Ariston TVF 75C User Manual

19510317700 English, All Logos to be Ariston {PDF Created 18/01/13 22:04:00}
Instruction booklet
Important Information, 2
Where to put your dryer Electrical connection Before you start using your dryer
Dryer Description, 5
The front The back Control Panel
The Display, 6
Start and Programmes, 7-12
Choosing a Programme Start and Programmes The Controls
Laundry, 13-14
Sorting your laundry Wash care labels Special clothing items Drying times
Warnings and Suggestions, 15
General safety Save energy and respect the environment
Maintenance and Care, 16
Switching off the electricity Clean the filter after each cycle Check the drum after each cycle Cleaning the dryer
Troubleshooting, 17
Service, 18
Spare parts Disposal
Hotpoint Guarantee, 19
Hotpoint After Sales Service , 20
Keep this instruction booklet on hand in order to refer to it when necessary. Take it with you when you move, and,
should you sell this appliance or pass it on to another party, make sure that this booklet is supplied along with the dryer so that the new owner may be informed about warnings and suggestions on how the dryer works.
! Read these instructions carefully; the following pages contain important information on installation and suggestions on how the appliance works.
This symbol reminds you to read this booklet.
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Important Information TD4112FUV Issue 1
For your Venting dryer to operate efficiently, you must follow the regular
maintenance schedule shown below:
Fluff Filter – You must Clean the fluff filter after ever
Step 1 Open the door of your dryer
TD4112FUV_1.JPG TD4112FUV_2.JPG TD4199HC_3.JPG
Step 4 Refit the filter, with the curved side toward you.
Step 2 Pull out the filter (using the two finger grips)
Step 5 Making su re the filter is pushed fully home- – Never run the dryer without a filter.
drying cycle
Step 3 Open the filter and clean any fluff depo sits from the filter mesh.
Failure to clean the filter after every cycle will affect the drying performance of your
machine – It will take longer to dry and as a result will use more electricity during drying
You must Clean the Fluff Build Up around the filter housing and the vent
tube periodically
two or three months
Periodically check the vent tube and any permanent venting fixture to make sure that there has been no accumulation of fluff or lint, and remove it.
Remove lint that collects around filter and the outlet vents
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Installation TD4001FAUS Issu e 1
! The vent tube should not exceed 2,4 m in length, and should be kept free of any possible accumulation of fluff, lint, and water by shaking it out frequently. Always ensure that the tube is not squashed.
Permanent ve nting
In conjunction with the vent tube we recommend using a W a ll/W indow Vent Kit, available at a retail location or the nearest Spare Parts Dealer:
Wall mounting
1. Leave an opening in the wall to the left of dryer’s intended position.
2. Keep the tube as short and straight as possible to prevent condensed moisture fr om ba cking up into the dryer.
3. Similarly, the duct in the wall should slope downwards towards the outside.
Window mounting
1. With a stacked dryer the hole in the window should ideally be made below the vent.
2. The tube should be kept as short as pos sib le.
Depending upon how often you use your dryer, it is essential that areas A and B are checked periodically to remove lint or debris. The vent tube adaptor must be fitted securely thus preventing any humid air from being emitted back into the room.
! The Dryer should not be pushed so far back that the tube adaptor is pulled out of position or the tube is squashed or bent.
! The tube should be kept clear of the air intake vent and kinks or ‘U’ bends must be avoided as these will obstruct the tube and trap condensation.
Where to put your dryer
Place yo ur d ryer at a distance from g as ra ng es, stoves, heaters, or cook tops because fla mes can damage the appliance.
If you are going to install the ap pliance under a work
counter, be sure to leave a 10 mm space betw een the top an d any other objects o n or above the machine and a 15 mm s pa ce betwee n the sides and lateral furnishings or walls. This is to ensure proper air circulation. Make sure that the back vents are not obstructed
Make sure you put your dryer in an environmen t that is not damp and has proper air circula tion thro ugh out. The dryer will not operate efficiently in an enclosed spac e or cupboard.
! W e do not recommend that the dryer be installe d in a
cupbo ard beca use dang ero us le vels o f heat can bu ild ! The applian ce mus t not be installed beh ind a lockable door, a sliding doo r or a do or wit h a hinge on t h e oppo site side to that of the tumble dryer in such a way that a full opening of the tumble dryer do or is restricted.
This Dryer dries your laundry by drawing in cool, clea n and relatively dry air, heating it, and then distribu ting it through the clothe s as they are gently tumbled. For optimum perfo rman ce , the mois t air is then blow n ou t through a vent tube behind the d ryer. When the d ryer is in use, there has to be adequate ventilation to avoid a back flow of gases into the room from a ppliances burning other fuels, including o pen f ires .
Mobile venting
A vent t ub e mus t alwa ys be fitted when the dryer is used in conjunction with Mobile venting. The tube must be fitted securely into the back of the dryer (see Dryer Description). If possible, it is always best to connect the tube to a permanent vent close to the dryer. If permane nt installation is not possible, the dryer will work just as well with the tube passing throug h a par tly -opene d wind ow.
! Ensure that the end of the tube is not directed toward
the air intake vent at the rear of the dr
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Open window venting
The end of the tube sh ould be dir e cted downwards to prevent warm and moist air from condensing in the room or in the dryer.
! Ensure that the dryer is adequately ventilated and that the end of the vent tube is not directed towards the air intake duct.
! The vent tu be m ust alw ays be fitted for optimum performance.
! Make sure that the vent tube and air intake vents are not obstructed or blocked.
! The dryer must not recycle exhaust air.
! Misusing a tumble dryer may create a fire hazard.
! Do not discharge exhaust air into a flue which is
used for exhaust fumes from other appliances that burn gas or other fuels.
! Do not discharge the exhaust air into an extraction system or any duct with an extractor fan. This will affect the way the thermal controls operate and can result in a fire hazard.
Electrical connection
Make sure of the following before you insert the plug into the electrical socket:
The socket must be grounded.
The socket must be able to sustain the machine’s
maximum power, which is indicated on the rating label (see Dryer Description).
Power voltage must be within the values indicated on the rating la be l (see Dryer Description).
The socket must be compatible with the dryer’s
plug. Should this not be the case, replace the plug or the socket.
! The dryer must not be installed outdoors, even if the space is sheltered. It can be very dangerous if exposed to rain or storms.
! Once installed, the dryer’s electrical wire and plug must be within reach.
TD4002AUS Issue 2
! Do not use extension cords
! The power cord must not be bent or squashed.
! The power cord should be checked periodically and replaced by a cord specially prepared for this dryer and fitted only by authorised technicians. (see Service). New or longer power cords are supplied at an extra charge by authorised dealers.
! Ensure that any p ortable outlet or e xtension lead is
positioned so that it is not subjected to a ny splashing or ingress of moistures
! The manufacturer denies any responsibility should any of these rules not be followed.
! If in doubt about any of the above consult a qualified electrician
Levelling your dryer
The dryer must be installed level for correct operation. When you have installed your dryer in its final location check that it is level first side-to-side, then front to back.
If the dryer is not level, use a wooden block to support it while adjusting the two front legs up or down until your dryer is level.
Before you start using your dryer
Once you’ve installed your dryer and before you use it, clean the inside of the drum to remove any dust that could have accumulated during transportation.
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Dryer Description
TD4233FUV Issue 2
The front
Control Panel
The back
The ON/OFF button , if the dryer is running and this button is pressed and held for more than 3 seconds the dryer is turned off, its counts down
3, 2, 1 Off, the programme is then cancelled.
Press and hold for more than 3 seconds and the dryer reactivates.
The PROGRAMMES knob sets the programme: rotate until the indicator is pointing to the programme you want to select (see Start and
The OPTION buttons/ lights select available options for your selected programme. The lights indicate that the option has been selected. If an option is not available the buzzer will beep three times. (see Start and Programmes).
The START/PAUSE button/light selected programme. When you press this button there will be one beep and the progress lights will flash to confirm the programme is running holding this button in pauses the programme and stops the dryer. The light is green when a programme is running, flashing amber if the programme has been
aused and flashing green if on standby waiting
action. When a
starts a
to start a Programme.(see Start and Programmes). Note :This light also flashes amber
during the Post Care phase of a programme
The Display Unit gives an indication of the drying or delay time together with icons that light to give warning information and the status of your programmes progress. The three buttons below the display select Automatic or timed dry and if required a delayed start. (see Start and Programmes or The Display)
The Clean Filter Icon programme, that it is essential to clean the filter every time the dryer is used (see Maintenance and Care).
The Child Lock button/ light. button after selecting your programme and any options, the light turns on. This prevent the programme settings from being changed. When the light is lit, the other buttons are disabled. Hold the button to cancel and the light will go out.
gives a reminder before every
Press and hold his
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The Display TD4158FUH Issue 2
The Display has three main functions each with its corresponding button
Dryness Sensing Levels
After selecting a programme that has a Sensing Dry Option, press and release the button until the required dryness sensing level is displa yed. If the sensin g option is n ot available the di splay will flash and the buzzer beeps three times. ! Some sensing programmes do not have all five dryness level options Dryness levels available
Damp Dry: Dries your items ready to be ironed using a machine or rotary ironer.
Iron Dry: Dries you items ready to be ironed with a hand iron.
Hanger Dry: Dries you clothes ready to be hanged for final drying; Use this program if
you do not need the items to be fully dry as it uses less Energy.
Cupboard Dry: Dries your items ready to be put away.
Extra Dr y: Dries your clothes ready to be worn.
Timed D ry
After selecting a Programme that has a Timed Dry Option, press the Timed Button and the Timed Dry Icon will light, the display will reduce the selected time each time you press and release t his button (see S tart and Programmes ). Each progr amme that has a timed option has different times available and the selection of up
to11 drying times will also depends o n the heat setting that you ha ve selected Each press of the button decreases the drying time. If you chan ge you r mind , press the sensing button an d sensing le ve l options are av ailable .
Time to End
If the Timer Dry option is not available the timer icon will flash and the buzzer beeps three times. The selected time remains displayed after the programme starts and can be changed du ring the programme if you wish.
Delay Timer
After selecting a Programme that has a Delay Timer Option a delay s tart time can be selected.
Each press of the Delay button
and then Increments from to then and then after five seconds cancels the d elay.
For delays of 10 hours or more the display counts d own the time in hours unt il 10 hours, then the display sho ws
minutes a nd then counts do wn in minutes for all of the de lay.
After the Sta rt/Pa use Bu tt on When the delay period finishes the
If the delay icon Wh en timed programmes are selected the time displayed throughout the cycle is the actual time remaining. When an Automatic programme is selected the time displayed is an estimate of the time remaining. When the programme is selected the display shows the time required to dry a full load, after around 10 min utes the c o ntroller calculates a better e stimate of the c ycle t ime and this is updated during the
The time to end is displayed in hours and minutes and counts down each minute. The colons between the hours and minutes display flashes to show that the time is counting down. The Display also shows if there is a problem with your dryer, if this occurs the display will show F followed by a fault code number, the three option lights and the pause light will also flash Orange. (see
and t hen counts down in minutes. For delays 9 hour s or less the display shows hours and
is off the tim e displayed i s th e Time to End of the pro gramme running.
advances the delay setting in 30 minutes incremen ts from to
is pressed the d elay time can be chang ed o r cancelled.
symbol is off and the Ti m e t o E n d is d ispl ayed
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