Product Correction Notice (PCN)
Issue Date:
Supplement 2 Date:
June 17, 2011
June 4, 2014
This PCN address issues
with the following
products and systems:
Earlier versions of the 1120E IP Deskphone, 1140E IP Deskphone,
2007 IP Deskphone, with the Product Engineering Codes (PECs)
and Release Numbers specified in this PCN.
Does this PCN apply to me?
This PCN applies if you are experiencing increasing failures on the
IP Deskphones after 4 or 5 years of use, or if you purchased
1120E, 1140E, or 2007 IP Deskphones manufactured before midyear 2008 with the following PECs and Release Numbers
NTYS03AA All Releases
NTYS03ABE6 All Releases
NTYS03AC All Releases
NTYS03ACE6 Release Numbers 1 - 48
NTYS03BA All Releases
NTYS03BBE6 All Releases
NTYS03BC All Releases
NTYS03BCE6 Release Numbers 1 - 48
NTYS03BBGSE6 All Releases
NTYS03BCGSE6 Release Numbers 1 - 8
NTYS03CAE6 Release Numbers 1 - 17
NTYS03DAE6 Release Numbers 1 - 17
NTYS05AA All Releases
NTYS05ABE6 All Releases
NTYS05AC All Releases
NTYS05ABE6 All Releases
NTYS05ACE6 Release Numbers 1 - 47
NTYS05BA All Releases
NTYS05BBE6 All Releases
NTYS05BC All Releases
NTYS05BCE6 Release Numbers 1 - 47
NTYS05BBGSE6 All Releases
NTYS05BCGSE6 Release Numbers 1 - 9
NTYS05CAE6 Release Numbers 1 - 14
NTYS05DAE6 Release Numbers 1 - 14
NTDU96AB70 All Releases
NTDU96AC70E6 All Releases

What you should do when
you receive this PCN:
No immediate action is required.
Should you start to experience an increasing failure rate on the
1120E, 1140E, or 2007 IP Deskphones after they have been in
use for 4 or 5 years, you should review the information in this
PCN and then contact your Business Partner or Avaya to access
the remedies available from Avaya. There are remedies available
for customers with or without service contracts.
For those customers without a service contract either direct with
Avaya or through your Channel Business Partner, the options
listed within this PCN are open to you. Contact your Business
Partner or Avaya Representative to access these available
For those end-customers with a service contract direct with Avaya
on the IP Deskphones included within this PCN, please contact
your Avaya Representative, or follow the instructions in this PCN
and provide the agent with your Service Contract Number.
For those end-customers with a service contract through an
Authorized Channel Business Partner, please contact your Channel
Business Partner.
4 June 2014 – Supplement 3 –This 3rd Supplement to PCN 1745H
extends the end-date for this PCN to Dec 31, 2014 for customers
who still need access to the power modules. It also provides an
update to the Ordering process for the Power Modules, which has
been made simpler since the product codes have been added to
GPPC and no longer require “manual” Purchase Orders. Also note
that the orderable code for the box of 96 power modules is
changing in the coming months. This is for Avaya internal
processes only, there is no change to the actual power modules or
packaging related to the product code change. The code for a box
of 96 power modules was originally NTYS17PMPP, but will be
changing upon use up of existing inventory to NTYS17PMPQ.
Orders for NTYS17PMPP will be substituted with NTYS17PMPQ
based on availability. The power modules will continue to be
shipped in boxes of 96 only due to special packaging.
This PCN describes the remedies available to end-customers with
or without service contracts, and who may be experiencing an
increasing failure rate of earlier vintages of the 1140E, 1120E,
and 2007 IP Deskphones after 4-5 years of use which causes the
phone to eventually fail and not power on, due to a failure of the
internal power module.
In some cases all the lights on the phone will come on and flash
before the phone ultimately fails and will not power on. Some
customers have reported that they see IP Deskphone failures
happen on these older vintages when regular maintenance
or system upgrades are performed and the system is taken offline and the IP Deskphones are powered down and then on
again. Most reports of failure have occurred in customer sites
where full Gigabit Ethernet is enabled and both ports on the IP
Deskphones are supporting Gigabit network interface.
Avaya acknowledges that IP Deskphones should not normally fail
in significant numbers as some customers are experiencing after

the phones have been in use for 4-5 years. For this reason,
Avaya has developed a number of remedies for customers to
consider, including making a replacement power module available
as a separately orderable part, or accessing an Avaya-contracted
technical team to complete an on-site hardware upgrade service
specifically to address the failures. These remedies are available
to customers who have no service contract on the IP Deskphones
for a small fee per phone*.
Additional remedies include receiving a significant manufacturer’s
rebate on any 1120E, 1140E and 2007 IP Deskphones returned,
providing a $90.00 per unit credit to be used towards the
purchase of any new Avaya IP Deskphone products.
Important Limitation:
Avaya is not offering free of charge replacements for all
units that fail.
*Some restrictions apply which are listed in this PCN. The power
module replacement is only applicable to the 1120E and 1140E IP
Deskphones, and cannot be applied to the 2007 IP Deskphone.
The on-site hardware upgrade service is not available in all global
What is the nature
of the PCN?
This PCN addresses
and resolves
the following issues:
Potential for high failure rate of the 1120E, 1140E, and 2007 IP
Deskphones after 4-5 years of use.
Level of Risk/Severity
Class 1=High
Class 2=Medium
Class 3=Low
Is it required that this PCN
be applied to my system?
No. This PCN can be applied if a customer is experiencing an
increasing failure rate on the 1140E, 1120E, and 2007 with the
specified Product Engineering Codes and Release Numbers in this
PCN. Any customer who has the 1140E or 1120E IP Deskphones
with the specified Product Engineering Codes and Release Number
in this PCN can purchase the separately orderable power modules,
access the on-site hardware upgrade service option, or receive a
manufacturing rebate that can be used towards the purchase of
other Avaya products, even before any significant failure rates
have been experienced. The power module replacement is
applicable to the 1120E and 1140E IP Deskphone models only,
and cannot be applied to the 2007 IP Deskphone. The only
remedy for customers with 2007 IP Deskphones is to receive a
manufacturing rebate that can be used towards the purchase of
Avaya products.
The risk if this PCN
is not installed:
Some customers may experience product failures.
Is this PCN for US
customers, non-US
customers, or both?