Self-upgrade to Windows® 7 for your Eee Box PC B202 with
Windows® XP Home or XP Pro
Required downloading
BIOS (1114)
Chipset Intel 945 (v9.1.1.1015)
VGA Intel (v8.15.10.1825)
Audio Realtek (V6.0.1.5898)
LAN Realtek RTL8111C (v7.4.713.2009) or JMC250 Ethernet
Wireless 766 (v3.0.2.0) or 785 (v8.0.0.144)
Card Reader (v6.1.7100.30098)
ACPI driver (1043.5.0.0)
Asus Update (v7.16.01)
Steps for Self-Upgrade
(1) Please upgrade step by step shown in SOP file. If not following steps, your operating system might not be
upgraded successfully or even be crashed.
(2) If you encounter with any problems during installation, get in touch with ASUS Support Contact shown at
1. Under Windows® XP in your Eee Box PC, upgrade BIOS via Asus Update (Windows
XP version).
2. Install Windows® 7 operating system via DVD purchased by yourself.
Remark: The same language version as your Windows XP operating system is required.
3. Install required driver step by step as below:
1) Chipset Intel 945: Run Setup.exe
2) VGA Intel: Run Setup.exe
3) Audio: Run Setup.exe
4) LAN: Run setup.exe
5) Wireless 766 or 785: Run Setup.exe in the folder of “Install_CD”
6) Card Reader: Run setup.exe
4. Install Asus Update: Run Setup.exe