Basler Electric BE1-50 User Manual



Publication: 9171000990 Revision: F 01/13
This instruction manual provides information about the operation and installation of the BE1-50 Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay. To accomplish this, the following information is provided:
General Information and Specifications
Controls and Indicators
Functional Description
To avoid personal injury or equipment damage, only qualified personnel should perform the procedures in this manual.
Be sure that the relay is hard-wired to earth ground with no smaller than 12 AWG copper wire attached to the ground terminal on the rear of the unit case. When the relay is configured in a system with other devices, it is recommended to use a separate lead to the ground bus from each unit.
9171000990 Rev F BE1-50 Introduction i
First Printing: November 1986
Printed in USA
© 2013 Basler Electric, Highland Illinois 62249 USA
All Rights Reserved
January 2013
of Basler Electric, Highland Illinois, USA. It is loaned for confidential use, subject to return on request, and with the mutual understanding that it will not be used in any manner detrimental to the interest of Basler Electric.
It is not the intention of this manual to cover all details and variations in equipment, nor does this manual provide data for every possible contingency regarding installation or operation. The availability and design of all features and options are subject to modification without notice. Should further information be required, contact Basler Electric.
12570 STATE ROUTE 143
PHONE +1 618.654.2341 FAX +1 618.654.2351
ii BE1-50 Introduction 9171000990 Rev F


The following information provides a historical summary of the changes made to the BE1-50 instruction manual (9171000990). Revisions are listed in reverse chronological order.
Revision and Date
F, 01/13
E, 09/07
D, 12/01
C, 11/98
B, 06/93
—, 01/86
Updated case and cover drawings in Section 4.
Added manual part number and revision to footers. Updated Output Contact ratings in Section 1. Updated Power Supply Burden data in Section 1. Updated front panel illustrations to show laser graphics. Updated Target Indicator description in Section 3. Added GOST-R to Section 1, General Information. Moved content of Section 7, Manual Change Information to Manual
Moved content of Section 6, Maintenance to Section 4, Installation.
Updated cover drawings in Section 4 to reflect new drawings.
Deleted all references to Service Manual. Updated Style Chart by adding Option 3-6 Power Supply Status
Output, changing Power Supply Type T from “230 Vac” to “240 Vac”, deleted “Selectable” from Type S, and added Note 6.
Deleted 500 Vdc from Output Circuits in Specifications. Added Note to Table 1-1. Added new power supply information and Fast Transient to
Corrected Figure 2-1 from “Instantaneous Undercurrent Relay” to
Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay”.
Added new power supply information to Section 3 starting with
“Basler Electric enhanced the power supply design…”
Divided Section 4, Installation into two sections Section 4, Installation
and Section 5, Testing.
Added new dimension figures to include all options available (S1
single-ended and double-ended, and both mounting positions) to Section 4.
Changed Output Connection diagrams to include Sensing Type E or
G and Output F or H, Sensing Type J and Output J or K, and Sensing Type F and output E or G.
Corrected minor errors and changed the format of the manual.
Added UL Recognition statement, page 1-5. Added new Figures 4-6 through 4-9.
Initial release
9171000990 Rev F BE1-50 Introduction iii
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iv BE1-50 Introduction 9171000990 Rev F


SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 1-1
PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................... 1-1
APPLICATION .................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Ground Fault Detection ................................................................................................................ 1-1
Phase Fault Detection .................................................................................................................. 1-1
Combination with Other Protective Devices ................................................................................. 1-2
MODEL AND STYLE NUMBER .......................................................................................................... 1-2
Style Number Example ................................................................................................................. 1-3
SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 1-3
Current Sensing ............................................................................................................................ 1-3
Pickup Range ............................................................................................................................... 1-4
Pickup Accuracy ........................................................................................................................... 1-4
Dropout ......................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Timing ........................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Output Contacts ............................................................................................................................ 1-4
Power Supply................................................................................................................................ 1-5
Target Indicators ........................................................................................................................... 1-5
Type Tests .................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Physical ........................................................................................................................................ 1-5
Agency Recognition/Certification.................................................................................................. 1-6
SECTION 2 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ....................................................................................... 2-1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 2-1
SECTION 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 3-1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3-1
STEP-DOWN TRANSFORMER ......................................................................................................... 3-1
FULL-WAVE RECTIFIERS ................................................................................................................. 3-1
RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................................... 3-1
PICKUP SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................ 3-2
PICKUP COMPARATORS.................................................................................................................. 3-2
PULSE STRETCHERS ....................................................................................................................... 3-2
OUTPUTS ........................................................................................................................................... 3-2
TIMING ................................................................................................................................................ 3-2
OUTPUTS ........................................................................................................................................... 3-2
PUSH-TO-ENERGIZE OUTPUT PUSHBUTTONS ............................................................................ 3-2
POWER SUPPLY STATUS OUTPUT ................................................................................................ 3-2
POWER SUPPLY ............................................................................................................................... 3-2
TARGET INDICATORS ...................................................................................................................... 3-2
Internally Operated Targets .......................................................................................................... 3-2
Current Operated Targets ............................................................................................................ 3-3
SECTION 4 INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 4-1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
RELAY OPERATING GUIDELINES AND PRECAUTIONS ............................................................... 4-1
MOUNTING ......................................................................................................................................... 4-1
CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 4-14
MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................ 4-20
STORAGE ......................................................................................................................................... 4-20
SECTION 5 TESTING ............................................................................................................................ 5-1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 5-1
OPERATIONAL TEST ........................................................................................................................ 5-1
9171000990 Rev F BE1-50 Introduction v
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vi BE1-50 Introduction 9171000990 Rev F


Instantaneous overcurrent relays provide phase and ground fault protection for distribution circuits, generators, motors, transformers, and other major components of power systems. BE1-50 Instantaneous Overcurrent relays have a wide range of pickup settings and input configurations to accommodate protection requirements for power systems. BE1-50 relays are available in single or multi-phase for power units.


Some applications are illustrated in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1. Typical BE1-50 Applications

Ground Fault Detection

BE1-50 relays can be applied to monitor zero sequence currents that are indicative of ground faults. The most sensitive method of ground fault protection utilizes a single current transformer through which all the conductors are passed (Figure 1-1b). Another method uses the residual connection of the three-phase CTs (Figure 1-1d) with the relay set higher than the normal system unbalance. The most direct method is to place a CT in the neutral of a grounded wye connection for equipment such as power transformers or generators (Figure 1-1c).

Phase Fault Detection

BE1-50 relays can be used in two ways to detect phase faults. The first method is to place an instantaneous overcurrent element in each phase with the setting higher than expected load current for any power system element (Figure 1-1a, d, e, f). The second method is called self-balancing differential protection (Figure 1-2).
9171000990 Rev F BE1-50 General Information 1-1
In this application, the two leads of each phase of the protected motor or generator are passed through the window of the same associated phase current transformer so that the resulting secondary current is zero under normal operating conditions.
Figure 1-2. Self-Balancing Differential Protection

Combination with Other Protective Devices

Because BE1-50 relays can provide complete phase and ground fault protection in one unit (and with independent settings for phase and ground), they are often used to supervise other relay functions. In distance protection, BE1-50 relays can be used to prevent misoperation for light loading conditions by requiring a minimum current level before enabling the distance relay. As a fault detector, they are particularly effective because of their sensitivity, speed, and dropout ratio.


BE1-50 electrical characteristics and operational features are defined by a combination of letters and numbers that make up the style number. Model number BE1-50 designates the relay as a Basler Electric Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay. The model number, together with the style number, describes the options included in a specific device and appears on the front panel, draw-out cradle, and inside the case assembly.
The style number identification chart for the BE1-50 relay is illustrated in Figure 1-3.
1-2 BE1-50 General Information 9171000990 Rev F
Figure 1-3. BE1-50 Style Identification Chart

Style Number Example

If a BE1-50 relay has a style number of J6J–A1P–J1E1F, the relay has the following features:
J -------- Three-phase-and-neutral current sensing
6 -------- 8.0 to 16.0 A phase sensing input range
J -------- Four output relays with normally open contacts
A1 ------ Instantaneous timing
P -------- Operating power derived from 125 Vdc or 120 Vac
J -------- Four internally operated targets
1 -------- Push-to-energize outputs
E -------- 0.5 to 1.0 A neutral sensing input range
1 -------- One auxiliary output relay with normally open contacts
F -------- Semi-flush mounting case


BE1-50 electrical and physical specifications are listed in the following paragraphs.

Current Sensing

Sensing inputs are nominally rated at 50/60 Hz and have a frequency range of 40 to 70 Hz. Current ratings and sensing burdens depend on the sensing range and power supply type (defined by the style number), and are shown in Table 1-1.
9171000990 Rev F BE1-50 General Information 1-3
Table 1-1. Current Ratings and Sensing Burdens
I =
F, G, or H
O, P, R, S,
or T
Ratings other than continuous may be calculated using the equation:
Sensing Range
Actual Sensing
1 D 0.25 - 0.5 A 144 12.0 A 0.75 A 8.5 VA
2 E 0.5 - 1.0 A 144 12.0 A 1.5 A 8.5 VA
3 F 1.0 - 2.0 A 625 25.0 A 3 A 8.5 VA
4 G 2.0 to 4.0 A 2500 50.0 A 6 A 8.5 VA
5 H 4.0 to 8.0 A 10000 100 A 12 A 8.5 VA
6 J 8.0 - 16.0 A 40000 200 A 20 A 9.5 VA
7 K 16.0 - 32.0 A 90000 300 A 20 A 14.0 VA
2 E 0.25 - 2.0 A 10000 100 A 5 A 0.2 VA
4 G 1.0 - 8.0 A 90000 300 A 10 A 0.6 VA
6 J 4.0 - 32.0 A 90000 300 A 20 A 4.8 VA
the indicated value
K =
the time in seconds
T =
maximum current
I =
Maximum Rating 50 or 60 Hz
Burden Per
† Power Supply types F, G, and H are no longer available.

Pickup Range

Continuously adjustable over the range defined by the style number with independent ranges and adjustments for each phase and neutral pickup.

Pickup Accuracy

±2% or ±40 mA of pickup setting, whichever is greater.


Within 2% of pickup.


1.5 cycles or less from onset of overcurrent condition. (30 milliseconds at 50 Hz, 25 milliseconds at 60 Hz.)

Output Contacts

Resistive Ratings
120 Vac: Make, break, and carry 7 Aac continuously 250 Vdc: Make and carry 30 Adc for 0.2 s, carry 7 Adc continuously,
break 0.3 Adc
500 Vdc: Make and carry 15 Adc for 0.2 s, carry 7 Adc continuously,
break 0.3 Adc
Inductive Ratings
120 Vac, 125 Vdc, 250 Vdc: Break 0.3 A (L/R = 0.04)
1-4 BE1-50 General Information 9171000990 Rev F

Power Supply

Input Voltage
O (midrange)
48 Vdc
24 to 150 Vdc
1.2 W
125 Vdc
24 to 150 Vdc
1.5 W
120 Vac
90 to 132 Vac
19.3 VA
R (low range)
24 Vdc
12 to 32 Vdc ∗
1.3 W
48 Vdc
24 to 150 Vdc
1.2 W
125 Vdc
24 to 150 Vdc
1.5 W
250 Vdc
68 to 280 Vdc
1.7 W
240 Vac
90 to 270 Vac
31.6 VA
Externally powered power supply types are listed in Table 1-2.
Table 1-2. Power Supply Ratings
P (midrange)
S (midrange)
T (high range)
Type R power supply initially requires 14 Vdc to begin operating. Once operating, the input voltage may be reduced to 12 Vdc and operation will continue.

Target Indicators

Electronically latched, manually reset target indicators are optionally available to indicate closure of the trip output contacts. Either internally operated or current operated targets may be specified. Internally operated targets should be selected when normally closed (NC) output contacts are specified.
Current Operated Targets
Minimum Rating: 200 mA flowing through the trip circuit Continuous Rating: 3 A 1 Second Rating: 30 A 2 Minute Rating: 7 A
Input Voltage Range Burden at Nominal

Type Tests

Shock: Withstands 15 G in each of three mutually perpendicular planes
without structural damage or performance degradation.
Vibration: Withstands 2 G in each of three mutually perpendicular planes,
swept over the range of 10 to 500 Hz for a total of six sweeps, 15 minutes each sweep, without structural damage or degradation of performance.
Dielectric Strength: Tested in accordance with IEC 255-5 and IEEE C37.90. All circuits to
ground: 2,121 Vdc. Input to Output circuits: 1,500 Vac/2,121 Vdc.
Radio Frequency Interference: Maintains proper operation when tested for interference in
accordance with IEEE C37.90.2-1987, Standard Withstand
Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic Interference from Transceivers.
Surge Withstand Capability: Qualified to IEEE C37.90.1-1989, Standard Surge Withstand
Capability (SWC) Tests for Protective Relays and Relay Systems.


Operating Range: –40 to 70°C (–40 to 158°F) Storage Range: –65 to 100°C (–85 to 212°F)
Weight: 17.5 lb (7.76 kg)
Case Size: S1 (Refer to Section 4 for case dimensions.)
9171000990 Rev F BE1-50 General Information 1-5

Agency Recognition/Certification

UL Recognition: UL recognized per Standard 508, File E97033
NOTE: Output contacts are not UL recognized for voltages greater than 250 volts.
GOST-R Certification: GOST-R certified per the relevant standards of Gosstandart of
1-6 BE1-50 General Information 9171000990 Rev F
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