Bulk Current Injection Probe
The F-120-9A has been designed to
extend the use of conducted immunity
testing over the bandwidth of 10 kHz
230 MHz. The useable frequency range is
10 kHz - 230 MHz with an insertion loss
of less than 8 dB between 150 kHz – 200
MHz. The input power rating is 100 watts
for 30 minutes.
Typical Data
F-120-9A Specifications
Frequency: 10 kHz – 230 MHz
Inner Diameter: 40mm
Outer diameter: 127mm
Height: 134mm
Input Power rating: 100 watts
FCC-BCICF-4 Calibration Fixture
Bandwidth: 10 kHz – 230 MHz
Bandwidth: 10 kHz –400 MHz
Current Probe
Fischer Custom Communications, Inc.
20603 Earl St., Torrance, CA 90503 · Phone: 310-303-3300 Fax 310-371-6268 · email: Sales@fischercc.com
Fischer Custom Communications, Inc.
All rights reserved Printed in USA