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte - EMV-
Anforderungen -- Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
- EMC requirements -- Part 1: General requirements
Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire -
Exigences relatives à la CEM -- Partie 1: Exigences générales
1 / 2
BD / ED / FD 09/2008 page 4/52
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte sind konform mit folgenden EG-Richtlinien:
The products described above are in conformity with the following EC guidelines:
Les produits décrits ci-dessus sont conformes aux directives CE suivantes:
Low voltage directive
Directive basse tension
Richtlinie 2006/95/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des
Rates vom 12. Dezember 2006 zur Angleichung der
Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten betreffend elektrische
Betriebsmittel zur Verwendung innerhalb bestimmter
Council Directive 2006/95/EC of 12 December 2006 on the
harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to electrical
equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
Directive 2006/95/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 12
décembre 2006 concernant le rapprochement des législations des
États membres relatives au matériel électrique destiné à être
employé dans certaines limites de tension
EMC Directive
Directive CEM
Richtlinie 2004/108/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des
Rates vom 15. Dezember 2004 zur Angleichung der
Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über die
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und zur Aufhebung der
Richtlinie 89/336/EWG.
Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of
the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and
repealing Directive 98/336/EEC.
Directive 2004/108/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du
15 décembre 2004 relative au rapprochement des législations des
États membres concernant la compatibilité électromagnétique et
abrogeant le directive 98/336/CEE.
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte tragen entsprechend die Kennzeichnung CE.
The products described above, corresponding to this, bear the CE-mark
Les produits décrits ci-dessus, en correspondance, portent l’indication CE.
D-78532 Tuttlingen, 25.09.2008
P. M. Binder
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
Managing Director
Directeur général
V. Siegle
Leiter F & E
Head of R & D
Chef de service R&D
2 / 2
BD / ED / FD 09/2008 page 5/52
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte sind konform mit folgenden harmonisierten Normen:
The products described above are in conformity with the following harmonized standards:
Les produits décrits ci-dessus sont conformes aux normes harmonisées suivantes:
Sicherheit / safety / sécurité:
EN 61010-1:2001 Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel-
und Laborgeräte – Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control, and laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements
Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de
régulation et de laboratoire – Partie 1 : Prescriptions générales
EN 61010-2-010:2003 Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Meß-, Steuer-, Regel-
und Laborgeräte – Teil 2-010: Besondere Anforderungen an
Laborgeräte für das Erhitzen von Stoffen
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,
control, and laboratory use – Part 2-010: Particular requirements
for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials
Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de
régulation et de laboratoire. Partie 2-010 : Prescriptions
particulières pour appareils de laboratoire utilisés pour
l’échauffement des matières
EN 61326-1:2006 + Corr. 2008 Elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte - EMV-
Anforderungen -- Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
- EMC requirements -- Part 1: General requirements
Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire -
Exigences relatives à la CEM -- Partie 1: Exigences générales
1 / 2
BD / ED / FD 09/2008 page 6/52
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte sind konform mit folgenden EG-Richtlinien:
The products described above are in conformity with the following EC guidelines:
Les produits décrits ci-dessus sont conformes aux directives CE suivantes:
Low voltage directive
Directive basse tension
Richtlinie 2006/95/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des
Rates vom 12. Dezember 2006 zur Angleichung der
Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten betreffend elektrische
Betriebsmittel zur Verwendung innerhalb bestimmter
Council Directive 2006/95/EC of 12 December 2006 on the
harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to electrical
equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
Directive 2006/95/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 12
décembre 2006 concernant le rapprochement des législations des
États membres relatives au matériel électrique destiné à être
employé dans certaines limites de tension
EMC Directive
Directive CEM
Richtlinie 2004/108/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des
Rates vom 15. Dezember 2004 zur Angleichung der
Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über die
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und zur Aufhebung der
Richtlinie 89/336/EWG.
Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of
the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and
repealing Directive 98/336/EEC.
Directive 2004/108/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du
15 décembre 2004 relative au rapprochement des législations des
États membres concernant la compatibilité électromagnétique et
abrogeant le directive 98/336/CEE.
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte tragen entsprechend die Kennzeichnung CE.
The products described above, corresponding to this, bear the CE-mark
Les produits décrits ci-dessus, en correspondance, portent l’indication CE.
1.2 Structure of the safety instructions....................................................................................................10
1.3 Localization / position of safety labels at the unit..............................................................................12
1.4 Type plate .........................................................................................................................................13
1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the incubators BD and heating/drying
ovens ED and FD..............................................................................................................................14
1.6 Intended use .....................................................................................................................................15
5.3 Air change.........................................................................................................................................21
6.5 General notes....................................................................................................................................28
For the correct operation of the incubators BD and heating/drying ovens ED and FD, it is imperative that
you read this operating manual completely and carefully and observe the given instructions.
1. Safety
This operating manual is part of the scope of delivery. Always keep it at hand.
To avoid injuries and damage observe the safety instructions of the operating manual.
Failure to observe the safety instructions.
Serious injuries and unit damage.
Observe the safety instructions in this operating manual
Carefully read the complete operating instructions of the incubators BD and
heating/drying ovens ED and FD
1.1 Legal considerations
This operating manual contains information necessary for the intended use, correct installation, start-up
and operation, and for the maintenance of the unit.
Understanding and observing the instructions in this operating manual are prerequisites for hazard-free
use and safety during operation and maintenance.
This operating manual cannot cover all conceivable applications. If you would like additional information,
or if special problems arise that you feel are not sufficiently addressed in this manual, please ask your
dealer or contact us directly.
Furthermore, we emphasize that the contents of this operating manual are not part of an earlier or
existing agreement, promise, or legal relationship, nor do they modify such a relationship. All obligations
on the part of BINDER derive from the respective purchase contract, which also contains the entire and
exclusively valid statement of warranty administration. The statements in this manual neither augment nor
restrict the contractual warranty provisions.
1.2 Structure of the safety instructions
In this operating manual, the following harmonized denominations and symbols indicate dangerous
situations following the harmonization of ISO 3864-2 and ANSI Z535.6.
1.2.1 Signal word panel
Depending on the seriousness and probability of the consequences, dangers are identified with a signal
word, the corresponding safety color, and if appropriate, the safety alert symbol.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious
(irreversible) injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
(irreversible) injury
BD / ED / FD 09/2008 page 10/52
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in moderate or minor
(reversible) injury
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in damage to the product
and/or its functions or of a property in its proximity.
1.2.2 Safety alert symbol
Use of the safety alert symbol indicates risk of injury.
Observe all measures that are marked with the safety alert symbol in order to avoid death or
1.2.3 Pictograms
Warning signs
Electrical hazard
Pollution Hazard
Mandatory action signs
Mandatory regulation
Lift with mechanical
Prohibition signs
Hot surface
Harmful substances
Read operating
Environment protection
Explosive substances
Disconnect the power
Stability hazard
Lifting hazard
Lift with several persons
Do NOT touch
Do NOT spray with
BD / ED / FD 09/2008 page 11/52
Information to be observed in order to ensure optimum function of the product.
1.2.4 Word message panel structure
Type / cause of hazard.
Possible consequences.
∅ Instruction how to avoid the hazard: prohibition.
Instruction how to avoid the hazard: mandatory action.
Observe all other notes and information not necessarily emphasized in the same way, in order to avoid
disruptions which could result in direct or indirect injury or property damage.
1.3 Localization / position of safety labels on the unit
The following labels are located on the unit:
Pictograms (Warning signs) Service label
Hot surface
Figure 1: Position of labels on the unit
Keep safety labels complete and legible.
Replace safety labels that are no longer legible. Contact BINDER Service.
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1.4 Type plate
The type plate is located on the left-hand side of the unit (size 23) or on the unit front behind the door,
bottom left-hand.
Nominal temperature 300°C 1,60 kW
572°F 230 V 1 N ~
Enclosure protection
Temp. safety device
Class 2.0
Art. No. 9020-0102 US PATS 5405194 / 5222612
Project No. US PATS 4585923 / 5309981
Indications of the type plate Information
Nominal temperature 300°C
Enclosure protection IP 20 IP type of protection 20 acc. to EN 60529
Temp. safety device DIN 12880 Temperature safety device acc. to standard DIN 12880
Class 2.0 Temperature safety device, class 2
Art. No. 9010-0102 Art. No. 9010-0102
Project No. --- (Special application acc. to project no.)
1,60 kW Nominal power 1.60 kW
230 V 1 N ~
7,0 A Nominal current 7.0 Amp
50/60 Hz Mains frequency 50/60 Hz
FD 115 Model FD 115
Serial No. 00-00000 Serial No. 00-00000
Symbol on the type plate Information
IP 20
DIN 12880
7,0 A
50/60 Hz
D 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany
Tel. + 49 (0) 7462/ 2005-0
Figure 2: Type plate (example: FD 115 regular unit)
Nominal temperature
Nominal voltage 230 V ± 10%, single-phase unit
CE conformity marking
FD 115 Serial No. 00-00000
Made in Germany
Electrical and electronic equipment manufactured / placed on
the market in the EC after 13 August 2005 and to be disposed
of in a separate collection according to directive 2002/96/EC
on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
VDE-GS certification mark
The equipment is certified in the GOST R certification system
(UL units only)
The equipment is certified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
according to standards UL 61010A-1, UL 61010A-2-10, CSA
C22.2 No. 1010.1-92, and CSA C22.2 No. 1010.2.010-94.
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1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the incubators BD
and heating/drying ovens ED and FD
With regard to operating the incubators BD and heating/drying ovens ED and FD and to the installation
location, please observe regulations BGR 120 issued by the German professional association for the
chemical industry (formerly ZH 1/119 laboratory guidelines issued by the employers’ liability insurance
association) (for Germany).
BINDER GmbH is only responsible for the safety features of the unit providedskilled electricians or
qualified personnel authorized by BINDER perform all maintenance and repair, and if components
relating to chamber safety are replaced in the event of failure with original spare parts.
To operate the unit, use only original BINDER accessories or accessories from third-party suppliers
authorized by BINDER. The user is responsible for any risk caused by using unauthorized accessories.
Danger of overheating.
Damage to the unit.
∅ Do NOT install the unit in unventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat.
The incubators BD and heating/drying ovens ED and FD must NOT be operated in hazardous locations.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT operate the unit in potentially explosive areas.
KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the unit.
The incubators BD and heating/drying ovens ED and FD do not dispose of any measures of explosion
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT introduce any combustible or explosive substance at working temperature into
the heating/drying oven.
∅ NO explosive dust or air-solvent mixture in the inner chamber.
Any solvent contained in the charging material must not be explosive or inflammable. I.e., irrespective of
the solvent concentration in the steam room, NO explosive mixture with air must form. The temperature
inside the chamber must lie below the flash point or below the sublimation point of the charging material.
Familiarize yourself with the physical and chemical properties of the charging material, as well as the
contained moisture constituent and its behavior with the addition of heat energy.
Familiarize yourself with any potential health risks caused by the charging material, the contained
moisture constituent or by reaction products that may arise during the temperature process. Take
adequate measures to exclude such risks prior to putting the unit into operation.
Electrical hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ The unit must NOT become wet during operation or maintenance.
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The incubators BD and heating/drying ovens ED and FD have been produced in accordance with VDE
regulations and were routinely tested in accordance to VDE 0411.
The inner chamber, the outgoing air pipe, and the door window (option) w ill become
hot during operation.
Danger of burning.
∅ Do NOT touch the inner surfaces, the door window, the access ports, or the charging
material during operation.
1.6 Intended use
1.6.1 Incubators BD
The incubators BD are designed for exact temperation of harmless materials. Because of their precise
temperature accuracy these devices are especially useful for incubation of cultures at a standard
temperature of 37°C. Any solvent content must not be explosive or flammable. A mixture of any
component of the charging material with air must NOT be explosive. The operating temperature must lie
below the flash point or below the sublimation point of the charging material.
Other applications are not approved.
Do NOT use the unit for drying purpose, especially if greater quantities of steam leading to condensation
will be set free.
Observing the instructions in this operating manual and conducting regular maintenance work
(chap. 9) is part of the intended use.
1.6.2 Heating/drying ovens ED and FD
The heating/drying ovens ED and FD are suitable for drying and heat treatment of solid or pulverized
charging material, as well as bulk material, using the supply of heat. The solvent content must not be
explosive or flammable. A mixture of any component of the charging material with air must NOT be
explosive. The operating temperature must lie below the flash point or below the sublimation point of the
charging material.
Other applications are not approved.
Do NOT use the unit for drying purpose, especially if greater quantities of steam leading to condensation
will be set free.
Due to the special demands of the Medical Device Directive (MDD) this ovens are not qualified for
sterilization of medical devices as defined by the directive 93/42/EWG.
Observing the instructions in this operating manual and conducting regular maintenance work
(chap. 9) is part of the intended use.
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2. Unit description
BINDER incubators BD and heating/drying ovens ED and FD are equipped with an electronic PIDcontroller with digital display.
The incubators BD indicate the temperature with an accuracy of a tenth of a degree.
The heating/drying ovens ED and FD indicate the temperature with an accuracy of one
The incubators BD and the heating/drying ovens ED are heated electrically and are ventilated naturally.
Heating/drying ovens FD are ventilated by fan-assisted, forced-air circulation.
BINDER incubators BD and heating/drying ovens ED and FD are regularly equipped with a temperature
safety device according to DIN12880 (chap. 7).
The inner chamber, the pre-heating chamber and the inside of the doors are all made
of stainless steel
(material no. 1.4301 in Germany). When operating the heating/drying ovens ED and FD at temperatures
above 150°C, the influence of the oxygen in the air may cause coloration of the metallic surfaces
(yellowish-brown or blue) by natural oxidation processes. These colorations are harmless and will in no
way impair the function or quality of the unit. The housing is RAL 7035 powder-coated. All corners and
edges are completely coated.
BINDER incubators BD and heating/drying ovens ED (option) are equipped with a serial interface RS 422
for computer communication, e.g. via the communication software APT-COM™ 3 DataControlSystem
(option, chap. 8.2). For further options, see chap. 11.7 to 11.9.
The models size 720 are equipped with
four castors.Bothfrontcastorscan belocked by brakes.
Temperature range:
• Incubators BD: 5°C above room temperature up to 100°C.
• Heating/drying ovens ED and FD: 5°C above room temperature up to 300°C.
If you want to frequently operate heating/drying ovens ED and FD at low set-points up to
70°C, the controller parameters can be optimized accordingly. Please contact BINDER
Service to obtain detailed instructions how to change the parameters.
2.1 Equipment overview BD/ED/FD
(1) Display
(2) Set-point value key
(3) Selector keys
(4) Time management key
(5) Switch ON/OFF
(6) Lever for ventilation slide
(7) Safety device
(8) Door handle
(9) Switch for interior lighting (with