En g lish
The air supply must be disconnected when fitting or removing any nose assembly unless specifically instructed
The air vacuum extraction system MUST be disabled before operating a G4 tool with a Maxlok®or Avtainer®nose
Refer to the ‘Operating Procedure’ for Avtainer®and Maxlok®, page 7.
Item numbers in bold refer to the general assembly and parts
list pages 18-19. Other items numbers refer to the‘type 5 nose
tip’ table page 10.
• Remove jaw spreader housing 1, ‘O’ ring 2, and vacuum
tube 51.
• Replace jaw spreader housing 1, ‘O’ ring 2.
• Lightly coat jaws 4 with Moly Lithium grease*.
• Drop jaws 4 into chuck collet 9.
• Insert front spring guide 10 into chuck collet 9.
• Locate spring 7 onto front spring guide 10.
• Screw rear spring guide 11 into chuck collet 9.
• Fit locking ring 8 onto the jaw spreader housing of the tool.
• Screw the assembled chuck collet onto the jaw spreader
housing and tighten with spanner.
• Screw the nose tip into nose casing 1 and tighten with
• Place nose casing 1 with ‘O’ ring 2 over chuck collet 9 and
screw onto the tool, tightening with spanner*
When fitting a Maxlok®nose assembly, the base tool must be
adapted using three auxiliary components illustrated page 10.
Item numbers in bold refer to the general assembly and parts
list pages 18-19. Other items numbers refer to the ‘Maxlok
nose tip’ table page 10.
• Remove jaw spreader housing 1, ‘O’ ring 2, and vacuum
tube 51.
• Substitute jaw spreader housing 1 with chuck collet adaptor
07610-00501. Tighten fully onto piston before tightening
the locknut against it.
• Fit locking ring 8 onto the chuck collet adaptor.
• Lightly coat jaws 4 with Moly lithium grease.
• Drop jaws 4 into or chuck collet 9.
• Insert one spring guide 10 into chuck collet 9.
• Locate spring 7 onto the spring guide already in place.
• Drop the other spring guide 10 into spring 7.
• Holding tool pointing down, screw the assembled chuck
collet onto the chuck collet adaptor and tighten with
• Screw anvil adaptor 71230-02063 into the head assembly.
• Place anvil 12 over chuck collet 9 and lock into place with
anvil nut 07610-00307.
Nose assemblies should be serviced at weekly intervals. You should hold some stock of all internal components of the nose
assembly and nose tips as they will need regular replacement.
• Remove the nose assembly using the reverse procedure to the ‘Fitting instructions’.
• Any worn or damaged part should be replaced.
• Clean and check wear on jaws.
• Ensure that the jaw spreader is not distorted.
• Check that the spring is not distorted.
• On nose assemblies for Maxlok
and Avtainer®check that the spring guides are not distorted.
• On nose assemblies for Maxlok
check that the anvil is neither cracked nor has any scoring or corrosion marks on the inside face
of the concave shape at the front end.
• Assemble according to fitting instructions.
* Item included in the G4 service kit. For complete list see page 15.
Nos e Assemblies
Fi tt in g in st ru ct ion f or M ax lo k®an d Av ta in er®No se A ss em bl ie s
Se rv ic in g ins tr uc ti on s fo r al l N os e As se mb li es