Technical Bulletin
Bulletin No: PRO-01-20 Effective Date: 10/15/80 Cancels: NA Page: 1 of 1
Results of investigations to date indicate that the installation of a Graham-White Salem Model 990 Aftercooler
with a Bendix air compressor (when turbocharged) may cause compressor failure. Bendix Commercial Vehicle
Systems believes that the failures are caused by restrictive air flow characteristics of the Salem 990 Aftercooler,
particularly in cold weather. The restricted air flow causes pressure build-up in the compressor and discharge line
upstream from the aftercooler.
The most common failures described to Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems to date are blown compressor head
gaskets and deformation of connecting rod inserts; however, total compressor and/or discharge line failure is
possible. Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems finds it necessary, therefore, to recommend that installations as
described above be repiped to bypass the aftercooler or repiped to include a safety valve at the inlet of the
aftercooler. (165 p.s.i. setting.)
As a result of the above, all warranty claims for compressors used in conjunction with the Salem 990 Aftercooler
with the type of failures described will not
Testing is continuing. We will advise of further developments as soon as possible.
be honored by Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems.