Information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Arturia. The software described in this manual is provided under the terms of a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement. The software license agreement specifies the terms and conditions for its lawful use. No part of this manual may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any purpose other than purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of ARTURIA.
Other products, logos or company names quoted in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Warning: before running the Storm Music Studio installer, please temporarily disable any virus protection utilities
running in the background, as they may cause problems with the installer.
Minimum requirements
In order to use STORM Music Studio 3.0, you must have a computer equipped with the following:
• Pentium III 600 MHz
• Windows 98 SE / 2000 / XP
• 256 MB of RAM
• Any DirectX, ASIO compatible soundcard, or CoreAudio for Mac OSX
• G3 800 MHz
• Mac OS X version 10.3.1 or later recom-
Storm 3.0 is shipped with 2 CD's. The first CD-ROM contains the Windows installer whereas the second CD contains the Mac installer.
• Insert the Storm CD-ROM into your drive
• If the installer does not automatically launch after CD-ROM insertion, use the Windows Explorer to
browse the CD-ROM contents and double click on Setup_PC.exe.
• Then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Mac OS X:
• Insert the Storm installation CD-ROM into your drive
• Double-click on the installation program called Storm3.pkg. The setup program will ask you for a system
administrator password if needed.
• Then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Technical support
Before calling or writing to our technical support staff, be sure to do the following:
• Make sure that you have registered your license number with Arturia.
• Check to see if the information you need is not already contained in:
• The Support section of our web site, located at:
• Arturia Forums:
• Storm Music NewsGroup:
• Have your serial number and key available to you. Write down the hardware and software configuration
you use with Storm (processor, RAM, OS, sound card).
• Choose one the following methods to get in touch with Arturia:
• Web:
• E-mail:
• Fax: +33 (0)4 38 02 05 25
Registration only concerns the full version of Storm. It unlocks access to the software and allows registered users to benefit from supplementary services such as downloading updates and new modules.
If you are using a trial version of Storm, or a “light” version that you received bundled with a sound card
for example, this procedure does not concern you, unless you upgrade to the full version. Buying procedures for the software and getting a license number can be found in the Help > About Storm menu.
To have full and definitive use of Storm, you need to register with Arturia. This registration will allow you to obtain an unlock-key which is essential to continue using Storm after your first 20 tries. Here is the procedure to
When the program is launched, a window will ask you to enter the license number of your program, your firstname and your last name.
Registration window upon first launch of Storm.
Recopy the number on the sticker on the case of the Storm CD-ROM, or the one sent to you by e-mail by Arturia
technical support. This number is essential in the registration procedure.
English lesson
For the users installing Storm in English but for whom it is not their mother tongue, be careful not to invert your First Name and Last Name:
Click next, now you have 3 choices:
First Name Prénom Vorname Voornaam Prenome Nombre de pila Prenome
Last Name Nom Nachname Achternaam Cognome Apellido Sobrenome
First possibility
Click on the Now button.
A form will appear asking you to provide certain information on top of your first name and last name: address, email address, etc.
Click on Next. On the following screen you have two registration options:
• The computer where you have installed Storm is connected to the Internet.
Click on this option if you have an Internet connection and it is currently active. In this case the registration is automatic and you have nothing else to do.
In this case, the Arturia server will send the program its key which is essential for Storm to run.
During the connection, the only information received by Arturia is that which you have previously entered (license number, name, first name, address, e-mail). Nothing else is touched on your hard drive.
• The computer is not connected to the Internet.
Click on this option if the computer on which you are installing Storm does not have an Internet connection.
The following screen will suggest that you save a text file that you can print and send to Arturia. Your
unlock key will be sent to you within 4 days of the receipt of your mail. You can also send this file by fax
or e-mail in order to get your unlock key sooner (postal address, fax and e-mail address are indicated in
the file).
The text file to send to Arturia
When you have received your key, you can then relaunch Storm, and at startup, select the second choice
described underneath: You already have your unlock key.
Second possibility:You already have your unlock key.
This is the case if you are reinstalling your software or you have received your unlock key by postal mail. You just
need to provide this key to unlock Storm and have all its functionalities. Attention, this key will work on onecomputer with a precise operating system. If reinstalling Storm, you will need to get another key from Arturia
if in the mean time you have changed computer or operating system.
Third possibility: You don't want to register right away.
For this click on the Later button. You have 20 tries before the software is locked and will continually ask for the
unlock key. If this happens, the only choice you will have is to click on the Now button. We advise that you register as soon as possible, especially if you count on doing so by postal mail if you don't have an Internet connection. Once the procedure is fully complete, it will be proposed that you save a file with all of the registration information. We highly recommend that you save and print this just in the case you might need to reinstall the application.
A little jargon
To install Storm, the software needs 2 numbers that while constructed in a similar manner do not have
the same use. To avoid confusion:
• The license number is on a white sticker stamped with the Arturia logo, and stuck to the installa-
tion CD-ROM case. This number is to identify you as the user (and owner, as stipulated in the license agreement) of Storm.
• The unlock key, which is calculated during the installation, and which will depend on the license
number, is used to protect the license number. It prevents the installation of Storm on several
machines or different operating systems, when outside of the cases agreed in the license.
In this chapter, you are going to compose your first song using the basic functions of Storm.
Building a studio, playing in real time, recording settings and saving compositions are operations that will no
longer hold any secrets after you have read this first chapter.
Creating a Studio
When you launch Storm, you will find yourself in front of the studio screen.
In the central part of the screen, you can see two vertical sections of a dark color, separated by metallic bars.
This is the rack in which you will place the effects and instruments that you have chosen.
Global view of the Storm studio
In the section on the left called the explorer, you will see a number of tabs which present resources that can be
loaded into the studio. The first tab opens the virtual instrument
explorer to navigate.
The second tab opens the effects
library. Again browse with the scroll bar.
library. Use the scroll bar on the right of the
Storm, a real “à la carte” studio
The main idea of Storm is the creation of a compositional environment comparable to that of professional composers. In the studio, the professionals put synthesizers, drum machines, effects, etc, on a rack
(the metallic structure in the studio). The studio is created in relation to the style of music that they
wish to create, just like Storm.
• From the library on the left, choose the sound module called Arsenic and using “drag and drop”, put it
onto the virtual rack. It will take the first empty space in the rack.
Drag and drop onto the rack.
• In the same way, next choose the Meteor and H3Oplus modules. You have just built the first part of your
• From the library on the left, choose the sound effect called Dual Delays. As you have previously done,
drag and drop it onto the virtual rack.
• Repeat the same operation for the Chorus and Reverb effects.
You can drop as many instrument modules (or effects) as you wish to the rack.
The configuration of the studio you have just built.
Unlimited modules in the rack?
As mentioned above, Storm allows an unlimited number of synthesizer and effect modules in the studio
but to be more precise: the capacity of modules is directly related to the power of the processor in your
computer. The more powerful the processor, the more modules you can place! Certain modules are more
demanding than others (an icon placed on the right of each module indicates the amount of CPU power
And there it is, you have just built your first studio. Now let's go on to the second phase, composition in realtime.
Composing in real time
Your studio is ready. In a few moments, you will discover the infinite possibilities that Storm software offers in
terms of musical creation.
At first sight, the screen you have in front of you looks fairly complicated. There are lots of buttons, sliders, dials, and geometric shapes. But don't worry, everything is simpler than it seems and soon all its secrets will be revealed.
• Start by clicking on the arrow located at the top left of the screen. This is the PLAY button that com-
mands all of the sound modules. You will hear a looped melody.
Click on the PLAY button
• Click on the button to activate the selection of the loop. Next set the loop length by dragging
the green bar above the sequencer tracks.
• In the lower zone, there is a stereo mixing table. This table controls the output of different sound mod-
ules. Click on the MUTE button of the master. The sound stops immediately. Click again and try out the
various sliders that control the output levels of the sound modules.
The mixing table lets you set
the output level for each module.
• Click on the MUTE button of modules 2, 3 and 4, we are now going to learn a little about our first instru-
ment: Arsenic.
• The zone on the left lets you select the current pattern. When you click on the numbers and letters of
the pattern selector, you change the melodic theme played. Try to program themes A11, A12, B21 in succession.
Click on the Pattern selector.
Later on, you will be able to compose your own patterns, but for the moment, let's see how to manage the sound
of this module by using one or two effects.
Using effects
On the left hand limit of the mixing table, you will see 3 icons corresponding to the three states of the mixing table. This will allow you to access the dosing of effects, equalization and detachment of the mixing table.
The three mixing table icons
• Click on the icon to make the effect setting extension appear.
• Choose the Dual Delays effect by clicking on the LCD display in Arsenic.
Choose the Dual delays effect.
• Click on the potentiometer to dose the output from the synthesizer going to the effect.
• Keep the button pressed down and move the mouse up.
Click on potentiometer a, sending the sound
from the instrument to the Dual Delays effect.
Dual Delays creates a stereo delay effect between the left and right speakers of your machine.
• To have a better idea of how it works, increase the amount of the delay on the left loud speaker by click-
ing on the LEFT feedback dial of the left channel.
Increase the delay on the left speaker.
• The number 1 instrument is still the only one turned on. Thus, it is the only one whose sound you can
hear. Now let's try to apply the second effect to the sound. For this choose Chorus
in the second display
and click on the potentiometer to increase the effect dosage in the sound from Arsenic.
Click on the Lev. potentiometer
of the second effect send
Linking effects
You can link the sound effects between each other. So for example, the output from a synthesizer can be
sent to the delay which will then be directed to the chorus and then on to the reverb. It is nonetheless
essential that you avoid re-injecting an effect into itself. This will bring about a saturation of the sound.
Directing the sound from chorus to the reverb.
The effect sends on the rack
It is possible to have the effect sends on the rack, on the right of each instrument and effect module. To
do this go to the menu View > rack > effect control. Opening these effect sends is the same as in the
mixing table extension.
Turn the effect send potentiometers
Using the equalization
It is possible to set the equalization of a sound coming from a synthesizer (or an effect) with the equalizer section on the mixing table:
• To have the equalizer section appear, click on the icon on the left of the mixing table.
• On the equalizer in the Arsenic section, try turning the different potentiometers to appreciate the
changes reflected in the sound from the synthesizer.
the equalizer section for Arsenic
The different equalizations
The equalizer section lets you increase or diminish high, medium and low frequencies. The FREQ potentiometer finely sets the position of the medium frequency band (deeper or higher), for more precision in
the equalization.
Recording your first composition
We are now going to see how to record in .stm format. This is the internal format in Storm which allows us to
record real-time manipulations.
• Lets start by opening the outputs of all of the modules. To do this, click on the MUTE buttons of the 2nd
and 3rd instruments on the mixing table.
• Click on the button on the far left of the control bar which sets the immediate return of the cursor to the
beginning of the song. You can equally click on the upper zone of the sequencer, where the graduations
by bar and group are displayed to bring the cursor back to the desired position.
Come back to the beginning of the group of bars
by moving the cursor with the mouse.
• Click on the button. you should see a loop bar appear which corresponds to the loop program-
ming mode. Drag this bar across the whole of group 1 so that the cursor runs indefinitely (in a loop) over
this group.
Group 1 with the cursor and loop above.
• To record, click on the button which is placed on the control bar at the top left of the screen.
• Click on the play button . The cursor crossing the sequencer underneath sweeps the squares of the
sequencer causing them to change color. This signifies that the manipulations made during the bars corresponding to each of the squares are recorded.
Click on the Rec button.
The sequencer squares change color.
• To be convinced, modify potentiometers and patterns during the recording. While re-crossing the modi-
fied bars, you will notice that the controllers move in the same manner that they did when you first modified them. Small horizontal lines will also appear on the sequencer lines: they indicate a pattern change
on a module or the recording of notes in MIDI.
• When you have created a composition that you wish to save, click on the save icon in the toolbar, or
use the command Save in the File menu. A window will open and suggest a name, destination, and format for the file to be saved.
Select the folder in which
you wish to save your song
• When you are in the desired folder, click on Save. Your first Storm song is now on your hard drive.
Exporting an audio file
We saw how to create a studio, how to play in real-time while modifying the patterns and controllers, how to apply effects to the sounds. We have also seen how to save a song as .stm. We will now see how we can save a
song as a WAV or AIFF file.
You have two options:
• Use the menu option File > Audio Export.
• use the recorder icon in the toolbar.
If you use the Export option, a window will prompt you for the desired audio format and which section you wish
to export.
If you use the recorder:
• To make a recording, you must open the recorder by clicking on the recorder icon which is found in the
toolbar at the top of the screen.
• The recorder is now open. It is conceived in a manner which allows the recording of one instrument, or
the recording of numerous instruments independently of one another and the recording of the master mix
(all studio tracks together). We are going to record the sound from synthesizer 1. To do this, click on the
first button of the recorder to activate the recording of this track.
The recorder.
• The recorder can perform a recording fixed between two bar numbers. Select a loop length by clicking on
button or select the parts of the sequencer tracks that you wish to record. Next click on the
Record button at the bottom of the recorder to begin the recording.
• The recording begins and a dialog indicates the advancement of the recording. This will automatically
stop at the end of the selection. A tape with the name of the module appears in the Current Song folder
in the sample library.
A tape with the name of the module appears in the
Current Song folder in the sample library.
Recording formats
There are two save formats in Storm: the formats WAV, and AIFF. These formats are completely different to the .stm internal format. For the first two it is only audio which is saved, whereas the .stm for-
mat memorizes the movements of controllers, patterns, sliders, etc.).
Using samples
We have just created two sound samples. These samples, will appear in the sample library and can be used di-
rectly in the studio. Storm offers vast possibilities for the use and management of samples. Here we are going to
talk about one of them.
• Instrument number 3, named H3Oplus, allows us to play samples in a loop. Begin by using drag and drop
to move what you have just recorded to the first track of the synthesizer.
• Mute the other instruments by clicking on MUTE buttons 1 and 2 of the mixing table. You are now hearing
a loop of the first 4 bars of the sample you have just recorded.
• We will now add some more samples by using to the sample library. Open the sample library by clicking
on the Samples tab in the explorer.
Click on the Samples tab in the explorer.
• Storm is provided with a base of several hundreds of samples in the sample library. Click on the folder In-
stalled sample kits. Here you have a choice between a wide range of instruments. Select the library
hip_hop/rhythm. This library contains typical Hip Hop samples. By drag and drop, move the samplecalled hip_hop_drums onto track 2 of H30plus.
• Before finishing, you may wish to discover the real-time time-stretching options that Storm offers. To do
this, increase the tempo on the transport bar. You could also try modifying the tone of samples by using
the Kepler
module. Click on the to use this module.
• Next click on the spheres which make up a circular network. Each one corresponds to a different tone,
and their chaining is normally applied to samples.
Click on the spheres to change the tone.
• Play with the tempo, the sample speeds are increased or decreased without modifying their height.
Change the tempo.
About samples
You can import samples into Storm in the following formats: WAV, AIFF or MP3. The system will handle
all of these file formats in the same manner.
Storm automatically adapts the tempo and tone of each imported sample to the tone and tempo of
the current studio. The automatic sample tempo modification is called time-stretching. The automatic
sample tone modification is called pitch-shifting.
Upon launch of Storm
Upon launch of Storm, you can:
• Discover the Storm environment: the synthesizers, the effects, the mixing table and the sequencer. This
will allow you to quickly understand the general manner in which Storm works.
• Use the composition assistant: you can pick an assistant in the style of your choice (Dance, House, Hip
Hop, etc.). This assistant will be very useful if you have never composed before or you wish to compose
in a style that you are not familiar with.
• Open a song: demonstration songs are provided with the program. They will allow you to see what you
can do with the software and give you a few good examples of professional quality.
• Compose freely: pick your own instruments and effects and go for it.
If you don't wish to see this window on startup, simply click on Don't show this window when Storm is
launched (you can also do this from the Settings > General menu).
Composition Assistant
There are several ways to launch the Assistant:
• You can choose to use a composition assistant in the startup window described above.
• You can also activate it by selecting it in the menu File > Composition Assistant.
• The button on the toolbar is another method.
When the Wizard is launched, it offers you a certain number of musical styles represented by icons: House, Electro Pop, R'n'B, Hard Rock, Tribal Trance, Ambient, Drum & Bass, Jazz Funk, Dub/Reggae, Dance, Hip Hop (other
composition assistant styles can be downloaded from our web site).
First step: choice of musical style for the Assistant
Choose the style of music that you want by clicking on the icons. You will see information relative to the selected tutorial: the style of music, the number of steps for the composition of the song, a musical extract (click on
the “speaker” icon) and a reduced image of the studio which will be proposed for your song.
Once have decided on the musical style, click on the Start button to begin composing your song.
Using the Assistant
Once you have decided on the style of music, you will find a series of buttons and icons allowing you to easily advance in the composition of your song in the second window of the Assistant:
The Assistant window which will guide you step by
step in the composition of your song.
At the top of the window, a bar indicates how far you have advanced in the composition of the song:
• The sections of the song are identified by a title, and are numbered. They are of different lengths: the
bigger the section, the more programming steps there are.
• As the Assistant continually advances, the sections will be colored, meaning that the steps have been
completed. You will find the same titles and colors in the Storm sequencer. The bar of the Assistant is a
miniature sequencer.
• You can move to the different parts of the song already completed by moving the red cursor above the
desired section or by clicking on Previous.
On the left, a series of icons tell you what type of step you are currently on:
Confirm a choice or an operation
Choose a pattern
Record a modification of a parameter or potentiometer
Listen to a passage
The Tip button can also (depending on the step) give you a description of a precise point or a more general subject concerning the style of the song.
To exit the Wizard, you can perform any of the following steps:
• Simply click on the Cancel button in the window.
• Create a new studio
• Load a new song.
• Quit Storm.
After one of the above steps, the program will ask you if you wish to save the position of the Assistant. This is
not systematically saved with the Storm file that you are composing:
• If you answer no, you will lose the ability to be able to work on your song again with the Assistant. To
later work on the song, you're on your own with the sequencer...!
• If you answer yes, you will be able to do this. When you open the Storm file, you will be able to continue
where you left off or even go back along the steps.
The Explorer is found on the left of your virtual studio. It contains all of the base modules for the creation of music: instruments, effects, samples.
It contains four sections. To go from one to another, just click on the corresponding tab.
The sections are:
• The instruments
These are the “sound generators” for your songs.
• The effects
These let you modify the sound from an instrument. All of the instruments and effects are described in
detail in Chapters 4 and 5 of this manual.
• The ReWire instruments
If Storm has been launched as a ReWire Mixer, and if ReWire Instruments are present in your system, they
will be listed here. See the ReWire
• The sample bank
This lists all of the samples that you can use in the Storm sample readers, as well as the audio tracks that
you have recorded. See the Chapter Using samples
This sections holds a particular toolbar, identical to the one contained in the section on Hall
chapter for more information.
for more information.
Instruments and effects (what we call “modules”) are presented in the following form:
A typical module, Arsenic.
• The top left, the module name.
• The top right, the type of module (for example Synthesizer, Drum Machine or Effect).
• The bottom right, a small display called CPU. This represents an estimation of the power required for this
module. You can thus see that Orpheus
is much more demanding on resources than Arsenic.
To use a module in your song, you must insert it into the rack. For this, drag and drop it to the desired location,
or click on the icon
Note that you can hide the Explorer by selecting the menu: View > Explorer > Hide.
The Rack allows you to stock instruments and effects that you are going to use in your song, just like a rack in
the real world. The main difference is that there is no limit aside from the power of your computer, to the number of effects and instruments that you can use !
The Rack
To add a module to the rack, just drag and drop from the Explorer. You can also select a module in the Explorer
and click on the
and drop.
To remove a module present on the Rack, perform a right-click (control-click for Macintosh) on it and select Re-
move module. If you have no space left to add more modules, right click anywhere on the Rack and select Add a
line or Add a column. If your Rack is too big to see its entirety on the screen, you can move using the scroll bar
or the Minirack (see following section).
You can see the effect send controls by selecting the menu: View > Rack > Effect controls. This will make an effect settings section appear on the right of each module, identical to the one described in the chapter Mixing Ta
ble. You can use either use this one or the section of the mixing table to the same ends.
button. It is thus possible to place the modules where you want on the Rack simply by drag
The effects section, identical
to that of the mixing table.
The Minirack
The Minirack gives you an
overview of your Rack.
The Minirack gives you an overview of your Rack. All of the modules that you have installed in the rack will be
represented in a reduced scale.
It also contains a section showing the currently visible part of the Rack. You can drag this selection to quickly see
another part of the Rack.
Finally, if you connect a module to an effect, the link between the two will temporarily blink in the Minirack.
Visualization of effect sends.
If necessary you can hide the Minirack by clicking either on the arrow on the right (which will give more space to
the mixing table), or the arrow above (which will make the Explorer bigger).
Click on one of the arrows to hide the Minirack.
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