contains installation and
adm ini strat ion inst ructions for integrating a NEAX 2400 MCI switch wit h an
INTUITY system. The document contains instruction s or information on the
following t o p ics.
■Switc h int egrat ion planning strat e g i es
■Switch I nteg ration Device (SID) hardware installation instructions
■Software installation instructions
■NEAX 2400 ad m inist ra tio n instructions
■Acceptance test procedures
■Cut -to-Se rv i c e procedures
■SID troubleshooting g ui d e
The d oc u m e n t contains inf orm ati on only for the NEAX switch integration with the
INTUITY system. If you have another type of switch, r e fe r to the switch integration
document for that switch.
Issue 2 December 1995 xi
Intended Audiences
This document is designed primarily for the on-site AT&T-certifie d services
technician, t h e c ustom er’s t e c hnical p ersonnel, and the customer’s NEAX
services technician. Use the document to install INTUITY system
integration-required hardware and software, perform acceptance tests, and
perform cut-to-service. The customer or the customers’ switch vendor should use
the document when performing swit c h a d ministra tion tasks and other customer
required tasks.
Secondary audiences include the AT&T personnel shown in the following list .
■Field su pport
■The Technical Service Center (TSC)
■Provisioning project managers
■The Sales a n d Technical Resource Center (STRC)
■Helpline person nel
■Factory assemble, load, and test (ALT) personnel
Ab out This Document
Prerequisite Skills or Knowledge
Typical readers should understand AT&T computer systems, switches, and
hardware and software installation procedures. AT&T provides and recommends
INTUITY system training for customers. Customers should be familiar with the
NEAX switch or co ntact their switch vendor.
Document Organization
■Chapter 1, "Introduction and Requirements for Integration", explains the
INT UITY c onfiguration and includes a component connectivit y diagram
that shows you each c o mponent in the config uration. The chapter also
contains a hardware and software com ponent c hecklist.
■Chapter 2, "Switch Integration Device Basics", explain s th e b asic
components of the SID and how to use the sy stem
chapter contains SID hardware comp o nent descriptions an d illustration s,
menu, e d it, and ac tion form explanations, a n d p rovides b a sic h elp
■Chapter 3, "Switch Integration Pl anning", helps you plan, track, and record
the switch integrat ion. The chapter includes instructions for completing
SID and switch integration worksheets that you use throughout the
document as you complete the integration.
or screens. The
xii Issue 2 Decem ber 1995
About This Document
■Chapter 4, "Hardware Installation", describes the installation of the SID,
cables to the switch, and cables to the INTUITY system. This chapter only
contains information for installing the hardware components re q uired for
the integration.
■Chapter 5, "Installing SID Software on the INTUITY System ", co ntains
instructions for installing the INTUITY system software required to
integrate with the NEAX 2400 switch.
■Chapter 6, "Administering the INTUITY System for the NEAX Integration",
contains instructions for administering an INTUITY system to integrate w i th
the switch. The chapter includes instructions for setting the message
waiting lamp parameters, setting the switch interface parameters, and
associating the application and the swit ch interface.
■Chapter 7, "NEAX 2400 Switch Administration", contains inform at ion a n d
instructions for administering a NEAX 2400 MCI switch to work with an
INTUITY syste m.
■Chapter 8, " Switch Integra tion Device Administration", contains information
and instructions for a d m ini sterin g the SID to work with the INTUITY
■Chapter 9 , "Acceptance T ests", provides instructions for the switch
adm ini strat ion you must p erfo rm be f ore yo u c an continue wit h the
acceptance tests.
■Chapter 10, "Cut-to-Service", provides instructions for the switch
adm ini strat ion you must p erfo rm b e f ore you c a n c onti nue with
■App e ndix A, "Troubleshooting and Error Logs", provides troubleshooting
information to help you isola te a n d correct integration problems.
■App endix B, "Using Views During Integration", provides information a b out
the SID real-time views of t he integration process.
■Appendix C, " Switch Administration for INTUITY Lodging", provide s switch
administration procedures if you have INTUITY Lodging.
The d oc u m e n t also includes a list of c o mmon ab b reviat ions, a gl o s sary, an d an
ind ex.
Issue 2 December 1995 xiii
How to Use this Document
This document provides additional information you need to know when
integrating a NE AX switch with an INTUITY system. Use this document as
additional inform at ion wit h the fol lowin g documents:
INTUITY MAP/5 Hardware Installation,
INTUITY MAP/40 Hardware Installation,
INTUITY MAP/100 Hardware Installation,
INTUITY Software Install ati on,
Do not pe rfor m any tasks in this document until you complete the required tasks
in the installation documents.
Conventions Used
The followin g convent ions were used in this book:
■Rounded boxes represent keyboard keys that you press.
Ab out This Document
For example, an instruction to p ress the enter key is shown as follows:
Press .
■Square boxes represent phone p a d keys that you press.
For example, an instruction to pr ess zero on the ph o ne p a d is shown as
Press .
■The word “enter” means to type a value an d p ress .
For example, an instruction to type y and press is show n as follows:
Enter y to continue.
■Commands and text you type or enter appear in bold .
■Values, instructions, and prompts t ha t you see on the screen are shown as
Press any key to continue .
■Variables that the system supplies or that you must supply are shown in
. For example, an error message including one of your filenames is
shown as follows:
The file
■The sequence of menu opt ions tha t you must select to d isplay a specific
is formatted incorrectly
screen is shown as follows:
xiv Issue 2 December 1995
About This Document
Begin at the Administrat ion m enu, and select the following sequence:
> Voice System Administ ratio n
In this example, y ou would firs t access the Administration menu. Then you
would select the Voice System Administration option to display the Voice
System Ad ministration menu. From that menu, you would select the Voice
Equipment option to display the Voice Equipment screen. For information
about how to select a menu option, see
> Voice Equipment
Issue 2 December 1995 xv
Ab out This Document
Trademarks and Service Marks
The followin g trademarked products may be mentioned in this book:
Product NameCompany
5ESS™Registered trademark of AT&T
AT™ Trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
AUDIX® Registered trademark of AT&T
BT-542B™ Trademark of BusLogic Inc.
COMSPHERE® Registered trademark of AT&T Para dyne Corp.
CONVERSANT® Voice Information System Registered trademark of AT&T
DEFINITY® Registered trademark of AT&T
Dterm™ Trademark of NEC Telephones, Inc.
Equinox™ Trademark of Equinox Systems, Inc.
INTUITY™Trademark of AT&T
MD110®Registered trademark of Ericsson, In c.
MEGAPLEX™ Trademark of Equinox Systems, Inc.
MEGAPORT™ Trademark of Equinox Systems, Inc.
Meridian™ Trademark of Northern Telecom Limited
Microcom Networking Protocol® Registered trademark of Microcom, Inc.
NEAX™ Trademark of NEC Telephone, Inc.
NEC® Registered trademark of NEC Telephones, Inc.
Northern Tele com®Registered trademark of Northern Telecom Limited
ORACLE™ Trademark of Oracle Corporatio n
Paradyne® Registered trademark of AT&T
Phillips® Registered trademark of Phillips Screw Company
SL-1™ Trademark of Northern Telecom Limited
TMI™Trademark of Texas Micro Systems, Inc.
UNIX® Registered trademark of UNIX Systems Laborato-
ries, Inc.
VT100™ Trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation
xvi Issue 2 December 1995
About This Document
Related Resources
In addition to this book, you may need to reference the followi ng books:
TitleOrder Number
INTUITY System Description
INTUITY AUDIX Feature Descriptions
INTUITY Documentation Guide
Migration to the INTUITY System
INTUITY New System Planning
INTUITY MAP/5 Hardware Installation
INTUITY MAP/5 Installation Checklist
INTUITY MAP/40 Hardware Installation
INTUITY MAP/40 Installati o n Ch ecklist
INTUITY MAP/100 Hardware Installation
INTUITY MAP/100 Installati on C hecklist
INTUITY Software Installation
INTUITY Integration with System 75 and DEFINITY Communications
System G1and G3
INTUITY Integration with System 85 and DEFINITY Communications
INTUITY Integration with DMS-100
Integration with NEAX
INTUITY AUDIX Digital Networking Administration
AMIS Analog Networking
INTUITY Intro Voice Response
INTUITY Platform Administration and Mai nte nance
INTUITY AUDIX Announcement Customization- American English
INTUITY AUDIX Announcement Customization-
British English
INTUITY AUDIX Announcement Customization- Latin Spanish
INTUITY AUDIX Announcement Customization- French Canadian
AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package
A Portable Guide to Voice Messaging
Voice Messaging Quick Reference
Multiple Personal Greetings Q uic k Reference
Voice Messaging Wallet Card
Outcalling Quick Referenc e
Voice Messaging Business Card Stickers
Voice Messaging Subscriber Artwork Package
How to Make Comments About This
A reader comment card is behind the title page of this book. While we have tried
to make this boo k fit your needs, we are interest ed in you r s uggestions for
improving it and urge you to c o mplete an d retu rn a reader comment card.
If the reader comment card has been removed, send your c o m m ents to :
Product Documentation Development Department
Room 22-2C11
11900 North Pecos Street
Denver CO 80234-2703
Please include the title and order number of this book.
xviii Issue 2 December 1995
Introduction and Requirements for
This chapter describes and defines requirements for the NEC NEAX 2400 MCI
switch integration with an INTUI TY Messaging Sy ste m. The chapter includes
diagrams and c hecklists that show the configuration for INTUITY Messaging
To create an integrated environment betwe en INTUITY Messaging System and
an NEC NEAX 240 0 M CI switch, AT&T uses an electronic box called a Switch
Integration Device (SID). The SID operates as a protocol converter b etween the
switch and the INTUITY Messaging System , converting NEAX 2400 call
information into Simplified Message Desk Interface (SMDI) format and sending
the informat ion to the ap plicat ion. The SID does not restri ct any swi t c h features.
For the SID to perf o rm integrated call transacti ons, the switch must contain a
Messa g e Cent er Inte rface (MCI) link. The MCI link provides an RS-232
connection between the NEAX 2400 and the SID. The NEAX 2400 sends c a ll
informatio n to the SID through th e MCI link.
All channels reserved for the INTUIT Y Messaging System must be administered
in a Uniform Call Distribut ion (UCD) group. The first ch annel in the UCD serves
as the
After admin is t ering t he switch, all covered and forwarded calls transfer to the first
channel or central numb e r of the UCD group. If the first channel is busy, the
system searches through the other members of the UCD group unt il the system
finds an open channel. Figure 1-1 shows you an example of an incoming call and
the hunting process.
or central number for INTUITY Messaging S y s t e m subscribers.
Issue 2 December 1995 1-1
Introduction and Requirements for Integration
Incoming call sent
to the 1st extension
of the UCD Group.
The extension is busy.
The call Hunts
to the next
extension which
is also busy.
The call finds an
open extension.
The call is completed
using the open extension.
Figure 1-1 UCD Gr oup Hun ting Process
By adm in isteri n g the UCD group, you enable the switch to s up port the following
Completed Call
■Calling party informat ion fo r incomin g calls
■Call forward to a personal extension
■Set and cancel message waiting indications
Subscribers also use the UCD central number to access the INTUITY Messaging
Before you connect the NEAX 2400 MCI to the SID and the INTUITY System,
confirm tha t you have all required hardware and software integration
components. This chapter provides you with hardware and software diagrams,
checklists, and explanations. Use the inf ormation to confirm that you have all
required integration components.
1-2 Issue 2 December 1995
Safety Considerations
Electrostatic discharge dam a ges electronic eq uipment. Do not touch any
electronic component until you properly ground yourself.
To prevent damage to the equipment and yourself, follow these precaut ions:
■Familiarize yourself with the procedures necessary to prevent electrostatic
damage to equipment.
■Shut off all power a nd remove all c ables from equipment.
■Properly ground a work mat and wrist strap.
■Place the equipment on the work mat.
■Place the grounded wrist strap on your bare wrist. The wrist strap must
contact your bare skin directly.
Safety Considerat ions
Do not
wear the wrist strap over your
Factory Assembled Systems
The factory performs assembly, load, and test (ALT) processes for most of t he
INTUITY hardware and software b efore shipping the system to the site. Use the
information in this chapter to con firm that the s ystem c onta ins the hardware and
software for your configuration.
After checking the installed hardware and software, perform all tasks not
completed during ALT, such as connecting the voice and data lines, setting up
and ca b ling the peripherals, and installing th e switc h c o m munications software.
Use one of the following checklists to make sure you comp l e te all n ec e ssary
INTUITY MAP/5 Installation Checklist,
INTUITY MAP/40 Installation Checklist,
INTUITY MAP/100 Installation Checklist,
Issue 2 December 1995 1-3
Introduction and Requirements for Integration
Determining the Placement of the SID
The Switch Integration Device (SID) and the MAP/5, MAP/40, or MAP/100
enough together so the RS-232 cable supplied with the SID can connect to the
com p u t er. Durin g installation, the AT&T technician will place the SID and the
MAP in the location specified by the customer.
For the link between the MCI port and the INTUI TY System, AT&T uses an
Electronic Ind ustries Ass o c iation (EIA) RS-232-C serial data electrical int erface.
AT&T supplies an EIA standard RS-232 cable with a 25-pin connector. You
cannot directly connect the cable t o th e switch. Th e MCI port on the backplane of
the switch has a 25-pair connector. AT& T supplies the 25-pair to 25-pin adapt or
required to connect the RS-232 cable to the backplane of the switch. The
customer or the switc h vendor representative m ust connect the adaptor to the
switch. AT&T assumes responsibility only for the RS-232 cable that c o nnects to
the SID.
If th e distance from the switc h to the SID is longer than the RS-232 ca ble
reaches, you, the customer, must supply a cable that attaches between the AT&T
supplied cable and the NEAX 2400 MCI port adaptor. Use a cable that meets the
EIA RS-232 standards, including the 50 feet maximum cable length. Failure to
meet EIA communication standards may cause dat a transmission errors. If you
cannot reach the switch wit h the 50 fee t maximu m ca b le length, you, the
customer, must determine and engineer a method of connecting the SID and the
switch, such as using a limited-dist ance modem. AT&T does not recommend any
particular methods.
devices. Place the SID and the MAP in the same area an d cl ose
1-4 Issue 2 December 1995
System Configuration
The Intuit y system connects to the NEAX switc h throug h a Switch Integration
Device (SID). Figure 1-2 shows you the connections between an Intuity system
and a NEAX switch throu g h the mult i-port serial card. Figure 1-3 shows you the
connections between an Intuity system on a MAP/5 platfo rm and a NEAX switc h
through COM 1.
(MCI link)
serial card
6-25 pin
Null cable
with SID)
System Configuration
NEAX 2400
(voice) link
analog port
Figure 1-2 Connections through the Multiport Serial Card for an Intuity Integration with
a NEAX Switch
Issue 2 December 1995 1-5
Introduction and Requirements for Integration
Figure 1-3 Connections thro ugh the COM 1 Serial Port for an Intuity Integr ation with a
NEAX Switch (MAP/5 only)
1-6 Issue 2 December 1995
System Configuration
Intuity System Required Hardware
Table 1-1 lists the hardware component s r e q uired on the Intuity system for the
NEAX inte g ra tio n.
Table 1-1. Intuity System Hardware Components Required for the Integration
MAP/5, MAP/40, or
IVC6 cardsIntegrated Voice Processing (IVC6)
Multiport serial
port card
Hardware platform that operates the
Intuity system software
cards used for voice port connections.
May have a maximum of 11 cards.
Includes any of the following hardware:
885A adaptors and c a b lesX
25-ft. modular cords with 6- p in to 25-pin
Two hi gh d ensit y ca bles, RJ21X, with a
356B adapter for T/R distribution
Equinox multiport card provides multiple
serial ports for adjunct component
connections. On the MAP/40 and MAP/
100, the COM ports are occupied by
other co mponent s and the Equinox card
must be used for t he SID connection. On
the MAP/5, the COM1 port can be used
for the SID connect ion.
MAP5 only:
RS -232 ca b le
connection only:
RS -232 ca b le with
6-pin to 25-pin
For a COM1 connection on the MAP / 5, an
RS-232 cable, DB-25, is required to
connect the SID to the Intuity system.
The c ab l e includes a 25-pin to 9-pin
adapter (DB-9).
For a connection to the Equinox multiport
serial card, an RS-232 cable with a 6-pin
to 25-pin adapter is required.
Issue 2 December 1995 1-7
Introduction and Requirements for Integration
Switch Integration Device Required Hardware
Table 1-1 lists the required SID components for the integration.
Table 1-2. Sw itch Integration Device Hardware Com pon ents Requir ed for the
S IDAT & T Swi tch Integration Device,
Release 2
Null Cab leUsed for connection to SIDX
Y-CableUsed for connection from Null cab le to
cable or MCI cable
MCI CableCable that connects from the NEAX MCI
digital port to the A25B cable
AT&T only assumes responsibility for connecting the Null cable and the
Y-cable to the SID. All remaining connections must b e perform e d by the
customer or the customer’s switch technicia n.
1-8 Issue 2 December 1995
NEC NEAX 2400 MCI Hardware
The customer must provide the correct switch and related components as
described in Table 1-3. All required items should be available and configured
bef ore an AT&T technician arrives to install the INTUITY system . The INTUITY
system inte g rates only with the NEC NEAX 2400 switc h and related co m ponent s
described in Table 1-3
Table 1-3. NEAX Switch Required Componen ts
System Configuration
■ Models UMG and MMG with software
level 4000 or greater with support for
the MCI link
■ Models SIM and IMG with software
level 5200 or greater with support for
the MCI link
■ The switch must have the 5200
Feature Application Flop p y Disk
software installed. After installing th e
software, re b oot the switch.
MCI Digital PortConfigure an I/O port, for example
PA-IO02, as the MCI link
PA-16LCQ analog
PA-16LCQ recommended because it can
be programmed to provide loop current
disconnect. An analog port is req uired
for each voice port. An analog port is
also needed for the internal modem on
the SID.
Issue 2 December 1995 1-9
Introduction and Requirements for Integration
In addition to the hardware and software listed in Table 1-3, you must provide the
following adm ini strat ion on the NEAX 2400.
■Program the PA-16LCQ analog p orts to p rovide an adequate loop current
disconnect, or
. The PA-16LCQ card provides a default value of
approximately 128ms wink. The wink can be increased to approximately
448ms with a firmware u pgrade from NEC. Without the up grade an d the
increase, two item s occur:
— Call hol ding time s increase substantially b ecause the d e f aul t
disconnect time is lower than the minimu m time r equired by the
— Call answer me ssages end wit h a reorder tone of a pproximately
one second.
■Set the recall timer on the NEAX switch to an amount of time longer than
the ring-no-answer time. If you do not, calls blind transf erred to
subscribers administ ered for
INTUITY System channel.
■Administer the INTUITY System to transfer calls to a station other than an
act ual attend ant c o nsole, for example a d igita l telephone c a pa bl e of
displaying calling party information. The N EAX 2400 switch does not allow
stations to transfer calls to an attendant console.
forward on ring-no-answer
recall bac k to the
1-10 I ssue 2 December 1995
Switch Integration Device Basics
Before you attempt to operate and administer the Switch Integration Device (S ID)
and integrate an NEC NEAX 2400 MCI switch with an INTUITY System, you need
to understan d the hardware componen ts of the SID and how to use the device.
The information in this chapter explains the basic c omponents of the SID and
how to use the system
or screens.
The chapter covers the following topics.
■SID hardware component descriptions
■SID hardware component illustrations
■Menu forms
■Edit forms
■Actions forms
■Help functions
Read the information in this ch a p t er to understand the SID hardware and
Issue 2 December 1995 2-1
Switch Integrat ion Device Ba sics
The Switch Integration Device
Before you use the SID, you need to understand each hardware component.
Read the descriptions below of each comp onent and refer to Figure 2-1. to
locate the component.
Front Panel
LCD displa yA two-line, 40-character, backlighted LCD display
screen used to show all menus and information on the
Diagnostic l ightsLED lights used to indicate and trace possible
problems in the SID. The LEDs help to determine if
problems exist in the SID, the link to the P BX, the link to
the INTUI TY Syst em, or an y co mbination of the
different links or systems. The Status LED lights when
you power on the SID.
KeypadA 19-key, membrane-style keypad used to select
menu items, enter inf orm ati on, a nd p erfo rm all
administration on the SID. The keys include ten
numbered keys (0-9), four directional arrow keys, a
pound sign ( )key, a star key ( ), a Function key,
a Mode key, and an Enter key. Chapt er 8, "Switch
Integration Device Administratio n", of this document
contains tables that show the function of each key, if
different than marked.
Rear Panel
Power switchThe tog gle switch used to turn the SID on and off.
Power cord outletThe male out let where you pl u g in the power cord
Link A and Link BTwo RS-232 ports used to connect the SID to the PBX
Mod e m p or tThe SID co nt ains an internal modem used for
Continue to the next section, “Using the S ID Software,” fo r a n ex planation of how
to use the SID di splays and me nus.
2-2 Issue 2 December 1995
shipped with the SID.
and the INTUITY System. Chapter 4, "Hardware
Installation", of this document explains the proper
connections for the two p orts. (Detail 25 pin)
diagnostic and software upgrade purposes. Use the
modem port to connect the SID’s mod e m to an
analog line.
The Switch Integration Device Hardware
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
# 0
25 Pin 25 Pin
Diag Net B Net A Line B Line AModem
115-230V AC
50/60 Hz
(Fan Outlet)
Func Mode
Figure 2-1. Top: SID Front Panel Bottom: SID Back Panel
Link A Link B
Issue 2 December 1995 2-3
Switch Integrat ion Device Ba sics
The Switch Integration Device
The SID c ontains software that allows you to perform installation, configuration,
and diagnostic tasks by using the keypad and the LCD screen. A s you
administer the SID, you use three types of forms or screen displays. Each type of
form has a specific task.
■Menu Forms — used to select one of several opti ons.
■Edit Form s — u se d to en t er in format ion int o the SID’s configuration.
■Action For ms — used to perform an action, view event logs, or monitor the
sys tem.
This section contains descriptions and examples of each form a nd provides you
with instructions f or using the forms. You also can find tables that show you valid
key actions for each form.
Menu Form s
Menu forms allow you to select options by pressing a key. You can select another
menu, an e d it form, or an ac t ion fo rm . The menu forms allow you to move
between im portant forms by pressing only a few keys. Figure 2-2. shows you the
MCI User Interface Main Menu.
Figure 2-2.The MCI User Interface Main Menu
A menu form contains two items:
NameYou can find the menu name in the up p er left hand corner
of the LCD display. Use the name as a reference item .
List of optionsMenus show you diffe rent options. Each o pti on has a
number and a label. Not all menus contain the same
number of options. To select an option from a menu, press
the op tio n nu m b er o n the keypad. The SID clears the
current form from the LCD display and places the form you
selected on the display. The label you selected appears
as the name of the form.
2-4 Issue 2 December 1995
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