This instruction manual provides information about the installation and operation of the BE1-11g
Generator Protection System. To accomplish this, the following information is provided:
• General information and a quick start guide
• Controls and indicators
• Inputs and outputs
• Protection and control functions
• Reporting and alarms information
• Mounting and connection diagrams
• BESTCOMSPlus® software
• Communication and security
• Testing and troubleshooting procedures
• Specifications
• Time curve characteristics
• RTD module (optional)
Optional instruction manuals for the BE1-11g include:
• Modbus™ communication protocol (Basler Electric part number 9424200774)
• Distributed Network Protocol (DNP) (Basler Electric part number 9424200773)
• IEC 61850 communicat ion pr otoc ol (Basler Electric part number 9424200892)
Conventions Used in this Ma nua l
Important safety and procedural information is emphasized and presented in this manual through
warning, caution, and note boxes. Each type is illustrated and defined as follows.
Warning boxes call attention to conditions or actions that may cause
personal injury or death.
Caution boxes call attention to operating conditions that may lead to
equipment or property damage.
Note boxes emphasize important information pertaining to installation
or operation.
ii 9424200994 Rev N
Basler Electric does not assume any responsibility to compliance or noncompliance with national code, local code,
For terms of service relating to this product and software, see the Commercial Terms of Products and Services
document available at
This publication contains confidential information of Basler Electric Company, an Illinois corporation. It is loaned for
and options are subject to modification without notice. Over time, improvements and revisions may be made to this
The English-language version of this manual serves as the only approved manual version.
READ THIS MANUAL. Read this manual before installing, operating, or maintaining the BE1-11g. Note
all warnings, cautions, and notes in this manual as well as on the product. Keep this manual with the
product for reference. Only qualified personnel should install, operate, or service this system. Failure to
follow warning and cautionary labels may result in personal injury or property damage. Exercise
caution at all times.
or any other applicable code. This manual serves as reference material that must be well understood prior to
installation, operation, or maintenance.
confidential use, subject to return on request, and with the mutual und er st and ing that it will not be used in any
manner detrimental to the interests of Basler Electric Company and used strictly for the purpose intended.
It is not the intention of this manual to cover all details and variations in equipment, nor does this manual provide
data for every possible contingency regarding installation or operation. The availability and design of all features
publication. Before performing any of the following procedures, contact Basler Electric for the latest revision of this
Features .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Model and Style Number Description ........................................................................................................ 8
Power Up and Activate the BE1-11 Plug-In ............................................................................................ 12
Programming the BE1-11g ...................................................................................................................... 16
Controls and Indicators ............................................................................................................................ 25
Illustrations and Descriptions .................................................................................................................. 25
Menu Navigation ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Front Panel Operations ........................................................................................................................... 28
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 43
Settings Example ..................................................................................................................................... 46
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 49
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 55
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 59
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 65
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 69
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 75
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 87
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 91
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................... 95
Maximum Torque Angle and Directional Tests ..................................................................................... 105
Theory of Using Sequence Impedances for Fault Direction .................................................................. 106
Phase Current Differential (87) Prote ction ........................................................................................... 109
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 109
Neutral Current Differential (87N) Protection ....................................................................................... 117
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 117
Phase Differential Protection: Self-Balancing and Split-Phase Configurations (50/51) .................. 121
Power (32) Protection ............................................................................................................................. 123
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 123
Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Protection .................................................................. 127
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 127
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 131
Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) Protection ..................................................................... 135
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 135
Typical Applic a tion ................................................................................................................................. 138
Contents BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev N v
Out of Step (78OOS) Protection ............................................................................................................ 139
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 139
Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD) Protection ....................................................................... 143
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 143
Analog Input Protection ......................................................................................................................... 147
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 147
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 151
Virtual Control Switches (43) ................................................................................................................. 159
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 159
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 163
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 169
Retrieving Lockout Status from the BE1-11g ........................................................................................ 170
Breaker Control Switch (101) ................................................................................................................. 171
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 171
Setting Groups ........................................................................................................................................ 175
Setting Group Functions ........................................................................................................................ 175
Metering Explorer .................................................................................................................................. 183
Analog Metering Functions .................................................................................................................... 184
Sequence of Events ................................................................................................................................ 191
Retrieving SER Information ................................................................................................................... 191
Distance to Fault .................................................................................................................................... 200
Current ................................................................................................................................................... 219
Setting the Load Profile Recording Function ......................................................................................... 223
Retrieving Load Profile Recorded Data ................................................................................................. 223
Power Quality .......................................................................................................................................... 225
Power Quality Settings .......................................................................................................................... 225
Retrieving Power Quality Data .............................................................................................................. 225
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 229
Fuse Loss (60FL) ..................................................................................................................................... 237
Element Operation ................................................................................................................................. 237
Status Page ........................................................................................................................................... 241
Real Time Data ...................................................................................................................................... 241
Demand Data ........................................................................................................................................ 242
Sequence of Events .............................................................................................................................. 245
Power Quality ........................................................................................................................................ 245
Terminals and Connectors ..................................................................................................................... 265
J Type Case .......................................................................................................................................... 265
H or P Type Case .................................................................................................................................. 266
Activate the BE1-11 Plugin for BESTCOMSPlus® ................................................................................ 284
Menu Bars ............................................................................................................................................. 289
Settings Explorer ................................................................................................................................... 291
Metering Explorer .................................................................................................................................. 292
BESTlogic™Plus Ex amp les ................................................................................................................... 315
Communication ....................................................................................................................................... 317
Port Access Setup ................................................................................................................................. 328
Access Control ...................................................................................................................................... 329
Viewing the Security Log ....................................................................................................................... 330
Setting the Time and Date ..................................................................................................................... 332
IRIG Port ................................................................................................................................................ 333
Backup Battery for the Real-Time Clock ............................................................................................... 334
Device Information .................................................................................................................................. 339
Style Number ......................................................................................................................................... 339
Device Info ............................................................................................................................................. 340
Display Units .......................................................................................................................................... 359
Introduction to Testing ........................................................................................................................... 361
Test Equipment ..................................................................................................................................... 365
Power Up ............................................................................................................................................... 365
Control Outputs ..................................................................................................................................... 366
Current Circuit Verification..................................................................................................................... 367
Three-Phase Voltage Circuit Verification .............................................................................................. 368
Power Reading Verification ................................................................................................................... 369
viii 9424200994 Rev N
Auxiliary Voltage Input Verificati on - VX and VX 3
(Fundamental and Third Harm onic ) ..................... 369
Frequency Verification ........................................................................................................................... 370
Virtual Contro l Sw i tc h ............................................................................................................................ 372
Protection and Control Function Verification ......................................................................................... 373
Verify Other Setpoints as Appropriate ................................................................................................... 373
Reporting and Alarm Functions ............................................................................................................. 373
Analog Circuit Verification ..................................................................................................................... 377
Overexcitation (24) Test ......................................................................................................................... 379
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 379
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 383
Sync-Check (25) Test .............................................................................................................................. 385
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 385
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 388
Phase Undervoltage (27P) Test ............................................................................................................. 391
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 391
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 393
Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test ......................................................................................................... 395
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 395
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 404
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 407
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 409
Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Test ........................................................................................................... 411
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 411
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 419
Vector Jump (78V) Test .......................................................................................................................... 423
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 423
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 424
Frequency (81) Test ................................................................................................................................ 427
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 427
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 432
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Test .................................................................................................... 435
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 435
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 442
Breaker Fail (50BF) Test ......................................................................................................................... 447
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 447
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 450
Inverse Overcurrent (51) Test ................................................................................................................ 451
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 451
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 461
Directional Overcurrent (67) Test .......................................................................................................... 467
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 467
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 473
Phase Current Differential (87) Test ...................................................................................................... 475
Restrained Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................. 475
Contents BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev N ix
Unrestrained Functional Test Procedure ............................................................................................... 482
Harmonic Restraint Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................... 482
Functional Test Reports ........................................................................................................................ 484
Neutral Current Differential (87N) Test ................................................................................................. 487
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 487
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 489
Power (32) Test ........................................................................................................................................ 491
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 491
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 494
Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Test ............................................................................ 497
Functional Test Procedure .................................................................................................................... 497
Functional Test Report .......................................................................................................................... 499
Distance (21) Test ................................................................................................................................... 501
General Operation ................................................................................................................................. 545
Features ................................................................................................................................................ 546
Inputs and Outputs ................................................................................................................................ 548
General Operation ................................................................................................................................. 548
Features ................................................................................................................................................ 617
Digital Points ........................................................................................................................................... 637
Revision History ...................................................................................................................................... 651
Contents BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev N 1
The BE1-11g Generator Protection System provides flexible, reliable, and economical protection, control,
monitoring, and measurement functions for small, medium, and large generators. The BE1-11g offers
vector jump, out of step, distance, phase and neutral current differential, overexcitation (V/Hz),
overcurrent, directional overcurrent, over/undervoltage, over/underfrequency, RTD (Resistance
Temperature Detector) with remote module, breaker failure, and fuse loss protection. It offers breakerand trip-circuit monitoring, and oscillography and sequential events recording. Control features include
virtual selector switches, circuit breaker control, virtual lockout, and variable-mode timer s. An auto
synchronizer is optional. System metering, status information, and fault locating are available at the
BE1-11g front panel and through the BE1-11g communication ports. The capabilities of the BE1-11g
make it suitable for detecting generator faults and abnormal operating conditions in an integrated system.
Suitable BE1-11g applications include large power generation, distributed generation, local backup
generation, and intertie protection applications.
A front-panel USB port or optional rear Ethernet port enables local communication between the BE1-11g
and a PC operating with BESTCOMSPlus® software. BESTCOMSPlus software simplifies the
commissioning process by providing a graphical interface for setting the BE1-11g and configuring a
protection and control scheme for your application. Through BESTCOMSPlus, all BE1-11g settings and
logic can be retained in a file for printing or uploading to other BE1-11g protection systems. Oscillography
and sequential events records can be retrieved from a BE1-11g, viewed, and printed.
Front-panel features include a large, backlit alphanumeric display and LED indicators that display system
parameters, BE1-11g settings, and BE1-11g status. Pushbuttons enable navigation through the display
menu, changes to settings, resetting of targets (with password access), and direct access to virtual
The capabilities of the BE1-11g make it ideally suited for applications with the following attributes:
•Generator specific protection and control elements including loss of field, out of step, stator
ground protection, and sync check or synchronizer
•Generator focused protection including reverse power, negative-sequence, overexcitation, and
•Isolation between the RTDs and the BE1-11g due to distance between the BE1-11g package and
the RTD module
• Low burden to extend the linear range of CTs
• The flexibility provided by wide setting ranges, multiple setting groups, and multiple coordination
curves in one unit
•The economy and space savings provided by a multifunction, multiphase unit. This one unit can
provide all of the protection, control, metering, and local and remote indication functions required
for typical applications.
• Directional control and fault recording
• High-speed Ethernet communications and protocol support
• The capabilities of a numeric multifunction relay
• The small size and limited behind-panel projection facilitates modernizing protection and control
systems in existing equipment
• Detection of low ground current levels (SEF option)
• IEC 61850 functionality
• Logic library with logic schemes for basic low Z grounded generator protection, low Z grounded
generator with sequential trip, low Z grounded generator with sequential trip and sync check,
basic high Z grounded generator protection, high Z grounded generator protection
2 9424200994 Rev N
The BE1-11g protection system includes many features for the protection, monitoring, and control of
power system equipment. These features include protection and control functions, metering functions,
and reporting and alarm functions. A highly flexible programmable logic system called BESTlogic™Plus
allows the user to apply the available functions with complete flexibility and customize the system to meet
the requirements of the protected power system. Programmable I/O, extensive communication features,
and an advanced user interface provide easy access to the features provided.
The following information summarizes the capabilities of this multifunction device. Each feature, along
with its setup and use, is described in greater detail in the later chapters of this manual.
General Features
HMI (Human-Machine Interface)
Each BE1-11g has a front-panel display and LED indicators. Protection systems in an H or P style case
have five LED indicators: Power Supply Status, Relay Trouble Alarm, Minor Alarm, Major Alarm, and Trip.
Protection systems in a J style case have 12 LED indicators: Power Supply Status, Relay Trouble Alarm,
Minor Alarm, Major Alarm, Trip, Select Control Switch, Operate Control Switch, and Indicator 1 through 7
(programmable in BESTlogicPlus). The backlit, liquid crystal display (LCD) allows the BE1-11g to replace
local indication and control functions such as panel metering, alarm annunciation, and control switches.
Four scrolling pushbuttons enable navigation through the LCD menu tree. Parameters are changed using
the Edit pushbutton. Targets, alarms, and other registers are cleared with the Reset pushbutton. In Edit
mode, the scrolling pushbuttons provide data entry selections. Edit mode is indicated by an LED on the
Edit pushbutton. Protection systems in a J-style case have pushbuttons for selecting and controlling the
virtual control switches.
The LCD has automatic priority logic to govern which metering values are displayed on the screen so that
when an operator approaches, the metering data of most interest is automatically displayed without
having to navigate the menu structure. Scrollable metering parameters are selected on the General
Settings, Front Panel HMI settings screen in BESTCOMSPlus.
Device Information
The version of the embedded software (firmware), serial number, and style number are available from the
front-panel display or the communication ports.
Three free-form fields (Device ID, Station ID, and User ID) can be used to enter information to identify the
BE1-11g. These fields are used by many of the reporting functions to identify the BE1-11g reporting the
information. Examples of BE1-11g identification field uses include station name, circuit number, relay
system, and purchase order, and others.
Device Security
Passwords provide access security for six distinct functional access areas: Read, Control, Operator,
Settings, Design, and Administrator. Each username/password is assigned an access area with access to
that area and each area below it. An administrator password provides access to all six of the functional
A second dimension of security is provided by the ability to restrict access for any of the access areas to
only specific communication ports. For example, you could set up security to deny access to control
commands through the Ethernet port.
Security settings affect read and write access. Refer to the Security chapter for more informat ion.
Setting Groups
Four setting groups allow adaptive relaying to be implemented to optimize BE1-11g settings for various
operating conditions. Auto matic and ex terna l log ic ca n be employ e d to select the active setting group.
Introduction BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev N 3
The clock is used by the logging functions to timestamp events. BE1-11g timekeeping can be selfmanaged by the internal clock or coordinated with an external source through a network or IRIG device.
A backup capacitor and additional battery backup are provided for the clock. During a loss of operating
power, the backup capacitor maintains timekeeping for up to 24 hours depending on conditions. As the
capacitor nears depletion, the backup battery takes over and maintains timekeeping. The backup battery
has a life expectancy of greater than five years depending on conditions.
A standard unmodulated IRIG-B input receives time synchronization signals from a master clock.
Automatic daylight saving time compensation can be enabled and set for floating or fixed dates.
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
NTP synchronizes the real-time clock to network time servers through the Ethernet port. BESTCOMSPlus
is used to establish the priority of time reference sources available to the BE1-11g, IRIG-B, NTP, DN P,
and RTC (real-time clock). The NTP address is set using BESTCOMSPlus.
Three independent communication ports provide access to all BE1-11g functions. A USB (universal serial
bus) port is located on the front panel, a two-wire RS-485 port is located on the rear panel, and an
optional Ethernet port is also located on the rear panel. The RS-485 and Ethernet ports are electrically
Modbus™ and DNP3 protocols are optionally available for the RS-485 or Ethernet communication port.
The IEC 61850 protocol is optionally av ai lable for the Ether net port. Sep ar ate instruction manuals cover
each available protocol. Consult the product bulletin or Basler Electric for availability of these options and
instruction manuals. Modbus sessions can be operated simultaneously over the Ethernet and RS-485
System Parameters
Three-phase currents and voltages are digitally sampled and the fundamental is extracted using a
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm.
The voltage sensing circuits can be configured for single-phase, three-phase-three-wire, or four-wire
voltage transformer circuits. Voltage sensing circuitry provides voltage protection, frequency protection,
polarizing, and watt/var metering. Neutral-shift, positive-sequence, and negative-sequence voltage
magnitudes are derived from the three-phase voltages. Digital sampling of the measured frequency
provides high accuracy at off-nominal values.
An auxiliary voltage sensing input (Vx) provides protection capabilities for over/underv olta ge mon itor ing of
the fundamental and third harmonic voltage of the VT source connected to the Vx input. This capability is
useful for ground fault protection or sync-check functions.
Each current sensing circuit has low burden and is isolated. Neutral, positive-sequence, and negativesequence current magnitudes are derived from the three-phase curr ents . An ind e pend ent ground current
input is available for direct measurement of the current in a transformer neutral, tertiary winding or flux
balancing current transformer. Either one or two sets of CTs are provided in the BE1-11g depending on
the style number. Refer to the style chart for more information.
Programmable Inputs and Outputs
Programmable contact inputs and outputs are described in the following paragraphs.
Programmable Inputs
Programmable contact sensing inputs with programmable signal conditioning provide a binary logic
interface to the protection and control system. Each input function and label is programmable using
4 9424200994 Rev N
BESTlogicPlus. A user -meaningful label can be assigned to each input and to each state (energized and
de-energized) for use in reporting functions. Board mounted jumpers support dual voltage ratings.
Protection systems in a J style case are equipped with seven contact sensing inputs. Protection systems
in an H or P style case are equipped with five contact sensing inputs.
Programmable Outputs
Programmable general-purpose contact outputs provide a binary logic interface to the protection and
control system. One programmable, failsafe contact output serves as an alarm output. Each output
function and label is programmable using BESTlogicPlus. A user-meaningful name can be assigned to
each output and to each state (energized and de-energized) for use in reporting functions. Output logic
can be overridden to open, close, or pulse each output contact for testing or control purposes. All output
contacts are trip rated.
Protection systems in a J style case are equipped with eight general-purpose contact outputs. Protection
systems in an H or P style case are equipped with five general-purpose contact outputs.
Reporting and Alarms
Several reporting and alarm functions provide fault reporting, differential reporting, demand, breaker, and
trip circuit monitoring. Reporting of power quality, energy data, and general status is also provided.
Extensive self diagnostics will trigger a fatal relay trouble alarm if any of the BE1-11g core functions are
compromised. Fatal relay trouble alarms are not programmable and are dedicated to the Alarm output
(OUTA) and the front panel Relay Trouble LED. Additional relay trouble alarms and all other alarm
functions are programmable for major or minor priority. Programmed alarms are indicated by major or
minor alarm LEDs on the front panel. Major and minor alarm points can also be programmed to any
output contact including OUTA. Over 50 alarm conditions are available to be monitored including userdefinable logic conditions u sing BE STlogicPlus.
Active alarms can be read and reset at the front panel or through the communication ports. A historical
sequence of events report with time stamps lists when each alarm occurred and cleared. These reports
are available through the communication ports.
Breaker Monitoring
Breaker statistics are recorded for a single breaker. They include the number of operations, fault current
interruption duty, and breaker time to trip. Each of these conditions can be set to trigger an alarm.
Trip Circuit Monitor (52TCM)
The trip circuit of a breaker or lockout relay can be monitored for loss of voltage (fuse blown) or loss of
continuity (trip coil open). Additional trip or close circuit monitors can be implemented in BESTlogicPlus
using additional inputs, logic timers, and programmable logic alarms.
Demand values are continuously calculated for phase currents, neutral current, negative-sequence
current, ground current, real power, reactive power, and apparent power. The demand interval and
demand calculation method are independently settable for phase, neutral, and negative-sequence
measurements. Demand reporting records peak and present demand with time stamps for each register.
Power Quality
The BE1-11g offers IEC 61000-4-30 Class B power quality measurement performance. Power quality
settings include a fixed or sliding reference mode, dip hysteresis, dip ratio, swell hysteresis, and swell
Energy Data Reporting
Energy information in the form of watthours and varhours is measured and reported by the BE1-11g. Both
positive and negative values are reported in three-phase, primary units.
Introduction BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev N 5
General Status Reporting
The BE1-11g provides extensive general status reporting for monitoring, commissioning, and
troubleshooting. Status reports are available from the front-panel display or communication ports.
Fault Reporting
Fault reports consist of simple target information, fault summary reports, and detailed oscillography
records to enable the user to retrieve information about disturbances in as much detail as is desired. The
BE1-11g records and reports oscillography data in industry-standard IEEE, COMTRADE format to allow
using any fault analysis software. Basler Electric provides a Windows
BESTwave™ that can read and plot binary or ASCII format files that are in the COMTRADE format. A
copy of BESTwave is included on the BE1-11 product CD.
Sequence of Events Recorder
A Sequence of Events Recorder (SER) records and time stamps all BE1-11g inputs and outputs as well
as all alarm conditions monitored by the BE1-11g. Time stamp resolution is to the nearest half-cycle. I/O
and Alarm reports can be extracted from the records as well as reports of events recorded during the time
span associated with a specific fault report.
® based program called
Protection and Control
Protection functions consist of Overexcitation, Sync-Check, Undervoltage, Overvoltage, Vector Jump,
Frequency, Instantaneous Overcurrent, Breaker Failure, Inverse Overcurrent, Phase Current Differential
(optional), Neutral Current Differe nti al (optional), Power, Loss of Excitation, Distance, Out of Step,
Thermal, and Analog protection. Virtual Control Switches, Timers, a Lockout Function, a Breaker Control
Switch, and an Auto Synchronizer (optional) make up the control functions. The following paragraphs
describe each protection and control function.
Overexcitation (24) Protection
One volts per hertz protection element provides overexcitation protection for a generator and/or
Sync-Check (25) Protection
With the auxiliary voltage input connected to the bus, one sync-check function provides synchronism
protection. Sync-check protection checks for phase angle difference, magnitude difference, frequency
difference (slip) and, optionally, if the three-phase VT frequency is greater than the auxiliary VT
frequency. One voltage monitor output (25VM) provides independent dead/live voltage closing logic.
Undervoltage (27P) and Overvoltage (59P) Protection
Five phase undervoltage and four phase overvoltage elements are included. Phase
undervoltage/overvoltage protection can be set for one of three, two of three, or three of three logic.
When a four-wire voltage transformer connection is used, under/overvoltage protection can be set for
either phase-to-phase voltage or phase-to-neutral voltage. The 27P elements are equipped with an
undervoltage inhibit feature. Inverse or definite time can be selected. Refer to the T ime Cur ve
Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) and Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection
Four auxiliary overvoltage and four auxiliary undervoltage elements provide over/undervoltage protection.
Auxiliary voltage protection elements can be set to individually monitor the third harmonic, neutral-shift,
positive-sequence, negative-sequence, or auxiliary fundamental voltages. Ground unbalance protection is
provided when the auxiliary voltage input is connected to a source of 3V0 such as a broken-delta VT. The
27X is equipped with an undervoltage inhibit feature. Inverse or definite time can be selected. Refer to the
Time Curve Characteristics chapter.
6 9424200994 Rev N
Vector Jump (78) Protection
One vector jump protection element protects the generator by disconnecting it from the grid when a loss
of mains or mains failure occurs, preventing the generator from remaining tied to the mains if the mains
returns due to an external reclose device.
Frequency (81) Protection
Eight independent frequency elements can be set for over, under, or rate of change (81R) frequency
operation. Each can be individually set to monitor the frequency on the main three-phase voltage input or
the Vx input. Rate of change can be set to operate on positive, negative, or “either”.
BE1-11g protection systems enabled for IEC-61850 communication
(style Gxxxx5xxxxxxxx) have their frequency protection elements fixed
at four underfrequency elements, two overfrequency elements, and
two frequency rate-of-change elements.
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50) Protection
Directional overcurrent protection is provided by six instantaneous overcurrent elements. Digital signal
processing filters out unwanted harmonic components while providing fast overcurrent response with
limited transient overreach and overtravel.
Instantaneous overcurrent elements can be set for single-phase, three-phase, ground, neutral, positivesequence, negative-sequence, or unbalanced protection.
Breaker Failure (50BF) Protection
One breaker failure function provides protection and security for the power system against failure of the
monitored breaker.
Inverse Overcurrent (51) Protection
Seven inverse overcurrent elements can be set for single-phase, three-phase, ground, neutral, positivesequence, negative-sequence, or unbalanced protection. Inverse-overcurrent functions employ a dynamic
integrating timing algorithm covering a range from pickup to 40 times pickup with selectable
instantaneous or integrated reset characteristics. Inverse time overcurrent curves conform to IEEE Std
C37.112-1996 - IEEE Standard Inverse-Time Characteristic Equations for Overcurrent Relays, and
include seven curves similar to Westinghouse/ABB CO curves, five curves similar to GE IAC curves, a
fixed time curve, and a user programmable curve. Refer to the Time Curve Characteristicschapter for
more information about the inverse over cur r ent protec t i on characteristic curves.
Phase inverse overcurrent elements can be voltage restrained or controlled for generator backup
applications. Negative-sequence current protection (46) is included as a mode of the 51 (inverse
overcurrent) element. Each inverse overcurrent element can be individually set for forward, reverse, or
non-directional control.
A separate ground current input provides ground overcurrent protection for a separate ground CT.
Optionally, an SEF (sensitive earth fault) version of the separate ground CT is available.
Phase Current Differential (87) Protection (style GxxxxxxxPxxxxx o r GxxxxxxxTxxxxx)
One phase current differential element provides three-phase, percent age-restrained, differential
protection with dual-s lo pe, i n-phase, differential mode. In flux balance mode, the differential CTs are
connected in a flux balancing configuration.
Neutral Current Differ e nti al (87N) Protection (style GxxxxxxxPxxxxx or GxxxxxxxTxxxxx)
One neutral current differential element provides sensitive phase-to-ground fault differential protection for
the wye winding of the transformer.
Introduction BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev N 7
Power (32) Protection
Two directional power elements are included in the BE1-11m and can be set for forward or reverse,
overpower or underpower protection. The element can be used for any application requiring directional
power flow detection including intertie protection (interconnects between an electric utility and a source of
non-utility generation). The power measurement algorithm is adapted as appropriate for any possible
three-phase or single-phase voltage transformer connection. Directional power is calibrated on a threephase basis regardless of the voltage transformer connection used. Directional Power Protection can be
set for one of three, two of three, three of three, or total power.
BE1-11g protection systems enabled for IEC-61850 communication
(style Gxxxx5xxxxxxxx) have their power protection elements fixed at
one underpower element and one overpower element.
Loss of Excitation - Reverse Var Based (40Q) Protection
One loss of excitation element monitors three-phase reactive power (vars) to determine when a loss of
field condition exists.
Loss of Excitation - Impedance Based (40Z) Protection
One loss of excitation element implements a two zone offset mho characteristic to protect against varying
load conditions.
Distance (21) Protection
Two distance protection elements provide backup protection for external faults that are not cleared by
external protective relaying due to a failure of the external system protection scheme or equipment.
Settings are provided to configure a zone of reach using a mho circle.
Out of Step (78OOS) Protection
When a generator loses synchronism, high peak currents and off-frequency operation can cause winding
stress, high rotor iron currents, pulsating torques, and mechanical resonances that may be damaging to
the machine. The out of step element monitors the generator or step-up transformer terminals and detects
an out-of-step condition based on the rate of impedance change.
Resistance Temperature Detector (49RTD) Protection
Fourteen resistance temperature detector elements provide over/undertemperature protection in
applications where a remote RTD module is connected to the BE1-11g via Ethernet or RS-485 cable. For
more information, refer to the RTD Module chapter.
Analog Input Protection
Eight analog input protection elements monitor external analog input signals when two remote RTD
modules are connected via an Ethernet or RS-485 cable. Four analog inputs are provided with each RTD
module. For more information, refer to the RTD Module chapter.
Fuse Loss (60FL)
A fuse loss element protects against false tripping due to a loss of voltage sensing. Voltage transformer
circuit monitoring adds security by detecting problems in the voltage transformer sensing circuits and
preventing mis-operations of the 25, 27P, 47, 59P, and 51/27 functions.
Auto Synchronizer (25A) (style GxxxxxxxSxxxxx or GxxxxxxxTxxxxx)
An auto synchronizer element synchronizes a generator to a bus by matching the voltage, frequency, and
phase angle. Modes are provided for Phase Lock Loop or Anticipatory operation.
8 9424200994 Rev N
Breaker Control Switch (101)
Tripping and closing of a selected breaker can be controlled by the virtual breaker control switch. The
virtual breaker control switch is accessed locally at the front panel or remotely through the communication
Virtual Control Switches (43)
Five virtual control switches are accessed locally at the front panel or remotely through the
communication ports. Virtual switches can be used to trip and close additional switches or breakers, or
enable and disable certain functions.
Logic Timers (62)
Eight logic timers with six modes of operation emulate virtually any type of timer.
Lockout Functions (86)
Two lockout elements are provided.
BESTlogic™Plus Programmable Logic
Each BE1-11g protection and control function is implemented in an independent function element. Every
function block is equivalent to its single function, discrete device counterpart so it is immediately familiar
to the protection engineer. Each independent function block has all of the inputs and outputs that the
discrete component counterpart may have. Progr a mm i ng with BEST logicPlus is equivalent to choosing
the devices required by your protection and control scheme and then drawing schematic diagrams to
connect the inputs and outputs to obtain the desired operating logic.
Refer to the BESTlogicPluschapter for more information on logic schemes. Custom logic settings allow
you to tailor the BE1-11g functionality to match the needs of your operation's practices and power system
Metering Functions
Metering is provided for the following parameters:
• Primary and secondary currents (phase, ground, I1, I2, 3I0)
• Power (real, reactive, app a r ent)
• Power factor
•Phase differential (Iop, Ir, 2
Harmonic, 5th Harmonic)
• Neutral differential (Iop)
• Energy (total watthours and total varhours)
For details on metering functions, refer to the Metering chapter.
Model and Style Number Description
BE1-11g electrical characteristics and operational features are defined by a combination of letters and
numbers that make up the style number. The style number describes the options included in a specific
device and appears on labels located on the front panel and inside the case. Upon receipt of a BE1-11g,
be sure to check the style number against the requisition and the packing list to ensure that they agree.
The model number and style number are shown in Figure 1.
Introduction BE1-11g
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Figure 1. Style Chart
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Introduction BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev N 11
Quick Start
This chapter provides basic installation and setup information about the BE1-11g Gener ator Pr ot ec tio n
System. BE1-11g protection systems are delivered with a BE1-11 product CD. Upon receipt of the
BE1-11g, check the model and style number against the requisition and packing list for agreement. If
there is evidence of shipping damage, file a claim with the carrier, and notify the Basler Electric Regional
Sales Office, your sales representative, or a sales representative at Basler Electric, Highland, Illinois.
If the BE1-11g is not installed immediately, store it in the original shipping carton in a moisture- and dustfree environment.
Included on the BE1-11 product CD:
• BESTCOMSPlus® Software
• BESTwave™ Software
• BEST61850™ Software
• Quick Start Guide
• Communications Quick Start Guide
• Instruction Manual
• Modbus™ Instruction Manual
• DNP Instruction Manual
• IEC 61850 Instruction Manual
Do not connect a USB cable between the PC and the BE1-11g until
BESTCOMSPlus is installed. Connecting a USB cable before setup is
complete may result in errors.
Preventive maintenance consists of periodic replacement of the backup battery and periodically checking
that the connections between the BE1-11g and the system are clean and tight. The front cover should be
removed only when replacing the backup battery for the real-time clock. Ensure that the BE1-11g is
powered off and taken out of service before removing the front cover. BE1-11g units are manufactured
using state-of-the-art, surface-mount technology. As such, Basler Electric recommends that no repair
procedures be attempted by anyone other than Basler Electric personnel.
This device contains long-life aluminum electrolytic capacitors. For devices that are not in service (spares
in storage), the life of these capacitors can be maximized by energizing the device for 30 minutes once
per year.
Install BESTCOMSPlus® Software
BESTCOMSPlus software is built on the Microsoft® .NET Framework. The setup utility that installs
BESTCOMSPlus on your PC also installs the BE1-11 plugin and the required version of .NET Framework
(if not already installed). BESTCOMSPlus operates with systems using Windows® XP 32-bit SP3,
Windows Vista 32-bit SP1 (all editions), Windows 7 32-bit (all editions), Windows 7 64-bit (all editions),
and Windows 8. System recommendations for the .NET Framework and BESTCOMSPlus are listed in
Table 1.
BE1-11gQuick Start
12 9424200994 Rev N
System Type
32/64 bit
2.0 GHz
32/64 bit
1 GB (minimum), 2 GB (recommended)
32 bit
Hard Drive
100 MB (if .NET Framework is already installed on PC)
950 MB (if .NET Framework is not already installed on PC)
64 bit
Hard Drive
100 MB (if .NET Framework is already installed on PC)
2.1 GB (if .NET Framework is not already installed on PC)
Table 1. System Recommendations for BESTCOMSPlus and the .NET Framework
To install BESTCOMSPlus, a Windows user must have Administrator rights.
1. Insert the BE1-11 product CD into the PC CD-ROM drive.
2. When the BE1-11 Product CD menu appears, click the installation button for BESTCOMSPlus. The
setup utility installs BESTCOMSPlus, the .NET Framework (if not already installed), the USB driver,
and the BE1-11 plugin for BESTCO M SPlus on your PC.
When BESTCOMSPlus installation is complete, a Basler Electric folder is added to the Windows
programs menu. This folder is accessed by clicking the Windows Start button and then accessing the
Basler Electric folder in the Programs menu. The Basler Electric folder contains an icon that starts
BESTCOMSPlus when clicked.
Power Up and Activate the BE1-11 Plug-In
The BE1-11 plugin is a module that runs inside the BESTCOMSPlus shell. The BE1-11 plugin contains
specific operational and logic settings for only BE1-11 protection systems. Uploading settings to the
BE1-11g is possible only after activating the BE1-11 plugin.
Note that if a protection system is not connected, you will not be able to configure certain Ethernet
settings. Ethernet settings can be changed only when an active USB or Ethernet connection is present.
Refer to the Communication chapter for more information.
USB Connection
The USB driver was copied to your PC during BESTCOMSPlus installation and is
installed automatically after powering the BE1-11g. USB driver installation progress is
shown in the Windows Taskbar area. Windows will notify you when installation is
Connect a USB cable between the PC and your BE1-11g protection system. A typical
USB cable with a B-type connector is shown to the right.
In some instances, the Found New Hardware Wizard will prompt you for the
USB driver. If this happens, direct the wizard to the following folder:
Connect rear terminals A6, A7, and A8 (groun d) to a power supp ly. Figure 3 shows the rear terminals of
the BE1-11g in a J type case. Figure 4 shows the rear terminals of the BE1-11g in an H or P type case.
Apply operating power consistent with the nominal power supply values listed on the front-panel label.
Wait until the boot sequence is complete.
BE1-11gQuick Start
Figure 3. PWR Rear Terminals (J Type Case)
14 9424200994 Rev N
Basler Electric
Highland, Illinois USA (618) 654-2341
Figure 4. PWR Rear Terminals (H or P Type Case)
Start BESTCOMSPlus® and Activate BE1-11 Plugin
To start BESTCOMSPlus, click the Start button, point to Programs, Basler Elec tric, and then click the
BESTCOMSPlus icon. During initial startup, the BESTCOMSPlus Select Language screen is displayed
(Figure 5
can select a preferred language and this screen will be bypassed in the future. Click OK to continue. This
screen can be accessed later by selecting Tools and Select Language from the menu bar.
The BESTCOMSPlus splash screen is shown for a brief time. See Figure 6.
The BESTCOMSPlus platform window opens. Select New Connection from the Communication pull-down
menu and select BE1-11. See Figure 7. The BE1-11 plugin is activated automatically after connecting to a
). You can choose to have this screen displayed each time BESTCOMSPlus is started, or you
Figure 5. BESTCOMSPlus Select Language Screen
The BE1-11 Connection screen shown in Figure 8 appears. Select USB Connection and then click the
Connect button.
Quick Start BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev N 15
Figure 6. BESTCOMSPlus Splash Screen
Figure 7. Communication Pull-Down Menu
Figure 8. BE1-11 Connection Screen
The BE1-11 plugin opens indicating that activation was successful. You can now configure the BE1-11g
communication ports and other BE1-11g settings.
BE1-11gQuick Start
16 9424200994 Rev N
Programming the BE1-11g
This section contains an introduction to BESTCOMSPlus, explains summary screens, and gives an
example of settings elements and programming logic.
Introduction to BESTCOMSPlus®
BESTCOMSPlus is a Windows®-based, PC application that provides a user-friendly, graphical user
interface (GUI) for use with Basler Electric communicating products. The name BESTCOMSPlus is an
acronym that stands for Basler Electric Software Tool for Communications, Operations, Maintenance, and
BESTCOMSPlus provides the user with a point-and-click means to set and monitor the BE1-11g. The
capabilities of BESTCOMSPlus make the configuration of one or several BE1-11g Generator Protection
Systems fast and efficient. A primary advantage of BESTCOMSPlus is that a settings scheme can be
created, saved as a file, and then uploaded to the BE1-11g at the user’s convenience.
The BE1-11 plugin opens inside the B ESTCO M S Plus main shell. The same default logic scheme that is
shipped with the BE1-11g is brought into BESTCOMSPlus by downloading settings and logic from the
BE1-11g or by selecting application type “G” on the Style Number screen. This gives the user the option
of developing a custom setting file by modifying the default logic scheme or by building a unique scheme
from scratch.
BESTlogic™Plus Programmable Logic is used to program BE1-11g logic for protection elements, inputs,
outputs, alarms, etc. This is accomplished by the drag-and-drop method. The user can drag elements,
components, inputs, and outputs onto the program grid and make connections between them to create
the desired logic scheme.
BESTCOMSPlus also allows for downloading industry-standard COMTRADE files for analysis of stored
oscillography data. Detailed analysis of the oscillography files can be accomplished using BESTwave
Figure 9 illustrates the typical user interface components of the BE1-11 plugin with BESTCOMSPlus.
Figure 9. BESTCOMSPlus Typical User Interface Components
Click the View drop-down button to switch between the Settings Explorer and Metering Explorer or split
the view between both. The Settings Info Panel displays settings ranges. A workspace can be opened,
saved, or set as default. See Figure 10.
Quick Start BE1-11g
9424200994 Rev N 17
Figure 10. View Drop-Down Button
Summary Screens
Summary screens provide an overview of the system setup. The legend, located in the lower right-hand
corner, provides interpretation for the various indicated colors. The current state of a protection and
control function or element is indicated by the color of the adjacent indicator. If the function is enabled, the
color is green. If the function is disabled only by a setting (such as zero), the color is yellow. If the function
is disabled only by a mode, the color is blue. If the function is disabled by both a setting and mode, the
color is gray. The System Summary screen is available by clicking BE1-11 in the Settings Explorer as
shown in Figure 11. Summary screens are also available for General Settings, Alarm Configuration,
Protection, and Control.
Figure 11. System Summary Screen
BE1-11gQuick Start
18 9424200994 Rev N
Programming Example
Changing default logic is sometimes required to match the protection requirements of the system.
Additionally, elements must be enabled and operating settings set. This example demonstrates how to
configure typical nominal settings and program the 50-3 instantan eous ov erc ur rent elem ent. Sy s tem
nominal quantities are set to 69.3 volts and 3.6 amps. The 50-3 element is set for a 5.62 amp pickup and
a 30 second time delay. Additionally, the element pickup output is logically wired to output 4 and a user
Step 1: Star t BE ST C OMSPlus and select New Connection, BE1-11 from the Communication pull-down
menu to connect to the BE1-11g. See Figure 7.
Step 2: The BE1-11 Connection screen appears. See Figure 8. Select USB Connection and click
Step 3: Select Download Settings and Logic from Device from the Communication pull-down menu. This
copies all settings and logic from the BE1-11g to BESTCOMSPlus.
Step 4: Click on the View drop-down button and de-select Show Metering Panel and Show Setting
Information. See Figure 10. This maximizes the workspace.
Step 5: In the Settings Explorer, click the “+” next to BE1-11. This expands the sub menus in the tree.
Now expand System Parameters and select the Power System screen. See Figure 12.
Step 6: Under Nominal Settings, enter settings for Secondary Phase Voltage (69.3 V) and Secondary
Phase Current (3.6 A).
Figure 12. Power System Screen
Step 7: In the Settings Explorer, expand Protection, Current and select the Instantaneous Overcurrent
(50-3) screen. See Figure 13.
Step 8: Select the Mode (3 Phase) and enter settings for Pickup (5.62 A) and Time Delay (30,000 ms).
Step 9: In the Settings Explorer, click BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic to open the logic diagram.
Click the Logic Page 1 tab. See Figure 14. Examine the 50-3 element. The Logic 0 connected to
the Block input indicates that the 50-3 element is never blocked.
Off-Page Inputs/Outputs are used to make connections between logic pages and help keep logic
diagrams free from clutter. The Trip output is connected to an Off-Page Output named 50-3 Trip.
This 50-3 Trip Off-Page Output is carried over to the Logic Page 2 tab (Figure 15) where it
becomes an Off-Page Input. The 50-3 Trip Off-Page Input and several others are AND gated to
the Trip Bus Off-Page Output which is carried over to the Logic Page 3 tab (Figure 16) where it
Quick Start BE1-11g
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