Standard Features
Standard Features
Life time War ranty — Avital guarantees the operation of the control unit
Life time War ranty — Avital guarantees the operation of the control unit
and remote controls for as long as you own your car (see the enclosed
and remote controls for as long as you own your car (see the enclosed
warranty card for details).
warranty card for details).
Two Avi Glo™ 3- Button/6- Channel Re mote Con trols — These
Two Avi Glo™ 3- Button/6- Channel Re mote Con trols — These
remote controls allow you to command your system from up to 100 feet
remote controls allow you to command your system from up to 100 feet
away from your vehicle. Once exposed to light, the AviGlo remote
away from your vehicle. Once exposed to light, the AviGlo remote
control buttons will glow, making the buttons visible in the dark.
control buttons will glow, making the buttons visible in the dark.
Zone2™ Im pact Sen sor — Provides precise detection of
Zone2™ Im pact Sen sor — Provides precise detection of
intrusion-related vibrations and impacts. Less threatening vibrations or
intrusion-related vibrations and impacts. Less threatening vibrations or
impacts will audibly alert a would-be thief by issuing a series of
impacts will audibly alert a would-be thief by issuing a series of
warn-away siren chirps. More serious intrusions will trigger the alarm.
warn-away siren chirps. More serious intrusions will trigger the alarm.
Auto matic Starter Dis able — For the ultimate in security, the system
Auto matic Starter Dis able — For the ultimate in security, the system
will disable the vehicle starter whenever the system is armed.
will disable the vehicle starter whenever the system is armed.
LED Sys tem Status In di ca tor — A super bright red light indicates
LED Sys tem Status In di ca tor — A super bright red light indicates
alarm status and identifies any entry-point violations.
alarm status and identifies any entry-point violations.
High- Powered Si ren — Loud, attention-getting siren to alert of an
High- Powered Si ren — Loud, attention-getting siren to alert of an
intrusion attempt.
intrusion attempt.
Valet Switch — The valet switch allows you to control all of the
Valet Switch — The valet switch allows you to control all of the
system's programmable features.
system's programmable features.
User- Friendly Pro gram ming — With a few flicks of the valet switch,
User- Friendly Pro gram ming — With a few flicks of the valet switch,
you can easily customize several features of your alarm system to fit
you can easily customize several features of your alarm system to fit
your lifestyle.
your lifestyle.
Remote- Controlled Door Lock/Un lock Ca pa bil ity * — Allows you to
Remote- Controlled Door Lock/Un lock Ca pa bil ity * — Allows you to
lock and unlock your doors without using your key (may require
lock and unlock your doors without using your key (may require
optional relays).
optional relays).
User- Programmable Ignition- Controlled Door Lock/Un lock —
User- Programmable Ignition- Controlled Door Lock/Un lock —
Automatically locks your vehicle’s doors when you turn the ignition on
Automatically locks your vehicle’s doors when you turn the ignition on
and unlocks them when you turn the ignition off.
and unlocks them when you turn the ignition off.
If your sys tem is in stalled with this door lock/un lock fea ture, all other door lock/un lock
If your sys tem is in stalled with this door lock/un lock fea ture, all other door lock/un lock
re lated fea tures will ap ply.
re lated fea tures will ap ply.
Re mote Panic with Safety Locks™ — In a threatening situation, you
Re mote Panic with Safety Locks™ — In a threatening situation, you
can activate the siren, flash the parking lights and unlock the doors for
can activate the siren, flash the parking lights and unlock the doors for
immediate entry into your vehicle.
immediate entry into your vehicle.
USE THIS PAGE FOR THE Hurricane2 Owner's Manual ONLY

Remote- Controlled Si lent Arm/Dis arm — At any time, you can press
a button on your remote control to silently arm or disarm your system.
User- Programmable Long- Term Si lent Arm/Dis arm — This feature
allows you to completely disable the arm/disarm siren chirps until you
decide to restore them.
Pro tected Valet Mode — Disables all alarm functions while your
vehicle is serviced by mechanics, car wash personnel or driven by valet
Key less En try in Valet — Allows you to control your door locks and
activate optional accessories while in Protected Valet Mode.
In te rior Light Il lu mi na tion — When remotely disarmed, the alarm
system turns on the interior lights for 30 seconds or until the ignition key
is turned on.
Vis ual Con fir ma tions — Your vehicle’s parking lights will flash to
confirm remote arming, disarming and alarm activation.
User- Programmable Active/Pas sive Arm ing — The alarm system
can be programmed to arm with the remote control (active arming) or
arm itself automatically (passive arming).
User- Programmable Pas sive Door Lock — Allows you to program
the system to automatically lock the doors every time the alarm passively
Vis ual Pas sive Arm ing In di ca tion — The LED will flash rapidly to
indicate the alarm system is in a 30 second arming delay.
User- Programmable Pas sive Armed Con fir ma tion — After the 30
second arming delay, the system will audibly and visually confirm that it
passively armed.
Auto matic Sys tem Check — Automatically tests all triggers and
sensors every time you remotely arm your system.
Pre vi ous In tru sion Alert — Audibly warns you if the alarm was
triggered while you were away.
Hurricane2 Owner's Manual

Spe cific Zone In tru sion Iden ti fi ca tion — The LED identifies which
zone was triggered in your absence.
Auto matic Mal func tion Over ride — Automatically bypasses a
malfunctioning trigger or sensor, but monitors all other points to
continue protecting your vehicle.
Multi- Zone Pro tec tion — Offers full entry-point security with separate
trigger connections for the doors, hood and trunk (may require optional
One- Step Re mote Con trol Code Learn ing — You can easily add up
to four Avital remote controls to your system.
In stant Re mote Con trol Code De le tion — Removes the code of a
lost or stolen remote so it can no longer control your system.
Multi- Car Con trol — You can program your remote to control up to 6
vehicles equipped with Avital systems.
Alarm State Mem ory — Automatically returns your system to its last
state if the battery is removed and later reconnected.
Two Remote- Controlled Ac ces sory Out puts — Allows you to add
multiple remote-controlled optional accessories such as a remote engine
starter, window roll-up, trunk release, fuel filler door release or garage
door opener.
Elec tronic Scan Pre ven tion (ESP) — ESP blocks electronic scanner
codes to prevent unauthorized operation of your system.
$2,000 Theft Pro tec tion Guar an tee — We will reimburse up to
$2,000 of your insurance deductible if your vehicle is stolen and not
recovered (see the enclosed guarantee card for details).