Atec ESRP User Manual

R&S®ESRP EMI Test Receiver
Data Sheet | 01.01
Test & Measurement
Version 01.01, January 2013
Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Specifications .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Frequency ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Preselection and preamplifier (R&S®ESRP-B2 option) ........................................................................................................................... 6
RF preamplifier (R&S®FSV-B22 option).................................................................................................................................................. 6
IF and resolution bandwidths .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Level ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Trigger functions ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Audio demodulation .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Inputs and outputs ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
General data ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Options .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
R&S®FSV-B9 tracking generator (spectrum analyzer mode) ............................................................................................................... 16
R&S®ESRP-K56 IF analysis ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Ordering information .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Options .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Recommended extras ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18
2 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
ESRP EMI Test Receiver
Version 01.01, January 2013
Product data applies under the following conditions:
Three hours storage at ambient temperature followed by 30 minutes warm-up operation
Specified environmental conditions met
Recommended calibration interval adhered to
All internal automatic adjustments performed, if applicable
Specifications with limits
Represent warranted product performance by means of a range of values for the specified parameter. These specifications are marked with limiting symbols such as <, , >, , ±, or descriptions such as maximum, limit of, minimum. Compliance is ensured by testing or is derived from the design. Test limits are narrowed by guard bands to take into account measurement uncertainties, drift and aging, if applicable.
Specifications without limits
Represent warranted product performance for the specified parameter. These specifications are not specially marked and represent values with no or negligible deviations from the given value (e.g. dimensions or resolution of a setting parameter). Compliance is ensured by design.
Typical data (typ.)
Characterizes product performance by means of representative information for the given parameter. When marked with <, > or as a range, it represents the performance met by approximately 80 % of the instruments at production time. Otherwise, it represents the mean value.
Nominal values (nom.)
Characterize product performance by means of a representative value for the given parameter (e.g. nominal impedance). In contrast to typical data, a statistical evaluation does not take place and the parameter is not tested during production.
Measured values (meas.)
Characterize expected product performance by means of measurement results gained from individual samples.
Represent limits of measurement uncertainty for a given measurand. Uncertainty is defined with a coverage factor of 2 and has been calculated in line with the rules of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM), taking into account environmental conditions, aging, wear and tear.
Device settings and GUI parameters are designated with the format “parameter: value”.
Typical data as well as nominal and measured values are not warranted by Rohde & Schwarz.
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ESRP EMI Test Receiver 3
Version 01.01, January 2013
Operating modes EMI test receiver
spectrum analyzer
Frequency range R&S®ESRP3
AC coupled 10 MHz to 3.6 GHz DC coupled 9 kHz to 3.6 GHz
AC coupled 10 MHz to 7 GHz DC coupled 9 kHz to 7 GHz
with R&S®ESRP-B29 option, DC coupled 10 Hz to max. frequency
Frequency resolution receiver mode 0.1 Hz
analyzer mode 0.01 Hz
Reference frequency, internal
Accuracy ±((time since last adjustment × aging rate)
+ temperature drift + calibration accuracy)
Aging per year standard ±1 × 10
with R&S®FSV-B4 option ±1 × 10
Temperature drift (+5 °C to +45 °C) standard ±1 × 10
with R&S®FSV-B4 option, model .02 ±1 × 10 with R&S®FSV-B4 option, model .03 ±1 × 10
Max. initial calibration accuracy standard ±5 × 10
with R&S®FSV-B4 option ±5 × 10
Frequency readout (analyzer mode)
Marker resolution 1 Hz Uncertainty ±(marker frequency × reference accuracy
+ 10 % × resolution bandwidth + ½ (span/(sweep points – 1)) + 1 Hz)
Number of sweep (trace) points default value 691
spectrum analyzer 101 to 32 001 EMI measurement 101 to 200 001
Marker tuning frequency step size marker step size = sweep points span/(sweep points – 1)
marker step size = standard span/(default sweep points – 1) Frequency counter resolution 0.001 Hz Count accuracy ±(frequency × reference accuracy +
½ (last digit)) Display range for frequency axis 0 Hz, 10 Hz to max. frequency Resolution 0.1 Hz Max. span deviation ±0.1 %
Receiver scan
Scan scan with max. 10 subranges with different
settings Scan modes normal scan, time domain scan1 Measurement time normal scan, per frequency 50 µs to 100 s
time domain scan, per subrange 1 50 µs to 100 s Number of trace points up to 4 000 000 Frequency step size normal scan min. 1 Hz
time domain scan1 0.25 × resolution bandwidth
Time domain scan 1
Frequency segment processed in parallel RBW = 200 Hz 0.66 MHz
RBW = 9 kHz 30 MHz
RBW = 120 kHz 24.6 MHz
RBW = 1 MHz 25.6 MHz FFT overlap factor 93 %
Requires R&S®ESRP-K53 option.
4 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
ESRP EMI Test Receiver
Spectrum analyzer
Sweep time range span = 0 Hz 1 µs to 16 000 s
span 10 Hz, swept 1 ms to 16 000 s 2
span 10 Hz, FFT 7 µs to 16 000 s 3 Sweep time accuracy span = 0 Hz ±0.1 % (nom.)
span 10 Hz, swept ±3 % (nom.)
Spectral purity
SSB phase noise frequency = 500 MHz, carrier offset
100 Hz < –84 dBc (1 Hz) 1 kHz < –101 dBc (1 Hz) 10 kHz < –106 dBc (1 Hz) 100 kHz < –115 dBc (1 Hz) 1 MHz < –134 dBc (1 Hz) 10 MHz < –150 dBc (1 Hz) (nom.)
Residual FM frequency = 500 MHz, RBW = 1 kHz,
< 3 Hz (nom.)
sweep time = 100 ms
Center frequency < 20 MHz
Center frequency 500 MHz
Version 01.01, January 2013
SSB phase no ise in dBc(1Hz)
-160 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz
Typical phase noise at different center frequencies.
Center frequency = 1 GHz
Center frequency = 3 GHz
Center frequency = 6 GHz
Net sweep time without additional hardware settling time.
Data acquisition time for FFT calculation.
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ESRP EMI Test Receiver 5
Version 01.01, January 2013
Preselection and preamplifier (R&S®ESRP-B2 option)
State receiver mode always on
analyzer mode on/off (selectable) Number of preselection filters 16 Bandwidths (–6 dB), nominal 10 Hz to 150 kHz fixed lowpass filter
150 kHz to 30 MHz 35 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
30 MHz to 80 MHz 94 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
80 MHz to 130 MHz 94 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
130 MHz to 180 MHz 91 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
180 MHz to 230 MHz 105 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
230 MHz to 300 MHz 110 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
300 MHz to 425 MHz 195 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
425 MHz to 570 MHz 200 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
570 MHz to 715 MHz 210 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
715 MHz to 860 MHz 200 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
860 MHz to 1005 MHz 200 MHz, fixed bandpass filter
1005 MHz to 1750 MHz fixed highpass filter
1750 MHz to 2850 MHz fixed highpass filter
2850 MHz to 4850 MHz fixed highpass filter
4850 MHz to 7000 MHz fixed highpass filter Preamplifier switchable Location in the signal path between preselection
and 1st mixer Frequency range 1 kHz to 7 GHz Gain 20 dB (nom.)
RF preamplifier (R&S®FSV-B22 option)
Availability instruments without R&S®ESRP-B2 option receiver, analyzer
instruments with R&S®ESRP-B2 option analyzer with preselection = off only Frequency range 100 kHz to 7 GHz Gain 20 dB (nom.)
IF and resolution bandwidths
IF and sweep filters
Resolution bandwidths (–3 dB) receiver mode or analyzer mode,
span  10 Hz
analyzer mode, span = 0 Hz 20 MHz, 28 MHz, 40 MHz additionally Bandwidth uncertainty < 3 % Shape factor 60 dB:3 dB < 5 EMI bandwidths (–6 dB) standard 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 1 MHz
with R&S®ESRP-B29 option 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz
Bandwidth uncertainty < 3 % Shape factor 60 dB:6 dB < 4
FFT filters (analyzer mode)
Resolution bandwidths (–3 dB) span 10 Hz 10 Hz to 300 kHz in 1/2/3/5 sequence Bandwidth uncertainty < 3 % (nom.) Shape factor 60 dB:3 dB < 5 (nom.)
10 Hz to 10 MHz in 1/2/3/5 sequence
6 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
ESRP EMI Test Receiver
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