This guide provides the information that you need to install and configure the
M-ACCF/SF OC12 ATM Access Modules. These modules fit into the Avaya M770
Modular switch chassis.
This guide is intended for use by network administrators who are responsible for
installing and setting up networking equipment. It assumes a basic working
knowledge of Local Area Networks.
This guide also explains basic Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and LAN Emulation (LANE) concepts.
Note: See the accompanying Release Notes for last minute product updates.
User Guide, Embedded Software, Release Notes and CajunView SNMP
management updates are available at Avaya Network’s World Wide Web site when
they are released:
ATM Terminology
This user guide uses the term Network-To-Network Interface (NNI). You may know
this protocol by its alternative name, Network-to-Node Interface (NNI).
The following Tables list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table P.2Notice Icons
IconNotice TypeDescription
Table P.3Text Conventions
NoteInformation that describes important features or
CautionInformation that alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application, system, or device
WarningInformation that alerts you to potential personal injury
Screen displays
This typeface represents information as it appears on the
The word “syntax” means that you must evaluate the syntax
provided and then supply the appropriate values for the
placeholders that appear in angle brackets.
CommandsThe word “command” means that you must enter the
command exactly as shown and then press Return or Enter.
Commands appear in bold.
The words
and “type”
Keyboard key
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type
something, and then press Return or Enter. Do not press Return
or Enter when an instruction simply says “type.”
If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key
names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del
Word s in italicsItalics are used to:
Emphasize a point.
Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in the text.
Identify menu names, menu commands, and software button
names. Examples:
From the Help menu, select Contents.
Click OK.
Index ............................................................................................................................................... 91
There are two M-ACC OC-12 ATM Access modules for the Avaya M770
Multifunction switch:
•M-ACCF:500m, Multimode fiber, can also be OC-3 reduced range
•M-ACCSF:15 km, Single-mode fiber, can also be OC-3
The M-ACC ATM Access modules need the following S/W Versions:
•M-ACCF/SF ATM Entity S/W Version 1.8
•M-ACCF/SF X-Switch Module S/W Ver. 4.0.7
•M-SPX/M-SPS Embedded S/W 3.2.1 and higher.
Features and Benefits
ATM Benefits
This Section describes the main features of the M-ACC OC-12 module and the
benefits of ATM within your network. The following topics are described:
•ATM Benefits
•ATM Access Module Features
The ATM module provides a high-speed ATM connection between your
Avaya M770 X-Switch domain and the ATM network.
Positioned within a workgroup or departmental LAN, the ATM access module
provides a fast ATM uplink to the building or ATM campus.
Redundant links protect your Switch from network and equipment failure, while
the software upgrade feature future-proofs your Switch by allowing you to add new
features as they become available.
ATM is the only technology specifically designed to carry voice, video and data
traffic simultaneously and to provide the required level of service that these
different applications need in order to run effectively across a network. ATM
provides the following benefits:
•It is easy and of low cost to add additional services to the ATM network.
•Services can be added as and when they are needed. It is easier to scale ATM
networks compared to other network technologies.
•ATM devices interoperate with your existing network. LAN Emulation (LANE)
is a standards-based technology specifically designed to provide
interoperability between existing Ethernet/Fast Ethernet networks and ATM
•LAN Emulation (LANE) version 1.0
— 16 Emulated LAN Clients
— 3,740 Virtual Circuits
— 8,000 remote MAC Addresses
•User-To-Network Interface (UNI) version 3.0 and 3.1
•Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI)
•AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer
•16 ELAN/VLAN associations (in the range from VLAN 1 to 254)
•Data buffer to store 16,000 ATM cells
•High performance with fast data transfer
— Wire Rate Transmission on ATM port
•Redundant Links from two different modules protect your network against
cable and equipment failure
•For Management you can use:
— Avaya’s CajunView™ SNMP Manager
Avaya M770 Frame Switch Domains
The Avaya M770 supports two Frame Switches, named DomainXs: DomainXL (Left
DomainX) spans slots 1-7, and DomainXR (Right DomainX) spans slots 8-14. Each
DomainX supports up to 6 Gbytes of bandwidth. You can insert the M32-100T into
either DomainX, provided you don't exceed the maximum of 100 Domain Resource
Units (DRUs) per DomainX. Each module uses a certain number of DRUs; the
M32-100T uses 12 DRUs.
M-ACC Module Architecture
The M-ACC module consists of separate X-Switch and ATM entities. The X-switch
CPU connects the M-ACC module to the Avaya M770 X-Domain. The ATM CPU
performs all ATM signalling. Each entity has it’s own embedded software.
The following Sections describe the LAN emulation and ATM adaptation concepts
behind the network layer architecture of a typical ATM network.
Chapter 2 describes how to plan your ATM network and provides some examples
of where to use the ATM access module within an ATM network.
LAN Emulation Overview
LAN Emulation (LANE) is a method of connecting LAN users over an ATM network
which enables them to communicate with each other as if they were operating over
traditional LANs. LANE can be configured in an ATM network in several ways:
•To connect legacy end stations directly to other legacy systems, as well as to
servers, routers, switches and other networking devices attached to the ATM
•To connect bridged-LAN environments to each other over ATM. In this case the
Emulated LAN acts as a bridge on the ATM network.
•To connect ATM end stations to each other, enabling communication between
Chapter 1Overview
More than one emulated LAN can operate on the same ATM network. However,
each of the emulated LANs is independent of the others and users cannot
communicate directly across emulated LAN boundaries.
Emulated LAN Components
LAN Emulation is implemented as a set of connection services collectively called an
emulated LAN (ELAN). Each ELAN is composed of a set of LAN Emulation Clients
(LEC) and a single LAN Emulation Service. The latter consists of a LAN Emulation
Configuration Server (LECS), a LAN Emulation Server (LES), and a Broadcast and
Unknown Server (BUS).
LAN Emulation Client (LEC)
Each LEC is incorporated in an ATM edge device, such as the M-ACC module and
represents a set of the device’s LAN users to the ATM network. A LEC has a unique
LEC ID as well as an ATM address by which it is known in the emulated LAN. It
handles the forwarding of its LAN users’ data frames over the ATM network to
their destination, a task which also includes ascertaining the destination LEC
address and setting up the connection between them.
Also provided is a MAC-level emulated Ethernet service interface to higher level
software which implements the LAN Emulation User to Network Interface (LUNI).
An ELAN is assigned a name (ELAN name). A LEC joining an ELAN may use the
ELAN name in the configuration or join phase.
The LES coordinates and controls an Emulated LAN. It provides the central
“directory” service of an emulated LAN to which a LEC can turn to look up the
ATM address of another LEC. The LES directory contains a table of LAN
destinations (LAN destination refers to either a MAC address or a Route Descriptor)
together with the ATM addresses of the LECs that represent them. In order to
transmit a data frame to a particular LAN destination, the LEC sends the data frame
to the LEC that represents that LAN destination. If the LEC does not already know
the destination LEC’s address, it can send the LAN destination to the LES to look it
up (resolve). To populate the LES directory, the LECs may register the LAN
destination of LAN stations they represent with the LES. Every Route Descriptor
must be registered with the LES.
The LANE Service normally resides on a central ATM switch, such as the M770
ATM Switch, but may reside on an ATM end station instead.
Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS)
The BUS is the LANE connection service which handles ATM traffic other than
direct transmissions between LECs. It handles the following:
•Data sent by a LEC to the broadcast MAC address
•All multicast traffic
•Initial unicast frames which are sent by a LEC before the data direct virtual
connection to the ATM address has been resolved
•Unknown traffic
•All broadcast, multicast and unknown traffic to and from a LEC passes through
a single BUS.
The BUS also handles ATM connections and manages its distribution group.
LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS)
The LECS assigns individual LAN Emulation Clients to different emulated LANs.
Based on its own programming, configuration database and information provided
by clients, it assigns any client which requests configuration information to a
particular emulated LAN service by giving the client the LES’s ATM address. This
method supports the ability to assign a client to an emulated LAN based on either
the physical location (ATM address) or the identity of a LAN destination which it is
representing (ELAN name). LECs obtain information from a LECS using the
configuration protocol.
LECs and LESs communicate with each other by means of ATM virtual channel
connections (VCCs). Control signals and data transmissions are handled by separate
VCCs: Control VCCs and Data VCCs.
Figure 1.1Basic LAN Emulation Client Connections
Chapter 1Overview
Control VCCs
The control VCCs carry control traffic such as LE_ARP requests and responses. On
initialization, control VCCs are established between LEC and LES (bi-directional
control-direct VCC and control-distribute VCC) as well as a bi-directional configuration
VCC between LEC and LECS. Characteristics of the control VCCs are summarized
in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1Control VCCs
VCC NameFrom/ToInformation carried
ConfigurationLEC<==>LECS LEC requests and
information from
LECS, including LES
Data VCCs carry data frames between LECs and between a LEC and the BUS.
Unicast data is normally sent from one LEC to another LEC by data-direct VCCs.
Data direct VCCs are set up dynamically in a SVC environment by a transmitting
LEC after ascertaining the ATM LEC destination address for the packet to be
transmitted. Once established, a data-direct VCC remains in place for transmission
of subsequent traffic between the two LECs. However, a data direct VCC that
remains unused for VCC-Timeout-period is released by the LEC.
A multicast data VCC pair (multicast-send and multicast-forward) are established
between a LEC and the BUS in order to allow the LEC to send and receive multicast
data. In addition, initial unicast data (data whose LEC destination has not yet been
ascertained by the transmitting LEC) is sent on the multicast-send VCC to the BUS
which forwards it to all other LECs in the same ELAN. Characteristics of the data
VCCs are summarized in the following table:
Figure 1.2 illustrates the VCCs active among LAN Emulation Components.
Figure 1.2VCCs in LAN Emulation Components
Frame Ordering
There are two paths for unicast frames between a sending LAN Emulation Client
and a receiving client: one via the BUS and one via a data direct VCC between them.
For a given LAN destination, a sending client is expected to use only one path at a
time, but the choice of paths may change over time. Switching between those paths
introduces the possibility that frames may be delivered to the receiving client out of
order. Delivery of out-of-order frames between two LAN endpoints is
uncharacteristic of LANs, and undesirable in an ATM emulated LAN. The flush
protocol ensures the correct order of delivery of unicast data frames.
Flush Protocol
When switching between paths, the sender first transmits a flush message down the
old path and suspends further transmission to that LAN destination. When the
flush message is returned by the receiving client (via control VCCs), the sender
knows that all previous messages for that LAN destination have been processed
and it can start using the new path.
Figure 1.3 shows the various stages of the flush protocol:
Figure 1.3The Flush Protocol.
Switch Data Path from
Multicast Send to
Data Direct using
Flush Protocol
6. Flush_Res
2. Data
7. Data
Operation of the LAN Emulation
The following functions are performed by the LAN Emulation. The LAN Emulation
Clients (LEC) and the LAN Emulation Servers interact by way of a well-defined
interface (LUNI).
•Connecting a LEC to an ELAN
•Address Registration
•Address Resolution
•Data Transfer
Connecting a LEC to an ELAN
The connection function of the LEC with the LAN Emulation Server (LES) includes
the following:
•LECS connect phase in which a LEC establishes a configuration data-direct VCC
to the LECS (optional).
•The configuration phase in which the LEC discovers the LES.
•The join phase in which the LEC establishes its control connections to the LES.
The LEC may also implicitly register one MAC address with the LES.
•The registering by the LAN Emulation Client of any number of MAC addresses
and/or route descriptors.
•The establishment of a connection to the BUS by the LAN Emulation Client.
The LECS Connect and Configuration phases may be bypassed for certain
applications. The Registration phase may also be bypassed if the LEC performs
required address registration during the Join phase.
The Processes connecting the LEC to the ELAN are shown in Figure 1.4.
Figure 1.4Connection Processes of the LEC to LANE Server
The address registration function is the mechanism by which LECs provide address
information to the LAN Emulation Server. The LAN destinations may also be
unregistered as the state of the client changes. A client must either register all LAN
destinations for which it is responsible or join as a proxy to other MAC addresses.
Address resolution is the procedure by which a LEC associates a LAN destination
with the ATM address of another LEC or the BUS. Address resolution allows clients
to set up data direct VCCs to carry frames (refer to Figure 1.5).
Figure 1.5Address Resolution
Connection Management
In Switched Virtual Connection (SVC) environments, the LAN Emulation entities
(LEC, LES and BUS) set up connections between each other using UNI signaling.
LAN Emulation Components in Your Network
Each Emulated LAN consists of a single LANE Service, and a number of LAN
Emulation clients.
A LANE Service consists of:
•A LAN Emulation Server (LES)
•A Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS)
•Optional LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS).
Figure 1.6 shows a logical view of a typical ELAN.
Note: The router shown in Figure 1.6 is not a LAN Emulation component, but
would be required should a device on one Emulated LAN need to communicate
with a device on another Emulated LAN.
LAN Emulation and Avaya Devices
LAN Emulation components are implemented in ATM devices. The LAN
Emulation standards do not specify how each vendor implements each of these
Avaya provides a wide range of ATM equipment, and the following example is just
one way in which you can implement an Emulated LAN using Avaya devices.
An Example:
•The Avaya M770 ATM switch incorporates the BUS, LES and LECS
components. These components are known collectively as LANE Services.
•The M-ACC module has 16 LAN Emulation Clients (LECs); one for each of the
Before a LAN Emulation Client (LEC) can transmit any Ethernet frames onto the
ATM network it must first join an ELAN. To join the ELAN:
1The LEC must know the name of the ELAN it is to join.
The ELAN name is specified through the management software on the Switch.
2The LEC must communicate with the LAN Emulation Server (LES) that is
serving that ELAN.
To communicate with the LES, the LEC must first locate the LES. The LEC can
find the ATM address of the LES in one of the following ways:
— If there is a LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) on the network,
— The way in which the LECS determines which LES the LEC needs to
— If the network does not have a LECS, the LEC gets the LES address from the
3The LEC must have a connection to the Broadcast and Unknown Server
When the LEC has joined the LES, the LES helps the LEC locate the Broadcast
and Unknown Server (BUS) associated with that ELAN.
the LEC gets the address of the LES from the LECS.
communicate with, depends on the policy that the LECS is running. Refer to
the user guide that accompanies your LECS for more details of the policies
your LECS uses.
management software on the ATM device.
Locating the LECS
Before the LEC can ask the LECS for the address of the LES, the LEC must first
locate the LECS as follows:
•The LEC can use a well known ATM address that is reserved for the LECS. The
well known address is pre-programmed into most LECS devices. The well
known address is:
Mapping Ethernet and ATM Addresses
Each device connected to an Ethernet port has one or more MAC addresses.
Each ATM device has a number of LAN Emulation clients, and each LAN Emulation Client (LEC) has an ATM address. An example of this is shown in Figure 1.7.
Figure 1.7LAN Emulation Clients and Ethernet Hosts
Hosts with
MAC Addresses
Avaya M770
Multifunction Switch
ATM Port with
16 LAN Emulation Clients (LECs)
each with an ATM Address
ATM Access
These clients represent (act as a proxy for) devices connected to the Ethernet ports.
Whenever an Ethernet device wants to communicate with another device over the
ATM network, the LEC must first discover the ATM address of the LEC that is
acting as a proxy for the destination MAC address. The LEC must do this for each
unicast Ethernet frame sent. The process is known as Address Resolution.
Address Resolution
The process by which a LEC associates a LAN destination address with the ATM
address of another LEC (or the BUS) is known as Address Resolution.
Each LEC keeps a LAN Emulation ARP Table (which should not to be confused with
the IP ARP Table). The ARP Table lists the remote destination MAC addresses and
the ATM address of the LEC through which each destination MAC address can be
Prior to sending a frame with a known destination, the LEC checks the ARP Table to
see if the destination MAC address of the frame is listed in the ARP Table. The
action the LEC then takes depends on whether the MAC address is listed in the ARP
•If the destination MAC address is listed in the ARP Table:
— and there is an ATM connection to that LEC, the frame is sent directly to
that LEC.
— and an ATM connection has not already been set up, the LEC sets up an
ATM connection.
•If the destination MAC address is not listed in the ARP Table:
the LEC sends the frame to the BUS. The BUS then sends the frame to all LECs
on the Emulated LAN.
Sending a frame to every LEC is an inefficient use of resources, so the LEC also tries
to locate the MAC address for future use.
To discover the correct address, the LEC uses a process called LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol (LE_ARP).
LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol (LE_ARP)
An LE_ARP request is sent to the LES to locate the destination MAC address. The
LES in turn sends the LE_ARP request to all of the LECs in the Emulated LAN.
LECs represent (act as a proxy for) MAC address devices connected to the Ethernet
ports. When a LEC receives an LE_ARP request it checks whether the MAC address
is on its Switch. It does this by checking the entries in the Switch database.
If the MAC address belongs to one of the devices connected to an Ethernet port, the
LEC sends an LE_ARP response to the LEC that sent the original LE_ARP request.
The LEC that sent the LE_ARP request adds this information to its ARP Table. The
LEC then sets up a direct connection through the ATM network to the appropriate
LEC, so that subsequent frames are forwarded more efficiently.
What Happens to Unicast Frames?
The path a unicast frame takes through the ATM network depends on whether the
location of the destination address is known to the sending LEC.
•If the location of the destination address is known, the LEC sets up a direct
connection to the LEC serving the destination address.
•If the location of the destination address is unknown, a unicast frame is sent
to the Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS); where it is treated in the same way as
a broadcast or multicast frame.
In addition the sending LEC attempts to locate the LEC serving the destination
address. It does this using the LE_ARP process, described in “LAN Emulation
Address Resolution Protocol (LE_ARP)”.
What Happens to Broadcast and Multicast Frames?
Each Emulated LAN (ELAN) acts as a broadcast domain. When a broadcast or
multicast frame is passed to the LEC for transmission, the frame is sent to the
Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS).
When the LEC receives a broadcast, multicast, or unicast frame it checks to see if it
originally sent the frame, and then does the following:
•If the LEC sent the frame, it discards the frame.
•If the LEC did not send the frame, the LEC passes the frame to the Ethernet
device so that it can be forwarded to the appropriate port(s)
Note: Unlike broadcast and multicast frames, the number of unicast frames that can
be sent to the BUS every second is limited so as not to overload the BUS and LECs
with too much traffic.