Avaya BayStack ARN-DC Routers User Manual

Installing and Operating BayStack ARN/DC Routers

Part No. 116273-B Rev 00 May 1998
Copyright © 1998 Bay Networks, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. May 1998. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data,
and recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. Users must t ake full responsibility for th eir a pplic atio ns o f a ny products specif i ed in th is d ocume nt . The information in this document is proprietary to Bay Networks, Inc.
ACE, AFN, AN, BCN, BLN, BN, BNX, CN, FRE, LN, Optivity, PPX, Quick2Config, and Bay Networks are registered trademarks and Advanced Remote Node, ANH, ARN, ASN, BayRS, BaySecure, BayStack, BayStream, BCC, BCNX, BLNX, EZ Install, EZ Internetwork, EZ LAN, FN, IPAutoLearn, PathMan, RouterMan, SN, SPEX, Switch Node, System 5000, and the Bay Networ ks logo are trademarks of Bay Networks, Inc.
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Win32, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are t he property of their respective owners.
Statement of Conditions
In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, Bay Networks, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the pr oducts described in this document without notice.
Bay Networks, Inc. does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein.
USA Requirements Only
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance Notice: Radio Frequency Notice
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If it is not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case users will be required to take whatever measures may be necessary to correct the interference at their own expense.
European Requirements Only
EN 55 022 Statement
This is to certify that the Bay Networks BayStack ARN/DC is shielded against the generation of radio interference in accordance with the application of Council Directive 89/336/EEC, Article 4a. Conformity is declared by the application of EN 55 022 Class A (CISPR 22).
Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this produ ct ma y cau se radio in terf ere n ce, in which case, the user may be required to take appropriate measures.
EC Declaration of Conformity
This product conforms (or these produc ts conform) to the provisions of Council Directive 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC. The Declaration of Conformity is available on the Bay Networks World Wide Web site at www.baynetworks.com.
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Japan/Nippon Requirements Only
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective actions.
Canada Requirements Only
Canadian Department of Communications Radio Interference Regulations
This digital apparatus (BayStack ARN/DC) does not exceed the Class A limits for radio-noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique du ministère des Communications
Cet appareil numérique (BayStack ARN/DC) respecte les limites de bruits radioélectriques visant les appareils numériques de classe A prescrites dans le Règleme nt sur le brouillage radioél e ctrique du ministère des Communications du Canada.
Canada CS-03 Rules and Regulations
Notice: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets telecommunications netw ork prote cti ve, opera tional and safety re quirements as pres cribed in the app ropriate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, u sers shou ld e nsure that it is permissible to be connecte d to the f a cilitie s of t he lo cal telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of conne c tion. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent the degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection tha t the electrical gro und connecti ons of the po wer utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.
Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.
Notice: For equipment using loopstart lines, please note that the Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement
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that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5. The REN is located on the “FCC Rules Part 68” label located on the bracket of the module, or on the back of the unit.
Canada CS-03 -- Règles et règlements
Avis: L'étiquette d'Industrie Canada identifie le matériel homologué. Cette étiquette certifie que le matériel est conforme aux normes de protection, d'exploitation et de sécurité des réseaux de télécommunications, comme le prescrivent les documents concernant les exigences techniques relatives au matériel terminal. Le Ministère n'assure toutefois pas que le matériel fonctionnera à la satisfaction de l'utilisateur.
Avant d'installer ce matériel, l'utilisateur doit s'assurer qu'il est permis de le raccorder aux installations de l'entreprise locale de télécommunication. Le matériel doit également être inst allé en suivant une méthode acceptée de raccordement. L'abonné ne doi t pas oublier qu'il est possible que l a conformité aux conditions énoncées ci-dessus n'empêche pas la dégradati on du service dans certaines situation s.
Les réparations de matériel homologué doivent être coordonnées par un représentant désigné par le fournisseur. L'entreprise de télécomm unication s pe ut d emande r à l' utilisat eur de débra ncher u n app areil à la su ite de rép arations o u de modifications effectuées par l'utilisateur ou à cause de mauvais fonctionnement.
Pour sa propre protectio n, l 'utilisateur doit s'assurer que tous les f ils d e mise à la te rre de la sou rce d 'éner gie électriqu e, des lignes téléphoniques et des canalisations d'eau métalliques, s'il y en a, sont raccordés ensemble. Cette précaution est particulièrement importante dans les régions rurales.
Avertissement: L'utilisateu r ne d oit p as t ente r d e f aire ce s ra cco rde men ts lui-m ê me; i l do it avoir recours à un se rvice d'inspection des installati ons électriques, ou à un électricien, selon le cas.
Avis: Veuillez prendre note que pour tout appareillage supportant des lignes de type “loopstart,” l'indice d'équivalence de la sonnerie (IES) assigné à chaque disposi tif terminal indique le nombre maximal de te rminaux qui peuvent être raccordés à une interface. La terminaison d'une interface téléphonique peut consister en une combinaison de quelques dispositifs, à la seule condition q ue la somme d'indi ces d'équi v alence de la sonnerie de to us les dispositifs n' excède p as
5. Le REN figure sur l’étiquette “FCC Rules Part 68” située sur le support du module ou à l’arrière de l’unité.
FCC Part 68 Compliance Statement
This equipment complies with Pa rt 68 of FCC Ru les. All dire ct c onnec tio ns to telep hone ne tw o r k line s mu st be mad e using standard plugs and jacks compliant with FCC Part 68. Please note the following:
1. You are required to request service from the telephone company before you connect the unit to a network. When you request service, you must pro vide the teleph on e compa ny with the following data :
When you request T1 Service, you must provide the telephone company with
-- The Facility Interface Code Provide the telephone company with all the codes below:
- 04DU9-BN (1.544 MB, D4 framing format)
- 04DU9-DN (1.544 MB, D4 framing format with B8ZF coding)
- 04DU9-1KN (1.544 MB, ESF framing format)
- 04DU9-1SN (1.544 MB, ESF framing format with B8ZF coding)
- 04DU9-1ZN (1.544 MB, ANSI ESF and ZBTSI without line power) The telephone company will select the code it has available.
-- The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0F
-- The req uired Universal Service Order Code (USOC) jack: RJ48C
When you request 56K/64K Service, you must provide the telephone company with
-- The Facility Interface Code: 04DU5-56/64
-- The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0F
-- The req uired Universal Service Order Code (USOC) jack: RJ48S
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When you request V.34 Service, you must provide the telephone company with
-- The req uired Universal Service Order Code (USOC) jack: RJ11C
-- The make, model number, Ringer Equivalence Number (REN), and FCC Registration number of the unit
The REN helps you determine the number of devices you can connect to your telephone line and still have all of those devices ring when your number is called. In most, but not all, areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices should not exceed 5.0. To be certain of the number of devices you can connect to your line, you should call your local telephone company to determine the maximum REN for your calling area.
This equipment must not be used on party lines or coin lines.
When you reque s t ISD N “U” I nterface Servi ce , you must provid e the te le ph one company with
-- The Facility Interface Code: 02IS5
-- The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0F
-- The req uired Universal Service Order Code (USOC) jack: RJ49C
When you request ISDN “S/T” Interface Service, you must provide the telephone company with
-- The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0N
-- The ma ke, model number, and FCC Registration number of the NT1
Note: ISDN S/T cannot be directl y connected to the network.
When you request Primary Rate ISDN Service, you must provide the telephone company with
-- The Facility Interface Code: 04DU9-1SN (1.544 MB, ESF framing format with B8ZF coding)
-- The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0F
-- The req uired Universal Service Order Code (USOC) jack: RJ48C
2. Your telephone company may make changes to its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the proper function in g of yo ur equip m ent. The teleph on e com pany will notify you in adv anc e of such changes to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service.
3. If the unit causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue your service. If possible, they will notify you in advance, but if advance notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible and will be informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
4. If you experience trou ble with the unit, ple ase contac t the Bay Netw orks Technical Solutions Center in your area for service or repairs. Repairs should be performed only by service personnel authorized by Bay Networks, Inc.
United States 1-800-2LAN-WAN Valbonne, France 33-4-92-96-69-68 Sydney, Australia 61-2-9927-8800 Tokyo, Japan 81-3-5402-0180
5. You are required to notif y the telephone company when you disconnect the unit from the network.
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Bay Networks, Inc. Software License Agreement
NOTICE: Please carefully read this license agre ement before copying or using the accompanying software or installing the hardware unit with pre-enabled software (each of which is referred to as “Software” in this Agreement). BY COPYING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. THE TERMS EXPRESSED IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE THE ONLY TERMS UNDER WHICH BAY NETWORKS WILL PERMIT YOU TO USE THE SOFTWARE. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, return the product, unused and in the original shipping container, within 30 days of purchase to obtain a credit for the full purchase price.
1. License Grant. Bay Networks, Inc. (“Bay Networks”) grants the end user of the Software (“Licensee”) a personal,
nonexclusive, nontransferable license: a) to use the Software either on a single computer or, if applicable, on a single authorized device identified by host ID, for which it was originally acquired; b) to copy the Software solely for backup purposes in support of authorized use of the Software; and c) to us e and copy the associated use r m anual solely in support of authorized use of the Software by Licensee. This license applies to the Software only and does not extend to Bay Networks Agent software or other Bay Networks software products. Bay Networks Agent software or other Bay Networks software products are licensed for use under the terms of the applicable Bay Networks, Inc. Software License Agreement that accomp anies such software and upon payment by the end user of the applicable license fees for such software.
2. Restrictions on use; reservation of rights. The Software and user manuals are protected und er copyright laws.
Bay Networks and/or it s licensors retain all title and ownership in both the Software and user manuals, including any revisions made by Bay Networks or its licensors. The copyright notice must be reproduced and included with any copy of any portion of the Software or user manuals. Licensee may not modify, translate, decompile, disassemble, use for any competitiv e analysis, re v erse engineer , distrib ute, or create deriv ati ve works from the Softwa re or user manuals or any copy, in whole or in part. Except as expressly provided i n t hi s Agreement, Licensee may not copy or transfer the Software or user manuals, in whole or in part. The Software and user manuals embody Bay Networks’ and its licensors’ confidential and proprietary intellectual property. Licensee shall not sublicense, assign, or otherwise disclose to any third party the Software, or any information about the operation, design, performance, or implementation of the Software and user manuals that is confidential to Bay Networks and its licensors; however, Licensee may grant permission to its consultants, subcontractors, a nd agents to use the Softw are at Licensee’s facility, provided they have agreed to use the Software only in accordance with the terms of this license.
3. Limited warranty. Bay Netw o r ks wa r ra nts ea c h item of So ft ware, as delivered by Bay Net w o r k s an d pro pe r ly
installed and operated on Bay Networks hardware or other equipment it is originally licensed for, to function substantially as described in its accompanying user manual during its warranty period, which begins on the date Software is first shipped to Licensee. If an y item of S oftware f ails to so function d uring its w arranty period, as the sole remedy Bay Networks will at its discretion provide a suitable fix, patch, or workaround for the problem that may be included in a future Software release. Bay Network s fur ther w arra nts to Licen see that the medi a on which the Software is provided will be free from defec ts in materials and wo rkman ship under no rmal use for a peri od of 90 da ys from the date Software is first shipped to Licensee. Bay Networks will replace defective media at no charge if it is returned to Bay Netw orks during the warran ty perio d alon g with proof of the date of shipment . This war ranty do es not apply if the media has been dam aged as a resul t of acci dent, misuse , or ab use. The Licen see assumes all re sponsibilit y for selection of the Software to achieve Licensee’s intended results and for the installation, use, and results obtained from the Software. Bay Networks does not warrant a) that the functions contained in the software will meet the Licensee’ s requireme nts, b) that the Software will operate in the hardware or software combinations tha t the L icensee may select, c) that the operation of the Softw a re will be uninterru pte d or error free, or d) that all defec ts in the operation of the Software will be corrected. Bay Networks is not obligated to remedy any Software defect that cannot be reproduced with the latest Software release. These warranties do not apply to the So ftw are if i t has been (i) altered, except by Bay Networks or in accordance with its instructions; (ii) used in conjunction with another vendor’s product, resulting in the defect; or (iii) damaged by improper environment, abuse, misuse, accident, or negligence. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ARE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITA TION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Licensee is responsible for the security of
116273-B Rev 00
its own data and information and for maintaining adequate procedures apart from the Software to reconstruct lost or altered files, data, or programs.
5. Government Licensees. This provision applies to a ll Softwa re and docum entation acquired d irectly or i ndirectly by
or on behalf of the United States Government. The Software and documentation are commercial products, licensed on the open market at market prices, and were developed entirely at private expense and without th e use of any U.S. Government funds. The license to the U.S. Government is granted only with restricted rights, and use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) of the Commercial Computer Software––Restricte d Rig hts cla u se o f FAR 52.227-19 and the limitations set out in this license for ci vili an agencies, and subparagraph (c)(1)(ii ) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DFARS
252.227-7013, for agencies of t he Department of Defense or their successors, whichever is applicable.
6. Use of Software in the European Community. This provision applies to all Software acquired for use within the
European Community. If Licensee uses the Software within a country in the European Community, the Software Directive enacted by the Council of European Communities Directive dated 14 May, 1991, will apply to the examination of the Software to facilitate interoperability. Licensee agrees to notify Bay Networks of any such intended examination of the Software and may procure support and assistance from Bay Networks.
7. Term and termination. This license is effective until terminated; however, all of the restrictions with respect to
Bay Networks’ copyright in the Software and user manuals will cease being effective at the date of expiration of the Bay Networks copyright; those restrictions relating to use and disclosure of Bay Network s’ confidential informati on shall continue in effect. Licensee may terminate this license at any time. The license will automatically terminate if Licensee fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the license. Upon termination for any reason, Licensee will immediately destroy or return to Bay Networks the Software, user manuals, and all copies. Bay Networks is not liable to Licensee for damages in any form solely by reason of the termination of this license.
8. Export and Re-export. Licensee agrees not to export, directly or indirectly, the Software or related technical data
or information without first obtaining any required export licenses or other governmental approvals. Without limiting the foregoing, Licensee, on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries and affiliates, agrees that it will not, without first obtaining all export licenses and approvals required by the U.S. Government: (i) export, re-export, transfer, or divert any such Software or technical data, or any direct product thereof, to any country to which such exports or re-exports are restricte d or em b argoed under Un ite d Sta te s e x port control laws an d r egulations, or to any national or re sident of such restricted or embargoed countries; or (ii) provide the Software or related technical data or information to any military end user or for any military end use, including the design, development, or production of any chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons.
9. General. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of com petent
jurisdiction, the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of California.
Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, contact Bay Networks, Inc., 4401 Great America Parkway, P.O. Box 58185, Santa Clara, California 95054-8185.
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About This Guide
Before You Begin .............................................................................................................xix
Conventions ................................................. ............................................. ....................... xx
Acronyms ........................... .......................... .......................... ......................... .................xxi
Bay Networks Technical Publications .............................................................................xxii
Bay Networks Customer Service ...................................................................................xxiii
How to Get Help ............................................................................................................xxiii
Bay Networks Educational Ser v ic es ..... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........xxiv
Chapter 1 Installing the ARN/DC
Preparing to Install the ARN/DC .....................................................................................1-2
Verifying Shipment Contents ....................................................................................1-2
Supplying Equipment ...............................................................................................1-4
Cables ............................................. ...... ....... ...... ............................................. ...1-4
Hardware for Rack-Mounting the ARN/DC ........................................................1-4
Management Console .......................................................................................1-4
Verifying Site Requirements .....................................................................................1-5
Space Requirements ........................................................................................1-5
Electrical Requirements .....................................................................................1-5
Environmental Requirements ............................................................................1-5
Installing the ARN/DC . ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............................................. ...... ....... .........1-6
Positioning the ARN/DC on a Flat Surface ...............................................................1-6
Rack-Mounting the ARN/DC ....................................................................................1-6
Understanding the ARN/DC Module Locations ..............................................................1-9
Connecting Communications Cables ............................................................................1-10
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Connecting to an Ethernet Interface ......................................................................1-10
Connecting to the AUI Interface .......................................................................1-11
Connecting to the UTP Interface .....................................................................1-12
Connecting to the Fiber Interface ....................................................................1-12
Connecting to a Serial Interface .............................................................................1-13
Connecting to the ISDN Interface ..........................................................................1-15
Connecting to the 56/64K DSU/CSU Interface ......................................................1-16
Connecting to the FT1/T1 DSU/CSU Interface ......................................................1-17
Connecting to an E1/FE1 Interface ........................................................................1-18
Connecting to the Integrated V.34 Modem .............................................................1-19
Connecting a Management Console ............................................................................1-21
Connecting a PC Console ......................................................................................1-21
Connecting a Console Modem ...............................................................................1-23
Connecting an External Modem ......................................................................1-24
Connecting to a V.34 Console Modem ............................................................1-25
Connecting a Terminal Console .............................................................................1-26
Connecting to the DC Power Source ............................................................................1-27
Installing the Flash Memor y Card ...................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .1-2 9
Where to Go Next .........................................................................................................1-30
Chapter 2 Starting the ARN/DC
Understanding the Startup Process ...............................................................................2-1
Starting the ARN/DC for the First Time ..........................................................................2-4
Using EZ-Install ..............................................................................................................2-5
Using Netboot, Directed Netboot, or Local Boot .............................................................2-6
Interrupting the Boot Process ............................ ............................................. ...... ...2-6
Logging in to the Command Line Software ..............................................................2-7
Continuing with Netboot ..........................................................................................2-8
Continuing with Directed Netboot ..........................................................................2-10
Continuing with Local Boot (the Quick-Start Procedure) ........................................2-13
Where to Go Next .........................................................................................................2-16
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Chapter 3 Operating the ARN/DC
Understanding the ARN/DC LEDs ..................................................................................3-1
Base Module LEDs ..................................................................................................3-2
Diagnostic LEDs ................................................................................................3-2
Ethernet 10BASE-T LEDs .................................................................................3-3
Ethernet 10/100BASE-Tx LEDs ........................................................................3-4
Ethernet 100BASE-Fx LEDs .............................................................................3-4
Expansion Module LEDs ..........................................................................................3-5
Ethernet LEDs ...................................................................................................3-5
Serial LEDs ........................................................................................................3-5
Adapter Module LEDs ........................................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... .........3-6
Serial LED .........................................................................................................3-6
ISDN BRI LEDs (S/T or U Interfaces) ................................................................3-6
DSU/CSU LEDs .................................................................................................3-7
FT1/T1 DSU/CSU LEDs ....................................................................................3-7
X.25 PAD LEDs ..................................................................................................3-7
V.34 Modem LEDs .............................................................................................3-8
Ensuring a Successful Installation ..................................................................................3-8
Powering On and Off ............................ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ....................3-10
Powering On the ARN/DC ......................................................................................3-10
Powering Off the ARN/DC ......................................................................................3-11
Resetting the ARN/DC ..................................................................................................3-11
Removing a Flash Memory Card ..................................................................................3-12
Protecting Memory Card Files ......................................................................................3-13
Where to Go Next .........................................................................................................3-14
Chapter 4 Installing a WAN Adapter Module
Preparing for Installation .................................................................................................4-1
Verifying Router Requirements ................................................................................4-2
Powering Down ........................................................................................................4-2
Removing the Filler Panel ........................................................................................4-4
Removing an Adapter Module ..................................................................................4-5
Installing an Adapter Module ..........................................................................................4-6
What to Do Next .............................................................................................................4-8
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Appendix A Configuring the ARN/DC for Netboot and Directed Netboot
Using the ifconfig Command ......................................................................................... A-2
Configuring an IP Serial or DSU/CSU Interface for Netbooting .............................. A-2
Configuring an Ethernet Interface for Netbooting .................................................... A-4
Enabling and Disabling Interfaces with ifconfig ....................................................... A-5
Examples of ifconfig Commands ............................................................................. A-5
Using the bconfig Command ......................................................................................... A-6
Format for the bconfig Command ........................................................................... A-6
Examples of bconfig Commands ............................................................................ A-7
Verifying Your Configuration ........................................................................................... A-7
Appendix B Using Local Boot (the Quick-Start Procedure)
Before You Run Quick-Start ........................................................................................... B-2
Understanding Quick-Start Connector Names and Numbers ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .. B-2
Filling Out the Worksheets ............................................................................................ B-4
Global Information Worksheet .. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .................................. B-5
Router Protocol Worksheets ................................................................................... B-8
Wide Area Protocol Worksheets ........................................................................... B-12
Running the Quick-Start Script .................................................................................... B-16
Appendix C ARN/DC Technical Specifications
Specifications ................................................................................................................ C-1
Hardware Communications Options .............................................................................. C-2
Ethernet Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) ................................................................C-4
Ethernet 10BASE-T Interface ..................................................................................C-5
Serial Interfaces ...................................................................................................... C-5
ISDN BRI U Interface ..............................................................................................C-7
ISDN BRI S/T Interface ...........................................................................................C-8
56/64K DSU/CSU Interface .....................................................................................C-9
FT1/T1 DSU/CSU Connections ............................................................................C-10
X.25 PAD Connections .......................................................................................... C-11
RJ-11 Interface (for V.34 Modem) ......................................................................... C-12
Local Console Connections .................................................................................. C-13
Service Modem C onne ct ion s .......................................... ...... ...... ....... ...... .............C-14
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Appendix D Requirements for European Operation
ARN/DC Base Module Safety Status ............................................................................. D-2
ARN/DC Expansion Modules Safety Status .................................................................. D-2
Synchronous Cabling Requirements ............................................................................. D-3
V.28 Compliance ..................................................................................................... D-3
V.35 Compliance ..................................................................................................... D-4
X.21 Compliance .....................................................................................................D-6
Serial Adapter Module Safety Requirements ................................................................ D-7
ISDN BRI Adapter Module Safety Requirements .......................................................... D-8
Power Requirements for ISDN BRI and Serial Adapter Modules .................................. D-9
Clearance and Creepage Distances for ISDN BRI and Serial Adapter Modules ........... D-9
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Figure 1-1. Accessories in the ARN/DC Shipping Container .....................................1-3
Figure 1-2. Options for Attaching Flange Brackets .....................................................1-7
Figure 1-3. Installing the ARN/DC in an Equipment Rack ..........................................1-8
Figure 1-4. ARN/DC Module Locations ......................................................................1-9
Figure 1-5. Connecting an Ethernet Transceiver Cable ............................................1-11
Figure 1-6. Connecting an Ethernet UTP Cable .......................................................1-12
Figure 1-7. Connecting an Ethernet 100BASE-Fx Cable .........................................1-12
Figure 1-8. Connecting Serial Cables to an Expansion Module Interface ................1-13
Figure 1-9. Connecting a Serial Cable to an Adapter Module Interface ...................1-14
Figure 1-10. Connecting the ISDN BRI Cable ............................................................1-15
Figure 1-11. Connecting a DSU/CSU Cable ..............................................................1-16
Figure 1-12. Connecting the FT1/T1 DSU/CSU Cable ...............................................1-17
Figure 1-13. Connecting the E1/FE1 Cable ...............................................................1-18
Figure 1-14. Connecting the V.34 Modem Cable ........................................................1-19
Figure 1-15. Connecting the Console/Modem Cable .................................................1-22
Figure 1-16. Attaching the Null Modem Crossover Adapter .......................................1-22
Figure 1-17. Connecting a PC Console to an ARN/DC ..............................................1-23
Figure 1-18. Connecting an External Console Modem ..............................................1-25
Figure 1-19. Connecting to the V.34 Console Modem Interface .................................1-25
Figure 1-20. DC Power Terminal Blocks and Power Switch .......................................1-27
Figure 1-21. Attaching the DC Input Leads ................................................................1-28
Figure 1-22. Flash Memory Card . ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............................................. .1-29
Figure 1-23. Inserting the Flash Memory Card ..........................................................1-29
Figure 2-1. Verifying Directed Netboot Configuration ...............................................2-12
Figure 3-1. ARN/DC Base Module Diagnostic LEDs ..................................................3-2
Figure 3-2. Turning On ARN/DC Power ....................................................................3-10
Figure 3-3. ARN/DC Reset Button ...........................................................................3-11
Figure 3-4. Removing a Flash Memory Card ...........................................................3-12
Figure 3-5. Flash Memory Card Read/Write Protect Switch ....................................3-13
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Figure 4-1. Location of Adapter Module Slots 1 and 2 ...............................................4-3
Figure 4-2. Removing the Filler Panel from Slot 1 ......................................................4-4
Figure 4-3. Removing the Adapter Module Screw .....................................................4-5
Figure 4-4. Adapter Module Ready for Installation .....................................................4-6
Figure 4-5. Securing the Adapter Module to the Front Panel .....................................4-7
Figure B-1. ARN/DC Module Locations ..................................................................... B-3
Figure B-2. Starting the IP Interface Test ................................................................. B-18
Figure D-1. Cable Order No. 7837 (V.28 Compliant) ................................... ....... ...... .. D-3
Figure D-2. Cable Order No. 7220 (V.35 Compliant) ................................... ....... ...... .. D-4
Figure D-3. Cable Order No. 7224 (X.21 Compliant) ..................... ....... ...... ....... ...... .. D-6
Figure D-4. Clearance and Creepage Distances for ISDN BRI
and Serial Adapter Modules D-10
116273-B Rev 00
Table 1-1. ARN/DC Shipping Accessories ................................................................1-2
Table 1-2. Space Requirements ...............................................................................1-5
Table 1-3. Electrical Requirements ...........................................................................1-5
Table 1-4. Environmental Requirements ...................................................................1-5
Table 1-5. V.34 Modem Adapter Module Parameter Defaults ...............................1-20
Table 1-6. Console Modem Defaults .....................................................................1-24
Table 1-7. Console Parameters ..............................................................................1-26
Table 2-1. Summary of Initial Startup Options ........................................................2-2
Table 2-2. Supported Boot Options by Interface ......................................................2-3
Table 3-1. Base Module Diagnostic LEDs ...............................................................3-2
Table 3-2. Base Module Ethernet 10BASE-T LEDs .................................................3-3
Table 3-3. Base Module Ethernet 10/100BASE-Tx LEDs .........................................3-4
Table 3-4. Base Module Ethernet 100Base-Fx LEDs ...............................................3-4
Table 3-5. Expansion Module Ethernet LEDs ...........................................................3-5
Table 3-6. Expansion Module Serial LEDs ...............................................................3-5
Table 3-7. Serial LED ................................................................................................3-6
Table 3-8. ISDN BRI LEDs ......................................................................................3-6
Table 3-9. DSU/CSU LEDs .......................................................................................3-7
Table 3-10. FT1/T1 DSU/CSU LEDs ..........................................................................3-7
Table 3-11. X.25 PAD LEDs ........................................................................................3-7
Table 3-12. V.34 Modem LEDs .................................................................................3-8
Table 3-13. Boot Status LEDs .....................................................................................3-9
Table A-1. COM Interface ifconfig Command Settings ............................................ A-3
Table A-2. Ethernet Interface ifconfig Command Settings ...................................... A-4
Table A-3. Netboot ifconfig Settings ......................................................................... A-5
Table A-4. Command Settings for bconfig ............................................................... A-6
Table B-1. Quick-Start Connector Names and Numbers ........................................ B-3
Table B-2. Quick-Start Commands ........................................................................ B-17
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Table C-1. Network Interfaces Available on ARN/DC .............................................C-3
Table C-2. AUI Pin Assignments .............................................................................. C-4
Table C-3. 10BASE-T Interface Pin Assignments ....................................................C-5
Table C-4. Serial Interface Pin Assignments ............................................................ C-6
Table C-5. ISDN BRI U Interface Pin Assignments .................................................C-7
Table C-6. ISDN BRI S/T Interface Pin Assignments .............................................. C-8
Table C-7. 56/64K DSU/CSU Interface Pin Assignments ........................................ C-9
Table C-8. RJ-48C Connector Pinouts ................................................................... C-10
Table C-9. X.25 Breakout Box Interface Pin Assignments ..................................... C-11
Table C-10. V.34 Interface Pin Assignments ...........................................................C-12
Table C-11. Local Console Port DB-9 Pin Assignments ........................................... C-13
Table C-12. Service Modem Port DB-9 Pin Assignments ........................................ C-14
Table D-1. ARN/DC Base Module (Order Nos. CV1001006, CV1001007,
CV1001008, CV1001009, CV1001010) Safety Status ........................... D-2
Table D-2. Expansion Module Safety Status ............................................................D-2
Table D-3. WAN Interface (Cable Order No. 7837) ..................................................D-3
Table D-4. V.35 Interface (Cable Order No. 7220) ..................................................D-5
Table D-5. X.21 Interface (Cable Order No. 7224) ..................................................D-6
Table D-6. Serial Adapter Module Safety Status (Order No. CV0004001) ...............D-7
Table D-7. ISDN BRI Adapter Module Safety Status (Order No. CV0004002) .........D-8
Table D-8. Pin Signals for ISDN BRI with S/T Connector ....................................... D-8
Table D-9. ISDN BRI and Serial Adapter Module Power Requirements ..................D-9
Table D-10. Clearance and Creepage Distances for ISDN BRI
and Serial Adapter Modules .................................................................. D-10
116273-B Rev 00

About This Guide

Read this guide if you are responsible for installing and operating a
Bay Networks DC input switching power supply, the ARN/DC.
If you want to Go to
Physically install the ARN/DC and attach communications equipment Chapter 1 Start the ARN/DC for the first time to connect it to the network Chapter 2 Operate the ARN/DC and interpret the LEDs Chapter 3 Install a WAN adapter module Chapter 4 Configure the ARN/DC for Netboot or Directed Netboot Appendix A Use Local Boot (the Quick-Start procedure) Appendix B Review the ARN/DC technical specifications Appendix C Review the requirements for European operation Appendix D
BayStack™ Advanced Remote Node™ (ARN™) router that has a
Although this guide describes how to use Site Manager to manage the ARN, you can now use the Bay Command Cons ol e (BCC™) to con figure most protocol s on ARN routers. For information about using the BCC to configure the ARN, see Using the Bay Command Console.

Before You Begin

Before installing the ARN/DC, ensure that all network wiring has been installed on the premises using standard cable-system practices.
Before turni ng on the ARN/D C for the first time, contact your network administrator to determine which software configuration option to use.
116273-B Rev 00
Installing and Operating BayStack ARN/DC Routers
. .


angle brackets (< >) Indicate that you choose the text to enter based on the
description inside the brackets. Do not type the brackets when entering the command. Example: if command syntax is you enter
bold text
Indicates text that you need to enter, command names, and buttons in menu paths. Example: Enter
Example: Use the
wfsm &
Example: ATM DXI > Interfaces > PVCs identifies the PVCs button in the window that appears when you select the Interfaces option from the ATM DXI menu.
brackets ([ ]) Indicate optional elements. You can choose none, one,
or all of the options.
ellipsis points Horizontal (. . .) and ve rtic al ellipsis points indicate
omitted info rmation.
italic text Indicates variable values in command syntax
descriptions, new terms, file and directory names, and book titles.
quotation marks (“ ”) Indicate the title of a chapter or section within a book.
screen text Indicates data that appears on the screen.
Set Bay Networks Trap Monitor Filters
separator ( > ) Separates menu and option names in instructions and
internal pin-to-pin wire connections. Example: Protocols > AppleTalk identifies the AppleTalk option in the Protocols menu.
Example: Pin 7 > 19 > 20
vertical line (
) Indicates that you enter only one of the parts of the
command. The vertical line separates choices. Do not type the vertical line when entering the command. Example: If the command syntax is
show at routes show at routes
, you enter either
show at nets
, but not both.
116273-B Rev 00


About This Guide
ARP Address Resolution Protocl AUI Attachment Unit Interface BootP Boots t r ap Pr ot ocol BRI Basic Rate Interface CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee
(now ITU-T) CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access with collision detection CSU channel serv i ce unit CTS clear to send DCD data carrier detect DCE data communications equipment DCM data collection module DLCMI Data Link Control Management Interface DSR data set ready DSU data service unit DTE data terminal equipment DTR data terminal ready EIA Electronic Industries Association FDL facility data link HDLC high-level data link control IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IP Internet Protocol ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISO International Organization for Standardization ITU-T International Telecommunications Union–Telecommunications LAN local area network LED light-emitting diode LQR Link Quality Reporting MAU media access unit NBMA nonbroadcast multi-access NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
116273-B Rev 00
Installing and Operating BayStack ARN/DC Routers
NVFS nonvolatile file system OCU office channel unit OSPF Open Shortest Path First (Protocol) PAD packet assembler/disassembler PAP Password Authenti cat ion Prot oco l PCMCIA Personal C PPP Point-to-Point Protocol PVC permanent virtual circuit RIP Routing Information Protocol RLSD received line signal detector RMON remote monitoring RTS request to send SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol STP shielded twisted pair SQE signal quality error TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TNV telecommunications network voltage UTP unshielded twisted pair WAN wide area network

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You can now print technical manuals and release notes free, directly from the Internet. Go to products for which you need documentation. The n locate the s pecific c ategory and model or version for your hardware or software product. Using Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can open the manuals and release notes, search for the sections you need, and print them on most s tandard prin ters. You can download Ac robat Reader free from the Adobe Systems Web site,
Documentation sets and CDs are a vailable through your local Bay Networ ks sal es office or account representative.
. Find the Bay Networks
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Bay Networks Customer Service

You can purchase a support contract from your Bay Networks distributor or authorized reseller, or directly from Bay Ne tworks Services. For information about, or to purchase a Bay Networks service contract, either call your local Bay Networks field sales office or one of the following numbers:
Region Telephone number Fax number
About This Guide
United States and Canada
Europe 33-4-92-96-69-66 33-4-92-96-69-96 Asia/Pacific 61-2-9927-8888 61-2-9927-8899 Latin America 561-988-7661 561-988-7550
Information about customer service is also available on the World Wide Web at support.baynetworks.com.

How to Get Help

If you purchased a service contract for your Bay Networks product from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
If you purchased a Bay Networks service program, call one of the following Bay Networks Technical Solutions Centers:
800-2LANW AN; th en enter Expr ess Routing Code (ERC) 290, when prompted, to purchase or renew a service contract
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Installing and Operating BayStack ARN/DC Routers

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Through Bay Networks Educa tional Services , you can attend cl asses and purcha se CDs, videos, and computer-based training programs about Bay Networks products. Training programs can take place at your site or at a Bay Networks location. For more information about training programs, call one of the following numbers:
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116273-B Rev 00
Chapter 1
Installing the ARN/DC
This chapter describes how to install the BayStack ARN/DC router hardware and prepare for software installation.
Topic Page
Preparing to Instal l the ARN/DC 1-2 Installing the ARN/DC 1-6 Understanding the ARN/DC Module Locations 1-9 Connecting Communications Cables 1-10 Connecting a Management Console 1-21 Connecting to the DC Power Source 1-27 Installing the Flash Memory Card 1-29 Where to Go Next 1-30
116273-B Rev 00
The installation instructions in this chapter assume that wiring has been installed on the premises using standard cable-system practices. Your installation procedure may differ slightly, depending on your cable system.
Installing and Operating BayStack ARN/DC Routers

Preparing to Install the ARN/DC

Before beginning the installation, veri fy that:
Your shipment is complete and undamaged.
You have the cables, tools, and other equipment that you need.
Your installation site meets the physical, electrical, and environmental
The sections that follow provide information to help you prepare for installation.

Verifying Shipment Contents

You should inspect all items for shipping damage. If you detect any damage, do not install the ARN/DC. Call the Bay Networks Technical Solutions Center in your area, as described on page xxiii of “About This Guide.”
In addition to the ARN/DC and this guide, your shipping container contains seve ral hardw are accessor ies. Verify that the items in the sh ipping cont ainer match those on the shipment packing list.
Use Table 1-1
Table 1-1. ARN/DC Shipping Accessories
Check Accessory Use To:
Figure 1-1
as a checklist when verifying the contents of the shipping container.
Cable kit (Order No. 110310), containing:
One 15-foot AT standard molded serial cable
One null modem c rossover adapter Bracket kit, containing:
Two flange brackets
Ten #6 flathead screws
Four #10 cagenut screws with washers
Four cage nuts Four rubber feet Operate the ARN/DC on a
Connect an optional management console.
Mount the ARN/DC in an equipment rack. (Use the four cage nuts only if the equipment rack does not have threaded rail holes.)
flat surface.
illustrates the accessories in the ARN/DC shipping container.
116273-B Rev 00
Installing the ARN/DC
Power Cable
Console/Modem Cable (DB-9 Receptacle to DB-25 Plug Cable)
DB-25 Receptacle Null Modem Adapter
Two Flange Brackets
Eight #6 Phillips Screws
Four Cage Nuts
Four #10 Cagenut Screws and Washers
Four Rubber Feet
Figure 1-1. Accessories in the ARN/DC Shipping Container
116273-B Rev 00
Installing and Operating BayStack ARN/DC Routers

Supplying Equipment

You may need items that are not included in the ARN/DC accessory package. Before installin g the ARN/ DC hardwa re, ensu re that you ha v e all the c ables, t ools, and other equipment you need.
Unless you specifically ordered them, the cables required for your network configuration are not included in the ARN/DC accessory package. If you do not have the proper cables, contact your network administrator or see the Cable
Hardware for Rack-Mounting the ARN/DC
To install the ARN/DC in an equi pmen t rack, you need a Phillips scr ewdriver and a rack that meets the following specifications:
Heavy-duty steel construction
Electronic Industries Association (EIA) standard hole-spacing
Width of 19 in. (48.26 cm) and depth of 24 in. (60.96 cm)
If the rack does not have threaded rail holes, you must use cage nuts (see
Figure 1-1
) with the cagenut screws.
Management Console
To configure startup options and to monitor the results of startup diagnostics, you can attach an optional VT-100 console or equivalent, such as a PC terminal emulator. Or, you can attach any AT-compatible modem to allow dial-in access to startup configuration and diagnostics.
To use the Netboot, Directed Netboot, or Local Boot configuration option (see Chapter 3), connect a management console before turning on the ARN/DC.
With the optional V.34 Console Modem Module installed, you can connect an external V.34 modem as a management console.
116273-B Rev 00

Verifying Site Requirements

Ensure that the installation site meets the space, electrical, and environmental requiremen ts listed in this section.
Installing the ARN/DC
Space Requirements
The installatio n si te must provide suffic ient free space ar ound the router to ensur e proper ventilation and access for servicing.
Table 1-2. Space Requirements
Width Minimum Depth Depth for Servicing
22.5 in. (57.2 cm) 15 in. (38.1 cm) 25 in. (63.5 cm)
Electrical Requirements
The installation site must meet the following electrical requirements:
Table 1-3. Electrical Requirements
Nominal Output Voltage Maximum Output Current Physical
-48 or -60 vo lts direct current (VDC), +/- 20%
1.8 ampere s (A) Reinforced insulation from the main AC power
To minimize voltage drop, use American Wire Gauge ( AWG) #16 cables betwee n the ARN/DC and the power source. When measuring the cable run, be certain to include both the input and return cables.
116273-B Rev 00
Environmental Requirements
The installatio n site must meet th e following environmental requi rements:
Table 1-4. Environmental Requirements
Altitude Humidity Temperature
0 to 8,000 ft (0 to 2,438.4 m) 10% to 90%, noncondensing 32° to 104°F (0° to 40°C),
Installing and Operating BayStack ARN/DC Routers

Installing the ARN/DC

When you are ready to install the ARN/DC, you can do one of the following:
Position the ARN/DC on a flat, sturdy, horizontal surface.
Mount the ARN/DC in a standard equipment rack.

Positioning the ARN/DC on a Flat Surface

When positioning the ARN/DC on a flat surface, make sure that the surface is
Large enough for the ARN/DC to operate properly
Sturdy enough to support the combined weight of the ARN/DC and any cables you attach
We recommend that you place the self-adhesive rubber feet on the bottom of the ARN/DC chassis (shipped with the ARN/DC). These feet protect the surface on which you position the ARN/DC and pro vi de added friction agains t the weight of any cables you attach.

Rack-Mounting the ARN/DC

For this procedure, you need
Two flange brackets and ten #6 flathead screws (shipped with the ARN/DC).
A Phillips screwdriver.
A standard 19-in . equipment rack. If the r ack does not have threaded rail holes, you must attach the four cage nuts shipped with the ARN/DC.
Four #10 cagenut screws and washers (shipped with the ARN/DC).
To rack-mount the ARN/DC:
Determine how you want the ARN/DC to fit in the equipment rack.
Multiple holes in the flange brackets provide several options for rack-mounting the ARN/DC. How you attach the flange brackets determines how far the router extends outside or remains inside the rack. Figure 1-2 shows three of the most common locations for the brackets.
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