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Business Communications Manager LAN CTE Configuration Guide
P0993299 02
Business Communications Manager LAN CTE is one of the Nortel Networks line of Computer
Telephony Integration (CTI) products. The LAN CTE software provides an interface between
your Personal Computer, your telephone and the Business Communications Manager system.
With the LAN CTE software, you can operate CTE (Computer Te lephony Engine) and Telephony
Application Programming Interface (TAPI) applications from your computer.
Before you begin
This guide is intended for network administrators using Windows-based computers and Business
Communications Manager LAN CTE. This guide assumes that you have the following
•Working knowledge of the Windows operating system
•Understanding of the transmission and management protocols used on your network
•Experience with windowing systems or graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
•Familiarity with the network management platform (for example, Domain Manager) on the
system with which you are using
Text conventions
This guide uses the following text conventions:
bold Courier text
italic textIndicates new terms, book titles, and variables in command syntax
bold textindicates dialog boxes, buttons and menu options
separator ( > )Shows menu paths.
Indicates command names and options and text that you need to enter.
Example: Use the
Example: Enter
descriptions. Where a variable is two or more words, the words are
connected by an underscore.
Example: If the command syntax is
show at<valid_route>, valid_route is one
variable and you substitute one value for it.
Example: Protocols > IP i dentifi es the IP o ption on th e Protocol s menu.
dinfo command.
show ip {alerts|routes}.
Business Communications Manager LAN CTE Configuration Guide
The Business Communicat ions Manager Comput er Teleph ony Integr ation (CTI ) range o f products
provides an interface between your personal computer and your Business Communications
Manager system. With these products, you can use telephony applications via the Windows
operating system to control your telephone.
One of the basic software components of the Business Communications Manager CTI is LAN
CTE. LAN CTE works with Microsoft
to communicate with and control your telephone.
How does LAN CTE work?
LAN CTE works with four other software components, each providing a different function. The
four software components involved are:
•Telephony applications - Telephony applications are installed on client computers. LAN CTE
users run telephony appl ic ati ons to control their telephone s. Thr ough these applications, LAN
CTE users give commands, such as
Manager system. The telephony application also display messages, such as telephone ringing,
which are received from the Business Communications Manager system. An example of a
telephony application is Personal Call Manager.
•Windows operating system (O/S) - Windows is installed on the server and the client
computers. Windows passes commands from the telephony application to the Telephony
Application Programming Interface (TAPI), and messages from TAPI to the telephony
•Microsoft Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) - TAPI is installed on
the client computers. TAPI converts in dustry standa rd commands recei ved from Windows int o
a format that LAN CTE can understand. It also converts messages from LAN CTE into an
industry standard format and passes them to Windows.
•TAPI Service Provider (TSP) - TSP is installed on the client computer if you are operating
TAPI applications. It act s as an interf ace between the LAN CTE communicat ions software and
TAPI and Windows® to allow your telephony application
answer telephone, to the Business Communications
LAN CTE - LAN CTE is installed on the Business Communications Manager system and on the
client computers as a Windows NT ser vice. LAN CTE re ceives commands from TSP and conver ts
them into a format that is understood by the Business Communications Manager. It also receives
messages from the Business Communications Manager and converts them into a format that is
understood by TSP.
Figure 1 on page 10 shows how messages and commands are passed be tween the client computer s
and the Business Communications Manager system.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Business Communications Manager LAN CTE Configuration Guide
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